Springtime at the Cider Kitchen

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Springtime at the Cider Kitchen Page 1

by Fay Keenan


  Fay Keenan

  Start Reading

  About this Book

  About the Author

  Table of Contents


  About Springtime at the Cider Kitchen

  Caroline Hemingway can’t help but feel a little strange watching her ex sister-in-law marrying the owner of Carter’s Cider Farm, but she’s delighted Anna’s found happiness after the death of her late husband, and Caroline’s brother, James. If only Caroline could find her own love story…

  Desperate to escape the rat race, Caroline decides to take the plunge and move to the idyllic village of Little Somerby, where she is given the task of opening and running a restaurant in one of the forgotten barns on the Cider Farm.

  Opening and running The Cider Kitchen is no easy task, and there are many challenges on the way, but slowly Caroline feels she’s being accepted into the local community, and starts to believe she may have found her forever home. But secrets from her past seem destined to haunt her, and not even the attentions of the very dishy Jonathan Carter can distract her from all she’s left behind…


  Welcome Page

  About Springtime at the Cider Kitchen


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52


  Chapter 53


  About Fay Keenan

  The Little Somerby Series

  Become an Aria Addict


  To Nick…who perhaps understood all along.


  Of all the things to do, Caroline Hemingway reflected, watching your brother’s widow marrying another man was certainly one of the weirdest. She blinked in the warm spring sunshine and glanced around her. Around fifty guests were seated on white covered chairs in the main avenue of apple trees in the Royal Orchard of Carter’s Cider, waiting for the bride to arrive. It was perfect weather for a May Day wedding with not a cloud in the sky. The trees were in full flower, with frothy gowns of light pink and white blossom that made them look like a guard of honour of nature’s own bridesmaids. The scent of newly mown grass was in the air along with the first wafts of early honeysuckle from the old railway track, the Strawberry Line, that ran around the perimeter of the cider farm. Underpinning that was the sweet smell of billows of cow parsley. The groom, who happened to be Managing Director of the cider farm, looked, if not exactly nervous, then definitely on edge, although his expression didn’t detract from his charismatic presence. Dressed in a dark pinstriped suit, but for the pink Old English rose in his buttonhole, he looked as though he could have stepped straight out from behind his desk. Next to him, altogether more relaxed and leaning over to mutter things in the groom’s ear from time to time, was the best man. Caroline noticed the sweep of light chestnut hair, the easy manner and the broad smile as he attempted to lighten the groom’s serious demeanour, and realised from the similar bone structure that this must be the groom’s brother, of whom she’d heard a great deal.

  Caroline felt a pang; seeing their easy relationship reminded her of the closeness she’d shared with her own brother, whose widow was now about to marry another man. As the first strains of the wedding march drifted across the orchard she blinked back tears. James would have understood, she thought. James would have wanted Anna to be happy. She should feel that way, too.

  Not quite able to bring herself to turn to see Anna walking up the aisle between the assembled chairs, Caroline kept her eyes fixed on the two men at the front. The younger man reached out a hand and touched his brother’s elbow as the music began, and as the groom turned around and caught sight of his bride, a smile lifted his features.

  When she sensed the bride drawing closer, Caroline turned. Anna looked lit up from the inside, transported with happiness. Caroline swallowed back the lump in her throat as her former sister-in-law passed the row where she was sitting, her father Richard next to her looking proud and happy to be giving away his daughter. Behind her were the two bridesmaids, one tall and teenaged, the other an adorable four year old, both dressed in the same shade of pink to match the apple blossom.

  Anna’s eyes met Caroline’s for a moment and held her gaze. She smiled gently, seemingly aware of the strangeness of this situation for Caroline, then continued down the aisle to the front where her groom, the best man and the celebrant stood. Pausing to hand her bouquet of freesias, roses and apple blossom to the older bridesmaid, Caroline watched as Anna turned to her groom, who, seeming to forget where they were for a moment, raised a hand to his bride’s cheek and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

  ‘That’s for after the ceremony, you berk!’ Jonathan said lightly, but audibly enough for the assembled guests to hear. The congregation laughed as Matthew gave a grin. Caroline’s heart flipped as Matthew leaned down to whisper something in Anna’s ear, and Anna’s smile in response showed exactly how transported she was with happiness. How things had changed for her, Caroline thought. How wonderful to have a man so in love with her again. Caroline, despite feeling conflicted, also felt slightly jealous; her life had been so complicated over the past few years; complications that had taken many forms and had nearly destroyed her. But, she thought resolutely, it was time to start putting all that behind her. It was as if, by attending this wedding, seeing Anna so happy, Caroline was also giving herself permission to move on. It was time, after the traumas of the past few years, for a fresh start. The spring always made her feel optimistic and in this beautiful setting it was difficult to feel anything else.

  As the celebrant took Anna, Matthew and the congregation through the ceremony, Caroline saw the happiness on their faces and their two bridesmaids; the elder girl being Meredith, Matthew’s daughter, and the younger girl being Ellie, Anna’s daughter and Caroline’s niece. She also found her attention again drawn to the best man. So intent on reassuring his older brother before the ceremony, he was now watching the bride and groom solemnly. He was decidedly attractive, Caroline thought unguardedly; but she had a fair idea that it had taken a lot of time and talk to get the brothers to this point, and that Anna had had a great deal to do with that.

  As the ceremony ended and Anna and Matthew once again shared a kiss, Caroline found herself brushing away the sudden tears. Thankfully, she wasn’t the only one. Anna’s mot
her Julia, sitting beside her husband in the front row, discreetly dabbed her eyes with a tissue.

  Matthew, still smiling broadly, turned to the assembled friends and family. ‘In agreement with my new father-in-law, and very much to my brother’s relief, there won’t be any formal speeches this afternoon,’ he said, smiling down at his new wife. ‘So, I want to take this opportunity, on behalf of my wife and myself—’ he paused as a loud cheer erupted from the guests. Once they had quieted again, he continued. ‘… on behalf of my wife, Anna, and myself, to thank you very much for coming and invite you to eat, drink and celebrate here with us in the orchard.’ He threw an arm around Anna and they walked together back through the assembled guests.

  Later, clutching a glass of champagne and chatting with Anna’s best friend Charlotte, who she had met a few times in the past when she’d come to stay with Anna in Hampshire, Caroline felt her lower half being grabbed by a pair of tiny, excitable hands.

  ‘Hello, Aunty Caroline!’ Ellie, Anna’s daughter, squeaked. ‘Do you like my dress?’

  Caroline looked down at the adorable little girl, whose blonde hair was already beginning to escape her ribboned bunches and who had a smudge of chocolate sauce on her chin from the cupcake she’d been eating. She looked so much like her late father, Caroline’s older brother James, that Caroline couldn’t speak for a moment. Then, pulling herself together, she smiled and bent down to give her niece a huge cuddle.

  ‘You look lovely,’ Caroline said, breathing in the mingled scents of small child and chocolate. ‘Have you had a good day?’

  ‘Yes,’ Ellie said as Caroline released her. ‘Mummy’s got a new husband.’

  Caroline smiled. ‘I know. Do you like him?’

  Ellie tipped her head to one side for a moment and regarded her aunt. ‘Yes. He’s very tall.’

  Caroline laughed. ‘He is! Why don’t you introduce me?’

  ‘OK.’ Taking Caroline’s hand, Ellie, who was being watched a short distance away by Anna and Matthew, led her to the newlywed couple. ‘Mummy, Matthew, Aunty Caroline wants to say hello.’

  Caroline had driven down to Little Somerby that morning rather than come down the night before, so this was the first time the two women had had a chance to chat.

  ‘It’s so good to see you!’ Anna said, embracing Caroline. A long, simple lace trimmed cream dress with a v shaped back offset her dark hair and green eyes perfectly. Anna had a flush to her cheeks that rivalled the apple blossom in her bouquet. ‘I’m so glad you could make it.’

  ‘I wouldn’t have missed it,’ Caroline said. She was still struggling with the conflicting emotions that the day was stirring up inside her, but as Anna turned to Matthew to introduce him, she saw the look of unfettered happiness on her former sister-in-law’s face, and, just as importantly, the same look mirrored on the face of her groom.

  ‘This is Matthew,’ Anna said softly.

  Matthew extended a hand and shook Caroline’s outstretched one. ‘It’s lovely to meet you at last. Anna’s told me so much about you.’

  ‘Not too much, I hope!’

  Matthew laughed and the two women joined in. ‘It’s great that you could make it. We’re both so happy you could come.’ Then, turning his gaze back to his wife fleetingly, ‘Anna said you’d booked into the Rose Cottage B&B in the village. You’re more than welcome to come and stay with us if you’d like.’

  Caroline smiled. ‘Thanks, but I thought I’d save you the hassle of a houseguest during your own wedding. And Rose Cottage comes highly recommended.’

  ‘They’ve had five stars on Trip Advisor since they opened,’ Anna said. ‘But you are coming to dinner tomorrow night, aren’t you?’

  ‘Definitely,’ Caroline replied. ‘Wouldn’t miss it.’ Looking at the two of them, and her own niece, so happy in this new life, Caroline felt another wave of grief washing over her. Cursing what she knew to be the brightness in her eyes, she searched over Anna’s shoulder for where the drinks were being served. ‘I’d better go and get a glass of this famous sparkling cider!’ she said. Somehow, she knew Anna understood. Just as she was about to turn away, however, Matthew called out.

  ‘Jonno, come and join us for a moment,’ he said, beckoning to his younger brother.

  Jonathan Carter paused on his way to the makeshift bar and took a detour in his brother’s direction. As he drew closer, he smiled at his brother and their guest. ‘Hi. I’m Jonathan,’ he said, extending his hand to Caroline. Caroline immediately noticed the tidy, square cut nails, the long, elegant fingers. ‘It’s lovely to meet you.’

  ‘Caroline Hemingway,’ Caroline replied. ‘It’s nice to meet you, too.’

  ‘You’re Anna’s sister-in-law, right?’ Jonathan smiled. ‘Ellie’s aunt?’

  ‘That’s right.’ Caroline took a moment to study the man in front of her. He was broad shouldered, although not as broad as her sister-in-law’s new husband, and up close, Jonathan looked like the watercolour version of Matthew’s oil painting. His features were similar, but softer, lighter somehow, as if more prone to laughter than his volcanic older brother. Caroline liked the look. The grey suit perfectly offset his colouring, which was itself enhanced by a light suntan. Unguardedly, Caroline wondered how far down the tan went below his clothes.

  ‘It’s lovely that you could be here,’ Jonathan said softly. He glanced at his brother and new wife. ‘It can’t be easy. Can I get you a drink?’

  ‘I was just on my way to the bar myself,’ Caroline replied, suddenly very much in need of an escape from Anna and Matthew’s almost incandescent love. ‘Why don’t I join you?’

  Jonathan smiled. ‘Sounds good. I can point you in the direction of the better variety of sparkling cider that we’ve got on offer.’ Gesturing in the direction of the bar, he bore Caroline off.

  As they walked away, conversation sparked between them. Anna watched them speculatively. Matthew gave his new wife a glance.

  ‘What are you smiling at?’ he asked.

  Anna smiled back. ‘Oh, nothing.’ She slid a hand into Matthew’s, which was still nestled into her waist. ‘You know me; I like to see what happens when people meet new people.’

  ‘If I didn’t know you better…’ Matthew shook his head. ‘I don’t think Jonno needs any help meeting new people, if the tales Dad keeps telling me about overnight guests at the cottage are anything to go by.’

  Anna laughed. ‘He’s still up to his old tricks, is he? And Jack doesn’t mind?’

  ‘Are you joking? He’s quite partial to a pretty girl, as you know. He might not feel the need to go out on the tiles himself these days, but I think living vicariously through Jonathan has certainly perked him up lately!’

  ‘You almost sound like you approve,’ Anna wrinkled her brow. ‘You’re not jealous, are you?’

  Matthew ducked his head and gave his wife a lingering kiss. ‘What could I possibly have to be jealous of, when I’ve got you in my life?’ he said softly. He followed Anna’s gaze to where Caroline and Jonathan were standing. ‘Although if there’s a chance of making Jonathan as happy as you’ve made me… I’m all for it.’


  ‘They look really happy,’ Caroline said as Jonathan led her to a trestle table topped with several different varieties of Carter’s Cider. Among them was the most recent creation, a sparkling apple wine. Known wryly by the locals as Somerset Prosecco it had proved surprisingly popular. Nodding to the bartender, Jonathan procured two glasses, and, when the man turned back to dispose of a couple of empties, he swiped another bottle from under the table with a mischievous look in Caroline’s direction.

  ‘Family privilege,’ he murmured. ‘And I’m certainly feeling in need of more than one glass, even if you aren’t!’

  Caroline gave him a still slightly shaky smile. ‘Well, if you’re going to twist my arm…’ She allowed herself to be led to one of the more out of the way picnic tables that had been scattered around the orchard.

  ‘And happy as my brother and his delectable n
ew wife undoubtedly are, I thought you might like the company, seeing as I can take an educated guess that you don’t know too many of the other guests at this gig,’ Jonathan said as he took a seat at the table.

  ‘Shouldn’t you be doing the rounds as the best man?’ Caroline asked.

  ‘Weddings aren’t exactly my thing and even my dear brother and gorgeous new sister-in-law can’t do much to change that. I think I’d rather just sit here and talk to you.’

  His tone was light, although there was a gentleness in his eyes that immediately endeared him to Caroline. She knew his history, of course; when Anna had come to Surrey to tell her that she was getting married again, conversation had naturally turned to the family she was marrying into. After a fair few glasses of wine and a few more tears on both sides, Anna had recounted the brothers’ tangled history, which involved younger brother Jonathan running off with his older brother Matthew’s first wife, Tara. Anna had also made it clear that Jonathan had played a huge part in making sure she and Matthew were going to walk down the aisle, and that Jonathan had redeemed himself in later years, but Caroline wasn’t surprised by Jonathan’s lack of fondness for weddings. She took a sip of the glass of sparkling apple wine. ‘Not bad,’ she said. ‘It’s not quite Prosecco, but it’ll do.’

  ‘It’s a new idea and since we’re sitting in a cider orchard, it seemed, to Matthew at least, to be the obvious choice.’

  ‘And probably completely tax deductible,’ Caroline replied archly. She’d had the chance to have a brief look around when she arrived and she knew the cider farm’s site extended to a fair few acres and a fair few buildings. This kind of wealth didn’t come about from just picking apples.

  ‘My brother’s a shrewd operator, but don’t worry, he does have a heart as well as a head. Anna’s seen to it that he’s remembered that over the past year.’

  ‘It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her so happy,’ Caroline replied, feeling conflicted again. She took a larger gulp from her glass and nearly finished it. ‘Do you fancy opening that other bottle?’


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