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Connectivity Page 21

by Aven Ellis

  “I have the wine you like,” he says. “I just need to order a pizza.”

  He gets up out of bed, and I get a complete view of him: the way his dark waves cascade to the back of his head; the gorgeous back muscles; how his body narrows to his waist, the nice butt he has . . . God, did I really just sleep with him, this insanely gorgeous English man?

  William goes into his vast closet and disappears, and I know he is getting dressed. He comes out with a navy blue, crew neck cashmere sweater on and jeans. William tosses me one of his shirts—a white Prada dress shirt—and pair of boxer shorts.

  “If you fold the shorts over a few times, they should stay up,” William says.

  “Thank you,” I say, loving the fact I am going to be in his clothes right now. I stand up and I feel William’s eyes move over me as I step into the boxers and roll them up.

  “You are so beautiful,” he says softly.

  I blush as I slip into his crisp white shirt. I glance at him and I know our clothes won’t be staying on for very long tonight from the look in his eyes.

  “Thank you,” I say softly. I begin to button it, but William walks over to me and takes over for me, his fingertips lightly grazing against me as he slowly buttons one button up at a time.

  Heat sears through me as he does this. My God, I want this man. Again and again and again.

  After he does the last button, William cups my face in his hands and kisses me. I melt into him, wrapping my arms around him, knowing this man is now mine in every sense of the word.

  He breaks the kiss and we link our hands together. Our fingers are entwined, we are looking into each other’s eyes, and I know I am staring at my present and future. Where that future is, I do not know, but whether it is London or Chicago I don’t care.

  My future is with William Cumberland, and William Cumberland alone.

  And I refuse to imagine a future without him in it.

  This has been the best weekend of my life.

  I think about this as I wake up in William’s bed on Sunday morning. I turn over and see he is already out of bed, and I know he’s probably working in his office, as it is nearly nine-thirty in the morning.

  I curl up happily in the fine Italian linens that are on his bed and see the dress I wore last night draped over his chair. It was a perfect evening, with me wearing this gorgeous Alice + Olivia metallic A-line dress and black peep-toe Jimmy Choo heels. Jimmy Choo! William put on one of his dashing black Burberry suits and we had the best night ever at the Peninsula. We had an amazing Cantonese dinner at the Shanghai Terrace—a gorgeous restaurant with a sexy 1930s supper club décor vibe, then drinks in the same bar where we flirted like mad with each other back on Valentine’s Day.

  Then we came back here and decided we should investigate if the dual-head showers really did work at the same time. I smile to myself thinking of the amazing sex we had in the steam shower and, oh God yes, I can officially confirm they do.

  “Mary-Kate?” I hear William say softly.

  I roll over and find William in the doorway, holding a Venti-sized Starbucks cup in his hand.

  My heart fills with joy the second I see him. “Good morning,” I say happily, sitting up.

  William walks over and sits down on the edge of the bed and he hands me the cup.

  “For you,” he says, smiling. “A proper American coffee. With cream.”

  I take it from him. “Thank you,” I say, kissing him on the lips. I take a sip. “Have you been working?”

  William nods. “I went for a swim and, yes, I’ve been working. I have that blasted interview with the Chicago Tribune tomorrow and media relations wanted to go over some things with me to prepare.”

  I remember putting this on his calendar and how agitated William was because he hates, or should I say loathes, doing media interviews. I can already see the tension on his face from thinking about it.

  “Do you want me to walk in and confirm you are not asexual?” I tease, stroking my fingers through his hair in a calming manner.

  I feel him relax the second I touch him, and he flashes me a grin. “Although that would make for great copy, no. What do you have planned for today?”

  “I am going to finish that PowerPoint presentation for you,” I say, taking another sip of my coffee. “And then I need to begin my next article for the Beautiful Homes Network.”

  William picks up my free hand and brings it to his lips, kissing my knuckles. “What are you writing about this time?”

  “Sunday brunch,” I say. “And as homework for the article, I’m going to run down to Whole Foods and get things to make you American pancakes to eat this morning.”

  William’s brow creases. “I’m not sure I will like those. They look very thick. Not like British pancakes.”

  “William Cumberland, you will at least try them as you have never had my American pancakes with pure maple syrup!”

  William flashes me a smile. “Well, I am particularly fond of a certain Bossy American, so I suppose I shall try them, darling.”

  I feel myself blush when he calls me “darling.” Oh, I love how that sounds!

  “Okay, I am going to get ready to go to Whole Foods,” I say. “You work, and when I get back I’ll cook for us.”

  “Don’t be too long,” William says, getting up. He bends down and plants a kiss on the top of my head.

  “I won’t,” I promise.

  He smiles and then heads back to his office.

  I put the Starbucks cup on the nightstand and draw my knees up to my chest. I look around his room, which feels now like our room. Everything between us is just so right. The emotional connection, the physical chemistry, the way we both want to work and be together and share this life and support each other—that is what love is about. That is what I had never realized could exist until I found William.

  I flop back down on the bed, feeling nothing but pure elation and joy in my heart. My nerves tingle with excitement, and I grab his pillow, inhaling the delicious scent of him as I hold it to me.

  The hard part is over now. We are together and I know we’ll be together, and, really, it is just a matter of sorting out logistics. I know William hasn’t said these things, but I know his heart. I know he’s thinking the same things I am.

  Comforted that it is all sorted out and my future truly is here in my hands, I happily get up to go run errands and cook the man that I love breakfast.

  It’s just that simple.

  And it always will be.

  Chapter 27

  I can hardly believe it is already the middle of May.

  My life has changed so much in just a few short months. I am dating William and the world seems to know about it. We have appeared in gossip columns in both Chicago and London. William didn’t issue a denial through his publicist. Rather, each report was met with a terse ‘William Cumberland does not comment on his personal life’ statement.

  I grin to myself as I walk down Michigan Avenue, the morning sun glinting off the skyscrapers around me. Yep, long gone are the days of ‘William Cumberland is gay’ whispers.

  This made things at work rather interesting, to say the least. But since we are nothing but professional there, and nobody would dare say anything to my face about it, it has been survivable.

  Of course, I had to bring this up to my parents, who were, at first, stunned I was dating anyone, let alone a British billionaire. I brought William to Easter dinner in Milwaukee and my family just seemed to sputter and stare at him, hardly believing the most powerful man in communications was not only in their living room, but dating their daughter.

  And then Michelle forced me to a back bedroom and accused me of trying to upstage her wedding by dating William. Through gritted teeth, I told her I am dating William, will not apologize for him being rich and famous, a
nd if she wanted to kick me out of her wedding, then I’d be happy to step aside and let someone else deal with her bullshit because I was done. That conversation led to us not speaking for the rest of the day, which was actually kind of nice.

  But it was so painfully embarrassing, the whole damn afternoon, yet William handled it. Just like he always does. He was pleasant and even made small talk—which I know is painful for him—and I know he did all of this because he loves me. We still haven’t said those words, but there are some things I just know. That is the one thing I am most sure of than anything else in this world.

  He will tell me he loves me, I think as I enter the Collective Media Enterprises building, when he is ready to. I know those words—those words that have never been said to William by those closest to him—are the hardest words for him to say. Even to me. But he will. I know he will.

  I spend a lot of time at William’s penthouse, more than my own apartment in Lincoln Park. Things with Reese and Emily aren’t the same. I realize I am a completely different person now, and my new life, the new me, doesn’t fit with the old life I had there with them. Once William and I discuss the future, I plan to give up my room in July, when my lease is up. Because I will no doubt I’ll be in London with William by June anyway.

  I step onto the elevator and scroll through my iPhone. I have a few texts from Kristin and Laurel, two new friends I made at the Beautiful Homes Network, and, of course, one from William. He is across town promoting his new charity initiative at a women’s group breakfast meeting, and I couldn’t be prouder of him doing that. My heart flutters as I read his text.

  Breakfast a smashing success. Also have really good news for you. Something you have wanted for a long time now. Will tell you when I get back in. WC

  Gah, what good news? What? I hate when he tortures me like this. I quickly text back.


  I wait and receive a rapid-fire response from William.

  No, not until I get back. Then you can unseal my lips. In whatever way you deem appropriate. WC

  I blush as I step off on my floor. God, really, he can’t be any sexier, can he?

  I get to my cubicle and get situated. I follow my normal routine now, of getting things ready for William and then the other things he has me do, like add my thoughts to proposals or initiatives, which I really have come to enjoy, or assist him with research, which William is really big on. I enjoy that as well, and it is something I never expected.

  I get started on one of the projects William has given me, and before I know it, I hear him talking on his cell phone as he comes down the hall.

  “That is bloody fantastic news,” I hear William say. “Bloody brilliant . . . yes . . . Very well . . . right . . .”

  I look up and William is striding toward me, looking oh-so-suave in his navy Burberry suit and white dress shirt.

  “I need to go, but I’m very pleased. Goodbye.” William grins at me as he pauses outside his doorway. “Please come in, Ms. Grant.”

  I smile and walk past him.

  William shuts the door and moves around me.

  “I just kissed you in my head, darling,” William says, smiling as he walks past me to his desk.

  I laugh softly. “Thank you.”

  “So that was Luke from London,” William says, leaning against his desk so he’s facing me. “Connectivity mobile revenue is going to have a spectacular second quarter. Bloody hell, we’re shattering records. I knew the focus on mobile would pay off. I knew it!”

  I see the excitement on his handsome face, and I am so proud of him I could just burst.

  “You’re brilliant,” I say honestly. “William, you are so far ahead and all your competitors can do is play catch up. I’m so proud of you. We’ll celebrate tonight.”

  “We might be celebrating for another reason. Because I’m not the only one who is brilliant around here,” William says, raising his eyebrow. “Care to know my news for you?”

  “Of course!” I say excitedly. “What do you have to tell me?”

  William rubs his hand over his jaw in a thinking way. “Perhaps it should wait. I have some phone calls I need to make and—”

  “William Cumberland! Tell me now!” I cry, exasperated.

  William’s blue eyes sparkle at me. “Okay, I’ll share. Jennifer Lewis was raving about your articles again. And Jennifer would like to interview you for a full-time writing position on her staff. The job is virtual, of course, so you can do it anywhere, but she is very interested in you for the position.”

  A writer, I think, my heart pounding excitedly. Jennifer Lewis, editor for the Beautiful Homes Network web page, wants to interview me to be a writer. I am so excited I can hardly think. I could do this for a living! I’m still in TV, but I’m writing. In addition to my blog, which now has more than five hundred readers. I . . . my God, could I actually be a professional writer?

  “I gave her my blessing to interview you,” William says slowly. “And of course, in a few weeks, you will be free to leave me and transfer over to work under her.”

  Suddenly my elation comes to a screeching halt. My heart stops. “Wh-what?” I whisper, stunned as I process his words. “What do you mean, ‘leave you?’”

  William’s eyes hold steady with mine. “I know working for me is not what you went to Northwestern for, Mary-Kate,” he says softly. “You’re not an assistant. You’re a writer.”

  All of a sudden, I start to feel sick. Really, really sick. He . . . William . . . he is going to let me go?

  I swallow hard, but my throat is dry. Words can’t come out. I can’t get my head around this.

  William wants me to leave him.

  “Mary-Kate, don’t be afraid to tell me how you feel,” William says quietly. “I know how important your career is to you. You deserve this chance. You deserve so much more than to be my assistant. And I promised you when you took this job you just had to commit to me for six months. You upheld that. And now I am upholding my end of the deal.”

  I stand still. The room is spinning. I feel torn in half, absolutely torn. Of course I want to write. But I have been doing that while being William’s right hand. I enjoy working with him, being part of his work, collaborating with him, working by his side. I . . . I can’t imagine not being with him in this capacity. I can’t.

  Except you beat it into his head your career was above all else. And now William is trying to hand it to you. What are you going to do, turn him down?

  Then I realize what I am thinking. I am thinking of turning down a writing job because of love. I am thinking of doing the one thing I swore I would never, ever do.

  But is it wrong to keep doing something I love, like working for William? And just keep writing on the side?

  “Mary-Kate?” William asks. “Are you all right?”

  His words slap me out of my thoughts. Oh my God. Oh my God. I can’t turn this down, right?

  Because if I do, I think, panicking, I’ll be like Michelle, I’ll be like my mom. I’ll be another woman sacrificing her career for a man.

  And just like that my world is turned upside down.

  “I’m thrilled,” I spit out, forcing a smile on my face. “I could be a writer! I am so excited to have this chance!”

  The words sound fake and strangled as they escape my lips.

  “You are a writer, Mary-Kate,” William says.

  I see his eyes are flickering over me, assessing me, trying to read what is in my head.

  “William,” I say slowly, needing to convince myself as much as I do him of my words, “I am so grateful for this chance. I know this wouldn’t have happened without you.”

  “No,” William says firmly. “It might have taken longer to get there, but you have always been destined to be a writer, Mary-Kate.”

e stare at each other for a moment, realizing what this means. If I get this job, it is the end of our working relationship.

  And as I look at the man I love with all my heart, the man I have worked side-by-side with for six months, the man who has given me everything I never knew I needed until I met him, I cannot imagine not being a part of his day, every day, in that capacity.

  But that is exactly what is going to happen if I get this job.

  Suddenly his phone rings and I am jarred out of my thoughts. I move around him to answer his phone.

  “William Cumberland’s office, this is MK speaking,” I say, realizing that if I do get this job, someone else will be doing this for William.

  I put the phone on hold and fight to compose myself. “That is Mark Riggan from Snap-shots.”

  “Right,” William says quietly, staring at me.

  I quickly dart out of his office while he picks up the phone. I hear his voice, the in-command voice of my badass mogul, and I sink down into my chair, reeling from everything that just happened.

  The career I have always wanted is within my grasp.

  But to grasp it, I have to walk away from working with the man I love.

  And it takes everything I have not to burst into tears.

  Chapter 28

  By the end of the day, I am utterly exhausted from thinking about the bombshell that William unknowingly dropped on me by telling me about the writing job at the Beautiful Homes Network.

  I am curled up on the couch next to him, dressed in my usual evening attire of yoga pants and a hoodie, my brain trying to sort itself out while he works on his iPad beside me. I am still shaken by today, by my reaction to the writing job and the possibility of leaving William.

  God, why is this happening? I never, ever expected to be so confused about my career. Ever.

  But I never expected to be madly in love with my boss, either.


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