Into the night: The rogue series book one

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Into the night: The rogue series book one Page 7

by Toni Goode

  “Sir you really shouldn’t go back there.” Christina said softly.

  “Bring me to my fiancée damn it!” Nicholas snapped angrily and Christina quickly shook her head as she began to lead him through the doors. Sal ran his hand over his face. This tragedy would destroy his brother and that worried him.

  Nicholas felt his heart breaking as he walked quickly down the hall. When he had gotten the call about the car accident at first, he thought it was a joke. Alana was always such a kidder but the sound in his brother’s voice made his stomach tighten. What was she doing driving on the other side of town? She didn’t even like to drive but yet she was driving across town? It made no sense. The nurse stopped at a door as she looked at him.

  “Out of my way!” Nicholas snapped and then he was pushing the door open as his eyes landed on her. She was lying on the bed. Covered in a white sheet. It looked like she was sleeping but her skin was so pale. Nicholas couldn’t even believe what he was seeing. His heart was thudding so heavy in his ears that he could barely hear anything else. He felt like he was walking in slow motion as he got up to the bed. His hand went to hers and he gasped when he felt how cold she was. “Oh, dear god.” He said as his head leaned on her chest. “Oh Alana.”

  The next few days after that seemed like a blur. He could barely grasp what had happened to Alana. A freak car accident caused by a falling tree on an abandoned road. What the hell was she doing on that road? His mind was nonstop spinning. They were to be married. Alana was his mate. They had discussed having children right after the ceremony. Alana had been so excited at the prospect of a family that she had already begun to make a nursery. She was always one to be prepared.

  “Nicholas.” The soft voice of her sister Veronica said as she touched his shoulder and he looked up at her. He was nearly done with his third bottle of whiskey as he sat at the bar.

  “Thanks darling. I just didn’t want to leave him in here over night.” Mack said softly as Veronica nodded her head.

  “Go away.” Nicholas tried to shoo Veronica, but she wasn’t leaving without him.

  “Nick, come on. It’s late and Mack is closing up.” She said as she went to touch his hand, but he yanked it back. He stood up now.

  “Why the fuck are you here?” He snapped at Veronica and nearly fell as he swayed back and forth. It took a lot to get him drunk, but he was definitely there. Veronica grabbed onto his arm as he looked at her. “Just leave me here to die!” He snapped.

  “I’m sorry but I can’t do that. I lost her too.” Veronica said with a shake of her head.

  Veronica had helped him grieve over Alana. Both of them mourning a loss. They had found comfort in one another as time went on. Friends quickly turned to lovers. It had been three years since Alana’s death. The council had been kind enough to give him a grieving period before he would have to pick another mate. It wouldn’t be a surprise that Veronica would be next in line but the thought of starting a life once again with anyone seemed like a distant thought. He was able to push thoughts of Alana out of his mind for the most part, but he still lived in the house they shared and then today when Red came walking in the kitchen with that concert tee shirt on. Well it began to stir things back in him.

  “You ok man?” Steele asked as he was snapped from his thoughts.

  “Yeah. Let’s go inside.” Nicholas said quickly as they walked in.

  Chapter Seven

  The place smelled like cleaning supplies and music played in the background. Steele looked at Nicholas. “You’ve been doing some cleaning?” Steele smirked as Nicholas rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen where the music was playing the loudest.

  Both men stopped in the door way as they watched Emma dancing at the sink. Her hips swaying to the music. Their eyes landed on her ass that was perfectly accented in those jeans.

  Nicholas looked at Steele who was grinning from ear to ear. Nicholas nudged him hard and then cleared his throat as Emma jumped and spun around. Her eyes wide and her hands full of soap as she looked at both men. The guy with Nicholas looked to be seven feet tall and just as broad. His hair was jet black and so long it would make any girl jealous of those luscious locks.

  “Sorry I um.” Emma swallowed hard.

  “What are you doing?” Nicholas said somewhat angry.

  “I was cleaning. I thought the place could use a once over.” Emma said nervously as she looked at Nicholas and then the tall man.

  “This isn’t your place to do this!” Nicholas snapped as he stormed out of the room.

  “I just. I thought.” Emma said as she stood there. The tall man stood looking at her in the door way.

  “I apologize for my rude friend. I think your cleaning was spectacular and you were right this place needed it. “Steele said as he walked closer to her and she stepped back some. “My name is Steele.” He put his hand out to her and she swallowed hard.

  “Red.” She said as she shook his hand.

  “Foo fighters, huh?” He smirked as he looked at her shirt.

  “I’m sorry what?” She blinked with confusion.

  “The shirt. It’s a great band. I saw them in concert twice.” He said with a grin.

  “Oh. Yeah this isn’t mine. I just needed a shirt. And mine had mud on it.” She said nervously as she shook her head. “Sorry I’m rambling now.” She swallowed hard.

  “It’s ok.” He said as he opened the fridge and pulled a beer out. He held one out for her and she gratefully took it. He grabbed two more. “I will be right back.” He said as he walked into the living room where Nicholas stood by the tv. He was flipping through the channels. “Dude you didn’t have to be so rough with her.” Steele said as he held out a beer for Nicholas.

  “This isn’t her place. Hell, she isn’t even a guest here.” Nicholas said dryly.

  “Ok that may be true but how do you expect to get any information out of her if you’re constantly being a dick?” Steele smirked.

  “I will take that as a compliment.” Nicholas said sarcastically. “Oh, and by the way she isn’t as innocent as she looks. She tried to take off twice.” He added.

  “Well I mean look at the situation Nick. Hell, I would be more worried if she didn’t try to run off.” Steele laughed. “She’s got fire and spunk.”

  “Yeah well she is also a big pain in my ass and if the rest of the pack finds out that she is here. Well let’s just say that I would have more to worry about than just her.” He said seriously.

  “I’m a pain in your ass? Seriously? You’re holding me captive!’ Emma snapped as she walked into the room and both men looked at her. Steele smirked and Nicholas ran his hand through his hair.

  “Ok before you both start throwing fists lets discuss this like adults.” Steele said as he got between them.

  “There is no reasoning with him.” Emma spun around.

  “Reasoning? Hell, you will barely talk to me.” Nicholas said with a shake of his head.

  “All I did was ask him to let me leave and he wont even do that. I’m not a criminal!” She huffed loudly.

  “Ok I don’t think anyone is calling you a criminal, Emma.” Steele said as she went to say something but then she looked at him.

  “What did you say?” She said in shock. “I didn’t tell you my name.” She said quietly as she looked at him.

  “God damn it! Are you kidding me? You’re Princess Emma? Really!” Nicholas snapped at her.

  “What? No. What are you talking about?” Emma felt her heart race, but Steele held up his phone. On the phone was a picture of her from last year at a Christmas party that she had gone to with her father.

  “Sorry sweetheart but the jig is up.” Steele said softly.

  “That’s not me. I’m not.” She began to hyperventilate and then she threw her beer at Nicholas as she ran for the back door.

  “See this is what she does!” Nicholas threw a hand in the air.

  “You go through the back and I will come around from the front.” Steele said as they both took o
ff running.

  Emma decided to trick Nicholas this time as she ran outside and instead of going straight, she ran around the side of the house. She heard the back door open and she felt relief as she continued to run but seconds later, she was skidding to a stop. Steele stood there with his hands on his hips.

  “Shit!” She spun and Nicholas stood there shaking his head. “Damn it you can’t make me stay here!” She yelled.

  “No, you are absolutely right about that. I’m calling your father.” Nicholas said quickly.

  “What?” Steele and Emma both said in unison.

  “She’s the god damn princess!” Nicholas snapped.

  “Stop calling me that! I’m not a fucking princess!” She yelled angrily.

  “Oh, you absolutely are, and he will have both of our heads if we don’t call him.” Nicholas said towards Steele.

  “Nick, she left for a reason. Maybe we should hear her out?” Steele began.

  “And why the hell would I believe a word she says. If anything, she left because her father didn’t get her the newest iPhone.” Nicholas said sarcastically.

  “Screw you! You know nothing about me!” Emma yelled.

  “Maybe because everything you have told me is a lie!” He snapped back at her.

  “Ok. Time out.” Steele moved between them as he looked back and forth. “Nothing is going to get accomplished by yelling.” He added.

  Emma rolled her eyes as she looked at Nicholas. “Just let me go, ok.” She said softly.

  “We’re wasting our time and I seriously have better things to worry about than royalty.” Nicholas said quickly.

  “You have no idea what I have been through, ok!” She snapped at Nicholas.

  “Alright! Fuck! Can we just bring this inside before all of the neighbors are alerted to your true identity?” Steele said quickly. “Come on. Let’s hear her out.” Steele said as he looked at Nicholas.

  Nicholas smiled sarcastically. “Sure. I will let you lead the way.” He put his hand out as he looked at Emma. She sighed but she began to walk back towards the door. One thing she knew for sure is that she wouldn’t go back to her pack. She would die before she did that!

  Once inside Nicholas grabbed another beer as they all made their way into the living room. Emma refused to sit as she put her hands on her hips.

  “Lets all just start over, ok?” Steele said as he looked at them. “The lies stop here.” He added.

  “Yeah we’ll see about that.” Nicholas rolled his eyes as he sipped his beer.

  “So, you’re Emma Stevens and your father is the infamous Alpha Charles Stevens.” Steele said as Emma sighed.

  “Yeah and?” Emma said defensively.

  “She is going to fight us tooth and nail.” Nicholas said with a shake of his head.

  Emma ignored him and looked at Steele. “Yes, my father is Alpha Charles and I’m not a princess. I’m twenty-one years old and all I ever wanted was to live my own life.” Emma said with tears in her eyes. “I ran from home because.” Her voice trailed as she wiped some tears. “I couldn’t marry Lawrence. I just couldn’t.” She added.

  “Lawrence? As in Alpha Lawrence Taylor from the Nightfall pack?” Nicholas said in shock. Emma didn’t speak as she wiped her eyes. “Oh great. Now we are truly fucked. I’m sure Lawrence is already out looking for you.” He shook his head with disapproval.

  “Listen we can help.” Steele added as Nicholas nearly spit out his beer as he looked at Steele.

  “What the hell man! We can’t help her! Lawrence will kill all of us.” Nicholas shook his head.

  “Well I would rather be dead than to go back there!” Emma snapped.

  “Can we have a moment?” Steele asked her.

  “Are you kidding? She will take off again.” Nicholas said sarcastically.

  “I wasn’t asking you. I was asking Emma. I know she wont run, will you?” Steele asked her softly. She liked his soft demeanor. Even at nearly seven feet tall he was gentle.

  “I won’t run.” Emma sighed heavily as she walked over to the couch and sat on it. She sipped her beer as the guys went down the hallway. It had been forever since Steele had been back to Nicholas’ place. The last time he saw him face to face was at Alana’s funeral. He felt bad for his friend. He knew Nicholas was still mourning her loss and he probably would forever. Steele made his way to Nicholas’ bedroom but much to his surprise, Nicholas went across the hall to another room.

  “Oh, I see you have changed things up a bit.” Steele smirked and then he saw the emotion in Nicholas’ eyes. “Shit man, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make a joke.” He apologized.

  “It’s fine. The room is better off being locked.” Nicholas said with a shake of his head as they walked into his bedroom. He then closed the door. He spoke before Steele. “She’s god damn royalty. This is not going to turn out well.”

  “Listen we both know how Lawrence can be. He is a sick bastard hence why he isn’t an ally.” Steele said seriously. “We should listen to what she has to say. She could help us to figure out what Lawrence has been up to.” Steele said honestly.

  “Well apparently he is trying to get married and join the two packs together.” Nicholas said dryly.

  “Come on man, look at her. The chick isn’t right for Lawrence. The man is like double her age not to mention he is a huge egotistical asshole.” Steele said seriously.

  “So, what exactly do you think we should do? It’s only a matter of time before Lawrence has his men going to all the packs. He is not a stupid man.” Nicholas said seriously.

  “Let’s see what she has to say for herself and then I can take her off your hands. She can go with me, back to my pack.” Steele said honestly.

  “What? Your pack?” Nicholas said in shock. He wasn’t expecting Steele to say that. He hated to admit that even though the chick infuriated him, well she also intrigued him. She was different than the other women he knew. She didn’t grovel and drop to her knees for him. It was refreshing for a change.

  “Do you have a problem with that? I mean you said she is a pain in the ass, and I do run a rogue pack.” Steele said quickly.

  “No. She stays until I say she can go.” Nicholas said a bit defensively.

  “Damn bro make up your mind.” Steele laughed. “You should have just come out and said you wanted the chick for yourself.” Steele smirked.

  “I didn’t say that. This is strictly professional. I’m the Alpha here and she is my problem.” Nicholas added.

  “Well you aren’t doing such a good job with her. I mean have you even gone to the council to tell them about her. Have you told the pack here?” Steele raised an eyebrow.

  “I was trying to get the information I needed first.” Nicholas walked across the room.

  “Well, haven’t you ever heard the saying that, ‘You can get more bees with honey than vinegar?’” Steele said with a grin.

  “I don’t think we will get any honey at all but let’s see what she says.” Nicholas said dryly and then they left the bedroom. As they neared the living room once more, he saw that she was gone. “Son of a bitch! I told you she would run!” He snapped.

  “Hang on, we don’t know for sure that she left.” Steele said quickly.

  “Have you always been this naive?” Nicholas said with a shake of his head.

  The sound of the bathroom door opening made them both look down the hall as she walked out.

  “See?” Steele smirked.

  “You do know I heard everything you two said. Seriously the walls are paper thin here.” Emma said dryly. “I will tell you what you want to know.” She finally added. “But under one circumstance. When I tell you the truth then you will let me go to New York.”

  “Fair enough but might I add that my group of orphans have a really nice town in Pennsylvania. All country and close to the water.” Steele grinned.

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” Nicholas said sarcastically and then he looked at Emma. Explain how you ended up here?”

>   “I need another beer.” She said honestly.

  “I think we all need something stronger than a beer.” Steele grinned as he walked into the kitchen.

  “There’s some vodka in the fridge.” Nicholas called out and then he looked at Emma. “Do you understand the position you have put me in?” He asked her.

  “I told you that I didn’t want you to get involved. If you would have just let me go.” She began with annoyance.

  “Ok enough with all of this back and forth bullshit. You’re both going to give me a headache.” Steele said as he came back in the room with three shot glasses and a bottle of vodka.

  Emma walked over to him and grabbed the bottle of vodka. She took a big swig from it as she stood there and then she grabbed a shot glass.

  “Ok you may want to pace yourself.” Steele said as she poured herself a shot and then she went to pour some more but Nicholas grabbed the bottle from her.

  “Ok settle down already. Leave some for the rest of us.” Nicholas said as he poured himself a drink and she rolled her eyes.

  “He is very bossy!” She huffed as she looked at Steele.

  “Bossy? I’m responsible for the lives of fifty people. I’m a little more than bossy.” Nicholas said sarcastically as he poured himself a shot and drank it quick. He poured one for Steele too. They both sat down as she stood across from them.

  “So now what am I supposed to do? Spill all my secrets?” She said sarcastically.

  “For starters, yeah.” Nicholas said dryly.

  “Don’t mind him. Just say what you want. We can help you.” Steele said seriously.

  “I don’t know what to say. Lawrence came into town with a few of his men and the next day I am being forced to marry him. I almost did it too if it hadn’t been for.” Her words trailed. Somehow with all the excitement and stress she had forgot what Lexi had done for her. Images of what Lawrence and her father may have done to Lexi were haunting. “I need to get her. You need to help me get her.” She finally gasped.

  “Get who? You’re rambling.” Nicholas said dryly.

  “Just let her talk. Go on sweetheart.” Steele said with a smile.


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