His Simple Wish

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His Simple Wish Page 2

by Liliana Rhodes

  As if my phone wanted to answer the question, it rang. I looked at the caller ID but didn’t recognize the number. I thought about letting it go into voicemail, but a strange number most likely meant new business. I’d be stupid to totally waste another day.

  “Mayfair Catering, Samantha speaking.”

  “Hi Sam, it’s Ashley Boone.”

  “Hi, how are you? Was there a problem at the reception? I thought you would’ve left for your honeymoon by now.”

  “Yes, that was the plan but some personal things came up. In the meantime, we enjoyed your service so much I’d like to use you for an intimate affair at the museum.”

  “The museum?”

  “Yes, I don’t know if Jackie told you but I’m the curator at the Winslow Museum of Motion Pictures. We’re planning a small black tie event and would love for you to cater.”

  “No. Thank you for thinking about me, but no. I’ll have to pass.”

  “Why? You can’t be booked, you didn’t even ask when it is.”

  “Honestly I just don’t want to see Drake. I’m sure he’ll be there and frankly I’d rather pass if that’s the case.”

  “I’m sorry you feel that way.” She paused for a moment as if she was thinking. “What if you didn’t have to see him? Hire people to set up and serve. It’s black tie but only heavy hors d’oeuvres.”

  “I don’t know Ashley…”

  “Sam, I know we don’t know each other that well but you’re starting a business. You can’t afford to turn down a job yet. Trust me, I know the difference between doing a job I hate and having one I love. If catering is really what you love, you owe it to yourself to take this job. I don’t know what you have against Drake, but he really is a nice guy.”

  She had a point. I really could use the money. I could ask Jackie to manage everything so I wouldn’t need to be there. I could deliver everything and get things prepped before Drake even showed up. No way would he be early, he needed to make an entrance.

  “I know, you’re right. I’ll do it. When is the party?”

  “This Wednesday.”

  “In two days? Oh jeez, seriously?” I dropped the phone and fumbled with it as I put it back up to my ear. “I’ll have to charge a bit more since its last minute and I need wait staff.”

  “I’ll double you’re usual bill and I’ll be there early on Wednesday to help you if you need anything.”

  “Ok, thanks Ashley.”

  “No, don’t thank me. You should thank Drake. See you Wednesday!”

  I groaned as I hung up the phone. Drake. Again. At least I got a job out of it.

  I walked into my small kitchen and grabbed a pen and paper along with my favorite cookbook. I needed to come up with a menu. I imagined tuxedoed wait staff carrying trays of finger foods. The food had to be elegant though, no pigs in blankets for this crowd.

  As I put together the menu I realized I wouldn’t be able to leave the party. This time I would be able to hire enough people so I could focus on the food, but I would have to stay. I couldn’t leave finishing the food to someone else. If I wanted my catering business to take off that meant I needed to suck it up and most likely see Drake.

  I didn’t want to admit it to myself, but just the thought of seeing him again made my heart beat faster and the butterflies in my belly start flying. I needed to look better this time.

  After quickly dog-earring several recipes, I entered my bedroom and made the short walk to my closet, bumping my hip against the old dresser.

  “Dammit! Every time!”

  Eyeballing my clothes I knew I had nothing to wear. I needed something I could comfortably work in yet make that jerk regret what he’d never have.

  I pulled out a black knit skirt with the tags still on that I didn’t remember buying. Size 18, that should fit. After pulling off my pajama pants, I stepped into the skirt and zipped up the back until the zipper suddenly stopped.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered.

  I sucked in my stomach but no luck. The zipper wouldn’t go all the way up. I turned towards the mirror and could see the fabric pulled tight across my hips. No way was I going to fit in that in two days.

  As I threw the skirt back into the closet it landed on a small pile of clothes towards the back. One day I’d have to go through my closet and organize it, but that wasn’t today.

  Thinking there might be a lost gem in the pile, I pulled it towards me, lifting out different pieces of clothes. It seemed every article of clothing was a different size, which seemed about right. If one thing was for sure about my size it was that it was always changing.

  Just as I was ready to give up I found another black skirt in the pile. I checked the size and saw 22. I had to try it on. Holding my breath, I pulled the skirt on and the zipper went all the way up.

  I checked the mirror and thought it looked nice enough. It had a mermaid style bottom that fell just below my knee, giving me a flattering silhouette. I had to wear flats since I was working but I was so happy I found a skirt that fit, that it didn’t bother me.

  I wished I could wear my hair down. It was long and I always thought my face looked thinner when it framed my face, but I knew it would get in my way. I always wore my hair in a braid when I worked, but maybe not this time.

  Wait, what am I doing?? Am I actually trying to look nice for him? I thought back to that brief touch of his hand and felt warmth fill my insides. I simply couldn’t help myself when it came to him.

  Chapter Five


  As I arrived at the museum I happily noticed everything was coming together for Drake’s black tie event. I had been so distracted, wondering what happened to my dad, that I didn’t even pay attention to what I wore other than a pair of pants with a button top. This black tie party was a welcome diversion for me so I planned it right away.

  The tan marble floors gleamed and the glass on the display cases sparkled as I walked around the main exhibit space surrounded by movie memorabilia. Towards the back of the room I saw my assistant, Deborah Hansen. She had her chin length straight hair in a cute bob, her hair was so black it made her look almost unnaturally pale. She wore a pair of black wide-leg palazzo pants with a rust colored plunging v-neck silk blouse.

  She balanced the job at the museum while attending college which I had to admire. We were both in our twenties but she seemed more together, sometimes I wondered if it was an act. As I approached her, I thought about how tall I felt standing next to her, something I never felt with anyone else and which we had an ongoing joke about.

  “Hey shorty!”

  “Hi Ashley, how’s the weather up there?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “I see you’re wearing another v-neck,” I teased her.

  “Of course, I told you, if I put the girls on display then people won’t notice how large the rest of me is.”

  As we laughed, I couldn’t help but admit to myself that I’ve done the same thing.

  “We have a busy day today. Do you have the red tablecloths?”

  “Yep, it’s all set. Just waiting for the caterer who should be here any minute now.”

  “Thanks Deborah.”

  “Anytime. Are you alright? You’re looking a little green.”

  “I’m fine, just worried about my dad. I have to focus on this party, then I’ll feel better.”

  I didn’t know what Drake’s intention for the party was, but I wouldn’t allow this event to be less than perfect. I had to get my mind off my dad and I owed a lot to Drake. If making an event look like it was more than just a chance for him to spend a little time with a girl, then I’d do it.

  I felt bad having to lie to Sam about her not seeing him, but I had no choice. I knew he would figure out a way to spend time with her if that’s what he wanted, regardless if she stayed the entire time or not. I booked her just like Drake asked, the rest was up to him to figure out.

  Walking past the entrance I noticed a small red SUV zoom by that I recognized as Samantha’s
car. I rushed to the back of the museum, to the receiving area to meet her there.

  She stepped out of the car wearing a black cotton skirt with a matching blouse. Her long red hair was gathered at the nape of her neck, letting her curls cascade down her back. I couldn’t help but think she was dressed up more than usual, but she definitely looked pretty.

  “Good morning Sam! Let me know if you need anything.” My cell phone started ringing and I saw it was my dad finally calling me back. “I’m sorry, I really have to take this.” I entered the hall and answered the phone. “Dad? Is everything ok? Where have you been?”

  “I’m sorry Ash, I didn’t want you to worry–”

  “Not worry? You missed my wedding and I haven’t been able to get a hold of you! All I’ve been doing is worrying.”

  “I’m sorry. You have no idea how sorry. I need you to listen, don’t interrupt me while I explain. This is hard for me.” He sighed while I anxiously waited for him to begin. “You know how I enjoy my long walks. I know you offered to fly me out there but you know how I love to drive. I wanted to get a walk in before hitting the road, so I went on a walk the morning I was driving to see you.”

  “Yes Dad, did something happen? Are you ok?”

  “Please honey, let me finish.” He breathed out heavily then began speaking again. “I don’t know what happened but I was out, maybe a mile from home and I collapsed. Right on the street. A stranger found me and called an ambulance.”

  “What? Oh my goodness Dad!”

  “I’m ok, I was fine by the time the guy found me, just a little confused. At the hospital they discovered I had a mini stroke. But I’m ok, nothing bad happened.”

  “You’re ok?? You should’ve called me Dad! I would’ve been there right away.”

  “I know but I didn’t want to disrupt your wedding. I wanted you to have your wedding day and not be worried about your old man. And why are you even here? Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon?”

  “I was worried about you so we postponed it. I need to sit down, I’m feeling dizzy.” I walked to the nearest bench that lined the hall and sat down. “I’m coming out there. I’ll leave as soon as I can get a flight.”

  “No, really Ash, I’m home and I’m fine. You have nothing to worry about. Go on your honeymoon and enjoy yourself.”

  “Stop it Dad, I’m coming.”

  “Ok, ok. I know better than to argue with you, you’re as stubborn as I am.”

  “Yes, I am. I’ll see you tonight Dad. I love you.” I hung up and immediately called Xander as I fought back tears.

  “Ashley? Is everything ok?”

  “My dad…” I choked out the words before the tears took over.

  “Is he ok? Did something happen?”

  “Mmm-hmm” I hoped he understood. The tears wouldn’t stop long enough for me to form words.

  “Do you need to see him?”


  “Ok, I’ll book you on the next flight out. I’m coming to get you now. Stay at the museum, you shouldn’t be driving.”

  Dazed by my dad’s revelation, I stayed on the bench. I remembered when Xander’s mother spoiled Hawaii by claiming she had a stroke, and thought about how cruel she was for manipulating Xander like that. My father, in comparison, was so concerned about me that he didn’t want to tell me when something bad happened to him.

  I had no idea how long I had been waiting or what was going on. My mind spun. The next thing I knew, Deborah rushed down the hall with Xander who looked like a giant beside her.

  “Are you ok Ash? I got you on a 3pm flight and brought the bags you had packed for our honeymoon.”

  Hearing his voice snapped me out of my reverie and I immediately stood up and kissed him.

  “Deborah, can you take over? Call Drake if you need anything.”

  “Of course Ashley. Go to your dad’s, everything is taken care of here. Don’t worry.”

  Chapter Six


  The caller ID on my office phone said it was the museum. I answered it wondering if Samantha arrived already and knowing she would make it difficult for me to spend time with her. She was all I had on my mind since the wedding reception.

  “This is Drake.”

  “Hi Mr. Winslow, this is Deborah Hansen. Ashley’s assistant. Im sorry to bother you, but Ashley had to leave. The band arrived and I wasn’t sure where to have them set up.”

  “No problem Deborah. Is everything ok with Ashley?”

  “Yes, I hope so at least. She left to visit her dad.”

  I nodded my head even though I knew she couldn’t see me. I hoped everything with Ashley’s father was ok. I knew what it was like to be far from family.

  “The band sets up on the gallery, above the main exhibit area. How’s everything going? Is the caterer there yet?”

  “Samantha? Yes, she arrived a couple of hours ago and has some staff with her.”

  “Ok great. I think I’ll arrive early to make sure everything is ready for tonight.”

  “Yes sir.”

  As I got up from my office chair I noticed a new email arrived from the director of my latest film in production. Last I heard everything was running smoothly, so I ignored the message and headed out the door with my suit jacket and briefcase in one hand.

  When I arrived at the museum, I pulled in the back by receiving and saw a little red SUV. I knew it had to be Samantha’s. I parked my car directly in the truck’s way, knowing I trapped her car in. I carried my tuxedo into the museum and hung it in my private office, then I set out to find Samantha.

  I didn’t arrive early to check up on Deborah, I arrived early to check out Samantha. All I needed was a few moments alone with her and I was certain she couldn’t say no to a date. I just needed time to work my charm.

  I found her in the kitchen sautéing garlic in olive oil. Her back was towards me but I easily noticed how different she looked. At the reception her hair was braided and her clothing were utilitarian, today she was trying to impress.

  Coming up behind her, I could see she was lost in thought and I didn’t want to startle her but I wanted to be certain she knew I was there. I quietly breathed in the scent of her hair. Peaches, my favorite, then bent my head down, bringing my lips right by her ear.

  “I knew we’d see each other again, Samantha,” I said lowly.

  She jumped and drop her wooden spoon then spun around to face me. “What is your problem? Who sneaks up on someone while they’re cooking?!”

  I didn’t bother to reply to her. I was too overtaken by her beauty. The shine of her red hair begged to be touched. Her bright green eyes told me to move closer. Her red lips pleaded for a kiss. My face was just above hers. I tilted my head slightly, ready to kiss her when I felt the sting of her hand against my cheek.

  “How dare you try to kiss me!” She screamed.

  As I turned away, she grabbed my arm, reached up towards my face and kissed me. I stepped back confused, my cheek still burning from the slap. I wanted to say something but words escaped me.

  I turned towards the door and headed to my office. It was almost time for the guests to arrive and I needed to change into my tux.

  Samantha confused and excited me at every turn. I couldn’t figure her out though. What did she want? Maybe she wasn’t worth my time but I still had one more trick up my sleeve.

  Chapter Seven


  Peeking out from the back into the main room, I watched as the three waiters I hired for the night made their way around with their trays. The main exhibit room was a strange mix of memorabilia and tall bar tables each with a red tablecloth and a single votive candle.

  The lights were dim except for spotlights on various movie props and sets. Classical music drifted from the balcony above. Around fifty people mingled in their tuxedos and cocktail gowns as if they were completely unaware it was a Wednesday night and they had work in the morning.

  Or maybe they didn’t. Maybe they had nannies to care for the
kids, cooks to prepare their meals, and maids to clean their houses. I grew up as a have-not in a have world. These weren’t people I understood. I simply didn’t fit in.

  I really didn’t care about what was happening at the party. I only looked out to get a glimpse of Drake. My clothes still smelled like him, like an ocean breeze, from when I kissed him.

  I kissed him. What was wrong with me? He was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. And what did I do? I slapped him.

  Then to make matters worse, I then decided to kiss him. No wonder he walked out. He was running from the crazy redhead. I couldn’t blame him. I’d run from me too.

  But what a kiss! It didn’t matter how brief it was, time stood still once my lips touched his.

  I finally spotted him in the crowd as he schmoozed his guests and couldn’t remember what was my issue with him. It seemed suddenly childish to blame him for ignoring me in the past. When I thought about how awkward I was, it was probably for the best.

  He looked over in my direction and I quickly hid behind the door. Ugh talk about immature. I liked to think I was better than how I acted, but it definitely didn’t seem like it.

  Noticing the time, I decided to pack up. The waiters were doing great, they didn’t need me. I certainly didn’t need to stay for much longer. As I cleaned my knives I heard someone enter and assumed it was one of my wait staff.

  “After before, I don’t think I feel safe with you holding knives.” Drake had one hand in his pocket as he casually strolled into the kitchen. “By the way, you messed up earlier.”

  My smile left my face. “Messed up? Was it the food? Did something happen?” I slid the knives into my bag as I ran through the evening worried I did something terrible.

  “No, the food was great. It’s just most women slap me after the kiss, not before.”

  “Well I’m not most women.”

  “I know. I wouldn’t be here if you were.” He slid my bag further down the table. “Are you leaving already? I thought we could have a drink.”

  “I’m sure people are looking for you. You’re hosting a party remember?”


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