Into the night: The rogue series book one

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Into the night: The rogue series book one Page 11

by Toni Goode

  “Exactly. When you were in school. This isn’t a ‘school like’ position.” He said sarcastically.

  “I’m serious, why can’t you just give me a chance to prove myself?!” She snapped at him.

  “Do you even know how long some of the pack has waited for certain positions to open up? You just got here and yet you ask for a job that others have waited awhile for.” He said seriously as he turned from her.

  “You know if you hate me being here so much, why do you make me stay? I could easily just find my own place.” She snapped angrily at him. He was so hot and cold all the time and she was over it.

  Nicholas stopped walking as he kept his back to her. The anger he felt about her wasn’t exactly her fault. He was angrier at himself because of the sudden intense urges he had. “I’m really not trying to be an ass, ok?” He began as he slowly turned and looked at her. “It’s not every day that I agree to have someone stay here with me.”

  “Ok, I understand that but still.” She said with a long sigh.

  “Alright, I will think about it.” He finally said and she couldn’t help the smile on her face. At least this was a start.

  “You will? Thank you.” She said with a smile.

  “Don’t thank me yet.” He said as he began to walk again.

  “I saw you have horses. Could I ride on one?” She asked even though she knew it was a long shot. She was sure he would say no.

  “The stallions? You saw them?” He turned and looked at her.

  “I wasn’t snooping, I promise. I just. I heard them and I wanted to see for myself.” She swallowed hard.

  “Can you ride?” He said as he draped the towel around his neck.

  “I used to. My grandpa had a few.” She said with a nervous smile. She hated that she couldn’t read him at all.

  “Ok then. Change into something more appropriate for riding.” He said as she glanced down at her body. She wore shorts and a plain t-shirt. “Trust me, you don’t want your legs torn up from the ride.

  “The ride?” She said in shock. She couldn’t believe her ears. Was he actually trying to be nice and civil to her?

  “You want to ride one, right?” He said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, of course. I would love to. I can ride one for real?” She said in shock.

  “If you can get changed quick enough.” He shook his head.

  “I’m on it.” She said as she followed him into the house quickly.

  Emma was beyond excited as she got to the bedroom. She was going to ride a stallion. How crazy is that? She grabbed a pair of jeans and quickly got them on but as she did, she felt something in her back pocket. She pulled out the picture that was there and her eyes locked on it. It was a picture of Nicholas and the woman from the picture on the fireplace mantel. There was writing on the back as she flipped it over.

  Life may not be perfect all the time but you’re perfect for me.

  Emma swallowed hard as a knock was heard on the bedroom door. She quickly shoved the picture in the drawer. “Hang on a sec.” She called out.

  “I will meet you by the stables.” He called out and she quickly put her hair back into a ponytail as she left the room.

  Emma walked up to the stable and she could hear him talking softly to the stallions. She watched him for a moment before he noticed her. He almost seemed like a different person when he talked to them. He was very loving and soft spoken with them. He turned and looked at her.

  “What are their names?” She asked as she walked in the stable more.

  “This big fella over here is Dante.” He said as he ran his hand over the black mane and then he walked over to Reddish brown one. “This lovely lady is called Lucky.” He said as Emma walked over to them more and he was surprised to see that they weren’t scared of her at all. They were usually skittish around new people. Hell, Veronica still couldn’t get close to them with them kicking and hitting into their stalls.

  “How long have you had them?” She asked as she began to pet Dante and Nicholas watched in continued shock.

  “I found them wild about ten years ago. Everyone thought I was crazy bringing wild stallions back here, but they came back willing.” He said seriously as he walked across the stable and began to grab the gear.

  “They seem to have adjusted quite well.” She said as she rubbed against Lucky. They both had really surprised him.

  “Well I suppose they know a good deal when they see it. They get fed three times a day and they don’t have to sleep in the rain.” He said as she continued to pet them both. “Do you know how to saddle them up?” He asked as she walked over to him.

  “Yeah unfortunately my grandfather made me care for them for nearly a year before I could ride them.” She said seriously.

  “Sounds like a smart man. You have to respect them and they you.” He said as he handed her a heavy saddle. He watched as she walked over to the black one and got it onto his back. “You sure you want to ride the feisty one?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Feisty? This bundle of pudding?” She smiled at Dante as she pet his mane and he rubbed against her. He hadn’t seen Dante act this way around anyone but one person. Alana.

  “I see how this is buddy. I won’t forget it. Traitor” He said playfully towards Dante as Emma continued to strap the saddle on him. Nicholas watched as she fixed the saddle on Dante like a pro. “You might want to take it easy with him at first. He is known to be a runner.” He said as she led Dante out of the stall.

  “I got this big guy.” She kissed Dante’s nose and then she led him over to a step stool as she got onto it. Nicholas watched with shock as she got onto Dante all by herself. He had difficulty getting on Dante most times himself.

  He got on Lucky and then both stallions began to walk out of the stable side by side. “We will use a safer trail that doesn’t have any cliffs.” He said sarcastically and then he was moving past her fast.

  “We are not going to let him outshine us now, are we Dante?” She said to the black beauty as they too took off.

  They went the opposite way then they had gone during the run earlier. The trail was beautiful. The entire property was. She felt free being able to ride Dante. He wasn’t feisty at all, if anything he was the opposite. She did however always have that sort of bond with animals. She liked them better than people most days.

  They made it to a large clearing full of green grass. Both Stallions slowed down to a walk as they began to eat the grass below.

  “Does your grandfather still have the horses?” Nicholas finally spoke after minutes of them just enjoying the serenity of the ride.

  “Not after he passed. My grandmother couldn’t take care of them by herself and so one of the towns folk took them over. I haven’t seen them in years.” She said with a sadness in her voice.

  “I’m sure you could have still visited them.” He said as she looked at him.

  “A lot of stuff happened then, and I no longer had the time.” She said honestly.

  “School?” He nodded his head.

  “Well that and an overbearing father.” She said with a shake of her head.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to at least let him know that you are ok?” He asked and she shook her head.

  “No. He’s not the same father I once knew. Greed changes people.” She said honestly.

  “Yeah that can happen.” He said softly.

  “He would have made a ton of money if I married Lawrence.” She said honestly.

  “I’m sure there were other issues at play. Lawrence is known to intimidate the best of men.” He said seriously.

  “And what about Anthony? When you thought I was from his pack you seemed enraged by him.” She couldn’t help but say.

  “Yeah he has his own demons that he messes around with.” Nicholas said dryly.

  “There should be a limit as to how long someone can be Alpha of the pack. It shouldn’t be till death. Some Alpha’s should have been gone a long time ago.” She said seriously. “I mean I am not
saying that you should. I mean. I’m not.” She rambled with her words.

  “No offense taken, and I agree. Times change and if Alpha’s are unwilling to accept that then they should definitely step down and let another Alpha come in his place.” He said seriously.

  “Or maybe it is time for a female Alpha.” She smirked. “I mean since times are changing and all.”

  “Women are too emotional for that.” He began as she rolled her eyes.

  “Do you seriously believe that? I know plenty of men who are overly emotional.” She said sarcastically.

  “That may be true for some but most of the time they are not Alpha’s. In a true Alpha it is in our nature to lead not to follow.” He said seriously.

  “I know some women who would make damn good leaders if given a chance.” She said honestly.

  “And let me guess that would, be you?” He rolled his eyes at her.

  “Actually no. I wouldn’t want all of that responsibly.” She said quickly. “Sometimes it feels like the humans have evolved more than a lot of the packs have.” She added.

  “You may have a point there.” He shook his head.

  “Did you always want to be a leader?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  “Not always. I was misguided as a teen.” He said seriously as the stallions began to walk once more.

  “Misguided? You mean your mother didn’t give birth to a grumpy hard ass?” She smirked some.

  “Wow, tell me how you really feel!” He laughed some and it was a nice sound.

  “So, are you an only child then?” She asked. She literally knew nothing about him.

  “No. My brother actually came by the other day. He was the one yelling at me like he always does.” He said as he ran his hand through his hair.

  “Oh yeah I remember him. He was a good distraction for me to take off.” She said sarcastically and he laughed again.

  “Sal does have a way about him. Always had since we were kids.” He shook his head.

  “So how did you become Alpha and not him?” She couldn’t help but ask.

  “Age has a lot to do with it. I am older but there are other things I suppose.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “So did your parents just analyze you while you were growing up?” She asked.

  “Yeah I guess it was something like that.” He said with a shake of his head. “My father was Alpha before he passed.” He added.

  “Oh.” She said softly. “Sorry for your loss.”

  “It was a while ago, but I think that we should head back.” He said quickly. She could tell that he didn’t like talking about his family, but she wanted to know so much more. Even though this was awkward, it was also nice. They were actually having a conversation.

  “Ok.” She said with disappointment in her voice as they began to head back to his place.

  They got the stallions back into the stable and they unloaded the saddles. “Thank you for letting me take this beauty out for a spin.” She finally said as awkward silence filled the air.

  “Dante seems to have taken a liking to you pretty quick.” He said in response.

  “Well I hear that I am a likable person.” She smirked.

  “Perhaps when you’re not yelling or demanding things.” He said with a smirk. He had a nice smile. She liked looking at it.

  They both walked out of the stable and headed towards the house. “I’m thinking about throwing some steaks on the grill. Hungry?” He asked as they walked.

  “That sounds great actually.” She said with a soft smile as they went into the house. “I could make a salad?” She asked as she walked over to the fridge.

  “I may or may not have the ingredients for that.” He grinned some. “I need to grab some steaks anyway. I will pick up stuff at the store.” He said as he began to leave the living room.

  “Can I come along?” She asked as he stopped and thought for a moment. He really liked being around her. Not only was she very easy on the eyes but she was honest and somewhat vulnerable but also very smart.

  “Grocery shopping it is.” He said and she couldn’t hide the smile on her face as they headed to the store.

  It had been a long time since Emma had gone food shopping. Ever since her mother had passed her father had hired a care taker by the name of Miss Margaret. She had taken care of all the house cleaning and food shopping, but Emma really missed this. Being in a supermarket and pushing a shopping cart. It felt so normal and that was a good thing.

  Nicholas watched her as she made her way through every aisle. She looked like an excited child as she put things in the cart.

  “You know I was only trying to pick up some steaks and salad.” He said as she stopped walking and turned to look at him.

  “Ok, just a few more things.” She smiled as she grabbed a bag of chips and kept walking. They neared the meats and she began to inspect the chicken as Nicholas walked over to the steaks. Emma put a few packages of chicken in the cart and then she walked over to the lobsters that moved around the tank.

  “You want lobsters too?” Nicholas smirked.

  “Oh gross. I wouldn’t eat those. They are alive.” She cringed.

  “And yet the chicken and cow that were about to eat wasn’t alive?” He said sarcastically.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “Lobsters are different.” She said as she walked past him, and he sighed as he held the steaks in his hand. She walked towards the fruits and veggie aisle, but she stopped when she saw ice cream. She grabbed a half gallon of it and smiled. “You can’t go wrong with ice cream.” She smirked as she put it in the cart and continued to walk as he followed her.

  It wasn’t lost on him that everyone in the store was watching them intently. News of the rogue in town was spreading faster than he would have liked. No one said anything of course because he was their leader and they looked up to him.

  Emma grabbed tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, strawberries and carrots. She looked at the bottles of salad dressing and grabbed a ranch one and a thousand island one. Nicholas neared her. “Corn on the cob. I almost forgot it.” She said as she walked past him and over to the stand with the corn on it. She grabbed a few ears of corn and turned to look at Nicholas who had a smirk on is face. He looked so carefree. He was really gorgeous.

  “So, are we done now?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yeah, we have enough now.” She grinned as they made their way to a register. Emma began to put stuff on the conveyer belt as the cashier watched her with wide eyes. Emma tried to act nonchalant, but it wasn’t lost on her that everyone in that store was looking at her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Emma cut up the vegetables inside the kitchen as she looked out the window. Nicholas was grilling steaks, chicken and corn. The smell in the air was delicious. He looked like he belonged behind the grill and he glanced up and looked at her as she quickly looked back down at the veggies she was cutting. She transferred everything into a bowl and put it on the table as he came through the back door. He had two large steaks on a plate, and he placed them on the table.

  “The chicken still needs more time, but we can start with these.” He said as he walked to the fridge and pulled out two beers. He handed her one. “The salad looks good.” He said.

  “Something tells me that you haven’t had a salad in a long time.” She smirked.

  “Ok you got me. But it still looks good.” He smirked now as they both sat down.

  They ate in silence. “This is really good.” She said as she continued to eat her steak. She couldn’t believe how hungry she was but as she took the last bite of her steak she leaned back in the chair. She was stuffed now.

  “Wow, impressive. You ate the whole thing.” He said in shock as he finished off his last few bites.

  “The steak was amazing.” She said as she got up and grabbed another beer. She handed him one too as they began to clean off the dishes side by side. His arm brushed against hers and it sent a delicious chill down her spine as she looked at him. He really was
a work of art. He glanced down at her as she continued to stare at him. His eyes landed on her lips. The ones he wanted to kiss badly but a knock on the front door made them both quickly move away from each other.

  Nicholas walked to the door and opened it as his brother Sal stood there but he wasn’t alone. He had his wife Beth and two sons with him. They were twins, Charly and Oliver. The boys were only three years old. They each had a child on a hip.

  “Damn it smells good in here. We must be in time to eat.” Sal smirked some as he walked in with his family.

  “Hi Nick. Boys say hello to your Uncle Nick.” Beth said with a soft smile. Sal and Beth had been together since high school. They were a match made in heaven. Beth resembled a school teacher in her baby blue dress with flats on. She had short red hair and it matched the boy’s hair.

  “Hey Beth.” Nicholas ran his hand through his hair. “The boys are getting so big.” He said seriously as he messed with Oliver’s hair and he was rewarded with a laugh. “Here taken him I have to use the bathroom.” Beth said as she handed off Oliver quickly.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to stop by.” Nicholas said as he looked at his brother.

  “I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I was out of line.” Sal said apologetically as Charly squirmed to get out of his arms and he finally put the toddler down and then Nicholas put Oliver down as they boys began to run around the living room.

  “I was out of line too.” Nicholas said softly and Sal looked at him in shock.

  “Is that an apology?” Sal said with a smirk.

  “Shut up.” Nicholas smirked as the boys ran into the kitchen.

  Emma was shocked by the two small boys who ran into the kitchen. They both had light red hair and big blue eyes. They were dressed in the cutest denim overalls. They stopped and stared up at her as she smiled.

  “Hello. Aren’t you two just the cutest little boys ever.” She said as she knelt down with them.

  “Don’t let their cute faces distract you from their true intentions. They are mini tornados and every room they leave looks like a disaster took place but enough about that. I don’t think we were ever properly introduced. I’m Salvatore but everyone calls me Sal.” He put his hand out to her as she stood up and shook it.


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