Look Alive Twenty-Five

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Look Alive Twenty-Five Page 24

by Janet Evanovich

  “You’re pretty casual about all these naked men,” Morelli said to me.

  “You’ve seen one and you’ve seen them all,” I said.

  “Is that true?”

  “No,” I said to Morelli. “Absolutely not.”

  Ranger joined us. “Were you able to find Sitz?” he asked Morelli.

  “Yeah. We found him at Newark Airport. He was stuffed into a garbage container.”

  “Is he okay?” I asked.

  “No,” Morelli said. “He’s dead. I don’t know any details.”

  Ranger and I exchanged glances. Harry the Hammer was cleaning house. That included friends and foes and partners. He was tidying up loose ends that could tie him to the kidnappings. Classic mob behavior. There were four Colombians left behind who may or may not know anything about Harry. And there was Frankie from Central GP.

  I caught a flash of black in my peripheral vision and turned to find Wulf standing a short distance away. He was in full Wulf regalia. Black cape. Black suit and dress shirt. Blood-red pocket handkerchief.

  “Thank you for locating my charge,” Wulf said.

  He crooked his finger in a come-here gesture, and Ryan Meier ran over to him.

  “Oh man,” Ryan said to Wulf. “Am I ever glad to see you.”

  “Your father’s been worried,” Wulf said.

  Wulf spread his arms wide, flaring his cape. There was a flash of blinding light, a crack of thunder, a lot of smoke, and when the smoke cleared, Wulf and Ryan Meier were gone.

  “I didn’t see that,” Morelli said.

  I agreed. I didn’t see it either.

  “I saw it,” Hal said. “It was awesome.”

  Ranger stayed stoic, but I knew he was mentally rolling his eyes.

  “I’ll take Hal back with me,” Ranger said to Morelli. “He’ll be available if you need to talk to him.”

  “I’ll pass that on to the feds,” Morelli said. “They’re about a half hour behind me with the crime lab. Not that I expect they’ll find anything worthwhile here. This warehouse belongs to Harry, and Harry knows how to cover his tracks. I’m sure you already know this. We also got full disclosure on The Cannibal Deli. Harry is listed as an executive producer. He bought into a production company that’s involved. If I’d asked my mother instead of having the department research the show, I could have found out sooner. Apparently, it’s the hot gossip topic in the Burg.”

  “Have you talked to Harry?” Ranger asked.

  “Harry is on a Caribbean cruise. He gets back tomorrow.”

  “Nice,” Ranger said. “What about Skoogie. Any tests back?”

  “Skoogie overdosed. Looks like self-inflicted and accidental.”

  “Kulicki needs to check in with the court,” I said to Morelli. “He’s my FTA. And when they pry Ernie Sitz out of the trash receptacle, he has my name on him too. He’s way overdue, but Vinnie should still be able to get something back on his bond.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” Morelli said. “I’m going to be tied up here for a while. Can you walk Bob for me?”

  “What about Anthony?”

  “He’s back home with the wife and kids.”

  * * *

  ■ ■ ■

  Ranger parked in the lot behind my apartment building.

  “This has been interesting,” he said.

  “Do you think Harry had Sitz killed?”


  “Do you think the police will be able to prove it?”

  “No. Harry will eventually get convicted of something and get sent away for a while, but I don’t think it will be for Sitz. Some loyal lieutenant did Sitz. Probably Connie’s Uncle Jimmy.”

  “He’s in his nineties!”

  “He’s fearless. He has nothing to lose. He’s too old to die young. And he works with Billy Raguzzi.”

  I knew Billy. I went to school with him. He was a quiet, skinny little guy. His nickname was Billy Coldcock. Also, Billy the Eye Gouger.

  “Billy is taking up the trade?” I asked.

  “Learning from the best,” Ranger said.

  I glanced over my shoulder at my laundry basket in the back seat. “I need to check on Rex and make sure nothing is fermenting in my refrigerator.”

  Ranger carried my laundry basket to my door and waited while I rummaged around in my bag for my key. He got tired of waiting, produced his own key, and let me into my apartment.

  “Thanks,” I said. “And thanks for carrying my basket, and thanks for keeping me safe. It looks like I’m not in danger anymore, so you and Morelli don’t have to keep tag team guarding me.”

  “No more than usual,” Ranger said.

  He nudged me inside, set the basket on the floor, and kissed me. “I’m cutting you loose,” he said, “but feel free to drop in if you get a sudden desire to use my shower or my bed.”

  He kissed me again with enough passion to make me think twice about his offer.

  “Jeez Louise,” I said.

  “Babe,” Ranger said. And he left.

  I stood for a moment regrouping, thinking it felt good to be home. I went to the kitchen and looked into the fridge. No green slime growing on anything. I tapped on Rex’s cage and said “Hello!” Rex stuck his head out, twitched his whiskers, blinked his black eyes at me, and retreated back into his soup can. This all made me feel happy inside.

  I carted my laundry basket into my bedroom, brushed my hair and retied my ponytail, applied some lip gloss, and smiled at myself in the mirror.

  I was about to leave for Morelli’s house to walk Bob when Grandma Mazur called.

  “I’ve got news,” she said. “Don’t tell your mother, but I’m running off to live in sin with my honey.”


  “It’s better this time. It’s not one of them Internet honey things. This is a honey from the neighborhood. We’ve been seeing each other at the Wednesday night viewings at the funeral home. I think this is the one. He’s older than me, but he’s a real looker. He’s got a good job too. That’s why we’re going on a sexcation. He just finished a project and came into some money, so we’re heading off to Atlantis.”

  “Do I know him?”

  “Yep, just about everyone in the Burg knows him,” Grandma said. “He’s related to Connie, and he’s a big deal in the Knights of Columbus. He wears one of them sashes to funerals and everything. It’s Jimmy Rosolli.”

  “Don’t go anywhere. I’m coming over. We have to talk.”

  “Well, that’s the thing,” Grandma said. “I’m on the plane with my honey, and we’re about to take off, so I have to shut my phone down. I just wanted to make sure your mother wouldn’t worry when I didn’t come home, so I thought you could make up a good fib.”

  “No! I’m not fibbing for you, and you don’t want to go to Atlantis with Jimmy Rosolli! Get off the plane NOW!”


  Janet Evanovich is the #1 bestselling author of the Stephanie Plum novels, the Fox and O'Hare novels, the Knight and Moon novels, the Lizzy and Diesel series, the Alexandra Barnaby novels, and coauthor of a graphic novel, Troublemaker, with her daughter, Alex.

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