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December (The Oliver Brothers Book 1)

Page 8

by Watson, Q. M.

  “Stay here. I’m going to get you some ice and a bottle of water.”

  He seems reluctant to leave me. I give Josh a smile that I hope is convincing enough.

  “Go. I’m okay.”

  Josh nods and then gradually disappears from my sight. Jessica and Riley break apart at the same time. She goes after Josh, and Riley has his dark eyes aimed at me. He comes to me like a plague I want to avoid.

  His eyes are a deep shade of brown, so dark they appear to be the color of coal. Riley has the unblinking gaze of a shark.

  He smiles at me, and I suddenly feel like prey, caught in the deadly claw of a bear trap. “You are shivering. Are you cold?” Riley asks.

  His voice is polite, but his smile isn’t.

  “I don’t know,” I mumble, avoiding his gaze that threatens to devour me.

  “Would you like me to help you decide?”

  “I don’t know,” I repeat, my gaze fixed on our red cups on the table.

  Riley leans in closer to me on the couch, the heat of his body soaking into mine. One of his hands settles on my shoulder, and I flinch. He laughs but doesn’t remove his grip on me. “You are so jumpy. Why is that, December?”

  “I don’t like when people touch me.”

  “That can’t be true,” he purrs in my ear. “I saw Josh touch you. You seemed all right to me.”

  I shiver and lean away. My body is tingling and heating up.

  I don’t like it.

  Why is my heart racing like I’ve been running for hours?

  Why do I feel like I can’t concentrate on much?

  The room begins to fall away one wall at a time, along with all the people in it. It’s just Riley and me, predator and prey sharing one end of a couch.

  “Josh can touch you and I can’t?”

  I blink once and then blink again. Nothing changes. “That’s because Josh can touch me. I like it when he touches me. He’s nice.”

  Riley’s hand glides down my back, rubbing languid circles until the tension leaks out of me. “I can be nice too. How are you feeling?”

  “Warm and weird.” I shrug, unable to think clearly to phrase my words. “I don’t know.”

  His thumb slides across the sensitive skin of my neck, and I violently shudder. “Come with me. You should lie down and nap it off. You’ll feel better. I promise.”

  I release a broken whimper, and he loops his arm through mine. He has to stop and pick me up because I keep fumbling in his wake.

  My eyelids can barely open when he carries me somewhere. I think I’m in the garage, my back pressed against the cold hood of a car.

  Riley stands in front of me like a god with no hint of mercy in his black eyes. He’s still smiling. “Are you cold now?”

  Nodding, I shut my eyes. It is colder in here. It is freezing. The smell of icy snow is wafting from outside.

  “I can be very nice and warm you up. Would you like that?”

  I nod again, adrift somewhere in the warped world of Wonderland.

  He cups my breasts, squeezing lightly. The heat of his probing palms scorches me.

  I make a sound, but it doesn’t sound like me. It sounds like an animal in heat, desperate and in need.

  “No one has touched you here, have they, December?”

  Nonsense comes out of my mouth. It makes him laugh. It’s a genuine happy laugh. He rubs his nose to mine, his breath warm on my lips.

  “Jessica’s jealous of you. It’s because you’re what she wishes she was. You’re quiet but mouthy when you need to be heard. You’re pretty from a distance, but you’re gorgeous up close and personal. And you’re a virgin, aren’t you, sweet December?”

  His smile broadens at my wordless reply. His hand trails down my onesie. Riley holds my gaze when he cups me between my legs. He moves his palm slowly back and forth, relishing in doing this to me.

  Something happens.

  The muscles tighten in my belly, and sparks of electric heat pulsate through me.

  “Fuck. I can feel how hot your little snatch is. I’ve never been with a virgin before. Jessica wasn’t even a virgin the first time we fucked. But you are.” He stares down at me. His eyes are nothing but black voids of space. “I can make this good for you, December. Really good.”

  I’m horrified now, and terror as cold as ice water ripples through me, settling low in my stomach. Nausea makes it hard to breathe.

  I want him off me.

  This is wrong.

  My limbs are lethargic and heavy. I can’t push him off, but I can turn my head.


  “What was that?” he asks with a grin. “I can’t hear you.”

  “Please,” I mumble, turning to look at him. Something wet slides down both of my cheeks.

  My tongue is dry and limp in my mouth. It’s not working right.

  “You’re so pretty when you cry.” He kisses my lips, the taste of vodka and peppermint on his mouth. My chest cracks open, and I drown in my tears because my struggles are useless. Riley is going to do whatever he wants to do to me, and there is nothing I can do about it.

  “Let her go.”

  Riley drops his hands from me and slowly steps away. “No harm done, my man.”

  Cool pools of blue meet my eyes. Why are they burning? I’ve never seen water catch fire before.

  “December, are you hurt?”

  I shake my head and blink, silently thanking the heavens.

  “God, no. Please, no,” the angel whispers as he helps me into my onesie. He zips it back up. The angel’s hands are trembling.

  When did Riley pull off half my onesie?

  The angel lowers me down to the chilly cement ground where I sit, and then he punches Riley. The angel has the force of God in his punch because Riley plummets to the floor.

  The angel mounts Riley’s chest and strikes him over and over again, each hit harder than the last.

  Something cracks with a sickening wet thud. I close my eyes. My head feels funny. I’m weak and sleepy, but I have to keep my eyes open. The angel needs me to keep my eyes open.

  So I open them.

  And when I do, I’m surrounded by golden light and flickering white candles. They smell of vanilla and warmth. Two sets of water-blue eyes shift to me.

  Laughing, I sink into the soft cushions of a velvet couch.

  Why are these angels so worried?

  They’re in heaven, and nothing can hurt them in heaven.

  The older angel has a phone pressed to her ear. “Danny, I think something’s wrong with December.”



  I lie back in my bed in my dark room, staring at my cell phone. It sits flat on my stomach. I’ve had it off all day. I know Danny has called. Josh is right. I don’t know how to handle responsibility, and I do avoid confrontation by hiding.

  I don’t know why I do the things I do sometimes. My brain tells me to do the practical things in life, to not make a mess out of things, but my heart says fuck it, let’s not be practical, let’s get messy, let’s dig deep and explore this mess and pain until it starts to make sense again.

  After powering on my phone, I watch the missed calls, text messages, and voicemails stack up.

  Danny has called three times. My sisters, January and July, have called once each, and they both left messages. Gray has texted me too many times to count. And May’s name pops up.

  I slide my finger across the screen and press the phone to my ear. “Hello, my sweet honey pie.”

  “Hello, my little pooh bear. I need a major favor. Are you down to babysit tonight?”

  “Of course. You know I love Bliss. I’m so down.”

  “Thanks. Miles wants go out tonight. Date night, I guess.”

  “No problem. I should be there within the next fifteen minutes.”

  “I owe you.”

  “Just put it on my tab,” I tease.

  It doesn’t take me long to get to my sister’s house. No matter how grown we are, we never lea
ve this small town. July and I are the only ones still living at home. My mother doesn’t want to let go, and we’re the only single ones left.

  May stays with her husband Miles and their daughter in a huge, stunning glass and stone house on a hill. January has a townhouse that I hope to God she’s not sharing with Luke.

  Bliss runs to me when I step into the spacious white marble foyer. Her arms are flailing and windmilling with glee, her dark-chocolate-colored curls bouncing in the air and her glittering hazel eyes wide and expanding. She jumps, and I catch her in my arms, holding her tightly to me.

  “Auntie December,” she says, joyously wrapping her small arms around my neck.

  “My snuggle muffin.” I shower her face with kisses. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I miss you, too.” She giggles when I tickle her.

  “Okay. She’s already had her bath and she already ate dinner, but there are snacks in the pantry if she gets hungry. No chocolate and nothing sweet or with sugar,” my sister warns, shrugging on her black pea coat.

  “Gotcha, boss,” I reply.

  “No chocolate, Bliss,” May says sternly to her daughter, who is pouting but nodding.


  Miles strides into the foyer in a dark posh suit. His light brown eyes are gleaming. “How are you, December?”

  “I’m great.” I stare at my sister in her ruby-red cocktail dress and sleek expensive heels and then back at Miles in his fitted suit. “You guys look like a million bucks. Where are you both headed?”

  “Somewhere special,” Miles says with a smile, his doting eyes aimed at May. “I want to take my wife out. Treat her to a night out on the town.”

  “He has me all dolled up as you can see,” she replies, gesturing to her expensive clothes with a little horror in her tone.

  I nod, liking her dolled up. May is the loving hippie of our family. She’s always in something loose and flowy. She has a bohemian style. May isn’t a big believer in material goods. She would rather enrich people’s lives with gifts from the heart, presents of soul value. She’s unbelievably stunning, and it’s her natural beauty. Sometimes it feels as if the sunshine itself filters through her pores. May doesn’t wear any trace of makeup unless she’s out with Miles at some event where the rich and famous parade around.

  May also has the soul and knowledge of an elder three times her years. May is patient and understanding and loving. She’s nurturing. She’s our family’s rock. May is our foundation. I think that’s why May and Miles work so well together. Miles is Mr. Moneybags. He’s into luxury homes, foreign cars, and designer suits. He’s into Hollywood and the glitz and glamour of that side of the business. Miles does it well. He does it exceptionally well. With his handsome dark looks, it’s like he was born to be in a suit. But May keeps him grounded.

  “You look great,” I assure May. “And please do not rush on my account. I brought my work uniform just in case you needed me to stay the night. I mean, I do have my own room over here, and I think it’s about time I put it to use.”

  “I owe you,” my sister says, hugging the life out of me.

  “We owe you,” Miles adds, joining the hug. He wraps his arms around both of us, and then he looks at me with a question in his gaze. “Why didn’t you accept that Bentley I got you on your birthday?”

  My sister and I both stare up at him like he’s lost his mind. “Why the hell would I? I’m a zookeeper, not a socialite. It’s not practical for my lifestyle. But thanks anyway.”

  We all break apart, and he shakes his head, smiling. “One of these days, December, you will graciously accept something I give you.”

  “I doubt it.” I smile not so nicely at him.

  He mutters something under his breath, fighting a grin.

  “Oh,” May starts, “Danny’s going to stop by to get those healing crystals I left for him. He’s been having trouble sleeping at night.”

  My brows snap together. “Danny’s coming by?”

  “Uncle Dan is the best,” Bliss chimes in.

  “Yeah, he’s coming by to pick up the crystals. I left them on the counter, next to the jars of herbs in the living room.”

  “Does he know I’m here?”

  “Yes.” Miles glances down at his gold wristwatch. “Baby, we have to be on the road.”

  “Remember, no chocolate or sugar,” May warns again while Miles pulls her out the front door.

  Bliss smiles at me when they leave and asks, “Can I have a chocolate pudding cup?”

  I lift my brows, already grinning. “Just one.”

  “Yippy!” she shouts. “Let’s race to the kitchen, and then we can eat pudding cups in my room while we watch Frozen.”

  I put her down, and we race to the kitchen.

  She wins, and I grab the entire Snack Pack, which includes four chocolate pudding cups. Bliss opens the drawer and snatches up two spoons, and then she opens the fridge, stands on her tiptoes, and grabs two juice boxes.





  Chocolate and sugar.

  Double check.

  May is going to kill me.

  It doesn’t matter, because my six-year-old niece totally owns me.

  My death will be well worth it.

  She gathers the juices in her arms, smiling massively at me. “Now we race to my room, Auntie December.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I pretend to regard her seriously. “You’re on.”

  On the count of three, we jolt up the stairs and run to her bedroom. Her bedroom is very girly and mostly baby-blue in color, with Frozen character stickers plastered on every surface, except her bed. Bliss jumps on her pink princess bed, bouncing up and down. She looks adorable in her girly blue (Frozen) gown. “I won. I won. You’re slow, Auntie.” She laughs.

  “I know.” I sigh. “I blame the old kneecaps. You get the sheets warm while I put the DVD in.”

  “That sounds good,” Danny says.

  I jerk my head back, staring at Danny in his black T-shirt, jeans, and boots. “Uncle Danny,” Bliss shouts at the top of her lungs. She hops off the bed and almost flies to him. I’m sort of jealous that Danny gets the bigger, more joyous, grander greeting. But that is to be expected. He’s been gone for four years.

  He’s all gums when he smiles down at her. “Baby bird,” he greets in a soft tone that turns my insides into jelly. Danny catches her in his arms, tossing her up and down in the air.

  She giggles uncontrollably, clasping his face in her tiny hands. “We’re gonna watch Frozen, eat chocolate pudding cups, and drink juice. You wanna watch it with us?”

  He holds her close, and they both rub their noses together tenderly like it’s their secret greeting. My belly warms, and my heart sighs. I feel myself slowly smiling at them. What is it about seeing a strong man being affectionate and loving toward babies and children? It has to be some weird mix of hormones and biology telling women, “This man will be the perfect father, and you shall bare all of his children.”

  Because that’s how I feel right now.

  “Are you gonna stay with us?” Bliss asks, squishing his cheeks together.

  “Absolutely,” he answers. “I’m all yours.”


  “All right. Let’s get this movie going.” I power on the DVD player.

  We all cuddle close on her bed. Bliss is between me and Danny. I avoid looking at him at all costs. I focus all my energy on eating pudding cups and sucking back fruit punch through the mini straw. Not even twenty minutes into the movie, Bliss gets up to belt out the song playing on the screen. Bliss sings every song word for word that plays. She gives me and Danny a show, outperforming all the animated actors on the screen.

  She demands we watch it again once it goes off. I replay it, but Bliss doesn’t pay any attention to the movie. She pulls out her little girl makeup kit and begins painting my face in wild and bright colors.

  “Uncle Danny, I’m getting her ready for you,”
she says, applying glittering blue lipstick to my lips. I make a sour face. The chalky blue lipstick tastes of plastic artificial blueberries.

  “Really? What is she getting ready for?”

  “It’s your wedding day. Duh. You guys are getting married, and I’m gonna be the flower girl.”

  His buttery eyes shift to me. Danny bares his molars triumphantly, and I roll my eyes. “Of course. How could I forget that tonight is our wedding night?”

  “Oh yeah,” Bliss says, putting the tube of lipstick down. She takes Danny’s hand and tugs him out of the room. “C’mon. I have to get you dressed in one of Daddy’s suits, and you can’t see the bride get ready. It’s bad luck.”

  “This is a little much, Bliss,” I caution. “He doesn’t have to get all dressed up. We can just get married like this.”

  Her eyes widen, and she looks at me like I’m crazy. “No. He has to wear a suit, and you have to wear a white dress. Mommy has the perfect white dress for you. Just stay where you are, and I’ll bring it back to you after I get Danny dressed.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  His eyes lock with mine, and a surge of longing shoots through me. “See you soon, wife.”

  It’s cute that he’s playing along with Bliss’s little game. I’ll give him that. “See you soon, hubby.”

  He winks as she drags him out the door.

  I stare blankly at the wall, knowing I’m going to regret our fake wedding sometime later. My phone vibrates, pulling me from my thoughts. I answer it. It’s Josh. “Hey.”

  “Hey,” he says softly. “I was worried. I told you to call me when you got home.”

  “Oh, sorry. I had my phone off all day. I’m fine, though.”

  “Are you home?”

  “No. I was. I’m at my sister’s house. May needed me to babysit.”

  “How’s Bliss doing?”

  “She’s good. In fact, she’s planning our fake wedding right now.”

  “Whose fake wedding?” he questions, his voice low and aggravated. “Is Danny with you?”

  “Yes,” I whisper into the phone.

  “Strange I didn’t get an invite,” he says cruelly. “How I would have loved to be there.”

  “Josh, don’t even start. This is just an innocent game. We’re indulging a six-year-old.”


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