Forever Eva [Sequel to When Kat's Away] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Forever Eva [Sequel to When Kat's Away] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Missy Martine

  She let her fingers glide through the strands of her hair and tossed it over her shoulder. “I was gonna take a drive into the country and thought you might like to get away for a while.”

  He watched her tongue slide out, wetting her lips, and cringed inside. “No, thanks. I’m not in the mood for a drive.”

  She gave him a husky little laugh and began to climb the porch steps. “That’s okay. I’d rather stay in myself. Maybe you’ll offer a girl a drink?”

  Tony held out his hand, palm out. “Stop right there. We’re not having this conversation again. I told you that we’re not gonna have a relationship outside the office. I can’t be any plainer than that, Laura.”

  “That’s not what you said in my apartment.”

  “Shit, woman, I don’t even remember going to your apartment, much less what we did there. My only memory is waking up the next morning. For all I know, we didn’t do a damn thing.” He looked at her heavy makeup and pushed back a shudder. “Truthfully, I find it hard to believe I could perform with that much liquor in me.”

  Laura’s jaw clenched, her face reddening, the vein visibly pulsing in her throat. “Believe me, you were able to perform. You told me that you’ve wanted me for a long time, and that it was just the beginning. Why can’t you give us a chance?”

  Tony studied her and knew she was lying. There was no doubt she was trying to manipulate him. “I’m sorry if I hurt you, but I won’t be held responsible for something I said or did when I was falling down drunk. You should have just put me in a cab and sent me home instead of taking me home with you. In fact, I’ve got friends staying with me for a few days, so I have no time to sit and discuss this now.”

  Her eyes flashed, her red lips thinning into a straight line as she glanced at Zach’s truck. “I’ll go for now, but you can’t just pretend we weren’t together. I’ll come back later when you’ve got more time to talk.” Without another word, she got in her car and gunned it down the drive, rocks and dust flying in all directions.

  Tony sighed and turned toward the house. She was an accident just waiting to happen. He walked in the door and found Zach coming down the steps. “Where’s Eva?”

  “I showed her how to use the tub, and she’s gonna get cleaned up and put on some of my sister’s clothes. I thought I might take her over to the mall and get her some clothes that will fit. The ones I had will be a little big on her.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re buying into all that crap.”

  “I’m not sure what to believe, but I’m not willing to just discount everything she’s said. I say we process this logically.”

  Tony sneered. “How the hell do you suggest we approach this logically?”

  Zach walked over to the coffee table and pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket. He carefully picked up the soft drink can Eva used and held it out to Tony. “You can start by running her prints to see if anything comes up.”

  Grudgingly, Tony took the can. “What are you gonna be doing?”

  Zach shrugged. “She was born here, so I thought I’d head to the courthouse and check old birth records to see if Evalina Bennington-Martinson ever existed.”

  Tony felt a fissure of panic run through him. “What, you’re leaving me alone with her?”

  Zach laughed. “Geez, Tony, you’d think she was some crime boss or something. I don’t think she’s big enough to do you any harm.”

  “What the hell am I supposed to do with her while you’re away?”

  “You don’t have to do anything. Hell, talk to her, or better yet, feed her. Time travel probably makes you hungry.”

  Tony rolled his eyes. “Thanks a lot, smart-ass. Just get your butt back here as quick as you can. I won’t be able to run prints until I go to work tomorrow. There would be too many questions if I brought them in tonight. As it is, I’ll owe somebody a favor to get them through the system.”

  “Agreed. I won’t be gone long. I’ll have to fill out a request form before they’ll even let me search through the records. After I take her shopping, you want me to pick up some take-out for dinner?”

  Tony nodded. “Yeah, man, that’d be a big help. I’m not very domestic.”

  “No problem. I’ll pick up some pizzas. It’ll probably be a new experience for her.” Zach turned toward the door and then turned back. “How’d you get rid of your coworker?”

  Tony winced. “I had to basically tell her to get lost. She’s becoming a bit of a stalker.” He told him about the lost weekend and waking up in her bed. “I’m not sure what to do about her.”

  Zach scratched his head. “Well, don’t worry. Together we’ll think of something. You don’t have to do it alone. You’ve got friends to help.” He hesitated a moment, and then turned and walked out the door, not looking back.

  Tony turned toward the steps, thinking about Eva stretched out in the Jacuzzi tub. Grimacing, he quickly adjusted the front of his pants to get the zipper away from his erection.

  * * * *

  Eva reached for the two brown-colored knobs and turned them like Zach showed her. Slowly, the warm water flowing into the large tub slowed down until it stopped altogether. She shook her head and thought about all the times she’d hauled water from the stove to fill their little metal tub so she could have a warm bath. “I could bathe every night now.” Placing her feet against the front of the tub, she pushed back until her legs were out straight, and then she lay back, resting her head on the cold, metal tub. She couldn’t imagine how she would have reacted to all the strange new things if her mother hadn’t told them so many stories of what things were like in her time. She’d just never dreamed she get to experience them herself before she was an old woman.

  She took the washrag from the side of the tub and dipped it into the water. Raising her hand, she squeezed it, letting the warm water glide over her chest. Zach had poured something he called bath salts into the tub before filling it. He’d made the water soft and smelling like some kind of flower. As she watched, her nipples puckered into painful points. The faces of her prince charmings filled her thoughts.

  Forcing herself back to the present, she sat up and looked around. The long black cupboard had two sinks sunk into it, and each one had those brown knobs that produced water. People in this time really had things easy. Zach had laid clothes on the counter, things he said belonged to his sister. She could tell they were pants, something most of the women in Hamilton wouldn’t be caught dead in. But, her mama had always marched to a different drummer. Eva giggled. It was one of her mama’s favorite sayings.

  Looking back over her shoulder, she spotted a couple of switches. They looked just like the ones by the door that Zach had used to turn on the overhead light. Slowly, she extended her arm and flipped the top switch. Immediately, a different light in the ceiling came on. This one was extremely bright and seemed to generate heat in the room. “Wow! It’s like bringing sunlight into the bath with you.” She closed her eyes and held her face up to the light for a moment and smiled. Grinning, she turned and flipped the other switch.

  * * * *

  Tony walked slowly up the stairs and paused outside Eva’s closed door. He put his ear against the wood and listened, trying to determine if she was out of the tub. A blood-curdling scream had him thrusting the door open and racing to the bathroom. Bursting into the small room he spotted Eva on her hands and knees, trying to get up but sliding on the tub’s slippery surface. The water of the Jacuzzi churned all around her.

  She glanced up at him, tears spilling from her rounded eyes. “Help me. It’s trying to boil the water.”

  Tony choked on a bark of laughter as he took in her apricot skin and weather-streaked strawberry blonde hair. His gaze slid over her freckled, bare white shoulders and the creamy tops of her breasts. The very tip of her tongue showed between her teeth as the stain of embarrassment colored her cheeks.

  “Are you gonna just stand there and let me cook?”

  Shaking his head, he reached over and switched off the Jacuzzi, leaving
a thick silence in the room. Eva froze and then sat back on her bent legs. She looked around at the placid water and then covered her face with both hands and burst into tears. Tony didn’t hesitate. He bent, scooped her into his arms, and hugged her to his chest, the scented water drenching the front of his clothes. Her pale, thin arms snaked around him when she buried her face in the crook of his neck. His erection became painful at the feel of her warm breath against his skin.

  “Shhh, everything’s okay. You weren’t in any danger. The water wouldn’t have gotten any hotter. It’s a whirlpool tub.”

  She sniffed. “Whirlpool?”

  He rubbed his cheek against her soft hair. “Yes, it just swirls the water around to massage your tired muscles. It’s supposed to make your bath more comfortable. I’m sorry Zach didn’t show you how it worked.”

  She sniffed again and glanced down at the water. “Is it safe now?”

  Tony nodded. “Perfectly safe and I think you’ll enjoy it.”

  Her arms slipped from around his neck, one of them crossing over her pert nipples, the other hand covering the thatch of blonde hair covering her feminine secrets. “You should put me down. You shouldn’t be in here, although I do thank you kindly for your help.”

  Tony felt his face flush as he set her carefully on her feet. He took one last look at her beautiful body and turned and walked out the door, pulling it closed behind him with a little more force than necessary. I can’t believe I explained the Jacuzzi to her. It’s not like I’m gonna buy into this charade she’s trying to pull. He ran his fingers through his hair and walked out into the hall, shutting her door with a lot less force. “Zach better find out something in a hurry because she’s not staying here. I’ll take her to a homeless shelter if I have to, but I’m not falling for her pretty face.” Slowly he went toward his bedroom, ignoring the tight fit of his jeans.

  * * * *

  Tony glanced at his watch as Eva walked down the stairs. He’d had almost an hour to cool off, but one look at her blushing face and his body was misbehaving. The faded jeans Zach provided hung on her small frame, while the knit top might once have been yellow but had faded to nondescript beige. He nearly groaned out loud when he noticed the sway of her breasts. Clearly, the borrowed clothes had not included a bra. Her gaze wandered around the room, never coming close to meeting his eyes.

  He cleared his throat. “Look, there’s no reason to be embarrassed. We’re both adults, and nothing happened.” If anything, her face got even redder. “Can I get you something to drink? Zach should be back soon, and he said we’re taking you to get some clothes.”

  Eva shook her head, the pink tip of her tongue darting out to wet her lips. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I don’t want you spending your money on me.”

  Tony sighed heavily, walked over and took her arm gently, and then led her over to the couch. “Sit down, Eva, please.” She sat, but still wouldn’t look him in the eye. He crouched down in front of her and lifted her chin with one hand. Her eyes were glassy with unshed tears. “You need clothes, Eva. You can’t wander around in the outfit you arrived in. It would bring too much attention to you, and that’s not something you want right now. It’s better if we keep a low profile until we figure out a few things.”

  She blinked and raked her hand across her eyes. “Until you figure out who I really am.”

  Uncomfortable with the hurt in her eyes, Tony stood and walked over to the patio doors. He studied the back of his property and caught sight of a huge rabbit making his way through the woods. He’d been happy growing up here, exploring the dense forest behind his house. His dad had bought twenty acres when the house was built, just to keep anyone from building behind them and ruining the view. He turned back to Eva and smiled. “I won’t lie and say I’m not skeptical of your story, but I’ve not made up my mind yet. Believe it or not, I’m hoping Zach can somehow prove everything you’ve told us.”

  Eva stood and began pacing back and forth in the bright room, her lips pressed tight together, her hands clasped tight enough to turn her knuckles white. There was a strain in her voice when she turned to Tony. “Do you think Timothy is somewhere trying to figure out things on his own here?”

  Tony rubbed the slight stubble on his chin and sat down on the couch. “How long were you in the basement before you heard our voices?”

  “I don’t know exactly, but it wasn’t very long. Maybe five or ten minutes at the most.”

  “Then I don’t see how he could be here. Zach and I were talking in front of the building for that long, before we came inside. Only the front door is accessible, so we would have seen him if he came through with you. Assuming you did come from the past, it’s possible the time portal returned him to your time, or sent him to a different time altogether. Remember how long it took Kat to make it through. If it makes you feel any safer, I can get a description from you and have some of my police friends be on the lookout for him.”

  A small smiled graced her face as the edges of her mouth tilted up. She walked over and threw her slender arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. “Thank you, oh, thank you so much. I’ve been worried he’d show up at any time and start making demands again. He had a gun pressed against my side when we came through the portal, so I guess he’d still have it now.”

  Tony breathed in deeply, taking in her gardenia scent. He cleared his throat again. “What kind of gun did he have?”

  She pulled back far enough to gaze into his eyes. “A Colt 45.”

  He gently pushed her back, got up, and walked over to the table beside the couch and picked up a small notebook and pen. “Okay, give me a description of Timothy. What’s his full name?”

  She leaned back on the couch. “His name is Timothy Canders, and he’s around thirty-five years old.” She grimaced. “At least he was when we left. He’s a little taller than you, but not quite as tall as Zach, with short brown hair and brown eyes.”

  “Does he have any scars or tattoos, any distinguishing marks?”

  She shook her head. “Not that I know of, certainly none you can see just by looking at his face.”

  “All right, I’ll put out an unofficial BOLO on him and see if anybody spots anything.”

  “What’s a BOLO?”

  “It’s a police term for be on the lookout for someone. If he’s spotted, they’ll get word to me.”

  “What do we do if they find him?”

  Tony shrugged. “I have no idea. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  Eva smiled. “That’s another of Mama’s favorite sayings. It’s strange to hear…”

  The front door opened, and Zach walked in. He looked toward the living room and grinned. “Sorry, since you’re letting me stay here, I didn’t think I had to knock.” He stopped and stared at Eva for a moment. “Well, don’t you look pretty all dressed up in my sister’s clothes. But I’ll bet you look even prettier when we get you some clothes that fit you. She’s quite a bit taller than you.”

  Tony glanced at her feet and bit back a laugh. She’d rolled up the long legs until they rested right at the top of her ankle. Turning back to Zach, he raised his brows. “Any luck with your errand?”

  Zach glanced at Eva and hesitated.

  “Go ahead,” Tony said. “Tell us what you found out. She knows that we’re looking for a way to prove her story.”

  Zach winced, sent an apologetic look toward Eva, and then turned back to Tony. “I went to the county courthouse where the records are kept. The woman there did a quick search on their computerized data but could not find a record of birth for Evalina Katarina Bennington-Martinson.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Eva.

  Zach moved to stand next to Zach. “It just means that if there is a birth certificate somewhere, it never got scanned into the county’s records.”

  “So that’s it? I’m not in your records, so I don’t exist?” Her voice had risen, a dark flush moving up her neck and into her cheeks.

  Zach moved to take he
r hand. “Of course not. She had me fill out a request form and pay a small fee for them to do a hand search of the old files. She said it could take a week or six months. She has no way of knowing how long it’ll take to go through all the old boxes. For the most part, the years are divided out correctly. But some of them, especially the ones that go back to the 1800s, are all mixed up. She said I had to be patient, but she would work as fast as possible.”

  “What if we offered to search the boxes for her? I’m a policeman. She should be able to trust me.”

  Zach shook his head. “I suggested that, and you would’ve thought I’d suggested she sell herself on the steps of the county courthouse. Apparently nobody is allowed into the bowels of the courthouse but her and her staff.”

  Tony sighed. “Okay, I guess I can understand that. I guess it’s all supposed to be confidential.”

  “So, what happens now?” asked Eva.

  Zach grinned. “Now, princess, we’re gonna take you shopping to get you some clothes.” He turned his gaze to Tony. “Are you coming with us, officer?”

  Tony snorted. “You’d better believe it. I’m not turning you two loose with a credit card.” He held out his hand to Eva. “Are you ready to see a little of our world, Eva?”

  Slowly she placed her hand in his. “Okay, gentlemen. Lead on.”

  * * * *

  Eva looked around in wonder at the crowds of people all trying to get through the store at the same time. She held tight to Zach and Tony’s hands as she gazed at the bright store signs. People walked by pushing babies in strange small carts with wheels, while others had their small children tethered to them with long, slender cables much like a horse’s reins.

  Tony looked at Zach. “Where do you suggest we take her?”


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