Into the night: The rogue series book one

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Into the night: The rogue series book one Page 1

by Toni Goode

  Into the Night

  The rogue series book one

  Toni Goode

  Copyright © 2019 by Toni Goode

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2020

  Chapter One

  The coffin looked so big from where she sat. Voices filled the small space as she stared at the box. Even at the age of five she knew that something bad had happened even if she wasn’t sure exactly what it was. All she knew was that her father had told her that her mother had went to heaven. All she knew about heaven was that her mother was gone, and she would never see her again. She had no idea how much her life would change from that point on.


  Fifteen years later...

  The smell of the bonfire filled the air and added to the sound of people splashing in the water. The lake had always been her favorite place. That was usually in the day when the sun was shining unlike now when the only light available was that of the roaring fire in front of her and the moon. She had lied to her father to go out that night, something she didn't do frequently but her new friend Lexi was not the best of influences. Even with her being almost twenty-one years old, her father controlled all aspects of her life. They were college students now and close to graduating.

  Lexi and Emma couldn’t be more different though not only in appearance but in their choice of friends they hung around with. Even with all of the differences they had, well they had become the best of friends. Emma’s father wasn’t fond of Lexi and her wild ways. He was always commenting on her hair colors and piercings. To him it was an embarrassment to the entire town.

  Lexi was fun though and Emma was jealous of her care free life. Emma grew up in a strict household with a father who was very influential to the town they lived in. She was essentially royalty and her father expected her to behave in a certain way. She was tired of his rules and ever since her mother passed away things had changed drastically between them.

  “At least look like you’re having fun Em.” Lexi said with a roll of her eyes as she held out a beer to her.

  “I am, it's just.” Emma looked around nervously.” This fire is getting big and if the cops come, my father will literally kill me.” She whispered.

  “Don't jinx this.” Lexi shook her head.” Here drink this you'll feel better.” Lexi nudged the beer at her.

  Emma grabbed the beer and without thinking she chugged what was left of it which happened to be almost half a beer. Emma shivered and shook her head.” God that is disgusting!” She said honestly as everyone around her began to laugh.

  “Don't worry the second one always tastes better.” Lexi laughed.” Get this girl another beer!” Lexi called out. One beer quickly turned into two and then nearly six as Emma felt her head buzzing and her vision blurred. She kept wondering when she would get the relaxed feeling that everyone talked about because all she felt right now was that she was going to puke, and it wasn't a good feeling.

  Standing on two wobbly legs, she tried to focus her eyes as she looked for a bathroom, but they were literally on a lake. Then her stomach tightened, and she didn't care as she took off down the lake in a hurry. She didn't want to puke where anyone could see her and so she headed towards the wooded area. She knew at least she could find some shelter and privacy under one of the large trees that lined the lake.

  Just as she neared it though and not completely under it, her stomach erupted in a series of loud gurgling. Before she knew it, she was losing all the contents of her stomach on the ground. Even her long red hair began to get dangerously close to the horrible fluid coming out of her, but she didn't care. Finally, the horrible gagging and puking was done as she inhaled deep and then began to cry softly. She felt like shit and now she was emotional on top of it.

  “At this point crying is irrelevant.” A male voice said as she jumped some and then looked up. Her eyes widened because not only had she just completely lost all of her stomach contents on the ground and cried but she had done it with an audience. She stumbled back some in shock as his face became illuminated by the moon and she gasped once more. She had seen this guy before, at school. He was one of those loner types that did as he pleased. His hair was long, and he always had a leather coat on. “Here this might help.” He said as he lit a cigarette and then jumped down from the branch he had been sitting on.

  “No, I don't um.” She shook her head. She couldn't get over the fact that he actually spoke. Every time she saw him it looked like he was either ditching his classes or coming in super late without a care in the world. She never saw him say a word to anyone.

  “Alright suit yourself.” He said as he leaned back and took a long drag from his cigarette.

  “I’ve seen you before, at the college.” She began as he looked at her and continued to smoke.” Jonathan, your name is Jonathan, right?” She said proudly as she slurred some.

  “John actually. What’s up with the formality?” He said a bit sarcastically.

  “Oh, I just thought.” She began nervously.

  “I'm kidding Red.” He rolled his eyes.

  “Oh, my name isn’t Red, it's.” She began to laugh nervously.

  “I like Red.” He took one last drag of his cigarette and then put it out in the grass as things got awkwardly quiet.

  “So, um, what are you doing over here?” She finally spoke to break the silence.

  “The same thing you’re doing.” He said as he held up a beer.” But I'm pretty sure the outcome will be different.” He said as he sipped his beer.

  “You know um, there is a bunch of us hanging out over by the bonfire.” She began as he laughed a little now. “What?”

  “I don't quite fit in with your friends Red. Actually, I'm surprised that you’re still here.” He said with a sip of beer.

  “Can I let you in on a little secret?” She began quickly as she looked at him and then she sat down.

  “Something tells me that I'm going to hear whether I want to or not. So, go ahead Red.” He shook his head.

  Emma laughed some and then hiccupped and then laughed again.” I really don't like them either. I even lied to my father.” She said with hiccups breaking through.

  “Oh, now I know who you are. You are the little princess. Your father is Charles.” He said with a smirk.

  “I’m not a princess, ok!” She said a bit defensively.

  “Ok, my bad.” He said quickly. “Something tells me this is the first time you drank?” He said sarcastically.

  “Are you making fun of me?” She said but continued to hiccup. “When will these damn things stop so I can be taken seriously!” She huffed in frustration and hiccupped again.

  “OK don't get yourself all worked up, it will make them worse.” He finally said softer this time.

  “You know I don't need your help.” She said as she went to stand up, but she immediately hit her head and fell right on her butt. “Ouch, when did that get there?” She said as she rubbed on her head as he moved some and went to touch it. “Don’t touch it. It hurts.” She huffed.

  “Well you’re touching it.” He said as he pushed her hand aside and before she could protest, she felt something really cold on her head. It felt n
ice. It didn't even hurt anymore. “See, it feels better, right?”

  “Yeah.” She sighed. “You must think I'm an idiot.”

  “You’re just drunk.” He said as he continued holding the ice on her head. “Which you should really rethink doing again.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She said as she spun around on her knees and the ice fell to the grass between them. She looked up at him as he was on his knees too.

  “It's supposed to mean that some people are natural drinkers and others aren't.” He rolled his eyes. “It’s not an insult, just well for instance you’re better with putting your concentration to school and stuff.” He kept eye contact with her.

  “Well now you’re making me feel like I'm some kind of weirdo.” She huffed. “Give me a beer.” She demanded.

  “Excuse me? I think you've had enough to last a lifetime.” He laughed as he moved now but she moved too. Then she scooted herself on the ground as she landed by one of his beers and she grabbed it. “Give me the beer, Red.” He held his hand out as she rolled her eyes and then without thinking she downed it as he shook his head.

  “See I can drink.” She smiled proudly and then hiccupped again. “Damn it!” She huffed.

  “You know if you puke again then I'm kicking you out lady.” He shook his head and opened another beer. “And just a little bit of info, if you pace yourself than you most likely won’t puke.” He whispered then laughed.

  “OK hot shot I see how this is.” She huffed, and he laughed again.” Stop laughing!”

  “You really are like a little ball of red-hot anger when you get mad.” He laughed some more.

  “Don't underestimate my size Mister.” She huffed loudly.

  “Okay, what are you like four foot nine?” He laughed some more.

  Emma narrowed her eyes. “Um, I'm five two thank you very much!”

  “And who exactly did the measuring?” He laughed and then sipped his beer.” A Keebler Elf?” He laughed, and she kicked his shin as she sat there.

  “You know who wears jeans and a leather coat to the lake anyways?” She rolled her eyes at him.

  “Is that all you got, Red?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “No, I have more.” She said quickly as he looked at her.” Don’t just look at me.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You know you should probably go back to your friends before they start looking for you.” He quickly sipped his beer.

  “Yeah it’s getting a little too stuffy over here anyways.” She said sarcastically and then began to get up as a loud voice was heard. Before she could react, John was dragging her back into some bushes.

  “This is private property!” A voice boomed over a loud speaker as the sound of yelling and shouting from her friends were heard. Emma went to move but John put his arm out to hold her back as he put his finger to her lips. Emma's eyes got wide. Then all of a sudden, she saw three of the people from her group go running past them as a police officer on a four-wheeler chased in pursuit. As it got out of view Emma let out a sigh.

  “Oh my god, we have to get out of here. I can’t get arrested. I can’t.” She began to panic.

  “It's fine OK, they never look here just keep your voice down.” He said quietly.

  “I don't think you understand. I can’t get in trouble OK. I can’t.” She said with her voice shaking.

  “Trust me.” He whispered.

  “I don't even know you.” She went to move, and he reached out and grabbed her arm. “Hey!” She snapped at him and then before she knew it his lips were crashing down on hers.

  The kiss itself completely knocked the wind out of her. She had never really kissed a guy before. There had been a boyfriend last year, his name was Brian. They had attempted to kiss but he just ended up biting her tongue. It was a mess to say the least but this kiss. Oh, this kiss was much different. He was much more in control of himself and of her. Even the placement of his hands in her hair were perfect. She let her hands roam freely into his hair and the kiss deepened even more. Soon they were laying on the ground with his weight pushing into her. She felt flushed everywhere and her hands began to wander to his neck and then his shoulders. Slowly they began to move down past his muscular back but just as quickly he pulled his mouth from hers as he sat up. She panted heavily as she laid there for a minute.

  Slowly she got up, her lips felt numb and then she heard Lexi's voice calling out for her as her eyes got wide. “You should go.” He said as he avoided eye contact with her.

  “Em, where are you?” Lexi called out again as her voice got closer. Emma honestly didn't know what to say if anything. So, she quickly crawled out from wooded area.

  “Lexi, I'm over here.” Emma called out as Lexi ran over to her.

  “Thank god, when the cops came, I freaked out. I almost got caught.” Lexi said nearly out of breath. “Were you over there the entire time?” Lexi finally said as she pointed to the trees. John was hidden in the darkness.

  “Yeah I felt sick.” Emma said quickly. “We should get back to your place.”

  “Yeah it's late.” Lexi shook her head and then laughed. “But that was a kick ass party and you were part of it.” She said as she put her arm around Emma, and they began to walk off.

  By the time they got over by Lexi’s house they had seen a car. Not just any car though. It was Emma’s father’s car and he was currently standing on the front yard as he spoke to Lexi’s mother.

  “Oh shit.” Lexi said as they stopped walking.

  “I’m dead. He is going to kill me.” Emma said with wide eyes as her father turned and looked right at her.

  “Emma Marie Stevens!” He yelled and she swallowed hard as she walked towards him and he met her half way.

  “Dad it’s not what it looks like.” Emma began quickly.

  “Have you been drinking?” He said in shock. His eyes were wide as he looked at her.

  “I um. I wasn’t. Um.” She began to ramble as Lexi came over quickly.

  “It was my fault Sir. I made her go out with me.” Lexi said quickly as he looked at her and narrowed his eyes.

  “Get in the car right now Emma and you.” Charles said with gritted teeth as he looked at Lexi. She went to say something, but he spoke first. “This is your absolute final warning. You stay the hell away from my daughter or I will see to it that your family is personally removed from here!” He snapped angrily as Emma got in the car. Lexi just stood there as Charles got into the car and took off down the road.

  “Can I just say something.” Emma began as her father kept driving.

  “You lied to me and you’re drunk!” He snapped angrily.

  “Dad I’m not a child anymore!” Emma snapped back at him and he stared at her in shock.

  “It doesn’t look that way to me! You know how important tomorrow is to me and for you to behave this way!” He snapped angrily.

  “Well I am sorry I am not perfect!” She said with tears.

  “Don’t you dare start crying now! Your actions have consequences! Damn it, Emma! This town looks to me for protection and how the hell can I do that when I am out looking for you!” He yelled.

  “Well maybe if you would give me some god damn freedom!” She began to yell but he answered her by slapping her across the face as she gasped.

  “Do not raise your voice to me again young lady. We are going home, and you are sleeping this off!” He yelled as silent tears fell down her face.

  By the time they got to the estate and Emma got out of the car quick, her father called out to her. “Be up and ready by 9 am for our guests. Don’t be late, tomorrow is important.” He called out as she got into the house. She was immediately greeted by one of the house keepers, but she didn’t reply back to the woman as she ran up the two flights of stairs and into her room. The second she got onto the bed she began to cry. She hated her life. She hated the prison her father kept her in. She wanted out and that was looking like an impossible feat.

  Emma had broken sleep that night and by 6 am she w
as getting up to start her day. Today was the day that another pack was coming to visit Lakeview, Tennessee. This town wasn’t like other towns out there. Lakeview was much different and so were the people who populated it. Emma’s father was a leader to them all, an Alpha. They all belonged to the Midnight Pack.

  The Stevens family went back centuries, literally because they were indeed not of this world. They were one of the most powerful wolf families out there.

  For the most part the wolf packs lived peacefully, and humans didn’t even know that they existed. There were a few government officials in different countries that were aware of the various species that lived among them. They all lived by a set of rules. Ones that made sure that humans were shielded from the truth and also so people like Emma were protected against barbaric experimentation.

  By the time Emma got downstairs, she heard voices in her father’s study. She walked past the door and towards the kitchen. Her father’s voice startled her. “Oh, good you are up Emma. Come greet our guests.” He said with a forced smile. She knew he was still mad at her, but she also knew that he would never let other people see him upset. She turned and walked towards him as she forced a smile. Today she had opted to wear a light pink sundress and some strappy sandal wedges. She kept her long red hair pulled up in a pony tail. She hoped that she at least looked the part for her father’s guests.

  As she walked into the study, she saw two men standing there. One was The Alpha of the neighboring pack called The Nightfall Pack. The man’s name was Lawrence Taylor and his pack were well known to all of the packs. Lawrence himself was a descendant of The Elder wolf named Tomas. He was part of the council that looked over all the species. Lawrence also had his brother Demetri with him. He was also a famous wolf because of his family ties. Both men did not look their ages though no one knew the exact age of Lawrence and Demetri. Wolves were not immortal by any means, but they did have the ability to self-heal. They also aged slowly. Lawrence’s appearance was that of a forty-year-old. He had short cropped brown hair that was thinning already. He was very muscular, and rumors spread of him doping his body with steroids though he never admitted to it. After the passing of his wife Maria a few months ago, it would seem like he had gotten bigger in size. Apparently, everyone dealt with grief in their own way.


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