Through the Mirror

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Through the Mirror Page 6

by Adriana Kraft

  "I see.” How was he going to keep the upper hand if she was always a step ahead of him?

  "I doubt that,” she murmured.

  Had she intended for him to hear her muttering? “Can we do lunch tomorrow?"

  "I'll check.” She extracted a palm pilot from the depths of her purse and flipped it open. “Not tomorrow. I have a committee meeting. Let's see. I have student appointments nearly all day Wednesday. Maybe Thursday?"

  He shook his head. “I'm having lunch with the dean."

  "Oh. Oh, well. Maybe we should plan something for the weekend. Would you like that?"

  "Sure. Why not?” He couldn't keep a trace of annoyance from his voice.

  She looked at him oddly. “Are you mad at me?"

  Time to back up. “Of course not. We both have a lot of responsibilities and busy schedules."

  She checked her watch and stuck her tongue out at him. “I have fifteen minutes. I could come to your office and blow you, if you want?"

  He winced. “That won't be necessary."

  "Too bad. No need to get testy about it. I was just offering.” She gathered her things preparing to leave. “Why don't we get together Saturday afternoon? I'm sure we'll find something to do."

  He nodded. “Okay. You want me to pick you up?"

  "No. I'm not exactly sure when I'll be ready. Why don't I pick you up mid-afternoon?” Lacy pushed her chair back and stood. “I've got other things to do. Does that sound like a plan?"

  "Sure.” He remained sitting, gripping his coffee cup with both hands. “Call me?"

  She smiled over her shoulder. “Maybe. If I have more trouble falling asleep I'll give you a buzz. That was fun last night, and very effective."

  He watched her strut out of the cafeteria wondering what had just transpired. He'd have to be more careful—suggesting he could come on a dig had clearly set her off. Had he been brushed off? Certainly for tonight. Certainly for the week. Would she show up on Saturday? She'd made it clear she didn't want him to come by her place. Was he merely a handy sleeping aid?

  Maybe he should've accepted her idea of coming to his office. Had that been a dare? Or would blowing him off have been a sympathetic last gesture? If she was dumping him, he sure as hell didn't need or want her sympathy. And he wasn't about to be dumped. Not yet, anyway. He still had her ass to fuck.

  * * * *

  Lacy glared at her reflection in her bedroom mirror. She was pathetic. The green satin gown she wore usually made her feel lovely and loveable. Tonight it did nothing but taunt her. Why had she shoved Doug away again? She'd been looking forward to tonight wondering who would show up—Dr. Jekyll, or Mr. Hyde.

  Her blood chilled. Her eyelids narrowed to slits. She yanked the front of her gown open and twisted her nipples until pain caused her to squeal. She didn't want gentle. She didn't need gentle. She didn't deserve gentle.

  Why did he have to quiz her about her field work? Why did he have to be so understanding and interested in what she did? She only wanted sex. He kept trying to extract more from her than she was willing to yield. She would never take him to the desert. She didn't want him to meet Isabella and the others. She didn't want him to learn about her journeys. She didn't want him...

  Lacy sighed shakily and yanked the satin up over her bosom. She was on the brink of losing control. She knew what she had to do. Solemnly, she lit several candles, cleansed the room with sage and sat cross-legged in the middle of the room focusing on a single burning candle. She took deep breaths. At last her breathing steadied.

  She rose and offered a prayer and a plea to the spirits. She settled back down on the blanket she'd spread over the carpet. She leaned over and hit a button on her stereo center to start a drumming tape.

  She was about to journey. She had to reconnect with the two Dougs. Maybe then she could make some sense out of her one Doug. Relaxing, Lacy let the drumbeat fill her senses. Her entire bedroom throbbed with the beat of the drum. She was ready. She waited for the mirror portal to appear.

  She tried not to scowl at the old familiar tree trunk. She knew better than to question the spirits. She stepped into the trunk and allowed herself to be swished down through the tunnel. She landed with a crash on hard ground. Glancing about her she soon realized she was in a cave. It was softly lighted. Blankets covered a nearby section of the floor. Lacy beamed. Yes, this would make a perfect love nest. So where were her Dougs?

  She frowned. Where was her guide? This wasn't right. Perspiration beaded her brow. What if she couldn't get back? It was one thing not to have a guide when Isabella was drumming her journey. It was quite another when she was journeying without any assistance. Shaking her head, trying to rid herself of foreboding, Lacy began a closer inspection of the cave. There had to be clues telling her where she was and why she was there. When would Doug arrive? He was never late.

  Was that part of her difficulty with him? He was too perfect? Too loving? She didn't deserve his love. She didn't want his love. God, she hated that word. She sat on the blanket in the corner of the cave and drew her knees to her chest. Wrapping her arms around her knees, she shuddered, giving in to tears.

  She thought she'd been loved once. She thought she'd been in love once. She shook her head. But she'd been wrong. Terribly wrong. Frederico had been a gentle lover. She had gloried in how he had adored her. At times, it seemed like he had placed her on a pedestal, almost to the point that she became untouchable. But she never doubted his love until he left her—not for another woman, but for a man.

  Lacy cringed and sobbed. The rejection still hurt. She knew now Frederico had done his best not to hurt her. But that didn't mean she still didn't hurt. God, she hated love. But why did she enjoy sex so much? Sex was as necessary to her as air. Since Frederico, she'd seldom been without plenty of sex. She could never quite get enough—never be completely satisfied. Did that make her greedy or unlovable?

  "You are neither greedy nor unlovable, querida."

  "Isabella. You! How?” Even through misty eyes she saw the knowing smile of her friend and mentor in matters of sex.

  "You know better than to question how. I am here. That should be enough."

  "It is. It is.” Lacy leaped to her feet to accept the embrace Isabella offered. She continued to cry uncontrollably in the woman's arms. “I'm such a mess,” she sobbed.

  "You are a lovely person, querida. If you weren't I wouldn't be here."

  Lacy took several steps backward and brushed tears from her eyes. “Why are you here, Isabella? I didn't call for you. I wanted..."

  A lazy smile spread across Isabella lips. “I know you wanted the two Dougs."

  Lacy scowled. Did she have no private thoughts or desires?

  "It's okay to want both of him. You want all of Doug, just as he wants all of you."

  "Yes, but—"

  "But you're not ready to give him all of you?"

  She shook her head from side to side.

  Isabella shrugged. “At least it's good to know that. Maybe you never will make yourself that available to him. Only you can choose to do that."

  "Well, I'm glad I still have some choice in the matter."

  "You pout so well.” Isabella laughed. “Don't be so hard on yourself. You're a young woman who has been deeply wounded. That makes you very human, I think."

  "But my sexual appetites?"

  "Ah, yes. Fortunately, I do know about them.” Isabella grinned mischievously. “They are a gift from the gods. Don't be afraid of them. Is your body not a temple?"

  Lacy nodded slowly.

  "Then don't let guilt squeeze out your desire to explore and celebrate. You enjoy sex. Do you use your curiosity—your joy—to hurt other people?"

  She shook her head.

  "Do you coerce others to do what you want?"

  "I encourage them,” she squeaked, hoping that wasn't wrong.

  "Yes, I have enjoyed how you seek what you desire. And what of this Doug, or should I say these Dougs?"

  Lacy turned away and b
reathed deeply. When she turned around she gasped. Isabella was gone.

  Vaguely, she heard the change of the drumbeat. She was being called back to her bedroom. She didn't want to go. Nonetheless she found herself back in the tunnel. Otter waved to her, urging her to hurry. He didn't want her to lose her way between the two worlds.

  Lacy sighed at the sound of the last drumbeat. She rubbed her eyes and cheeks. They were still damp. She sat up and stared at her reflection in the mirror. Why did she feel so strangely satisfied? She hadn't hooked up with either Doug on her journey. Hadn't that been her goal? Even Isabella hadn't made love with her. She frowned. Made love? Didn't she and Isabella always have sex? Where had the idea of making love come from?

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  —Would she show up, or wouldn't she? Doug was growing weary of trying to keep one step ahead of the mercurial woman. He refused to look again at the clock. He knew it was mid-afternoon. She'd said she'd pick him up about now. But then, who knew what Lacy might mean by mid-afternoon? She was seldom on time for anything. He hadn't heard from her or seen her since their Monday lunch. This was getting old, plus it made it hard to stay in control of the game.

  Was it time to start thinking about moving on? She'd had such promise. She'd worked her way under his skin shortly after they'd met. Well, probably not deliberately, but he'd been captivated by her zest for life and her body. She usually dressed to flaunt her curves. Did anyone else see her body screaming for sex, or was that just his gift? More important, did it mean she'd be open to the future he had in mind? When she chose to, she could clearly deliver on what her body advertised. Would she commit, or just continue to tease?

  A knock on his apartment door jarred him out of his errant musings.

  Quickly, he traversed the length of the apartment and swung the door wide. There she was grinning at him warmly as if it was the most routine thing for her to do. He stepped aside and let her enter.

  "Did you think I wasn't coming?” Lacy teased, skimming her lips across his cheek.

  "I wasn't sure what to think.” He kept his tone even.

  "Wouldn't want you to become too complacent.” She rose on her tiptoes and kissed him softly. He began to engulf her in his arms, but she shook her head. “Later,” she murmured. “It's such a beautiful Indian summer day I thought we should spend some of it outside."

  He could see her nipples puckering beneath the yellow shell that partially concealed them. The white mini skirt showed off her deeply tanned thighs and legs. Her shoes were open-toed, with straps around her ankles. Yes, she was dressed for an August day in October. “If the weather is as hot as you are, it must be quite hot."

  "Thanks for the compliment. I wanted to take advantage of the day—we might not get this kind of weather again until next June."

  "You're right. What did you have in mind?"

  "How about Walden Pond or Concord? I want to be out in the fresh air."

  "Sounds find to me. I'll turn out the light in the kitchen and I'm ready."

  * * * *

  Doug clasped Lacy's hand loosely as they hiked around Walden Pond. The water was as clear as glass. There was hardly a breeze. The leaves were past their peak color so there wasn't much competition for space along the trails, though they had stopped and talked with a family with a couple young kids. Actually, watching her with them had surprised him. She'd taken great delight explaining to the four-year-old how leaves got different colors in the fall.

  He slipped his arm around her waist and she nestled against his hip. Suddenly without warning, Lacy broke away from his grasp and dashed ahead of him. Her mini-skirt flipped up, revealing red panties. He shook his head and ran after her.

  She veered off the trail and headed up the ridge.

  "Where are you going?” he shouted. The only response he heard was laughter. He followed, as she obviously knew he would.

  When he reached the top of the ridge, Lacy was resting against a fallen tree breathing heavily. “I may not...” she wheezed, “be in as good shape as I thought."

  Grabbing his own knees, Doug nodded agreement. “Keeping up with you is wearing me out."

  "Poor boy,” she pouted. She smiled provocatively. Her nipples pushed against her thin sweater. She stood and hugged him. Her lips left a trail of wetness across his neck. Her hand covered his growing arousal. “He's not worn out."

  "Not likely,” he groaned.


  He watched Lacy turn around to lean across the fallen tree. She turned her head to look at him. “Well?"

  "Well, what?” he responded.

  "Don't you want to fuck me?” She flipped her skirt up over her back.

  The sight of red panties wedged in her crotch turned him painfully hard. “But—"

  "But nothing,” she taunted. “This should work as well as your desk. There's hardly anyone else out here. If anyone passes beneath us on the trail, they won't see us any way. Just don't make a lot of noise."

  "What about the Browns—the family we talked to?"

  "They were headed home, remember? Don't be a sissy, Doug. I want you. I want you right here.” She tugged her panties to the side. Her damp pussy gleamed at him. “This might be my last chance to screw outdoors before winter."

  Doug glanced around. They were well shielded from the path. And there didn't seem to be anybody else about. And Lacy's pussy did look very needy. And his cock was begging him to choose the high road and be a Good Samaritan. “Okay,” he mumbled, tugging at his belt with one hand and his zipper with the other. In two strides, he was behind her more than ready.

  "All right!” she yelped. “Don't delay."

  He didn't. He slid into her wetness and groaned, then bent over her back and planted several kisses along the cord of her neck.

  She moaned and wiggled her butt. “Hurry. We're out here in the wilds, Doug. Fuck me like an animal, remember? Be lustful."

  Remember? Remember what? They hadn't made love outdoors before. Lustful. If that's what she wanted, he'd do lustful. Red blotches formed behind his eyes. He reared back and slammed Lacy into the log.

  "Wow, that's more like it,” she moaned. “Be my mountain man. I'm your mountain woman."

  He had no idea what a mountain man or woman did, but he was aware of her use of the word your. Was she admitting she was his woman? He rammed into her hard. Was he making her his woman now?

  "Claw at my back."

  He complied.

  "Dig your nails in,” she screamed. “Don't stopped fucking me. I'm almost there. Bite my shoulder."

  He never slowed his hips while leaning over to sink his teeth into her tender flesh.

  "Yes,” she squealed. “Don't stop. Good God, I'm coming."

  Swallowing his own howls, he erupted within her without finesse.

  "So good.” She moaned. “So very good. You may be a keeper yet."

  His eyes flared. Did she have any idea of what she was saying, or were her words merely an expression of her sated state? He sensed the rustling of the leaves in a breeze that had suddenly picked up and remembered where they were. Quiet? He doubted Lacy was ever quiet when she climaxed. Reluctantly, he stood straight. His teeth marks on her shoulder surprised even him. He hoped he hadn't hurt her. She didn't seem to be complaining. He squeezed her buttocks, pulled out, quickly tucked his penis back in his briefs and pulled up his pants.

  Lacy rolled over onto her back and stretched languidly. “That was outstanding. You do have a savage streak that you try to keep under wraps, don't you?"

  He saw no need to respond, but folded his arms across his chest as she idly played with the blonde curls marking her pussy.

  "Do you think this tree fell in this specific spot just so we could come along and use it? I read a novel once about a mountain man. He fucked a woman lying over a log. He laughed at the woman when she told him it was simply a matter of flipping up a skirt and lowering bloomers.” She grinned. “I thought bloomers would be too hot for this esc

  "So you planned this all along?"

  "Of course. Why would you think otherwise?” She flipped her skirt back down and stood up.

  Silently, he took her in his arms and hugged her close.

  * * * *

  A month later, Lacey peered over her reading glasses at Doug sitting on her living room floor in front of the fireplace reading a magazine about Civil War history. He was totally engrossed. The man had a knack for engaging himself fully in whatever he was about. Obviously, she was the one holding back in their relationship. She didn't quite know how they'd come to be spending so much time together. He was much easier to be with than she'd expected—not demanding, perfectly capable of staying absorbed in his own interests and letting her pursue hers. How had they gotten so comfortable together?

  A wind gust rattled the living room window. Lacy pulled her robe tighter. Had it been only a month since that very warm day at Walden Pond? He'd taken her like a wild man that afternoon. She hadn't come close to unhinging him like that since. That had been a torrid afternoon in more than one way. Now it looked like an early winter was setting in. The holidays weren't that far away.

  She shuddered. What would she get Doug for Christmas, assuming they were still involved by then? She smiled as he absently nodded at something he was reading. Her thoughts drifted. Surprisingly, she could imagine them still being together. He was definitely growing on her—she wasn't ready to let him go, just yet. But she knew better than to get too comfortable. She'd already let him keep a toothbrush and razor in her bathroom. She inhaled sharply. That was a huge step.

  He seemed to be satisfied splitting his time between her home and his apartment. She sure wasn't ready for him to move in—move in? Was that what he was angling for? Son of a bitch! That wouldn't happen any time soon—if ever.

  She glanced down at the novel she'd been reading then sharply back at him. What would he get her for Christmas? She closed her eyes and saw black. Holy shit! He wouldn't do that!? She didn't even like diamonds. Doug wouldn't make a dumb move like that. Would he? He knew they weren't into marriage, kids and happily-ever-after stuff. Her heart clutched.


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