by Cynthia Dane
After the shows were over and they were debriefed, they would go their separate ways only to meet up again later. Sometimes Olivia would sneak to his room, and other times Rick convinced her to go out with him. On their days off, when they could get them, Rick spoiled her with trips to local restaurants and the usual touristy things that people liked to do. Sometimes they went with other dancers as well. Have to keep up appearances. The only way Olivia and Rick could openly be seen together was if someone else was with them. It wasn’t odd for them to hang out at all, but the amount they did would make anyone suspicious. Like Thomas, who always had both eyes on Rick.
“You and that Olivia girl sure seem cozy.” One of the few nights Rick didn’t get to see Olivia after a show was when Thomas stopped by to discuss a few things handed down from the label back in the States. Thomas sat casually on a couch in Bogotá, a glass of cold water in his hand as he fanned away the Colombian heat. Would rather go exploring with Olivia. This was her ancestral home, after all. Bogotá was their only stop in Colombia, and he hoped that Olivia was making the most of it, wherever she was.
Rick sat on the edge of his bed, dressed down in his pajamas that were loose and comfortable in the raw summer heat of South America. I thought this area was supposed to be temperate. “I would think that you’re happy that I get along so well with my dance partner. Imagine if Clara came with us.” Rick didn’t dislike her, but he would hardly call her a friend. Clara was too introverted to handle any socializing after such big performances every day. She would be the type to hold herself up in her hotel room to take baths and read books. Instead, she was somewhere back in the United States doing the same thing in a hospital bed. “Could be worse. I could hate her guts.”
“Be that as it may,” Thomas said, rearranging himself on the couch so he looked more comfortable, “you’re looking a bit too cozy. I know that you two have knocked boots before, so I’m willing to bet that it happened again. Am I wrong?”
“What’s the point in hiding anything from you? Sometimes you make me think of my mother. She always knew what was going on, even if it happened twenty miles away.”
Whenever he mentioned Angelina, Rick noticed that his manager would flinch, sigh, or look the other way. Sometimes all of the above. Tonight was no different, as Thomas held his hand to his forehead and rubbed the tension there. “You try me sometimes. I won’t pretend that I don’t know what you see in her. She’s pretty, sure. And clearly she must be good in bed.”
“No comment.” Thomas knew enough already.
“You need to be careful. It’s not all sunshine and roses with any girl, as you know. You may be really into her now, but will you feel the same when we get back home? As for her…”
Rick had been barely listening before, but the insinuation that Olivia may be up to something made Rick perk up again. “What?”
Thomas gave him a look that said he should know what he was talking about. “She’s not a celebrity. In fact, she’s barely started working in this business. She doesn’t know what it’s like to date a famous rock star like you. It’s easier now because we’re constantly on the move and the paps around these places can’t keep up with us. Once we get back to America? Who’s to say that she won’t fold under the pressure of dating someone like you? Are you two serious?”
Although he tried to not let those words get to him, Rick couldn’t help but shrug. “I don’t know. We agreed to keep it casual until we got back. Then we would decide what we wanted to do. Shit, for all I know she’s planning on dumping me.”
Somehow, Thomas didn’t believe it. “Even if she is, there’s still you to think about. Don’t get too attached. She’s having fun now, but the real chore begins soon enough. We’re over halfway through the tour now. Have your fun, but don’t let it get in the way of your work.”
“Speaking of…” What a perfect segue into something else. “Here are those songs I’ve been working on.” Rick picked up his folder of potential song lyrics and handed it to his manager. “You should take a look at them and tell me what you think. If there are any winners in there, we can forward them to the label.”
Thomas let out an uncommitted grunt as he took the folder. Rick poured himself a drink from the hotel bar and downed it in one gulp. Thanks for the unsolicited romance advice. What, did he think Rick was stupid? Of course things would change between him and Olivia when they got back to the States. The point was that they had no idea what it would be until it happened. What was the point of dwelling on it now? They were having fun and taking life as it came. Rick could think of worse ways to spend time in foreign countries.
The folder was in Thomas’s bag by the time Rick paid attention to his manager again. “Not bad. The good ones are going to need some polishing. Which ones were written since you started seeing this girl.”
“All of them.”
Thomas snorted. “It shows. That could be in your favor though come release time. A cohesive album about one woman is always big. Especially if your fans can superimpose themselves into your songs. Would be a shame if you associated these songs with Olivia and then had a nasty breakup with her. That’s ruined some careers because those performers refused to sing those songs ever again.”
“I think I’ll be fine.”
“The young always say that.” Thomas strapped his bag across his chest and put his hat on. “You know, I used to think that too. I’ll be fine. That’s what I always said when I was seeing a woman my father would say was the end of a man. And let me tell you, I saw a few.”
“Good thing you’re not my father then.”
Thomas turned around. “I once fell in love with this girl who… ah, you don’t care about that.”
Rick sat back down on his bed. As soon as he leaves, I’m calling it a night. They had an early flight into Rio the next day. “Come on, man, you can’t give me a taste and then not offer the whole bottle. I’m thirsty. Spill it.”
Sometimes Thomas had that exasperated look that reminded Rick of a father who couldn’t understand what the hell the young people were saying these days. In truth, Thomas wasn’t that much older. Perhaps twenty years. He wasn’t even fifty yet, although his graying hair and worry lines tried to say otherwise. “Fine. I once fell in love with a girl I knew would break my heart. I knew it because she was the type who couldn’t hang on to a boyfriend. Not because they didn’t want her, but because she got bored with them quickly. I knew that when I started seeing her, and nevertheless, I fell in love. I was foolish and thought I could be different. That I would be the man she spent forever with. Like I said, I was a fool. After two months of dating, she said she was ready to move on to someone else. So I left.”
“What’s that got to do with me?”
Thomas stopped short of the door. “Maybe nothing.”
“’Cause it sounds like you’re implying some very not nice things about Olivia.”
“Not my intention. I was hoping you would focus on the fact that shortly after this breakup, I spent the rest of my twenties feeling like shit.”
“You don’t make any sense.” When Thomas went on his tangents, he rarely made sense at all. It was a wonder he was so good at his job.
The door opened, and Thomas said his goodnights. That was the thing about him. When he tried to offer Rick advice, the young rocker often went to bed more confused and unsure about things than ever.
“Anda mais rápido!” Thomas slammed his hand on the back of the driver’s seat as they attempted to meander through Rio de Janiero’s hectic streets. “What, did your grandmother teach you to drive? We need to be there in fifteen minutes!”
There was no way they were getting to the hotel in fifteen minutes. When their flight had been delayed three hours, Olivia knew that trouble would be afoot. Why did they schedule the shows so close together? They were due on stage that night. They would get the next day off, but that night was dedicated to performing their asses off on stage in front of one of the most demanding audiences in the
The moment half the dancers loaded into a large van, however, the crazy fans began to descend. The local driver barely had time to pull out of the airport’s gates before two dozen women dressed in Rick’s tour shirts surged toward them in a wave of screaming and fainting. “How the hell do they know it’s me?” Rick asked, sitting in the seat behind Olivia. Beside her, Thomas grumbled about local fans and told the driver to go faster yet again.
If there was any hope that they would make it to the hotel in twenty minutes, that went out the window the moment a stout girl came out of nowhere and plastered herself against the side of the slow-moving vehicle.
“Girl’s got balls!’ Fiona waved at her, even though the tinted windows meant the girl couldn’t see anyone inside. And yet somehow they know. These types of fans always knew when a hot and seemingly eligible performer was making an appearance, even if in a van they couldn’t see into. “Better watch out, Rick, that girl really wants you.”
“How do you know it’s me she wants?’ He turned his head and waggled his eyebrows at Fiona. Olivia could only laugh beneath her breath. “Maybe she’s been religiously watching concert footage just for you, Fiona.”
“Be that as it may!” Thomas cried, smacking the headrest in front of him again. “Can we please get a move on? If we’re not at the hotel in thirty minutes we can kiss tonight’s concert goodbye. Does anyone here want to piss off these kinds of fans?”
Security finally made an appearance and herded the gaggle of girls away. With a clear path toward the highway, the driver gunned the gas, making Olivia glad she wore her seatbelt.
Fiona, however, did not.
“Holy shit!’ She slammed into Thomas’s seat, her cry of alarm echoing until every other dancer in the back began asking if she was all right. The driver kept going, under Thomas’s instructions, but Rick put a gentle hand on Fiona and helped her into her seat. She kneaded the back of her neck as another woman buckled her up.
“You okay?” Rick asked, his hand still on Fiona’s shoulder. Olivia couldn’t help but notice concern behind his dark eyes. It almost seemed brotherly, and yet she felt the pang of jealousy in her gut. That’s absurd. There was no point being jealous over Rick trying to take care of one of his coworkers who was clearly injured. I’m embarrassing. Olivia also asked Fiona if she was okay. It was a common question bouncing around the van.
Fiona swore that she felt fine, but nobody bought it. She favored her left side, one hand instinctively going to her stomach while she winced in pain. By now the van was zooming down the highway en route to their destination, but Thomas went ahead and said, “As soon as everyone gets dropped off we’re taking this young lady to the hospital.” Even Fiona did not protest.
Sure enough, they arrived at the hotel fifteen minutes later, two of the male dancers jumping out so they could start unloading the gear in the back as a bellhop arrived to take their things inside. Olivia hovered near Rick, who in turn hovered near Fiona, one of the most important backup dancers who was now probably not going to perform that night. They didn’t call her an ambulance, but Thomas did find a young woman from the hotel staff who spoke English and was willing to take Fiona to a nearby hospital.
It was strange performing without her that night. Everyone felt it, including Rick, who did not put out his best, even though most of the audience probably didn’t notice as they were too busy screaming, clawing at the people in front of them, and throwing random items at the talent. When Olivia jumped to center stage during one of the songs, a woman’s bra smacked her against the shoulder. Wrong target. Or at least she hoped so. She didn’t know how to turn down a woman in Portuguese.
The worst, however, was something that nobody but José noticed, but Olivia certainly felt. During the final lift in “Midnight Tango,” Rick missed his mark and allowed Olivia’s leg to slip right through his. They caught each other soon enough, but Olivia had half a scare of her life when she momentarily feared that Rick was going to drop her in the middle of the stage. What use was there in having two dancers in the hospital?
She didn’t bring it up after the show. There was no time, since the fans were starting to go berserk and security was eager to get them out of there. Rick went with two bodyguards, and Olivia soon realized that they would not be able to see each other that night. So she joined one of the other female dancers and a bodyguard of their own as they quickly went back to their hotel.
Olivia was scheduled to share a room with Fiona again. She expected to find the room darkened and empty. Instead, she found Fiona lying in the bed closest to the door, a white bandage placed firmly against her chest. She did not look very happy.
“Are you okay?” Olivia had yet to close the door when she asked that question. Fiona glanced at her, but things weren’t better until Olivia stood next to the bed. She looks like hell. Not broken, but like a woman who had received very bad news. “Everyone has been worried about you. Please tell me that there was some good news.”
“Good news?” Fiona snorted, and it pained her to do so. When she finished wincing, she continued, “Well, the good news is that there’s no permanent damage, I guess. So, things could be worse in that regard.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?”
Fiona looked away. “I guess. Hey, do me a favor and turn on the TV? The doctor told me not to move too much.”
Olivia did as requested, surfing through the channels until she landed on a show in English. “Are you out of the tour?”
Eyes darting around the room as if they searched for someone listening in, Fiona finally said, “I’ll tell you this in confidence. I’ll be able to dance in Argentina… but I’m going home after the South American leg is over.”
“What?” There were still shows in Europe and Japan to do. All of the dancers were contracted to see the tour through to the end. “Is it that bad?” It couldn’t be, if Fiona was going to dance until Argentina.
“Let’s say I didn’t get a bunch of great news. Sorry.”
Olivia left her roommate to watch TV and went into the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed. She hoped that she would get to see Rick on her day off, but that was looking unlikely if they were on total lockdown while in Brazil. We were so excited to come here. There was lots to do and see in places like Rio de Janeiro. Of course, Rick was a bit too famous here. With fans like that? The last thing he needed was to be seen out on a date with his dance partner.
Olivia was content to go to bed early that night, even if it meant sleeping to the tune of the TV playing in the background. I’m tired enough to go right to sleep anyway. Between the touring, the traveling, and the energy expended in someone else’s bed lately, Olivia was ready to take the day off and sleep anyway… but even if she couldn’t be with Rick, she should still go out and see the sights. Who knew when she would have a chance to come back to Rio again?
“Weird seeing you in the room for once,” Fiona said while Olivia pulled back her bedcovers and crawled in. “I’m used to having the place to myself.”
Olivia had no idea what to say. The reason she was gone so many nights was because she was spending them with Rick. I need to stop falling asleep in his arms. Even though it felt wonderful. Even though it made Olivia feel like the safest woman in the world, no matter where they were. “I like to keep busy. Not really much of a homebody, even when on the road.” That was a lie. If Olivia weren’t seeing Rick recently, she would probably spend most of her time when she was not sightseeing lying in bed and watching TV. Maybe take extra long baths to soothe her aching dancer’s muscles.
Fiona took an extra hard look at her before glancing at the TV again. “And here I thought that maybe you had a boyfriend on the tour. Hey, I get it. I’ve been through that myself a time or two. No need to lie. Not like I’m jealous or anything. Honestly.”
After a statement like that, Olivia had no idea if Fiona was being sarcastic or not. “I’m not seeing anybody,” she said. I sound like I’m lying. Probably because she was.
; This time a smile cracked on Fiona’s face. “I told you not to lie to me. You’re always gone, even late at night, but you’re not hanging out with anyone that I know of. At least not with me or any of the other dancers. If it were one or two cities, I would think maybe you had local friends. So far it’s been every single city. That means it could only possibly be one person.” She looked at Olivia. “Rick.”
Her throat dry, Olivia struggled to come up with a response that didn’t make her sound defensive or like a tawdry slut. “That would be really unprofessional.”
“Please, everyone sleeps with everybody else in this business. Especially guys like Rick. I have it on good authority that he slept with half the women on this tour at least once. I know, because I’m one of them.”
“You sure you’re not jealous then?”
“Jealous? Not really. I’ve got bigger things to worry about right now. Besides, I should be worrying more about you.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because Rick is the type of guy who gets bored easily. You’ll see. Eventually he’ll get tired of you and move on to some other girl. If you’re going to mess around with him, it’s a good idea to do anything but fall in love. Not saying that I did, partly because I knew going in that it would only be a short-term, casual thing. I like you. You seem pretty nice. Wouldn’t want to see you get hurt.”
There was nothing that Olivia could say. She turned off her light and pulled the covers up around her neck. It’s not like I don’t understand what she’s saying. Olivia often had the same sentiments as well. As nice as it was to be with Rick right now, she couldn’t help but worry that his tune would change when they got back to America. Sure, he made it sound like he was more worried about her, but deep down Olivia knew that she was the one who stood to have her heart broken the most. What a lovely thought to fall asleep to.