A Duchess Enraged

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A Duchess Enraged Page 29

by Alicia Quigley

  “I’ve staked so much on my faith in you, Louisa, that I might still believe your lies if not for his mention of Gresham,” continued Adam as though she hadn’t spoken. “But that made me think--something I should have done long ago. Since Allegra and I returned from Gravesmere, there has seldom been a moment that you and Gresham haven’t been present, trying to tear us apart. It has to be more than mere coincidence, the fact that whenever I’m with you, I happen to see my wife with Gresham. And the things you’ve told me, the way you skewed Allegra’s every action to make it appear she was being unfaithful to me--it was really very clever, Louisa. But now that I’m aware of your history with Gresham, the illusion falls apart. Did you promise him my money to help you? Or is he doing it for payment in kind?”

  “Adam, you’re insane! Mr. Pemberton’s words have driven you mad with jealousy. I promise you, my darling, I’ve never done a thing to interfere in your marriage. Gresham’s actions are his own, and I have nothing to do with them. Your little wife has caused all her own problems. Have her seductive ways so clouded your mind that you can’t see the truth?” Louisa reached out to him appealingly, her eyes still glimmering with tears.

  “Actually, I think my encounter with her helped to clear my head considerably. She’s quite bad at hiding her emotions. Everything is right there on the surface, and I’ve been too blind to see it. Unlike you, Louisa. The truth about you is buried deep, but today I’ve discovered it. I tell you right now, your plot has failed. What did you do to Allegra to turn her against me?”

  “I’ve done nothing, Adam, I swear it.” Louisa’s voice shook with emotion. “I’ve never spoken to your wife, and I had no need to turn her against you. She’s a wicked woman, shallow and vain and unfaithful. Nothing has changed that.”

  “You did something, I know that. You and that devil, Gresham. I’ll find out, and I’ll make sure you never have a chance to hurt her again. And if I can’t win back Allegra’s affections, if one hair on her head has been harmed, I swear I’ll make sure that your reputation is in such tatters that not even Gresham will want you back!” Adam flung away her hand as it grasped for his arm.

  Louisa collapsed onto the floor, tears rolling down her cheeks. “Adam, darling, you’re the light of my life. I won’t be able to live without you. Please believe me. I love only you. There’s never been anyone for me except you.”

  Adam shook his head impatiently. “Is that so? Then why, Louisa, have the curtains on that window been moving ever since I entered this room? The window is closed and there’s not a breath of fresh air in here.”

  Louisa looked frantically over her shoulder to where the heavy pink draperies concealed the window nook. “Adam, you’re seeing things. There’s no one here but us.”

  “Then you won’t mind me making a fool of myself by checking.” Adam strode to the window and threw back the curtain, revealing a man, his vest and shirt unbuttoned, his cravat untied, and his breeches clenched in one white-knuckled hand.

  Adam stepped back and stared. “Freddie?”

  “Gravesmere.” Freddie Brocklehurst’s eyes looked as though they were about to pop out of his head. “I say, this isn’t what it seems. Lady Manning invited me here to have tea and well, um, one thing led to another, and...” His voice trailed off under Adam’s withering glare.

  “Under other circumstances, Freddie, I might be angry with you,” said Adam. “But knowing your proclivities and now being well aware of hers, I say take her and welcome.”

  “Damn it, Gravesmere, you know I’m a younger son. I can’t afford a woman like Lady Manning. My allowance would barely keep her in slippers,” said Freddie indignantly.

  Adam laughed, feeling almost lighthearted. He hated himself for allowing things to come to this point, but now that he was free of Louisa he felt a great weight lifted off his shoulders. He had felt guilty for the past weeks that his affection for her was waning, but the knowledge that she had only been using him for his title and money relieved him of that. Being made to look an idiot was a small price to pay. Now he only had to convince Allegra that there was still something worth salvaging between them. He turned towards the door.

  “Do whatever you choose. I won’t be back.”

  Louisa rose from the floor and blocked his path, throwing herself into his arms with desperate urgency.

  “You can’t leave me, Adam. You can’t. I love you. Mr. Brocklehurst came here and was begging me for my favors. He swore that I had bewitched him and he must have me. When he began to undress, I was so frightened, and it was only your arrival that stopped him.”

  “And so you asked him to conceal himself?” asked Adam.

  “I was afraid you might think the worst. And you did! Adam, you must know that I would never be untrue to you. I love you.”

  Adam shook his head. “I’m sorry, Louisa. You tricked me for a long time, but it couldn’t last forever. It’s a pity that it has to end like this. If you had been truthful with me from the beginning, things might have been different somehow. At least we would have had some honesty between us. But you chose to play me for a fool, and I can’t forgive or forget that. I’ll expect you to be out of this house by the end of the month.”

  He detached her hands from his arm and walked away, shaking his head slightly as a string of invective fell from Louisa’s lips. He had never heard her utter anything but sweet syllables, and the thought of how thoroughly he had been deceived depressed him. He had made a fine mess of matters and now it was time to try to put it right.

  In the sitting room, Freddie watched Louisa with lively awe as she snatched a porcelain vase off the mantelpiece and flung it down the hall after Adam’s retreating back.

  “Damn it,” she said. “I’ll see him and his bride in hell.”

  “Um, I suppose you don’t want to continue our...conversation,” said Freddie tentatively. Louisa’s exertions had loosened her wrapper and he had a fine view of her breasts as they rose exuberantly out of her corset.

  “Get the hell out of here,” shouted Louisa. Freddie fled, pulling on his breeches as he went.

  Chapter 28

  On the Ride to Gresham Park

  Allegra looked anxiously about, hoping that no one would recognize her. She felt foolish in her sober travelling dress, a heavy veil draped over her hat and concealing her face. The outfit was designed to hide her identity, but she couldn't help thinking that it only attracted attention to her. She drew back into the shadow of a building as a passing gentleman gave her a curious glance. She didn't know him, but she had no wish for anyone to be a witness to her actions.

  She put down the small valise she carried and glanced nervously up the street again. Lord Gresham had promised to meet her here at three-o-clock. She knew that she was early, but she had hoped that he would be waiting for her. A woman alone, standing on the street, was certain to draw attention.

  With a sigh of relief, she saw a carriage moving up the street towards her. It was driven by a coachman she didn't recognize, but when she saw the panels on the side that would identify the owner were obscured, she felt sure it was Gresham. Trust him, she thought wryly, to know how to do this properly. He probably had plenty of experience.

  The carriage drew up in front of her, and the door swung open. Lord Gresham emerged, and for a moment Allegra's courage gave way. He was smiling at her in a reassuring fashion, and he was as handsome and sophisticated as always, but the circumstances gave him an almost sinister air. This was her last chance to back out. After tonight, she would never be able to go back to her former life. She lifted her chin and took the hand he offered her. Adam didn't want her, and Lord Gresham did. It was as simple as that. She wouldn't stay in London to be an object of pity and scorn.

  "Good afternoon. I hope you had no difficulty getting out of the house," said Tristan calmly, as though this was no more than a chance meeting in the park.

  "None at all," murmured Allegra, grateful to have something to talk about. "I simply told Merriwether that I had a headache an
d was going to take a nap. Then I dressed and slipped down the back stairs."

  Tristan picked up her valise and took her hand, leading her to the carriage. He assisted her into its dark interior and then paused. "Would you prefer to be alone? I could ride with the coachman," he said.

  Allegra swallowed. She half-feared the intimacy that a carriage would provide, but being alone with Gresham was something she would have to get used to. And his presence would keep her from brooding over Adam.

  "Please ride with me," she said quickly. "I'd like the company."

  "As you wish." Tristan signaled to the coachman to drive on, and then climbed in, settling himself gracefully on the bench across from Allegra. A small silence fell.

  Allegra looked around the carriage. Although the curtains were drawn to keep out curious eyes, she could see that it was luxuriously appointed and upholstered in gray velvet. She turned back to see that he was watching her, his eyes on her face.

  "This is a beautiful carriage, my lord," she said softly. "It's very comfortable."

  "Thank you. Do you think, since we are going to become even better acquainted, that you might call me Tristan?"

  Allegra swallowed. If he was going to be her lover, it would probably be best to be on a first-name basis. "Certainly...Tr…Tristan. And you, of course, must call me Allegra. There's no longer any point in observing formalities, is there?"

  "I would think not." Tristan smiled slightly. "Did you leave Gravesmere a note?"

  Allegra shook her head. "No. I tried, but I didn't know what to say. He'll be happy to have me gone, and in scandalous enough circumstances that it should be easy to obtain a divorce. I did leave a note for my mother-in-law, however. She's been very kind to me, and deserves to be thanked."

  "So Gravesmere will know that you've gone. Do you think he'll pursue us?"

  A bitter laugh rose in her chest. "I doubt it. He's made no secret of his desire to be rid of me. This should be the answer to his prayers."

  "It's just as well. It will make our trip that much more comfortable. I would hate to be forced to ride at a breakneck speed to the nearest port and take ship immediately for the Continent."

  "Where are we going?" asked Allegra tentatively. When she had decided this morning that she must leave Adam, she hadn't given any thought to where she might end up. Movement was what had seemed necessary at the time.

  Tristan shrugged. "That's the wonderful thing. We can go anywhere we choose. Paris, Vienna, Rome. You'd love Italy. It's like heaven there. None of this grayness we have in England."

  "I'm sure it is." Despite the thought of the sun-kissed Italian countryside, Allegra felt her heart sink. Wandering around Europe with Tristan with no goal except pleasure in mind seemed pointless. She wondered vaguely how long they would do that, and then what she would do for the rest of her life.

  "But tonight we're going only as far as my country seat. It's a few hours outside of London, and since we won't be pursued, it will be by far the most comfortable place to break our journey. The house is old, and uninhabited, but I believe it has been adequately cared for. There is a housekeeper, but we shall have plenty of privacy." He smiled gently.

  Allegra felt her stomach clench at his comment. She would be alone with Tristan, except for a few servants. The thought made her recall the enchanted days she had spent with Adam at Gravesmere. That time seemed like some sort of cruel dream now, a moment of happiness that was snatched away. That was all behind her, so she had to concentrate on Tristan and what her future held.

  "That sounds lovely," she said.

  "We'll be there only a day or two, but it will give us time to plan where we will go next. Do you prefer France or Italy, my dear? I have friends in both places. Perhaps we should go to Paris first. I know a dressmaker there who makes the most amazing gowns. You'll need a whole new wardrobe for your new life, after all."

  Allegra stirred restlessly. "I have some money, and of course I brought my jewels--not the Gravesmere stones, of course, but those I got from my mother."

  Tristan dismissed her words with a wave. "It will be my pleasure to dress you, Allegra. You don't need to worry about anything at all."

  Allegra opened her mouth to protest, but then closed it. She was going to be his mistress, after all, and men paid for all of their lover's needs. It was no different, she told herself, than Adam paying for Louisa Manning’s every whim. She had to become used to the situation in which she found herself. After all, she had asked Tristan to take her away with him, and promised that she would be obliging in return.

  "You've never been to the Continent, I know. You'll find it much more open-minded than England. No one will question our liaison or look at you suspiciously. You have nothing to worry about, Allegra."

  "Thank you," she said miserably. Tears threatened to well up in her eyes. It didn't seem fair that she should be forced into this, when she had done nothing wrong. If she had it all to do over again, it would be different. This time she wouldn't have fallen in love with Adam, and allow herself to be so hurt. She blinked. There was no going back. But, just now, she couldn't face the future either.

  "I'm exhausted," she said. "Would you mind if I slept a little?"

  "Not at all. Make yourself comfortable," answered Tristan. A satisfied smile hovered on his lips as he watched her lay her head against the cushioned seat back. "We have all the time in the world to talk about this."

  Chapter 29

  A Bit Too Late

  Adam bounded up the steps to his house and burst through the front door. The footman gave him a startled look, but he ignored it, leaping up the stairs two at a time.

  "Allegra!" he shouted, uncaring of who heard him. "Allegra, where are you?"

  Silence greeted him, and he pushed open the door to the sitting room. Allegra wasn't there, but Emily was, sitting on the divan, a piece of white paper covered with a hasty scrawl next to her. Adam took a closer look at her face and stepped into the room, concerned.

  "What's wrong, Mother? Has something happened?"

  Emily looked up, and he could see that her eyes were filled with tears. "Well, you've finally done it," she said. "She's gone."

  Adam stared at her, fear clutching at his stomach. "What do you mean? Who's gone?"

  "Allegra, of course. Who else would I mean? She seems to think it's what you wanted. What did you do last night to drive her away?"

  Adam flushed. The memory of last night's irrational passion was still fresh, and it was hardly something he was going to share with his mother. "Nothing. Nothing at all. At least, nothing to make her leave. We've had innumerable fights, and she's never left before."

  "Well, this time you seem to have convinced her that she was completely unwanted." Emily dabbed at her nose with her handkerchief. "It isn't well-done of you, Adam. You're my son, and I will always love you, but I'm not sure I can forgive you for this." She thrust the note at him.

  Adam took it from her and turned towards the window, perusing it carefully. The handwriting was shaky, and he thought he saw a smudge where a tear had fallen on the page.

  Dear Mama,

  I must thank you for your kindness to me before I go. I truly appreciate all you and Caroline have done to make me welcome in your family. After last night, however, I realize that I will never be able to make Adam happy and that if I stay here longer, I will only humiliate myself. I have therefore decided to go away with Lord Gresham, who promises that he will care for me. Tell Adam that he should be able to obtain a divorce quite easily under these circumstances. Once again, I thank you for your consideration of me. I will always remember it.


  "Damn him," Adam ground out, crumbling the paper into a ball. "Damn him to hell."

  Emily looked up, surprised. "Who?"

  "Gresham, of course. He's convinced Allegra to run away with him, the devil. He'll pay for this." Adam flung the letter into the grate.

  Emily frowned. "Gresham convinced her? Adam, you're so blind. You're the one who convinced h
er she had to go away with another man."

  "I never told her to run off with that libertine!" protested Adam.

  "You certainly didn't encourage her to stay here," said Emily tartly. "You drove her into his arms, with your attentions to Lady Manning. Don't tell me that you didn't know what you were doing!"

  "I thought she was being unfaithful to me," protested Adam.

  Emily snorted. "Unfaithful! The girl hasn't a treacherous bone in her body, Adam. And now she's in a great deal of trouble. She's run off with Gresham, who can't possibly have good intentions. What do you mean to do about it?"

  "I mean to bring her back," snapped Adam.

  Emily looked up quickly. "I thought you wanted a divorce."

  "So did I," said Adam crossly. "But I've discovered a few things that I need to discuss with Allegra. I might...perhaps I was wrong."

  Emily clapped her hands and gave a little crow of laughter. "So you do love her after all."

  "I didn’t say that," protested Adam. "I simply think I might have wronged her."

  "Nonsense. You love her. I knew it when you returned from Gravesmere. It showed in your eyes whenever you looked at her. And she loves you, too."

  Adam glanced up, hope flaring in his eyes. "Do you think she does?"

  "I know it," said Emily stoutly. "But you were both too proud to admit it. And now your pride has led you to a pretty pass indeed. Where can she have gone, Adam? One night with Gresham and her reputation will be in ruins."

  "I know," said Adam grimly. "But they can't have been gone long. It won't be hard to catch up with them."

  "But how do you know where they've gone?"

  Adam shrugged. "It's late in the day and Allegra doesn't seem to indicate that she expects to be pursued. Gresham Park isn't too many hours outside of London. I'll wager he's taken her there."

  Emily hesitated. "And if you're wrong? If they aren't there and she does spend a night with Gresham?"

  A cold, flat look came into Adam's eyes. "I'll still bring her back. But Gresham won't be returning. I'm taking my sword and my pistols."


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