Into the night: The rogue series book one

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Into the night: The rogue series book one Page 3

by Toni Goode

  “Are you now? An adult? You can do what you want?” He said dangerously low as he looked at her. He got right in front of her and grabbed her arm. “You took off from Lawrence fucking Taylor! Do you have any idea the implications of those actions! Do you know what he could do to this family and to this town!” He yelled as he yanked her close.

  “Charles it’s ok.” Lawrence said from the door as they both looked at him. He walked in as Charles let go of her arm.

  “I can’t express how sorry I am and how sorry Emma is for disrespecting you this way.” Charles began to say.

  “Please Charles it is fine.” Lawrence smiled. “This is all overwhelming for her.” He said as he came over to them and Charles backed up. “But I want to make it more comfortable.” Lawrence smiled as he reached out his hand to her and looked at her dad then back at her. He took her shaky hand into his. “From today on I don’t want you to ever have to worry about anything anymore.” He said softly and then he put his hand into his pocket, and he pulled out a ring as her eyes got wide and she gasped in shock. She went to pull her hand back, but he held it tighter as tears began to fill her eyes. “Emma Marie Stevens, will you do me the incredible honor of being my wife?” He asked as he looked at her and she couldn’t help but cry as she looked at her father who was staring at her hard. How was this happening? Why was her father allowing this? She couldn’t breathe as she stood there and then the room began to get fuzzy before her eyes. She fell backwards as Lawrence caught her. She had passed out and for the first time in her life she hoped she never woke up.

  Chapter Three

  Staring at herself in the long full-size mirror. The white gown flowing down her body. Her hair pulled into a fancy bun on the top of her head with just a few red strands showing. This was supposed to be a happy time. A time that every girl has dreamed of. It was the day before her wedding, and she felt nothing but sick as she stood there. The seamstress named Beatrice stood in front of her poked at her dress as she adjusted it more.

  "You must stand straight Miss Emma, or I won’t be able to hem this up." Beatrice said as she tugged on the dress more. Emma fought the tears that threatened to fall. She couldn’t believe that her father was making her do this. This was not a decision she made on her own. Hell, she didn’t love Lawrence. She barely knew him. She wanted none of this.

  Tears streamed down her face as Beatrice finally looked up at her. “Don’t cry Miss Emma. This is a wonderful day and a great blessing for our town.” She spoke softly as Emma shook her head and wiped her eyes. She didn’t want to have this conversation with the seamstress. She had already had a conversation with the most important person behind this, her father.

  "Emma there are things you may not understand." Her father finally began speaking low as he looked out the window.

  "I don’t want to marry him. I don’t want to marry anyone!" She began, and her father looked at her now. His face serious and like stone.

  "He is an elder Emma and will be treated as such." His voice was almost booming. "You will marry him. This is the way of our world. You will see one day why this is so important.” He lowered his voice now. This was the way of the wolf.

  For generations young girls were married off to strong Alpha men. It was done to keep the order in the wolf packs, and it helped to mend certain disagreements among the elders. That’s why she was being forced to marry Lawrence. Over the years there had been fights among the different wolf packs. Mostly over land and territory but with Lawrence’s pack it was because of money. A lot of money. It would also be the joining of the packs something that would be beneficial to the town.

  The sound of a ding alerted them to someone coming into the shop. Beatrice began to walk out of the room as Lexi came into view.

  “I am sorry, but we are closed at the moment dear.” Beatrice said sternly to Lexi who looked at Emma all wide eyed. They hadn’t spoken in days now. Ever since the proposal and the fact that her father took away her phone. It almost felt like she was living in the dark ages now.

  “Please Beatrice, this is my friend.” Emma said quickly as the old woman looked at her.

  “You have five minutes. That’s it. We need to get this dress fixed.” Beatrice said warningly as she walked out of the room and Lexi nervously walked in.

  “Oh wow, it’s true.” Lexi said with wide eyes.

  “Yeah apparently.” Emma said quietly as she looked at Lexi and then tears began to fall down her face as Lexi ran over to her. She hugged her tight as both girls cried.

  After a few moments they pulled back as they both wiped their eyes.

  “I was so worried. I kept texting you and I got no reply.” Lexi began with tears.

  “My dad took my phone.” Emma cried. “I can’t believe this is happening. I don’t want to marry him.”

  “I am so sorry Em. I don’t even know what to say.” She said softly. “I always thought I would be there for your wedding.” Lexi cried.

  “I know. Me too.” Emma said with tears.

  “Times up.” Beatrice said as she walked back in the room. “We don’t have much time.” She said as she walked back over to Emma as Lexi left.

  By the next day Emma stood inside the church as music could be heard. She was standing with the dress on as voices could be heard in the chapel. She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. She knew that if her mother was there that she would never allow this to happen. She wanted so bad to have her mother next to her, but she had no one not even her best friend Lexi.

  Emma stared at herself in the mirror. The white wedding gown fitted to her body and her hair pulled up in a bun. She was already ruining her makeup as she wiped her eyes. The sound of someone knocking on the window made her jump as she quickly looked across the small room and then the knocking continued as she ran over to it. Lexi was outside the window as Emma opened it quick.

  “We don’t have a lot of time, but I can’t let you do this. You need to go. Now.” Lexi said as she spoke quickly.

  “What are you talking about? I’m minutes from getting married to that creep in there.” Emma said with tears.

  “No, you’re not. I am. Now go. Quick. I can buy you some time but not much.” Lexi said as she climbed in the window.

  “I don’t understand what you are saying? My dad will kill me if he sees you.” Emma said with tears.

  Lexi grabbed both of Emma’s upper arms hard. “Look at me Em. You are not marrying that freak ok. You are going to get the hell out of here and have a great life for yourself.” Lexi said with tears. “Now get this god damn dress off, we don’t have much time.” She finished as she began to strip out of her clothes.

  “I can’t let you do this Lex. My dad, he will.” She began as Lexi looked at her.

  “What is he going to do? Yell and punish me? I don’t care. You need to go, ok. You need to go now. Hurry!” Lexi said as she quickly kicked off her jeans and Emma began to get out of that dress.

  A loud knocking on the door made both girls look as they got changed. “Emma, come on. It’s time.” Her father said as the girls took a final look at one another and then they shared a hug.

  “I’m going to come back for you. Somehow. I will.” Emma said with tears as they pulled back.

  “Go on. Get out of here. I have a wedding to go to.” Lexi forced a smile as she pulled the veil over her face effectively concealing her identity. Emma jumped out the window as Lexi opened the door and sucked in a deep breath.

  Charles grabbed her hand and began to lead her to the aisle as the wedding music played.

  Emma ran through the nearby woods as she began to discard her clothes. She could make much more distance in her wolf form and so she jumped in the air as her red wolf appeared. She landed on all for paws as she took off near the edge of the town. She knew they would never stop looking for her. If they did find her then she would not only have to marry Lawrence, but she was sure that some sort of punishment would take place.

  The sight of a large river filled her with happine
ss. The river would be enough to drop her scent completely not that there weren’t other dangers out there like ending up on another clan’s territory, but she couldn’t worry about that right now. She needed to get far away, and she would accept any consequences that would bring with it.

  Lexi got up to Lawrence as Charles began to lift the veil over her face so that she could be presented to Lawrence. He waited with a huge smile on his face but the instant the veil was lifted Charles eyes got wide with shock.

  “Surprise!” Lexi said with a big smile as Lawrence looked at her and then at Charles.

  “Son of a bitch!” Lawrence yelled.

  Emma continued to run upstream until her legs became weak. She had run a ridiculous number of miles in a short period of time. To say that she was exhausted would be an understatement. She would need to hunt for food and rest her tired legs. She decided to head deep into the woods that surrounded her. There she could find food and the much-needed rest. It was already getting dark as she leaned down towards a small stream and began to drink from it. The sight of a small rabbit about ten feet away caught her attention. She was starving and so she began to move slowly towards the small furry animal but the sound of a twig breaking made the rabbit take off quick.

  Emma went after the animal as it darted quickly through bushes and the thick brush ahead. Emma leapt in the air as her animal instincts took over but when she landed something unexpected happened. A huge wire net scooped her up as she yelped. The more she moved, the more it tightened against her. She let out a howl as she fought against the wire prison but to no avail. The energy she asserted forced her body to shift back into her human form. Her naked human form. Could this day get any worse?

  Meanwhile about two miles up the road in a small yet packed bar stood the victor of yet another game of pool as on lookers cheered wildly. "Get this man a beer!" A young but very large man said as he patted the pool champs shoulder. "Good game bro, good game."

  The two men playing pool were indeed brothers, and at the moment the one winning this little game was the oldest of the two. A well-respected member of this pack and Alpha, Nicholas DeLuca.

  "I don’t know when you’re going to learn Sal, I always win." Nicholas said as he rolled a ball onto the table.

  "You should listen to him." A dark-haired female said as she came over and fluttered her eyes at Nicholas. "Your brother always gets what he wants." She licked her lips playfully.

  "Veronica does have a point." Nicholas quickly finished off his beer and then yanked Veronica close as a faint gasp left her lips. Then he was kissing her senseless as the crowd began to dissipate.

  "I'll get that beer." Sal laughed as he walked past them, and the kissing couple pulled back.

  "What do you say we get out of here? I could find some other uses for that mouth of yours." Veronica grinned but before he could answer a smaller guy with a messy mop of blonde hair came running into the bar. He was out of breath as he began to ramble profusely.

  "Joey chill out man, you’re looking all crazed." Nicholas laughed and then turned his attention to Veronica again. Right before they were about to lock lips again the young guy started to talk once more.

  "There’s something." The kid began to say between gasps. "I need to tell you." He said out of breath as Nicholas looked at him annoyed now.

  "Oh, just spit it out Joey, for god sake!" Nicholas said with annoyance.

  "I’m trying to." The boy said with a winded voice. "An outsider." He began as he now got Nicholas’s full attention as he quickly let go of Veronica and turned to the boy.

  "Say again?" He said as if he had heard Joey wrong.

  "A rogue, two miles from here. A girl." Joey said as he took a deep breath and within seconds the entire bar got dead quiet as they all looked at Joey who gulped loudly as he looked at them.

  "Get over here." Nicholas said as he pulled the young kid over by his shirt and Joey's eyes got wide.

  "I’m just the messenger." Joey said with a half squeak as he looked up at the man nearly double his size.

  Nicholas looked around quick at the prying eyes. "Nothing to see here people. Joey is just messing around." He said quickly as he pulled Joey across the room and everyone began chatting amongst themselves once more. "Tell me you’re kidding?"

  "I wish I was Sir, but." Joey said nervously as he looked at Nicholas. "Martin told me to get you. She got caught up in one of our traps, but she is fighting like crazy." He said quietly as Nicholas inhaled deep. He knew exactly what this could mean for their town and none of it was good.

  "Nicholas can we go now?" Veronica said from a few feet away, but Nicholas kept his attention on Joey.

  "Start from the beginning and don’t leave a thing out." Nicholas said quickly and then looked to Veronica. "Rain check." He said, and she huffed with annoyance. He then turned quickly to look at Joey before she could protest and then they were heading to the door as his brother Sal came over.

  "Should I be worried?" Sal said quietly.

  "I’m not sure yet but stay here." Nicholas said as he took Joey outside and away from prying eyes. They quickly went to check out what was in the trap and what they needed to do about it.

  Emma tried to pry open the metal netting that was cutting into her body, but it only seem to make it cut her more. She was trapped, completely naked and now she could hear the sound of voices nearing her. She knew this wouldn’t be good and the second she caught the scent of her kind, she knew this definitely wasn’t going to be good. Trespassing on another wolf’s territory were grounds for death, she knew this. She tried to calm her body as the voices got closer.

  Nicholas looked at the long red hair that dangled from the net. It was a sharp contrast to the pale naked body.

  “She’s been yelling and putting up a fight this whole time. I say we burn the bitch alive!” One of the other pack members by the name of Martin said as he looked at Nicholas.

  “Back up Martin. Let’s see what she has to say for herself.” Nicholas said as he walked over to the net and looked at the woman inside. Bright blue eyes looked back with fear, but it was the red hair that got him. She was stunning.

  “Please don’t burn me. I was just passing through.” She said with worry in her voice as she looked at the hardened face of the man standing next to the net.

  “Just passing through? You did know this was not your territory, did you not?” Nicholas asked as he looked at her.

  “That bitch knew, for all we know this is a trap for us and her men will attack any minute now!” Martin said anxiously as he looked at Nicholas.

  “I got this. You can go” He shooed Martin away.

  “Are you kidding me Nicholas? This chick is trying to play you!” Martin yelled as Nicholas spun and looked at him hard.

  “Do I stutter? I said Go, Now. That’s an order!” He snapped, and Emma swallowed hard. She could see he was an Alpha. She had been around enough of them to know how they spoke and the fear they evoked. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad, maybe he was reasonable? Nicholas looked back at the girl. “Now, where were we?” He asked.

  “I knew, well sort of. I wasn’t planning on staying long enough to find out.” She said seriously.

  “And why was it that you were leaving so fast? Where are you heading to? What pack are you from?” He asked, and she thought for a moment and then decided to go with a lie. It was better than the truth.

  “I um. I don’t have one. I’m a rogue.” She said quickly as she swallowed hard.

  “A rogue? You’re a rogue?” He asked with amusement as he looked at her.

  “Yes.” She said quickly.

  “Cut her down.” He said towards Joey who stood there looking at him but then he put his hand out to him and he looked at her. “If you try and run, I will kill you. Do you understand?” He said quickly, and she nodded her head.

  “I wont run.” She said quickly and then he allowed Joey to cut her down. She fell to the ground hard as she let out a loud grunt.

  Nicholas leaned d
own and pulled the net from her body as her naked form was visible to him. He quickly pulled off his shirt and handed it to her. “Put this on.” He said as he turned and looked at Joey who was all wide eyes as he looked at her. He hit him upside his head as Joey looked at him and flushed.

  “Thanks.” Emma said as she put the too big shirt on, but she was grateful for it. It went nearly to her knees not to mention it was getting cold out.

  Nicholas looked at her. “You’re a rogue?” He asked again. He knew rogues and he had never seen one as clean as her not to mention her hair smelt of shampoo and it looked professionally styled.

  “Yes. Please, I don’t want trouble.” She swallowed hard.

  “I don’t like lying.” He said seriously, and she swallowed hard again.

  “I’m not.” She looked at him. He was massive, and his hair was jet black and nearly down his entire back. He exhumed power, it was overwhelming. His bare chest was massive and covered in intricate tattoos.

  “Where are you heading too?” He asked.

  “New York.” She said quickly as he cocked his head some.

  “You are quite away from New York. What brings you there?” He asked and before she could answer a crack of thunder was heard as lightening cascaded through the sky and they all looked up. “It’s going to come down hard. Let’s get out of here.” He said as he looked at Joey and then at Emma. “My name is Nicholas and I am the leader of the Shadow Pack.” He said as he held his hand out to her.

  “Red.” She lied as she shook his hand. Another crack of thunder made her jump as she looked up.

  “Your name is Red?” He looked at her with confusion and she nodded her head yes. “Come on. We can finish this conversation inside.” He said as he began to walk quickly, and she followed him. He knew there was a look out cabin up ahead and he walked quickly towards it as the first drops of rain hit the ground.

  They all began a quick jog as the cabin came into sight. They got inside just as it began to pour down. Nicholas looked at Joey and told him to turn on the fuse box. Nicholas walked over to the fireplace and began to throw some logs into it. It wasn’t until then that Emma could really take in his size. Now granted most Alpha’s got their name because of their size but he was a handsome man. His muscles had muscles.


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