Temperatures Rising

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Temperatures Rising Page 8

by Brenda Jackson

  “You forgot to use a condom when we were in the shower.”

  Terrence swore and stopped short as they walked out her front door. Forgetting something that important had never happened to him before. Never. That just showed how much the woman affected him. He’d envisioned her pregnant in his mind and had done the unthinkable by risking the chance of it becoming a reality. “It wasn’t intentional and I apologize,” he said. “I’m more responsible than that. I take full responsibility if you—”

  “Relax,” Sherri said, giving him a wry smile. “I’m on the pill. I just wanted to remind you of what you said last night. Besides, you did bring enough condoms with you. It just slipped your mind. Things like that can happen.”

  He was grateful for her understanding. “Yes, but if for some reason the pill doesn’t work, then I—”

  “You’ll be the first to know,” she said, smiling.

  “Would you like to go with me to the club for breakfast?”

  She glanced at her watch. “I have to fill in for Uncle Warrick at an off-site meeting this morning.”

  “Perhaps another time, then.”

  She didn’t say anything for a minute, but when they reached her car, she said, “Thanks for last night, Terrence. It was special. I will remember it for a long time.”

  He didn’t say anything for a minute, and then, “Would you be willing to do it again sometime? Sometime soon, like tonight?”

  He could tell his question took her by surprise. “Why would we want to?”

  He chuckled. “You can ask me that after last night, Sherri? We’re good together. We both enjoyed it. You’re not serious about anyone, and neither am I.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “I believe we covered all of that before and it was decided that we don’t want the same thing in life. You just want a physical relationship, and I want something more. At least eventually. A smart woman would never let herself fall in love with you, because it would be a love that led nowhere.”

  He stared at her for a second. The latter part of what she’d said was true, at least that had been the story of his life until he’d realized his feelings for her. She wouldn’t believe him if he were to tell her. For women like Sherri, things had to be proven and he had time to do just that.

  The Holy Terror way. If he had been persistent before, then she hadn’t seen anything yet.

  Deciding not to argue with her about their future, he said, “Okay, I can see your point. Have a nice day, and I’m sure I’ll see you sometime this week at the station.”

  He then leaned over and placed a kiss on her lips before heading toward his own car.

  Chapter 8

  “H ey, Key West, this is the Holy Terror and you’re tuned in to WLCK, 101.5 on your radio dial. Sports Talk is about you, the sports-enthusiast, and today we’re going to take your questions and facilitate your discussions on whether you think the Yankees have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning the World Series this year. Personally, I don’t think they do, so if you disagree call in and tell me why.”

  Sherri smiled as she parked her car in the spot usually reserved for her uncle. Like a number of people around town, she was enjoying Terrence on the air, although she wouldn’t call herself a “sports-enthusiast.” Point-blank, she enjoyed listening to the sound of his voice. It was husky, masculine, with a low rumble that could conjure erotic thoughts in any woman’s head—and probably did, considering the show’s high ratings. A number of callers were women, and you couldn’t convince her that that many women in the Keys were interested in sports.

  Depends on what you’re playing, she thought, remembering their fantasy game of two nights ago. Not only had he played exceedingly well, but he had served up something so passionate that she felt her temperature rising just thinking about it.

  Had it been two nights ago? No wonder her body was still in a state of sensual heat. She couldn’t even go to bed at night without remembering what they had shared. The man had an intense sexual appetite, and the more he was fed the more he had wanted. And she had obliged, learning a number of things in the process. Like you could have multiple orgasms and that there was such a thing as an erogenous zone, because he had definitely tapped into hers that night.

  So what was next? Nothing. She was determined more than ever to move on and tuck away those special memories of their night together. With him out of her system, she would be able to do just that. She understood the yearnings she still experienced at night at bedtime and often during the day. Any woman who had been made love to as thoroughly as she had would suffer periods of loss. She could handle it as long as it didn’t get to the point where she was driven to act on it.

  That wouldn’t be done. Terrence had gotten what he had wanted from her, and she had basically gotten what she wanted from him. They were adults and would act accordingly.

  She looked at the clock on her dashboard. The U.S. National Hurricane Service had announced that Tropical Storm Ana had formed over the Dominican Republic and was expected to head west toward Cuba over the weekend. If the storm strengthened it could become the first hurricane of the season. Currently, there was less than a thirty percent chance of that happening, but everyone was still keeping their eyes on Ana just the same. WLCK had an excellent news department, and she wanted to make sure that their station was where listeners would call in to get the most up-to-date and reliable weather reports. To make sure that was in place, she would hold a meeting later that day with Prentice Sherman, the station’s meteorologist.

  She had gotten a call from Uncle Warrick that morning reporting that the negotiations with Jeremy Wilkins were going slowly. Wilkins, who knew just how much Warrick wanted the Memphis radio station, was trying to be difficult, although it would be in the man’s best interest to sell. Uncle Warrick was determined to wait things out, soften the man up a little and make him another offer at the beginning of next week. Meanwhile, she’d keep everything at the station under control.

  Getting out of her car, Sherri could immediately feel the change in the air and hoped that the tropical storm would not be coming their way.

  Terrence glanced at the clock on the wall. He only had time for one more call, and he hoped it was a short one. After the show was over he intended to drop by Sherri’s office to see how she was doing. He had deliberately kept his distance for two days, trying to be a nice guy and give her space before he moved in and started gobbling it up. Just thinking about how he intended to do it made him smile. Sherri Griffin wouldn’t know what hit her until she was back in his bed again. But he didn’t intend to stop there. He had plans for them, plans he would have to orchestrate without her knowing he was doing so. For the first time in his life, he wanted to do more with a woman than sleep with her.

  The monitor in front of him started to blink, indicating he had another call. His last one for the day. He rolled his eyes. It was Monica Kendricks. She liked to call in and flirt with him over the air. In the past he hadn’t minded as long as no rules were broken. But that was before Sherri.

  He plugged into the call. “Thanks for holding, Monica. So tell me, who do you think will win the World Series?”

  Her husky, feminine laughter grated on his nerves today. “I’m going to go with the Cowboys.”

  He couldn’t help but chuckle. “Wrong sport. Cowboys are a football team.”

  “Oh. Is there any way to tell them apart other than the balls they play with?”

  He frowned, thinking that was really a dumb question and covered the mike with his hand when Mark, who was manning the booth, let out a gigantic laugh.

  He shot Mark a glare although he was fighting to keep from laughing himself. “Yes, there’re also the rules of the game, which are totally different, and the uniforms the players wear. Typically there aren’t any cheerleaders for baseball and—”

  “Why not?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Why aren’t there cheerleaders for baseball?”

  This time Terrence did chuckle. “Now th
at’s a question for another day. Callers, if any of you know the answer to Monica’s question, call in on Friday. You will be listening, won’t you, Monica?”

  “I always listen to you, Holy Terror. And I’m thinking about coming to your club tonight.”

  He rolled his eyes again. “You do that. We could use the business. Thanks for calling in.” Before she could say anything else, he quickly disconnected the line.

  “That’s it for today. Join me again on Friday so we can see how many of you will be able to answer Monica’s question—why don’t baseball teams have cheerleaders?” Terrence said to the listening audience as he closed out the show. “Until then, peace and stay safe.”

  He then switched off the control, turned off his mike and was about to remove his headset when Mark’s voice transmitted through one of the speakers. “That woman definitely has the hots for you, Holy Terror. I wonder what she looks like.”

  He laughed. “Why don’t you drop by the club tonight and see?”

  “Um, you think she’ll show up?”

  A lazy grin spread over Terrence’s face. “Yes, she’ll show up.”

  “I hate to mess up any plans you might have for her,” Mark said. Terrence didn’t have to look in the man’s direction to know he probably had a smirk on his face. Twenty-five years old and divorced, the young man was working two jobs while trying to go to school and paying child support for one child. Mark had hit the dating scene again running and hadn’t slowed down since.

  “You won’t be messing up any of my plans because I’m not interested. But she might be too old for you,” he said to Mark.

  “That’s okay with me. I’ve decided to date older women for a while. I heard they’re less trouble and lower maintenance.”

  Terrence shook his head and decided not to intervene. He’d discovered long ago that experience was the best teacher. “Good luck.”

  He removed his headset and leaned back in his chair. He had to admit that he enjoyed doing the show. It only took a few hours of his time twice a week and it got him out of the club so he wouldn’t get in CC’s way. But now, with Sherri on his agenda, that meant he had less time to kill. And whether she knew it or not, she was on his agenda. As high up there as any woman could get and ever would get.

  He glanced at his watch. He had dropped by her office earlier, and she had posted a note on her door that she had left the station to go to an off-site meeting. He wondered if she had returned and decided there was only one way to find out.

  Sherri turned off the radio in her office, thinking that the woman who had called in had openly flirted with Terrence and he had flirted back. Okay, he hadn’t flirted back, exactly, but when Monica What’s-her-name said that she would be showing up at Terrence’s club tonight, he had indicated she should do that because he could use the business…a business that didn’t have an advertising spot on his show.

  She got up from her desk, refusing to admit she was being a little bit unreasonable. Or that she was just a teeny bit angry at the woman. And at Terrence.

  And she outright, positively refused to consider that she was jealous.

  She began pacing while thinking that she was too much of a professional to do something like that. Her anger had nothing to do with Terrence; what he did on his own time was his business. She just didn’t like the fact that he’d given a plug for his club on the air.

  “May I come in?”

  At the sound of the deep, husky male voice, she whirled around to find the object of her anger standing there in the open doorway. And of all the nerve, he was smiling. Why hadn’t she closed her door? If she had, then he could have assumed she’d been busy and would not have disturbed her. And today he was disturbing her. This was the first time she had been in his presence since the night they had rolled around between the sheets and the morning when they had made love in her shower. Just thinking about both suddenly made her feel so hot she wanted to remove her jacket, but she refrained from doing so.

  “It seems you’re already in,” she said after he closed the door and walked across the threshold.

  Her smart response only widened his smile, showing that dangerously sexy dimple. It was the same dimple that, in the heat of the moment, she had licked several times.

  She inhaled deeply. Now was not the time to think about what the two of them had done two nights ago, about the sensations his lovemaking had evoked, about the numerous orgasms she’d had. And for the first time ever.

  “How are you today, Sherri?”

  His question interrupted her thoughts, which was a good thing. “I’m doing fine, and you?”

  “I’m doing fine, as well, but if you want you can ask me how I can be better.”

  She tried ignoring the stirring in the pit of her stomach when listening to the deep, husky tone of his voice. “And why would I want to do that?”

  “Um, I can think of several reasons.”

  She frowned at him. He was hinting about the time they had spent together, and she wished he wouldn’t go there. Although she didn’t regret anything they had done, it was over and there wouldn’t be any repeats. They had wanted one night and they had gotten it. However, the lazy grin that appeared on his face reminded her that they had gotten more than one night if you took into consideration the morning after in the shower, which had resulted in them tumbling back in bed between the sheets again afterward.

  “Well, I can’t think of any reasons,” she finally said and decided to quickly change the subject. “I listened to your talk show today.”

  She figured that there must have been something in her voice that put him on alert. He braced his jean-clad legs apart in that stance she always found sexy and crossed his arms over his chest. “And?” he asked, the single word a husky rumble from his throat.

  She lifted her chin. “And I think you got out of line with Monica What’s-her-name.”

  “Kendricks. It’s Monica Kendricks, and she’s a frequent caller to the show. And how did I get out of line with her?”

  She inhaled deeply, knowing in all actuality she shouldn’t go there, especially after Warrick had explained on her first day that Terrence’s performance and anything related to it was his concern and not hers. But Warrick was out of town and had left her in charge. Surely she had the authority to provide Terrance with whatever feedback she felt was warranted.

  “She flirted with you,” she heard herself saying.

  If the smile he sent her way was any indication, he seemed amused by that observation. “Yes, she flirted with me,” he agreed. “She’s not the first caller who has and probably won’t be the last.” He leaned back against a file cabinet. “So what’s your point?”

  Now she was the one who crossed her arms over her chest. “My point is that you flirted back.”

  Another amused smile touched his lips. “You think so?”

  “Yes, and that was a very unprofessional thing to do.”

  Terrence studied Sherri’s face, and when he saw she was dead serious, he had to refrain from chuckling. “And what do you think was so unprofessional about it?” he asked, needing to know just where she was coming from.

  “You encouraged her.”

  “I encouraged her?”


  This, he thought, was getting good. “And just how was she encouraged?” He could feel the vibes coming from her, and she wasn’t a happy camper.

  “When she said she was coming to your club tonight, you told her to do that and that the club could use the business. Not only was such a statement unprofessional, but since you haven’t purchased any advertisement time for your club, it was unethical.”

  Terrence looked down at his shoes. He could deal with a lot, but for someone to take him to task for something as silly as this was a waste of his time. He had come into her office to kiss her, not to tangle with her, although he would just love tackling her to the floor about now and working that skirt up her waist, getting rid of her panties and—

  “Just so you know, I’m g
oing to mention the incident to Warrick when he returns, since you report directly to him. But in the meantime, until he gets back I’d appreciate it if you’d conduct yourself appropriately,” she interrupted his thoughts by adding.

  He shook his head, deciding she really did need to use her lips and tongue for something other than talking.

  “Conduct myself appropriately?” he asked, as if savoring each word, every single syllable.

  “That would be appreciated.”

  With an inward sigh, he straightened his tall frame and crossed the floor to cover the short distance separating them. “And you’re upset because a woman came on to me?”

  “That’s not it at all. Women can do what they want to you or with you. That’s not my concern, although I’m curious as to how many of our listeners will show up tonight at your club to see for themselves just how you conduct yourself with her. She’s been calling in for practically every show. Everyone knows the only interest she has in sports is you.”

  He reached out and pushed a few strands of hair out of her face. “And this bothers you.” It was more a statement than a question, and he knew she would take it as such.

  Sherri rolled her eyes. “Don’t try making this personal, Terrence.”

  He smiled. “I don’t have to make it personal since you’re doing a very good job of it for me. Would it make you feel better if I told you that I don’t plan on going to the club tonight?”

  “It doesn’t matter to me what you do.”

  A devilish gleam appeared in his eyes. “In that case, I’ll see you later tonight.”

  Sherri blinked, certain she had missed something along the way. “Excuse me?”

  “No need, you didn’t do anything.”

  She took a step, got in his face. “And what makes you think you can just come over to my place?”

  Terrence couldn’t stop smiling. She looked cute when she was angry. “Because you said you don’t care what I do,” he reminded her. “On that note, I might as well take it a little further, since it seems you’re mad at me anyway.”


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