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Time Search

Page 36

by Danele J Rotharmel

  older brother.

  Jessica Hamilton: Andrew’s invalid sister. Former

  ballerina. Injured severely in a car accident.

  Jill Kingston: Wade’s wife. Kenny’s mother.

  Julian Blintson: Crystal’s high school boyfriend.

  June Phillips: Professional time counselor. Jake’s wife.

  Karl Fagan: Angelina’s manager.

  Katie Warner: Nurse. Time counseled as a child. Takes

  care of victims of time crimes.

  Kenny Kingston: Wade and Jill’s five-year-old son.

  Kyle Carson: Professional time counselor. Marc and

  Ryan’s friend.

  Laura Nelson: TEMCO professor. Third-in-command

  at TEMCO. Dan and Peter’s friend since college.

  Gil’s best friend. Peter’s fiancée. Escaped being

  held captive by Drake.

  Lawrence Ember: Medical doctor. Time counseled as a

  child. Takes care of victims of time crimes.

  Liz Anderson: Ecologist. One of Andrew’s dates.

  Marc Kerry: Professional time counselor. Interested in

  Crystal. Zeke, Ryan, and Kyle’s friend.

  Maria Ortega: Gerald’s girlfriend.

  Marjorie Vaster: The First Lady’s niece. One of

  Andrew’s dates.

  Nathan Ableman: Sam’s brother. Policeman. Zara’s


  Nicki Cunning: Suicidal fourteen-year-old artist.

  Phoebe and Drake’s former counseling subject.

  Nicole as a teenager.

  Nicole Cunning: Nicki Cunning as an adult. Famous

  artist. Zeke’s girlfriend. Brandon’s former


  Paul Freemar: President of the United States. Andrew’s

  friend. Carol Lynn’s husband. Marjorie’s uncle.

  Peter Matthews: Director of TEMCO operations.

  Second-in-command. Dan’s boyhood friend.

  Laura’s fiancé. Escaped being held captive by


  Phoebe Reynolds: Senior cadet. Drake’s former field

  partner. Nicki’s counselor. Alex’s girlfriend.

  Attacked and held captive by Drake. Rescued

  by Alex.

  Poppa (The Facilitator): Dan forty-five years in the

  future. Twinkles’s husband. Father of Jay and

  Deleena. Head of NewGen.

  Rick Olsen: Serial killer who tried to kill Sue.


  Robyn Masters: Zeke’s sister. Murdered by her father.

  Russ Elton: Alex’s nearest neighbor. A rancher with a

  petting zoo.

  Ryan Adams: Professional time counselor. Marc and

  Kyle’s friend.

  Sam Ableman: Pastor of Charlesberg Community

  Church. Dan’s stepfather. Father of Angelina

  and Alex. Sue’s husband. Nathan’s brother.

  Lives in Colorado.

  Sandra Jones: White House staffer working for

  Andrew. One of Andrew’s potential dates.

  Scott Ruthford: Andrew Hamilton’s head agent.

  Assigned to find Drake and keep TEMCO

  employees safe.

  Sue Ableman: Mother of Dan, Angelina, and Alex.

  Sam’s wife. Lives in Colorado.

  Twinkles: Gil forty-five years into the future. Mother of

  Jay and Deleena. Poppa’s wife.

  Thomas Moosly: TEMCO professor. Member of the

  field assignment review board.

  Wade Kingston: TEMCO professor. Jill’s husband.

  Kenny’s father. Marc’s friend. Almost died at Drake’s hands.

  Zara Ableman: Sam’s sister-in-law. Nathan’s wife.

  Zeke Masters: TEMCO computer tech and chief

  analyst. Counseled Andrew Hamilton. Nicole’s

  boyfriend. Robyn’s brother. Marc, Andrew, and Crystal’s friend.


  Old Relationships:

  Bill Winston—Sue Winston (Ableman):

  Status: No longer married. Bill was Sue’s first

  husband. Bill died of cancer.

  Children: Dan Winston (Ableman)

  Current Relationships:

  Pastor Sam Ableman—Sue Winston Ableman:

  Status: Married. Sam is Sue’s second husband.

  Sam adopted Sue’s son, Dan.

  Children: Dan Winston Ableman, Angelina

  Ableman, and Alex Ableman

  Dr. Dan Winston Ableman—Gillyflower Montgomery Ableman:

  Status: Married. In the future they will be known

  as Poppa and Twinkles.

  Children: Jay Ableman (newborn)

  Future Children: Deleena and William

  Alex Ableman—Phoebe Reynolds:

  Status: Dating.

  Director Peter Matthews—Dr. Laura Nelson:

  Status: Newly engaged.

  Zeke Masters—Nicole Cunning:

  Status: Dating.


  Leaders of TEMCO:

  Dr. Dan Ableman—First-in-command.

  Founder of TEMCO.

  Director Peter Matthews—Second-in-command

  Runs the lab.

  Dr. Laura Nelson—Third-in-command

  Lab Technicians:

  Crystal Stuart

  Zeke Masters—Counseled Andrew Hamilton.


  Dr. Dan Ableman

  Dr. Laura Nelson

  Dr. Thomas Moosly

  Dr. Wade Kingston

  Professional Time Counselors:

  Dr. Dan Ableman—Gil’s field partner.

  Gillyflower Ableman—Dan’s field partner.

  Counseled Dan.

  Jake Phillips—June’s field partner.

  June Phillips—Jake’s field partner.

  Kyle Carson

  Marc Kerry—Counseled Zeke Masters.

  Ryan Adams

  Sally Voynickson

  Tamara Brewster

  Ted Jenkinson

  Tim Simpkins



  The third floor of Hawking Hall. It contains paper

  copies of TEMCO case files.

  Charlesberg, Colorado:

  The hometown of Sam and Sue Ableman.

  Charles Shipley Medical Center:

  A new hospital located in Washington D.C.

  Creekdale, Colorado:

  A small town located in the mountains above

  Charlesberg, Colorado. It’s near Alex Ableman’s


  File Room:

  A small room in the TEMCO lab where files are

  stored before transferal to the archives.

  Hawking Hall:

  A three-story building on the NSU campus that

  houses TEMCO’s headquarters. It was set on fire

  by Drake.

  Lake House:

  Andrew Hamilton’s home before he became the

  Vice President. It’s located outside of Washington

  D.C. Andrew jogs the grounds every morning.

  National Science University (NSU):

  A government established university staffed by

  the country’s finest minds.

  Number One Observatory Circle:

  The official residence of the Vice President of the

  United States. Located at the United States Naval

  Observatory in Washington D.C. Andrew

  Hamilton’s home as long as he is in office.

  Student Union:

  A building on the NSU campus that houses

  restaurants and a supercomputer.

  TEMCO Headquarters:

  The lab, staff offices, and classrooms utilized by

  the TEMCO staff. It is located on the second floor

  of Hawking Hall.

  TEMCO Lab:

  A facility in Hawking Hall that houses the GAP

  computer and
Staging Platform.

  TEMCO Temporary Headquarters:

  A classroom in the basement of Student Union. It’s

  the location of current TEMCO operations due to

  the fire Drake set in Hawking Hall.

  Washington D.C.:

  The host city of NSU and TEMCO.



  The clearance level needed to be privy to

  TEMCO’s secret operations.

  Cataclysmic Failure:

  A situation initiated when a manipulated

  timewave is destabilized. The ensuing phenomena

  is called a Time Tsunami.

  Class-One Alpha-Blue:

  The level of license a cadet must earn to be placed

  on TEMCO’s staff.

  Case Subject:

  A person chosen to receive time counseling

  through TEMCO. Professional time surfers counsel

  death-row inmates. Student cadets usually handle

  suicide interventions.

  Code of Conduct 5th Edition:

  A manual of procedural rules originally given to

  Dan Ableman by Poppa. The TEMCO staff and

  students all agree to follow it. As new challenges

  are faced, the manual is updated and revised.

  D-day (Disaster Day):

  In general, the day in which a case subject’s

  tipping point occurs. In particular, the day Dan

  Ableman almost stabbed Rick Olsen (see Time



  Poppa’s official job title as relating to current

  TEMCO operations.

  Field Exam:

  An exam in which a cadet is sent back through

  time to counsel a case subject.

  Field Partner:

  Under new regulations put into place after Gil

  Ableman’s field exam, all professional time surfers

  and TEMCO cadets are teamed with a field

  partner when traveling through GAP.

  Five Immutable Laws (Excerpt from Code of Conduct 5th Edition):

  The fundamental, irrefutable laws given by Poppa

  that govern all TEMCO’s procedures.

  1. A case subject’s past must be thoroughly


  2. A case subject must undergo extensive

  interviews before being selected.

  3. A case subject’s tipping point toward evil must be determined.

  4. A time counselor must never reveal his or her last name or personal history.

  5. A time counselor must never be blinded by

  conceit or supposition.

  GAP Search:

  An exhaustive inquiry into a case subject’s life that

  exposes hidden motives and secret events.

  Game Cartridge:

  A device mailed to a case subject that is

  camouflaged as a PlayFest game. When utilized, it

  connects to the Staging Platform and establishes

  contact with the TEMCO lab.

  GAP (Grappling And Positioning Computer):

  Dan Ableman’s invention that allows timewaves

  to be harnessed and “surfed” by counselors.

  NewGen Crew:

  Time counselors from the future who are under

  Poppa’s command.


  A vigorous testing procedure that precedes a

  senior cadet’s field exam.

  Professional Time Counselor (Time Surfer):

  A time traveler who counsels troubled individuals

  before they embark on a life of crime.

  Scan Emitter:

  A new invention that makes time travelers visible

  to the local populace during an assignment.

  Senior Cadet:

  A fourth-year TEMCO student who is preparing to

  take the field exam.

  Staging Platform:

  The gateway located in the TEMCO lab that opens

  time portals.

  Temporal Black Hole:

  A mysterious, sporadic phenomenon that makes it

  impossible to tabulate probability results or

  conduct GAP searches.

  Temporal Counseling Program (TEMCO):

  A program established by Dan Ableman in which

  cadets are trained to time travel for the purpose of

  dissuading criminals from a life of crime.

  Time Crime:

  A crime involving a member of the TEMCO staff

  that occurs during a time surf.

  Time Portal:

  A timewave fissure through which a surfer can

  travel. Portals may be established through the use

  of a game cartridge or a futuristic Wave Trapper

  borrowed from Poppa.

  Time Tsunami:

  A phenomenon set in motion when a timewave is

  destabilized by a Cataclysmic Failure. The

  timewave splits in half, two separate timelines are

  created, and the fabric of time unravels.

  Timewave (GAP wave):

  An invisible wave sailing through the air that is

  harnessed by GAP for time-travel purposes.

  Time Surf:

  The slang term for a professional counseling

  assignment or a senior cadet’s field exam.

  Tipping Point:

  The exact moment in which a felon’s future is first

  tipped toward evil.

  Trapper Treatise:

  An agreement drawn up between Poppa and Dan

  outlining how a borrowed Wave Trapper is

  allowed to be used.

  Wave Trapper:

  A small portable device that allows time surfers to

  harness timewaves without the help of the

  TEMCO lab. It will eventually be invented by Dan,

  but his current prototype is flawed. In the future,

  Wave Trappers will be used extensively by Poppa

  and his NewGen Crew.

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