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The River of Time (The Shiva XIV Series Book 4)

Page 2

by Lyra Shanti

  If only I could talk to Ayn in our minds… like we used to, thought Axis. I know I could convince him to send away the wizard once and for all.

  Stroking his recently grown beard, Axis could no longer keep it in, “So…” he blurted out, even while the women were still conversing, “You’re still here, Zasaban!”

  Looking at Axis with a raised left brow, he replied, “Yes… I still am, Lord Axis. Was I supposed to leave?”

  “Well… I would have thought you’d have followed Lod Zin, you know… to Ohr to get your planet back in order and all that.”

  “Axis, don’t start this,” Srah snapped at him.

  “No, it’s alright,” said Zasaban calmly. “I am perfectly happy to inform your husband about our plans. You see, it was decided by Ayn that I should remain on Deius to help him in his search for a cure for Undaniasis, and I am not to follow Lod Zin. If you recall, I have been branded a criminal and a deserter on Ohr. Therefore, my knowledge and skills are more useful here on Deius.”

  Axis rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. Feeling defeated, he chomped on a lettuce wrap.

  Ayn had no idea why Axis still hated Zasaban so much. He’d hoped having children would have softened Axis’ heart, but it hadn’t. In some ways, Axis looked and seemed so much older, with his beard and long, mane-like hair, but Ayn felt that Axis hadn’t changed much since their bond had been broken three years ago.

  “Axis…” said Ayn, “why don’t you enjoy the dinner and just relax. We don’t have to talk about politics or Plasma Sickness, or anything else with a heavy matter. Let’s just talk about good things right now, alright?”

  Axis shrugged, then nodded. “Fine by me,” he replied, “I was just wondering why your adviser was still here, that’s all.”

  “Oh, my friend, you never change. You are still as protective as ever!”

  Axis smirked at Ayn and said, “I will never stop being that for you, Ayn. That is a promise.”

  Ayn reached over and pat Axis on the back and said, “I know that, and I am grateful. Now… here comes the stew! Are you ready, kids? I promise it will be the best thing you’ve ever eaten!”

  Spoons at the ready, Rax and Thali smiled wide and soul-glowed with their bright golden hair and eyes. Ayn loved them, almost as much as he loved their parents, and as the meal went on, Ayn was able to let go of his worries and plans, at least for a few hours.

  Axis, however, never stopped keeping his inner eye on Zasaban, who in turn, watched Axis just as intently. It was as if they were in their own universe, time traveling back and forth, existing in two worlds at once while the rest remained stationary in only one realm.

  I will catch you and expose you for your true nature, thought Axis.

  Surprised by the reply in his mind, Axis heard Zasaban say, Go ahead, young Sarax, I dare you to try.

  Chapter 2: The Princess

  She couldn’t believe what he was saying. Was he actually rejecting her? How was that possible, especially after she had just gotten her hair re-curled and highlighted?

  “What do you mean you don’t feel that way for me?!” Iliya blurted in front of everyone in the restaurant.

  Jin adjusted in his seat and said, “Look, Iliya… I like you… a lot! It’s just that... I feel we’re better as friends.”

  “Friends?!” she said with her bright blue eyes bugged out.

  “Good friends!” Jin replied, trying to calm her with his hand in his on the table. “Really good friends! And I really adore you, Iliya. You’re smart and funny and beautiful…”

  “So... why won’t you court me then?!” she prodded.

  Taking a deep breath, Jin leaned forward in his chair and whispered, “Look, Iliya… I don’t think here is a good place to talk. There are too many Lirhan soldiers around and I-”

  “What do you care what they think?” she interrupted, pulling her hand from his. “You’re not even in The Lirhan anymore, which I’m very relieved about. I hated when you thought you were a big, tough soldier, always getting injured and smashed up. I’m so glad you realized your true calling and became an official Krian Court Healer - like me! See?! We’re perfect for each other! And I happen to be gorgeous, so date me!”

  Jin couldn’t help but laugh heartily at her silly vanity. He was indeed a bit in love with her, but not the way she hoped he was.

  “Look,” he said while brushing back his feathered light-brown hair, “I would love to ‘court you,’ as you put it, it’s just…”

  “Oh, my Gods! You’ve got a girlfriend! You have a secret girlfriend, don’t you?! You’ve been hiding her from me somehow! How could you?! I’m supposed to be your girlfriend! I saved your life when you were mortally wounded, remember? That was me! I did that!”

  Quietly laughing, Jin re-held her hand, then said, “I remember very well, Ilie, but no, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Well, what is it then? Is it because I’m only fifteen? You’re only in your twenties! And besides, I’m extremely mature for my age.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Be quiet,” she playfully scolded, “I’m not finished.”

  Trying not to laugh, Jin nodded and said, “Sorry... go on.”

  “I know what it is,” she announced, narrowing her eyes at him. “You’re still trying to keep your priestly vows from back when you were young and stupid and thought you could be a sexless Dei priest.”

  “Oh, Gods, Iliya, no... that’s not it!”

  “Then what?! Why won’t you be with me?!”

  “Because I’m gay!”

  Iliya stopped cold with her blue eyes opened wide. Embarrassed, Jin shifted in his chair, then quietly added, “I’m gay, Iliya. I thought it was kind of, I don’t know, obvious.”

  “What?” she said with a crinkled nose. “How would such a thing be obvious?”

  “Well, I never made an advance on you… and I never talk about girls.”

  “I just thought you were being… polite,” she replied, frumpy and disappointed.

  He gave a small laugh, then said, “Yes, well, I am indeed polite… now, anyway. I certainly wasn’t when I was young. In fact, I was a bit of an outspoken prick when I was in The Dei, but a lot of that was because I was so unhappy and trying to fit in. Anyway… the point I’m trying to make, my dearest, most wonderful Iliya, is that I’m not attracted to you in that way, though I sort of wish I were. It would certainly make things easier for me. Maybe I would have lasted longer in the very straight and narrow Lirhan. From my own experience in the Krian army, I think I can surmise why Lord Astire may have wanted to leave.”

  “What?!” she sputtered. “Leave Hynfir out of this! He was a great man! He only left The Lirhan because he felt pulled to help Deius and the slaves everywhere! Yes, he was fooled by Notama, but… he died a hero when he helped my cousin save Deius, and everyone!”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any disrespect. I know you became quite attached to Hynfir when you were young.”

  “Yes,” she said with a slight pout, twisting the ends of her curled blonde locks, a nervous habit she couldn’t stop if she tried, “he was like an uncle to me during that strange time. Anyway… what does Hynfir leaving The Lirhan have to do with anything?”

  “Well, he was gay as well. You know that, right?”

  “Yes, I know. Reese talks about her brother all the time - about how great he was - but also how he had to hide his true nature from others in the army. I guess it would be pretty difficult.”

  Iliya began to pout, and Jin feared she’d soon cause a scene.

  “Iliya… look, I’m sorry. I wish I could feel differently, but… “

  “I… I just can’t believe this,” she said as she looked away.

  “Please, Iliya, don’t get upset.”

  “How can I not be upset? I thought you were mine! But you’re not… and I can’t even be mad at you for it, you jerk!”

  Not knowing what else to do, Jin handed her a napkin from their table. He figured the wait staff of “Plato’s” w
ouldn’t mind; the establishment wasn’t extremely high scale, though it was quite the hot spot with its famous flaming steaks and intergalactic cuisine. It was also conveniently located within the palace parameters, which attracted everyone living and working there from councilmen to concubines.

  “Look, Iliya… we’ll always be best friends, right?”

  “Ugh!” she blurted, and then blew her nose. “It’s someone else, isn’t it? You have a boyfriend, don’t you! And I bet he’s prettier than I am!”

  “What? No!” Jin protested.

  “Though, he’d have to be ridiculously beautiful to be prettier than I am. I mean, I am really pretty, right?”

  Not knowing if he should laugh or not, Jin smiled and said, “Honey, you know I think you’re adorable, full of life, and so very bright. And whether you know it or not, you’re hysterically funny.” Pouting, she stuck her tongue out at him, half in jest, her usual way of being. “You’re great,” Jin continued, “but… I guess I should tell you the truth.”

  “What truth?” she asked, crossing her arms. “Oh, Gods, you’re not dating Captain Jayse, are you? I hate him! He’s so full of himself! I don’t know why my mother likes him so much. He’s just eye candy, Jin! Tell me it’s not him!”

  Sighing, he shook his head, then took a drink of his purple, Xen-imported juice cocktail. “No, silly Illie, I’m not attracted to men like him. I’m more into… brainy men.”

  “Oh! I know!” she abruptly declared, giddy and smiling. “You’re with General Sterek! Duh, of course! He and you became close friends during the war, right? He’s as brainy as it gets! I don’t mind if it’s him ‘cause I would be with him myself if I thought I had a chance.”

  Sighing again, even louder, “No, Iliya, he was my superior and-”

  “Who cares? Why not him? I’d date him. He’s handsome and smart! And I can’t even imagine what he can do with his sexy Sirini tail!”

  “Iliya!” laughed Jin, almost choking on his drink. “You’re awful,” he added while still quietly giggling.

  “I know I am, but you love me that way, right?” she asked with a teasing wink.

  “Yes, I do. How can I not?”

  “OK, well… who is it then? Seriously, Jin, you’ve got to tell me!”

  “Well… alright, but please, Ill, don’t laugh.”

  “Why would I laugh?”

  “Just… don’t. And please don’t talk about this to your mother.”

  “Reese? Why would I tell Reese? She and I barely talk these days anyway. She’s always in my face with rules lately. It’s annoying. Anyway, I won’t tell her anything. You can trust me, Jin. Who’s the amazing guy who stole you away from me?”

  “Actually, he’s sort of right behind you. He just walked in.”

  Slowly turning around, Iliya surveyed the diner. She gasped as she saw who walked in the door. It was Minister Baran himself! Iliya had always thought he was absolutely gorgeous with his dark hair and brooding, powerful eyes, but she knew he was straight - very straight - and very taken!”

  “Oh, my gods, Jin! You’re sleeping with my mother’s lover?! I didn’t even know he went that way!”

  Bursting with laughter, Jin tried to catch his breath before he said, “No, Iliya! For heaven’s sake, no! Not Minister Baran! Look at the man behind him.”

  Looking around again, she tried not to seem obvious as she squinted, searching for the object of Jin’s desire.

  As she saw the man who followed behind Baran, Iliya frowned, rather disappointed. She turned back to Jin and said, “You’re dating Councilman Darvis? Are you kidding me? I’ve lost to the most boring man in the universe?”

  Jin smirked and said, “You just don’t know him, Iliya. Believe me, there’s much more to Darvis than meets the eye. Underneath all that shyness and bookishness, he is fascinating.”

  Iliya turned around again as she watched Minister Baran and his newly appointed Vice Minister follow the hostess to their table. Noticing Iliya, Baran waved and smiled, to which she and Jin waved back in return.

  “Ugh, what are they doing here anyway?” she asked Jin, rolling her eyes.

  “They come here all the time… almost as much as we do. They probably like to talk politics.”

  “How can you possibly like Darvis more than me, Jin? He’s so… not manly!”

  “I told you, Illie, I go for brains, not brawn.”

  Sighing, she shook her head, then replied, “Well, I’ve got neither, so…”

  “Oh, stop. You’re very smart. You’re first in your healing class!”

  “Well, apparently that doesn’t count. Plus, I don’t have a dingle dangle between my legs, so I guess I never had a chance.”

  Jin laughed a little and took her hand. “Dingle dangle? Really, Illie?”

  “Yes, that’s what I call it, okay?”

  Unable to stop herself from laughing along with him, she felt a mix of humiliation and love. Jin had been her obsession since healing him after he was held captive by Yol Notama. She loved Jin’s bravery, and his sparkly, gold-green eyes. She was sure he was her destiny, especially when he joined her healing school. But now, she realized it had all been one-sided and an illusion in her mind. Like everything else in her life, he wasn’t really hers.

  She outwardly smiled, but slumped in her chair, feeling like a silly orphan who would never find her path. All her life, she feared things being taken from her - just like her parents had been when they were killed by vicious Tah soldiers. Even her adoptive mother seemed to be picking on her lately, and it made Iliya want to run far, far away. If only she could. But where would she go? She thought about Deius and how her cousin was king there. She wondered if she should have stayed on Deius after all.

  “I’m a princess, you know,” she said aloud, yet in a dreamlike way, as if talking in her sleep.

  “Um… yes, I know that, Iliya,” said Jin, confused. “Are you alright?”

  Snapping out of her temporary spell, Iliya shook her head, fluffed her hair, and said, “I’m fine. Let’s eat already!”

  Throughout the meal, however, all she could do was think about Jin and Darvis, and how strange it was that everyone seemed to like Darvis so much. She couldn’t imagine why, considering that only a few years ago, he’d helped his illegitimate father, Octian, plot the murder of Baran’s predecessor and uncle, King Atlar.

  “Doesn’t it bother you that Darvis was almost charged with treason?” she asked Jin while they ate their steaks.

  “What? Iliya, you know the charges against him were dropped. He helped Baran to imprison Octian… and he’s even Baran’s most trusted adviser now, so… come on, that shows you his true colors, I think.”

  Iliya squinted and looked again at the table where Baran and Darvis sat, presumably talking about important political matters. She didn’t know if she was jealous or if it was something else, but she didn’t trust Darvis, and she wished Jin had fallen for someone else.

  Blowing her blonde, bouncy bangs away from her forehead, she chewed her meat, then said, “I suppose you may date him… if he truly makes you happy.”

  “You’ll allow me?” Jin replied with an amused grin. “Why, thank you, Your Highness.”

  “But know this, Jin of Deius: I am watching him, and if he hurts you, even just a tiny fraction of a second, I will crush him like a bug… like a big, bookish, boring little Vice Minister bug!”

  Laughing, Jin took her hand across the table and said, “By all means, my dear, though I doubt there will be the need.”

  “I hope not,” she said with a proud chin, “because even though I look like a tiny, helpless princess, believe me when I say that I have power! I have Adin’s blood in me, you know. It’s latent, but I bet I have the ability to crush people from the inside out! I wouldn’t mess with someone like me.”

  “Ha! Well, I know you have a temper, Illie - I’ve seen it first hand - but I’m pretty sure that Adin-like power is rather latent. Besides, wouldn’t the ability to implode people go directly against
your healer’s training?”

  “No,” she plainly replied, “for I am a woman. We are both light and dark, creators and destroyers. And just you wait. My powers will come… and then all will fear my awe-striking scariness!”

  Busting out in laughter, Jin shook his head. “I love you, Iliya. Really… I do.”

  She smirked, then said, “Yeah… right. If you loved me, you’d turn straight for me, and then run away with me to Deius.”

  “Well, even if I could somehow change myself for you, I can’t run away… and neither should you. Come on, Illie, your mom is just concerned for you. I’m sure she doesn’t mean to yell.”

  “She does mean to yell, and she does it often. All I do is go out sometimes to concerts and galleries! Yes, sometimes I forget to call her, but… I’m sure it’s stuff she probably did when she was young! And just because she’s afraid I’ll end up with a womanizer like our Minister was, she treats me like a baby who needs to be kept in a glass cage! It’s not fair!”

  Hearing a man clear his throat, they looked and saw their Minister standing next to their table.

  “Baran?! How long have you been there?” she said with a wince.

  “Long enough to know you called me a womanizer, for probably the hundredth time, and that you’re complaining about your mother once again.”

  “Sorry…” she softly replied, embarrassed. “I’m just… in a mood.”

  “Ah, it’s alright,” Baran said with a smile. “I’m rather used to your… moods.” He then extended his hand to Iliya and said, “My dear, would you and Jin care to join Darvis and I for dessert? I’ve ordered the sweet cheese pie. I believe that’s one of your favorites, is it not?”

  Practically leaping to her feet, she said, “Oh, Baran, you always could buy me with sweets! Admit it, this is how you get The Council to pass the laws you want, isn’t it?”

  Laughing, Baran nodded and said, “Why, yes, dear, of course!”

  Sitting down across from Darvis, Iliya smiled wide and said, “I bet you and Jin planned this all along, didn’t you - to tell me in public so that I wouldn’t hold a scene. Well, don’t worry, I’m not like that. I’m much more mature than people think I am.”


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