Be My Bride: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 19)

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Be My Bride: BWWM Romance (Brother From Money Book 19) Page 12

by Shanade White

  By the time they pulled themselves out of bed the next day, it was almost noon and they were both starving. “We need to go check on the boat, see what we’ll need to get us through for about a week. How about lunch at that little place on the dock?” Daniel asked as he loaded their few bags into the car.

  “Sounds good to me.” Amber said, switching her phone on for the first time in days. “I just remembered we’re supposed to meet everyone for dinner tonight at the hotel.”

  “That’s fine, we should have plenty of time,” Daniel said, thinking that he was the luckiest man alive.

  When they got to the restaurant it looked deserted, only one car in the parking lot, but Amber had called ahead and knew that they’d have a table for them. “Are you sure they’re open?” Daniel asked, parking the car.

  “I called before we left,” Amber said, then blushed, “I might have used your name to get them to give us special seating, but I really want one of those burgers.”

  “I think I married a very smart woman, I hope you promised them a big tip.” Daniel said, taking her hand and pushing through the door.

  They came out of the restaurant less than an hour later, stuffed and very sleepy so when a man came around the corner with a huge knife in his hand Daniel was caught off guard. The man grabbed Amber and before Daniel could stop him, the knife was at her throat, he had a desperate look on his face and Daniel thought that he recognized him but couldn’t quite place him.

  But the minute the man opened his mouth and began to speak, Daniel knew who he was. “You took something that belongs to me, so I’m taking something that belongs to you,” The man said, and instantly Daniel knew that this was the brother Dennis and his friend had been talking about.

  “Okay, okay. Just relax. What do I have of yours?” Daniel asked, playing stupid.

  “You took a map from my brother that belongs to me, and no one takes what belongs to Brian O’Connor and keeps it,” The man said, becoming braver.

  Daniel didn’t think that Brian was any smarter than his brother, but he had a knife up against Amber’s throat and he looked desperate. “I don’t have it with me, it’s back on the ship,” he said, holding his hands in the air.

  “Then we have a problem, don’t we? I want my map and I’m sure you’d love to have your little woman back,” Brian sneered at him. “Tell you what, she and I are going to go on a little ride, I’ll give you some time to find the map then I’ll call you.”

  Then he began shoving Amber toward the car that was parked just at the end of the sidewalk. “Let’s go bitch, now I guess we’re going to find out just how important you are to him.”

  Chapter 12

  Daniel stared in shock as the man shoved Amber into the back of the car, then jumped in and tore out of the parking lot. He quickly considered his options, he could try to chase them down but a high-speed chase through the streets of Anchorage wasn’t a good idea, instead he pulled out his phone and punched in Theo’s number.

  When Theo picked up, he barked, “Get to the marina now and bring Seth with you.”

  “Daniel what’s wrong?” Theo asked, recognizing the panic in his brother’s voice.

  “Amber's been kidnapped, some guy with a knife took her. He wants the map,” Daniel said, throwing the car into gear and peeling out of the parking lot toward the marina.

  There was a long pause, then his brother said, “You should really call the cops.” Then as if he’d just realized what Daniel had said, he asked, “What treasure map?”

  “We don’t need the cops, they’ll only slow things down. I’ll explain when you get here,” Daniel said and hung up.

  When Seth and Theo finally showed up, with Laurel and Amanda right behind them, he was pacing around the chart room, the treasure map spread out on the table. As soon as he saw them he launched into the story of how he’d gotten the map, only pausing a few times to answer questions. When he’d finished, there was a long silence in the room, no one sure what to do.

  “Well, until he calls there’s nothing we can do,” Seth said. “Got any coffee on this raft?”

  It took nearly an hour for the call to come, but when it did everyone listened. “I’m going to text you a set of coordinates, meet me there with the map. Come by yourself and don’t call the police. All I want is my map, give me that and I won’t hurt your woman,” Brian said, then hung up, afraid to stay on the line in case someone else was listening.

  Daniel entered the coordinates into the ship's navigation system, cringing when he saw where the meeting was supposed to take place. He knew the island well, it was nothing more than a deserted strip of land that could only support a few straggly flocks of birds. But it was a smart move because there was a clear view of the sea from anywhere on the island, the land so barren not even trees would grow.

  “Well, there’s no way anyone could sneak up on him there,” Daniel said, slamming his fist on the console, already discarding one of his plans.

  “That may be true, but maybe we could sneak up on him another way,” Theo said, pulling some charts out of the cabinet above their heads. “We just need to think about this slowly and logically, something you’re not doing very well right now Daniel.”

  Daniel took a deep breath. “I know, I’m sorry, but I… if he hurts her…” He couldn’t finish what he wanted to say. “I should have told her how I feel about her when I had the chance. What if I don’t get to tell her?” He finally said, feeling completely defeated.

  “Okay, that’s enough of that kind of talk. I’m going to make us all something to eat and then we’re going to come up with a plan. He’s not going to hurt Amber, he wants that map too badly,” Laurel said, pushing her way out of the cockpit and heading for the galley, Amanda right behind her.

  But Theo could see that Daniel hadn’t quite gotten it out of his system, so he sat down next to him. “I know you're scared, but Daniel I need you to focus. You’re the best sailor here, we need you, Amber needs you to use what you know to keep her safe.” He said.

  “She needs me and I need her,” Daniel said, the reality of his words hitting home. “I love her Theo, without her life won’t be the same, we have to get her back.”

  “Then that’s what we’re going to do,” Theo said, slapping Daniel on the back. “Now, let’s look at these charts and see what we can come up with, it won’t be easy to get to get to him without him seeing us.”

  Amber got up and tried the door once more, not sure why she was bothering, even if it was unlocked, she’d never be able to sneak past Brian who had stationed himself at the top of the stairs. She knew this because every once in a while, he’d shout some obscenity down at her, then laugh hysterically. She knew that he was splitting his time between steering the boat and watching her door and hoped that at some point he’d make a mistake and she’d be able to escape.

  But escape wouldn’t be that easy, the water was ice cold and without proper protection, she’d only have minutes before hypothermia set in, so jumping overboard was out of the question. She’d have to find a way to either get the gun he had or incapacitate him so that she could escape on the dingy. Slumping down on the bed, she realized that either was a huge stretch and she’d just have to hope that Daniel followed through with his part of the bargain.

  She didn’t doubt that he would, but it was frustrating to just sit and wait to be rescued. If she’d been thinking, she would have tried to escape when he moved her from the car to the boat, but she’d been so scared of the knife in his hand that her brain had shut down and now she was stuck. Taking a deep breath, she looked around her, as remote as her chances were to save herself, she wasn’t going to just sit here feeling sorry for herself.

  The first thing she’d do was look for a weapon, anything that might inflict enough pain that it would make Brian drop his guard. One thing she knew for certain, all boats had storage compartments hidden all over and this one would be no different, somewhere in this room there was something she could use to defend herself.

  Starting at the door, she methodically began testing the walls for hidden doors, opening drawers and cabinets until finally she found a screw driver. Holding it in her hand, she realized that if she used it right, she could do a lot of damage with it. Gripping the screwdriver tightly in her hand, she sat down to wait for an opportunity to use it, eventually Brian would have to open the door and she’d be ready for him when he did.

  The boat flew over the water, moving much faster than a boat its size should be moving, but Daniel wanted to cover the distance quickly and the new motor was a miracle. Watching the monitor in front of him, his knuckles gripping the wheel tightly, he watched for the other boat to appear on the screen. Thanks to the new radar equipment he’d had installed with the engine, he’d spot the boat on the screen long before they’d spot it on the horizon, giving them the advantage they needed.

  When the boat appeared on the screen, he cut back the throttle and let the boat come to rest in the waves, then signaled to Seth and Theo on the bow. Almost silently the new drone he was testing for Seth lifted into the air and headed in the direction of the boat. It was an incredible little piece of equipment, designed to fly in both large and small spaces, the camera could pick up objects miles away with a definition that matched the best cameras on the market.

  Only a few seconds later the feed from the drone popped up on the screen in front of him, miles and miles of open ocean. Then off in the distance he could see a ship. It was anchored off the island in a little cove that protected it from the wind, and he was sure that it was the boat they were looking for. No one else would have anchored here, there was nothing to draw them in, no beautiful views or wild life. In fact, looking at the pictures the drone was sending back, the island was even more desolate than he remembered.

  Seth flew the drone around the island a few times so that Daniel could get a good idea of where the other boat was anchored. If their plan was going to work, he needed to position the Gratitude perfectly, and knowing the position of the other boat was critical. When he was satisfied, he signaled to Seth who then began to sweep the island in widening circles, looking for anything that might surprise them. Daniel had been fairly sure that Brian was working on his own but needed to be certain, unexpected guests might ruin their little surprise.

  The sun was beginning to set before they were ready, but that was according to plan, Brian had insisted on a sunset exchange, which only helped them. Daniel had to admit that he might have done the same thing, using the cover of darkness to escape. But there wasn’t going to be an escape, not if their plan worked. Starting the engine, he gave his brother the signal they’d agreed on, and started the boat forward, while Seth and Theo in full scuba gear laid down on the deck out of sight.

  The other boat came into view not ten minutes later, still anchored where it had been, much to Daniel’s relief. When he got close enough to see Brian standing on the bow, he swung the Gratitude around in a big circle, cutting the engine so it took a long time. Seth and Theo hardly made a splash when they slid off the deck and into the water, then they silently disappeared below the surface.

  Relieved that their maneuver had worked, Daniel turned his attention back to Brian, who was standing with his hands on his hips, clearly unhappy with what he saw as Daniel’s display of strength. Daniel suppressed a grin and put a blank look on his face, afraid he’d give them away if he looked to pleased. When he got close enough, he cut the engine, but didn’t lower the anchor. Brian continued to stare at him, then reached into the cockpit and pulled Amber out by her hair.

  “Quit screwing around and anchor that boat,” he screamed, then pulled Amber’s hair again.

  Daniel was instantly furious, tired of this little game and more than ready to show Brian who he was dealing with. “If you hurt her, I will kill you,” he said, his voice deadly across the silent water.

  Brian looked a little panicked. “Let’s just make the exchange and then we can both get out of here,” he said.

  Daniel had been stalling, waiting for Seth and Theo to get into position, but he couldn’t hold Brian off any longer. “How do you want to do this?” he asked.

  Brian looked shocked by the question, he’d clearly not thought that far ahead. Then he grinned. “I know, get in your dingy and meet me over there. We’ll trade out there.” he said, clearly proud of his solution.

  Daniel shrugged his shoulder as if it made no difference to him but he knew that Brian had just captured himself. “Whatever you say,” he said, holding in the smile that wanted force its way out.

  Once he was in the dingy and a safe distance from the Gratitude, Brian lowered his and practically shoved Amber over the side of the boat, nearly knocking her into the water. Daniel wanted to kill the man, but he kept his silence, watching as Brian started the motor and headed toward him. It only took one look at the man for Daniel to figure out what he was planning, the minute he got his hands on the map, he’d shove Amber into the water. While Daniel was trying to save her, he’d get back to his boat and escape into the night and again he had to admit that it wasn’t a bad plan.

  The only problem with Brian’s plan was that he didn’t know about Seth and Theo, who were lurking in the water only feet away from the boat. Daniel could see their heads bobbing on either side of the boat. Once Amber was safely in his boat, they’d spring up out of the water and pull Brin in, and then it would be up to Brian himself whether he lived or not. If he let them pull him out of the ice cold water he’d live, but if he fought, well, things happen in Alaska, Daniel certainly wouldn’t shed a tear.

  When they got close enough, Daniel handed the map over to Brian, who just as he’d expected gave Amber a huge shove. “I think this belongs to you,” he said, then tried to reverse his engine to get away.

  Daniel watched as two things happened at once, Amber fell into the water and his brother and Seth popped up out of the sea like monsters. When she hit the water, Amber did the one thing he’d hoped she wouldn’t do and screamed. Horrified, he watched water rush into her mouth and then she sank. He dove into the water, holding his breath when the ice-cold water rushed over him. He’d worn a wet suit but the cold water was still a shock. Frantic to find Amber, he took a deep breath and dove into the water, hoping that she was just below the surface.

  He felt around, unable to see anything in the dark but didn’t find Amber. Knowing that he was going to have to dive deeper, he resurfaced. Taking several long, deep breaths as he’d been taught to do, he ticked off the seconds in his mind, knowing that Amber didn’t have very many to spare. Then he took one more deep breath and dove, his arms out in front of him, trying desperately to see even the slightest movement in the inky water.

  Almost out of breath, he’d almost given up when his hand brushed her shoulder and he managed to grab a fist full of her jacket. But his lungs were beginning to burn and he didn’t know if he’d be able to pull Amber to the surface. Then a light appeared in the water and his brother was there. The seconds were still ticking off in his head, so when his brother pushed a regulator into his mouth, he took a deep breath, then began pushing for the surface.

  They surfaced next to the dingy and Daniel hauled first himself then Amber out of the water. “Head for the boat,” he shouted to Theo.

  Theo gave him a thumbs up and began swimming for the boat, Daniel wanted to stop and check on Amber but he knew that getting her back to the boat was more important so he started the little engine and opened it up all the way. When he got back to the Gratitude, all the lights were lit and Brian was tied up to the mast, looking like he wanted to kill someone. Daniel wanted to throttle him right then, but Amber needed to be warmed up and fast or they might lose her, she’d been in the water far too long.

  They took her back to the big stateroom and laid her on the bed. Daniel tried talking to her, but she didn’t respond. “We have to get these wet clothes off her and get her warmed up,” he said, pulling at her jacket.

  When he’d gotten through the first layer, he understood why sh
e’d sunk so fast. There was another layer of clothing, but then he found a wet suit and said a silent prayer. Smart girl, she must have found it and put it on, he always made her wear one when they were crossing open ocean and she must have remembered. Getting her out of the wet suit was difficult but he found that underneath her skin was still warm.

  “We have to warm her up slowly, but you’d better get that wet suit off her first,” Theo said, handing him a stack of blankets. “Seth went to get as many heaters as he could find, but body heat is usually the best way to do this. You look a little cold yourself.”

  Daniel realized that he was shivering and immediately set to work taking off first Amber’s suit then his. Then he climbed under the blanket with Amber and gathered her into his arms. She opened her eyes briefly, saw that it was him, then closed them again. “I knew that you’d save me,” she mumbled through blue lips.

  It wasn’t long before Seth and Theo had the room toasty warm and Amber’s body temperature began to slowly rise, leaving her shivering violently. Amber wasn’t aware of much besides the fact that she was safe and in Daniel’s arms, and being so cold that she was sure she’d never warm up. But after a few hours the shivering began to abate and although she was still cold, her teeth had stopped chattering and she finally began to feel the warmth from Daniel’s body spreading into hers.

  When he felt her body begin to relax, Daniel thought that she was asleep, but then she stirred in his arms and said, “Thank you for saving me.”

  He wasn’t quite sure how to answer, tell her the truth, that for one terrible minute he thought that he’d lost her, that he was never going to find her in the dark water or make the whole thing sound like it wasn't a big deal. But then he remembered what it had felt like for those long minutes when he’d been searching the water for her and knew that it was time to tell her how he felt.


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