Nordic Lessons

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Nordic Lessons Page 16

by Christine Edwards

  Before she can respond, an attendant comes in and pours warm water into the white porcelain bowls resting on the floor in front of our chairs.

  Once she’s left, Elora watches me for a moment then says in a quiet voice, “Thanks Lisetta. All I want is to make Mikkel happy. I adore him more than I can express. Every day he surprises me so much with how big his heart is. I admit, at first I was completely overwhelmed with him, how larger than life his personality is, but I’m coming to understand him better and I know how fortunate we both are to have met by chance.”

  I wrap a length of hair around my index finger and contemplate what she’s just told me. I’m glad her feelings for him are as intense as his for her, but I already knew that. She’s honest, different from the others he’s gifted with his time.

  “Yes, Elora, I understand.”

  Dipping my feet slowly into the scented water, I let my eyes slide shut. It’s nice to share this experience with a new friend. I’m offered five freebies a year, and those can be shared with friends or family members. The more time I spend with Elora, the more I like her. The witty Brit is not someone I would have ever imagined for Mikkel, but now that I see them together, it all makes sense. She radiates light and he loves that about her. I can tell he’s already in deep. He has the same look in his eyes that I had when Bern and I first got together. I try to relax, to shove away what’s been gnawing at my thoughts for a month now, but inevitably it surfaces. Maybe she would be a helpful confidant?

  I pull my toes up from the warm water and wiggle over in my seat, shifting my hips and shoulder to the right to get a better look at her. I decide to go for it. “Elora,” I begin slowly, hesitantly.


  “I can trust you, right?”

  Her auburn brows draw together as she leans in closer. Only three feet of space separates us. “Lisetta, anything you tell me that’s private is between us only, I promise you.”

  I’m relieved to finally share my secret with someone. “You remember the guy Mikkel fought with? He told me you showed up when a fight was going down.”

  “Yes, Dag.”

  “That’s him, yes.” I puff out a long stream of air and continue, “Well, I don’t know how much Mikkel has told you about him,” I hold up a palm and continue, “and I don’t care, but what nobody knows is that he’s been following me, no, stalking me is a better term, for over a month. Elora, it’s more than he’s ever done in the past. It’s getting worse, and I have this horrible feeling that something bad is going to happen to me and maybe even to Bern. Shit ….” I look away so she can’t see the way my bottom lip trembles.

  Her soft voice calls out to me, “Lisetta, please, don’t turn away. Please, look at me.”

  I turn back and see that her eyes are wide with concern. “Talk to me, tell me what’s been happening. Whatever it is, we can find a solution.”

  I shake my head. “Believe me, Elora, I’ve wracked my brain, trying to think of how to get him to leave me be. But he’s doing nothing against the law, so my hands are tied. Just yesterday, he sent a dozen red roses here to the spa. The card said, ‘The wait is almost over. –D.’ I broke down in the restroom, where nobody could see. That afternoon I stepped out for a coffee, and he drove past me three times on his motorcycle. I have to change mobiles on a regular basis, making up lies to Bern and Mikkel that I drop them in the sink or shit like that. Oh fuck, Elora. It’s really wearing me down. Now here I am, ruining our nice morning by whining about it.” I clutch the cuffs of my thick robe and struggle not to cry.

  “Lisetta, why won’t you discuss this with Bern? He’s your lover, Lisetta, he can help you. Or, even Mikkel. He wouldn’t stand for it; you’re family.”

  “N-no, I can’t. Bern is a third degree black belt. He’s lethal. I’ve never seen him angry and I know that if he ever lost it, there would be major collateral damage. Elora, he’d go to prison just like Alreck did. He’s a man of honor, and he’d never tolerate someone disrespecting his lady. No, I couldn’t bear it. Mikkel would do the same, and if he got sent away, he’d lose his business, everything he’s worked so hard to achieve in life. Bern would be out of work, too. No Elora, they can’t know. Please, please don’t say anything. They can’t know … ever.”

  “All right, Lisetta. I promise to keep quiet, but we’ve got to come up with a solution. This can’t go on. He’s sick; he could possibly be dangerous. Give me some time and I’ll come up with something, okay?”

  I nod and dry my tears with the cotton of the robe. “Yeah, okay.”

  The far interior door swings open and one of the two massage therapists greets us with, “Ladies, we’re ready for you now. Right this way.”

  If only I had some way of knowing what was about to happen. And I don’t mean the massages.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Expect the Unexpected

  I glance down at my watch, knowing that I should wrap it up and get dressed. After the blow-up last night, Alexander must have come to his senses, because I found a note this morning before I met Lisetta stating that he wanted to work things out between us over a nice dinner tonight. When he’s in town he normally arrives home by six, and it’s already a quarter to. I step back and observe the piece I have been so focused on since I returned from the spa this morning. Midnight blues meld with black and dark red brush strokes. The square painting is dark, but with the rich red strategically placed, it surges with life. I’m very pleased and wonder if getting angry more often might actually serve as inspiration.

  I rinse my brushes and begin to pack away my work-station, careful not to bump the wet canvas, when my thoughts drift to Mikkel. I spoke with him this morning, telling him that I was still working it out with my brother. I felt like I was keeping a secret, not telling him about Lisetta’s situation, but I made her a promise and I wasn’t about to violate my friend’s trust. He confessed that he didn’t sleep well because he wasn’t holding me in his arms. That made me melt. He said that he wanted to cook for me tonight, but I explained that I needed to go to dinner with Alexander, to explain how serious my relationship really is. He told me that he’d pick me up the following evening directly after work and that I should ‘have whatever shit I needed to spend the night.’ Before we disconnected he told me quietly that he missed me. I told him the same before reluctantly hanging up. My heart actually feels heavy being away from him. I can’t wait to show him how much I’ve wanted him … hmmm … and I’m thinking that a spicy little red Strumpet and Pink balconette bra and lace panty set might bring my big Viking to his knees. Hell yes …. I grin at the wicked thought as I step into the shower and let the warm water wash the paint splatter off of me.

  * * *

  The cozy Italian ristorante is bustling as we step inside, grateful to be out of the freezing night air. I stand beside Alexander as he addresses the host, “Reservation under the name Thornthwaite.”

  The slim, elegant maître d’ glances up from his computer screen. “Very good, sir, the other member of your party has already arrived. Right this way please.”

  He must be mistaken. Other member?

  I tug discreetly on my brother’s wrist, hoping for an answer before we arrive at the table. He ignores me as alarm bells begin to go off. We stop at a table with an impeccably dressed man who immediately stands to address my brother in Norwegian. After they shake hands, my brother holds out his palm as if to ‘present’ me to this person as he says proudly in English, “And this is my sister Elora. Elora, this is Lars. We work together in mergers and acquisitions.”

  Suddenly, I feel as if I’m on a skateboard that someone has forcefully shoved down a steep hill. Oh my god! How could he? How could he possibly do this to me? No wonder he asked that I wear a specific dress, saying that it was his favorite. He’s setting me up!

  A beautiful, rich voice addresses me in my stunned state, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Elora.”

  I stare at the outstretched, manicured hand and for a second I’m uncertain whether to shake i
t or run out. Slowly, I press my palm to his and look up to murmur, “Likewise.”

  He’s undeniable handsome with short, golden blond hair that has a slight wave to it. His skin is tanned, as if he’s just gotten off a jet from Ibiza or some other exotic destination. I’m in a daze as he steps in to assist me with my chair. Once seated, I glance up into deep blue eyes and quietly thank him. He nods once and gives me a warm smile.

  I stare at my brother, who opens his leather-bound menu with a pleased look plastered on his face. How could he possibly be so callous and insensitive? He’s so done for once we reach the flat!

  I watch Lars lay his black cloth napkin across his lap before inquiring, “Alexander tells me you’re quite the artist. Are you showing anywhere here in Oslo, Elora?”

  I try not to seem distracted. It’s not his fault that we’re in this ghastly situation. “Yes, I’ve recently started showing in a gallery in town called Elektrisk.”

  Alexander sets his menu aside, clearly interested. “Well, in that case we should celebrate, Elora. I had no idea. That’s fantastic news.”

  I glare at him. “It seems there is a lot you’ve yet to learn about me.”

  He looks taken aback at my defiance. Thankfully the waiter arrives to break up the tension as Lars takes the lead and orders a bottle of French Cabernet Sauvignon for the table.

  “Actually, Elora, I’m quite familiar with that gallery. It’s on my morning run route.”

  I perk up. “Oh, you enjoy running, Lars?”

  He laughs. “Why yes. Is it hard to believe that bankers wear anything other than suits?”

  I smile. “No, no, I’m sorry. It’s been quite an eventful twenty-four hours. Forgive me if I seem distracted, Lars.” I can’t be rude to a man that has no idea what is going on between my brother and myself.


  Thankfully, throughout the majority of our meal together the topic of conversation keeps floating back to their work, which is fine with me. I purposefully left my mobile back in my bedroom, wanting to give Alexander my full attention this evening. I regret that now. I wish that I could call Mikkel and let him know what’s going on. Merely sitting here, I feel like I’m betraying him somehow, even though the planning of this evening was entirely out of my hands. Deep in thought, I hardly notice Alexander standing. At first I think that he’s heading to the men’s room, until he smiles down at me. “I have some work to catch up on before a big meeting tomorrow,” he says. “I’ve already arranged for Lars to transport you home safely tonight, Elora. Perhaps you two might enjoy cocktails somewhere. I’ll tell Anders to look out for you later this evening. Goodnight.”

  I gape at him, stunned, before I get it together and stand quickly, ready to race after him. A smooth, warm hand gently reaches out to cover mine. His accent is so fluid and silky when he says, “Wait, Elora, please. Just a moment, if you don’t mind.”

  My head is spinning. I’ve never, ever been so furious with my brother, yet it’s not this man’s fault. Stiffly I sit back down and stare at the virtual stranger across from me.

  “Elora, I know this is awkward, and I’m not pleased that Alexander clearly didn’t tell you I would be dining with you tonight. I want you to know, whatever it is, I can be nothing more than a friend. How is that?”

  “I’m sorry, Lars, but, I have a serious boyfriend, and it is not right that I’m here in this romantic restaurant, dining with you. You’re a very attractive, incredibly interesting man and I’m sorry if you were misled, but I would very much like to go home now. I’ll have the man at the desk hail a taxi for me.”

  He looks disappointed, but being a perfect gentleman, he motions for the check, settles up quickly and escorts me to the front. I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself. Lars stands beside me and manages to hail a taxi. As it begins to slow, he pulls me in for a friendly hug, whispering, “Whoever he is, it’s a pity that I didn’t get a chance to meet you first, Elora. He’s one lucky guy.” I barely hear him because a motorcycle whips around the stopped taxi and both riders turn their helmets to stare at me, the whites of their eyes wide open in shock. Lisetta and Bern. Oh, fuck!

  I want to scream out, ‘It’s not what it looks like!’ But it’s too late, the damage has been done. Oh God, what does she think of me? She trusted me and now this, damn, damn!

  In a fog I step out of Lars’ warm embrace, tell him goodnight, and get into the taxi. Tears prick my eyes, and I hope I can get to my phone before they can tell Mikkel what they think they saw.

  I dash out of the taxi, toss a wave to Anders and nearly bounce in my heels in anticipation of getting to my mobile.

  Please let him not think that I’ve cheated, dear God, how reprehensible!

  Alexander’s waiting eagerly as I unlock the door, offering a cheery, “Well that was quick, I didn’t—”

  I cut him off, “Not now, please, Alexander.” The pained look on my face stops him in his tracks as I race to the bedroom. The second I shut the door the phone starts ringing. I check the screen and see that it’s him. Deep inhale ….

  I hit answer and immediately he growls out in a livid, chilling voice voice, “Got something to tell me, Elora?”

  “Yes, actually, I do. If the offer to move in with you is still open, I’d like to take you up on it. I can have all my things ready by the time you get off work tomorrow.”

  That clearly isn’t what he expected me to say, because there is silence on the other end.

  Cautiously I ask, “Mikkel? Are you there?”

  “Yeah. I’m here. Who was the guy who had his hands on you?” His voice sounds strangled as he chokes the distasteful words out.

  Quietly, I tell him, “Alexander set me up and then left me with his work colleague. Mikkel, believe me, I had no idea, really. He pulled me in for a hug as he hailed a taxi. It was unavoidable and happened to be perfectly timed for Lisetta and Bern to act as witnesses. It was not at all what it seemed. Nothing has changed. I want to be with you, only you, Mikkel.”

  I hear him breathe out a sigh before saying, “Jesus Christ, nearly gave me a goddamn heart attack. Fuck! Yeah, all right then. I’ll be by to get you and your stuff tomorrow. I’ll text you when I’m coming. And you let your brother know that your dating history is just that … history. He sets you up again—or even fucking thinks about it—then we’re gonna have an even bigger problem to address with each other.”

  “I understand, Mikkel, but know that I’m angrier than you are about this.”

  “That’s highly doubtful, babe.”

  “It’s true. But anyhow, let’s forget it. I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,” I whisper low. “I’ve missed you a lot and I have a surprise for you. It’s red, and that’s all you’re getting out of me, my sexy Viking.”

  “You do realize that you just sent me into the night in complete agony, right? I just went hard as granite, woman. And for the record, remember that you’re still owed a punishment for not listening to me. I’m thinking I’ll have to introduce you to a new toy or two.”

  My nipples tighten and my pussy clenches, longing for his filling heat. “I’m certain it’ll be worth the wait.”

  “Oh, you’d better believe it. Now rest up. You’re gonna need it, sweetheart.”

  I smile and whisper into the phone. “Goodnight, Mikkel. I love you.”

  “Jeg elsker deg, min skjønne. Take care.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “You’re using the wrong ratchet, jackass.”

  I’d know that strong, distinctive voice anywhere. Alreck’s back. A laugh threatens to escape my twitching lips. I try to sound serious, still working on the ride, as I reply, “Yeah, well some of us don’t have the luxury of trekking across the globe on permanent fucking holiday, you lucky bastard.”

  I stand up from my low crouch and cross over to him. It’s all good and natural as we embrace. I’m still holding him tight, and I’m not ashamed of the emotion in my voice. “Shit, never thought I’d mis
s your sorry ass so damn much. Lookin’ good though.”

  I pull back and grin at him. We’re eye to eye, and I swear I see moisture in his clear blue eyes as he murmurs, “Fucking missed you too, man.”

  I clap my hand on his leather-clad back and clear my throat. “So, where is that stone cold fox of yours?”

  “Bit of jetlag. Vail’s back at the hotel taking a nap before we head out tonight.”

  “Any flight delays with the snow?”

  “We caught the last flight out when we changed planes at Gatwick. Looks like we made it just in time.” He nods his head to the near whiteout that’s started up.

  “Yeah, it started pummeling down about thirty minutes ago. You should’ve called. I would have dropped everything to come and get you.”

  “I know you would,” he says, his smile stretching from ear to ear, “but I heard how work’s been piling up. Besides, I know how you fucking hate surprises, so I thought I’d give you one.” He plants his hands on his hips and smiles.

  “Damn straight,” I say. “Fuck, Bern tell you about the backlog?”


  “Happy to be back?”

  He’s just about to answer when a loud, frantic male voice cuts through the large space. “Mikkel, Mikkel! There you are. By God, I must speak with you!”

  I lean around Alreck and stare in disbelief at the fucker who is sprinting for me from the wide open door of his Jaguar. Elora’s brother, Alexander. “Jesus Christ, you gotta be kidding me.” I growl as anger wells up within me. Of all the possible bad fucking timing. I’m shutting this shit down. Immediately.

  In a menacing tone I say, “Take one more step, my man, and I’ll wipe up the entryway with your smug face. That’s no lie.”

  Alreck goes rigid but remains silent and watchful.

  The passenger door flies open and Elora is running toward me as well, face white as a sheet. What the fuck?


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