Game On

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Game On Page 7

by Cheryl Douglas

  Brianna knew Evan was trying to protect her from becoming his brother’s next casualty, but in that moment, she wished he’d never ventured downstairs.

  Chapter Seven

  This time it was Ryan who was trying to block Evan out. No such luck.

  “What the hell were you thinkin’ mixin’ it up with Bri?”

  I was thinking I want to be intimate with the woman I love. “It’s none of your business; just stay out of it.”

  “Like hell. Brianna’s like a sister to me. If you think I’m gonna stand by and watch you treat her like you do all those other-”

  “Watch it, man.”

  “I’m serious. I never said shit all those times I saw women comin’ and goin’ from your place like you had a revolvin’ door on your bedroom. But this is different. This is Bri. I love her.”

  “Yeah, so do I.” Ryan knew Evan loved Brianna like a protective big brother. He would be shocked and likely appalled if Ryan confessed the depth of his feelings for her. His past relationships with women tainted everyone’s opinion of his ability to commit to just one woman, rightly so, but he wanted to prove to everyone, especially Brianna, that he was willing to change. He’d already changed. He hadn’t been with anyone since before the holidays, and for him, that was a new record. The last time he’d gone without sex that long, he’d had mono and been bed-ridden for two months.

  “Then why are you messin’ with her this way? Josh would have your ass if he found out, not to mention Aiden, Jay, and Mike.”

  Aiden was one of Ryan’s closest friends, and he didn’t want to compromise his friendship with Brianna’s brother, but he wasn’t going to let anyone convince him that he was the wrong man for her. Tonight she’d confirmed the attraction was mutual, and in spite of the inherent risk to their friendship if things didn’t work out, he knew he couldn’t spend the rest of his life suffering in silence.

  “I’m not messin’ with her. I care about her, a lot.”

  “Man, gettin’ laid has always been easy for you. Why not just stick to the chicks you usually go out with? Is it because Bri’s a challenge? Is that why she does it for you?”

  Everything about her turned him on, from the soft and gentle exterior the world saw to the paradox he’d witnessed in the courtroom: the tough lady lawyer ready to fight to the death to secure a victory. There was nothing he didn’t know about her, nothing he didn’t love.

  “You haven’t got a clue,” Ryan muttered. This wasn’t the time to confess his feelings to his brother. It seemed cruel to tell him he’d finally found the woman of his dreams when Evan had just lost his soul mate. “I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.”

  “You really think I’m gonna let you off the hook that easily?”

  “You don’t have a choice.” Ryan pulled into his brother’s driveway. He didn’t bother to cut the engine. The sooner he could get out of there, the better. “See ya at the office tomorrow.”

  “I’m not finished talkin’ about this,” Evan said, reaching for the door handle.

  “That’s a damn shame, ‘cause I’m through listenin’.” He grinned when Evan scowled at him. “I know you’re concerned about Bri. I get that, but you don’t have to worry. I’d never do anything to hurt her. You have my word.”

  Evan looked at him a long time before he asked, “Why doesn’t that make me feel better?”

  Ryan chuckled. “Go in there and get some sleep. You look like shit.”

  Evan smiled, one of the first smiles Ryan had seen from him all night. “Thanks a lot, asshole.”


  Brianna had just slipped into her sweats and given her cat a small bowl of wet food when her phone rang. She glanced at the call display. Ryan. Since when did a late-night call from her best friend make her heart pound like she’d just run a marathon? Since he kissed her like she’d never been kissed before. She considered avoiding the call, since she had no idea how to explain what happened between them, but she knew if she did, he would likely show up at her door determined to talk. God only knew where that might lead, given her current state of mind.

  She reached for her cordless phone the second before her voice mail kicked in. “Hey, Spencer, what’s up?” She tried to keep it light and friendly, as though either one of them could forget what happened an hour ago.

  “I just dropped Evan off. He read me the riot act for comin’ on to you tonight.”

  Just the sound of his voice, which she’d heard a thousand times before, twisted her stomach up in knots. What was happening to her? She couldn’t allow herself to feel this way about Ryan, of all people. He was wrong for her, for so many reasons, not the least of which was his policy regarding interchangeable women.

  “I hope you told him it works both ways. I wasn’t exactly fighting you off.” She cursed when she realized he was probably grinning from ear to ear after that admission. “Don’t think I can’t keep my hands off you. I’m not like all the other women who throw themselves at you.” Maybe she had seemed that way tonight, but every woman was entitled to a moment of weakness when a gorgeous, sexy man was wielding his tongue like a weapon, wasn’t she?

  “No, you’re nothin’ like them,” he said quietly.

  She wasn’t used to this softer, gentler side of Ryan. Sure, he’d always been there for her when she needed a shoulder to cry on, but this was different. It was almost felt like he was pursuing her, which was ridiculous. Wasn’t it?

  “Well, it’s a work day tomorrow. I guess I should get some sleep.” And dream about that kiss. Damn you, Ryan Spencer.

  “I haven’t seen much of you this week. How did things go with Clint and his family?”

  She cringed at the memory of one of the most awkward nights she’d ever spent in a man’s company. “It was, uh, strange.”

  “How so?”

  “He and his father don’t get along very well. I get the feelin’ his poor mama has to run interference a lot.”

  “So why’d he take you along? He expected the old man to be on his best behavior if a stranger was thrown into the mix?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve been trying to figure out why he wanted me there. It doesn’t make sense.” She reached down to pet her Himalayan cat, Coco. “He’s a nice enough guy, but-” She didn’t know if she should admit to Ryan her attraction to the country singer had already fizzled and died She’d wanted to feel something for Clint, but after her experience with Jared, she’d promised herself she wouldn’t waste any more time with the wrong men.

  “But… what?” When she didn’t respond, he said, “Bri, I’m still the same guy. You can tell me anything, you know that. I’ll try to listen, as your friend, not as the guy who kissed you senseless a little while ago.”

  She smiled. Ryan had this uncanny ability to make her smile regardless of the circumstances. He made the worst seem bearable and the best seem even better when he was there to share it with her. She had an amazing family and extended family and several close friends, but no one like Ryan. That’s what scared her. If they found the courage to pursue their attraction and she lost him, she couldn’t imagine what her life would be like without him.

  “I don’t think Clint’s the guy for me, Ry.”

  He chuckled. “Hell, I coulda told you that.”

  “I like him,” she said quickly. “It’s just… when he kisses me…”

  “Uh, Bri.” He cleared his throat. “This may fall under the heading of too much information.”

  She took a deep breath and found the courage to say exactly what was on her mind. This was Ryan. She’d always been able to tell him anything and everything. “I don’t feel the way I do when you kiss me.”

  She could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “I take back what I said. That was just the right amount of information.”

  “What the hell are we doin’ here?” she whispered. “This might be the biggest mistake we’ve ever made, Ry.”

  “Yeah, or it could be the smartest risk I’ve ever taken.”

  She let hi
s words sink in as she thought about the implications of taking that risk with him. “I don’t know…”

  “We don’t have to decide anything tonight. Just get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow at the office, okay?”

  “Okay, good night.”

  “Sweet dreams, angel.”

  She closed her eyes and let his deep voice envelop her. She was used to hearing the laughter in his voice, accustomed to his teasing and sarcasm, but the ache of longing she heard tonight was so uncharacteristic, she didn’t know how to respond, so she merely said, “’Night.”


  Ryan looked up from his spreadsheet to see Aiden Cooper darkening his doorway. “Long time no see, buddy. How’s it goin’?”

  “Save the b.s. for someone who’ll buy it, Spencer. I want to know what the hell you think you’re doin’ with my sister.”

  Ryan couldn’t believe Evan had sold him out, but who else could it have been? Brianna wouldn’t have openly shared this information with her brother, so it had to be Evan. “Come in, and close the door behind you.” He gestured to the chair across from him. “Just shut up and listen, before you start readin’ me the riot act.”

  They had been friends their whole lives. There was little Ryan wouldn’t say to Aiden, but when it came to the man’s baby sister, he knew he had to tread lightly. “I told you not too long ago about that night my buddy brought her to a party…”

  “Yeah, you said you had too much to drink, and you guys kissed.” Aiden sat down, leaning forward as though he was poised to strike at the slightest provocation. “I suggested you talk to her about it, so you could move on. I take it you didn’t take my advice?”

  Ryan considered his options and chose his next words carefully. “I’ve had feelings for Bri for a long time, man. Since long before that night.”

  “What the hell are you talkin’ about?” Aiden sat back, staring at him quizzically, as though he was half-expecting the punch line to come next. “You and Bri? Come on, you’re messin’ with me.”

  “No, I’m not.” Ryan braced his elbows on his desk and leaned forward. “I’m dead serious.”

  “Are you tellin’ me you two have…”

  Aiden couldn’t seem to get the words out, and Ryan was grateful because discussing that with Brianna’s brother would definitely cross the line. “No, we haven’t. I wanna take it slow.” Ryan smiled when Aiden looked skeptical. “I know this is a new approach for me, but Bri’s special. I don’t wanna screw this up.”

  “So, she knows how you feel about her?”

  “Not exactly. She knows I’m attracted to her, but neither one of us wants to make a mistake that could cost us our friendship.”

  “You’ve got a lot of friends, Ry.”

  “Yeah, but none like Brianna.” Ryan looked at Aiden a long time, hoping he could express his feelings in a way his friend would understand. “She gets me, in a way no other woman ever has. You know what I mean?”

  A slow smile spread across Aiden’s face. “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’ve got dozens of guys in my life who’d take a hit for me, who’d have my back in a fight, but Sela’s the first person I call when I need someone to talk to.”

  “That’s just it,” Ryan said, sighing. “It’s always been that way for me and Bri.” He held up his Blackberry, flashing his contact list. “She’s number one on my speed dial, the first person I think to call when I need to vent or laugh or celebrate…”

  “So how come you’re just figurin’ this out now?” Aiden asked, crossing his booted foot over his knee. “You said that incident at the party happened a few years ago.”

  Ryan leaned back in his swivel chair, knowing it was time to admit the truth to himself and his friend. “This may come as a surprise to you, but I’m a shallow, self-centered, egotistical son of a bitch.”

  Aiden threw his head back and laughed. “You think that’s news?”

  The two men smiled before Ryan said, “I thought I had to get all this craziness out of my system before settlin’ down with just one woman, ya know?”

  “And you think you’ve got it all out of your system? You think Bri’s the one for you?”

  “How would you feel if I said I thought she was?” Ryan held his breath, waiting. He loved Brianna’s family like his own, and he wanted their approval even more than he realized.

  “You’ve got a reputation, Ry. Granted, you’ve earned it, but if you promise me you’d never do anything to hurt my sister, I’ll believe you.”

  “I swear to you,” Ryan said, holding up his right hand. “If she decides to give this thing a chance, she’ll be the only woman in my life. I’d never do anything to hurt or embarrass her. You gotta believe me.”

  Aiden seemed to consider his request as he tipped his head to one side, scanning his face for some hint that he was being insincere. “I do believe you.”

  “How do you think Josh is gonna feel about this?” Brianna’s father and Luc had been close friends for years. Josh knew Ryan’s reputation with women as well as anyone, and it scared Ryan to think of how Josh might respond when he found out that he’d set his sights on his baby girl.

  “That’s between you and my old man.” Aiden got to his feet, a smirk on his face. “Good luck with that, buddy. You just might need it.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ryan couldn’t get Aiden’s gibe out of his head all day, so he decided to man up and tell Josh the truth. He knew it could end for he and Brianna before it even began if her parents didn’t approve, but if Ryan could convince her father he was sincere, it could go a long way toward convincing the woman herself that he was playing for keeps.

  He stood on the wrap-around porch and rang the doorbell. This house had been a home away from home for him growing up. He thought of the weekends he’d slept over, hanging out with Aiden, or the fishing trips with Josh and Aiden that he and Evan had enjoyed as kids. These people were his family and he didn’t want to lose them anymore than he wanted to lose Brianna.

  Josh opened the door with a smile. “Since when do you ring the doorbell, kid? You’re family, not company.” He slapped Ryan on the back as he stepped into the open foyer.

  The house was filled with the warmth of rich wood and natural stone, so different from the opulent mansion he’d grown up in. Walking in to the Cooper home always made Ryan feel like he’d stepped into a welcoming retreat, where some of his best childhood memories resided.

  “Aiden’s playin’ in Chicago tonight,” Josh said. “Let’s grab a beer and head downstairs to watch it on the tube.”

  “Lexi around?” Ryan asked, following him into the kitchen.

  “No, she and Sierra went to visit Alisa and the baby.” He chuckled. “That poor kid doesn’t get five minutes peace with all the people around smotherin’ him with affection all the time.”

  Ryan rolled his eyes as he accepted the long neck from Josh. “Yeah, I really feel for him.”

  Josh laughed and slapped him on the back as they headed down the staircase leading to the family room and games room in the basement. “It was a nice surprise when you called and said you wanted to stop by tonight. I know how busy you and Evan are with Titan.”

  “Yeah,” Ryan said, sitting down on the distressed leather couch across from the big screen TV. “But you know my brother; he’s taken it way too far. He works crazy hours, and his commitment to the company has cost him a hell of a lot.”

  “Yeah,” Josh said, sinking into the loveseat next to Ryan. “I was real sorry to hear about what happened between him and Erika. She’s a good girl.”

  “That she is,” Ryan said, taking a polite sip of the beer he didn’t want before setting it down on the coffee table.

  “Think they’ll be able to work things out?” Josh asked, reaching for the remote control on the coffee table.

  “I’d like to say yes, but I’m a realist. Evan is who he is, and I don’t see that changin’ anytime soon.” Ryan cringed as soon as the words left his mouth. They were true, but he didn’t need to re
mind Josh how unlikely it was for people to change.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Josh said, setting the remote down on the cushion beside him once he’d located the right station. “It’s a damn shame, though. For most of us, a love like that only comes along once in a lifetime, if we’re lucky.”

  Ryan knew that was his opening. “That’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about, Josh.”

  Josh glanced at the screen when he saw his son being interviewed. “What’s that?”

  He reached for the beer bottle when he realized his mouth was too dry to get the words out. “Um, me and Brianna.”

  “What about you and Brianna?”

  Josh’s eyes narrowed and Ryan had an inkling of how his suspects must have felt when he cornered them in an interrogation room. “I, uh, like her, a lot.” That didn’t even begin to describe his feelings for her, but he knew Josh would have to get used to the idea before he revealed his true intentions.

  “What do you mean, you like her? I already know that. You two have been the best of friends for as long as I can remember.” Josh kicked his feet up on the coffee table, waiting for Ryan to continue.

  If he’d thought explaining himself to Aiden was difficult, it was nothing compared to this. “Yeah well, I’m beginnin’ to think there may be more to it than that.”

  “How much more?”

  Josh was deceptively calm when he posed the question, but Ryan wasn’t fooled. His police training had obviously taught him to reveal nothing. “I care about her, more than I’ve ever cared about any woman.”

  “That wouldn’t be too tough. Hell, there have been plenty of first dates that I can recall, but not too many second dates.”

  Ryan hated that he couldn’t dispute Josh’s assertion. “I never intentionally hurt any of those women, you need to know that. They all knew the score. We went out, had a good time, maybe we slept together… or not. But I told them all from the start that I wasn’t interested in any more than that. I wasn’t seein’ half a dozen women at a time, and I wasn’t lyin’ about what I was doin’ when we weren’t together.”


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