Diamond B!tch

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Diamond B!tch Page 8

by Michelle Brown

  Leaning close to Carlos, I whisper, “I’m going to the ladies room.”

  Nodding at me, he mutters, “Don’t try to get away. You have five minutes, or I will come find you. Don’t make me.”

  The door has barely closed behind me when it opens again. Locking the door, Nico stands looking at me. “Do you love him?” I can’t find the words I want to say. “Princesa. Do. You. Love. Him.”

  Barely above a whisper, I say the one word he needed to hear. “No.”

  I don’t see him move. Nico is pinning me to the wall, his mouth devouring mine. I feel like I’m home in his arms, but I can’t leave yet. It isn’t time. I have a plan to end it all. Nico is muttering against my flesh, working his way down to my neck —I never meant to hurt you, I didn’t mean to push you away.

  Pushing him away, I see the hurt flash in his eyes, “Give me time. Then if you still feel the same after everything, we can see what this is.”

  “I would have come sooner, I should have, but I had a job to do. Ruslan is dead. Anthony and I dealt with him,” Nico explains.

  Smiling sadly, I motion to the door, “I need two more weeks. And something untraceable to kill him with.”

  Nico’s expression turns cold. “Princesa, is he hurting you?”

  Mustering the courage to say it aloud, I tell the truth, “Not exactly. At least he doesn’t beat me anymore.”

  Walking over to the bathroom door, I pull it open knowing my time is coming to an end. With one last look at Nico, I whisper, “I love you.”

  “Done?” Carlos questions from his place along the hallway wall.

  Glancing down at his watch, I make it back just in time from what I can tell. Nodding, I give him a smile to appease him. His sadistic smile is back, I shudder from his touch as he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer. “I don’t know who he was, but I assure you, if you wanted someone else I would give it to you.”

  I’m not sure what he means, and from the gleam in his eye I know it’s not going to be good whatever it is. We sit down at our table as the speakers begin. I haven’t heard anything they have said. I feel as if I am underwater and everything is muffled around me.

  Snapping back to reality, I realize Carlos is talking to me, “I’m sorry Carlos. What did you say? I was lost in thought.”

  Maintaining his smile, Carlos leans closer, “I said dear wife, are you ready to leave? I have a surprise waiting for you.”

  A slight nod from me and we are gathering our things, ready to leave. Carlos and I have almost made it to the door when a man blocks our path. Nico. I smile, trying to tell him with just my eyes to walk away but he either doesn’t care, or he chooses not to listen. “Buenos Noches, Señor. I was wondering if I could borrow your wife for one quick dance before you left.”

  Turning to me, Carlos waits for me to answer, I let out a shaky, “No thank you.” And I can tell that was the right choice.


  Carlos is silent the entire way back to the house. It frightens me more than I care to admit. Waiting for him to come around to my door, I try to muster up the courage to speak. “Go inside and wait for me. You know to lose the dress by now, correct?”

  A slight whimper escapes me before I can swallow it down as I all but run into the house. I close the door behind me and see Laura staring wide-eyed at me. She can tell something bad is about to happen. Jerking the zipper down, I begin to strip immediately hoping it will lessen the punishment if I am already naked and waiting.

  Male laughter sounds just outside the door. Carlos is conducting business? I’m entirely confused. I may be comfortable in my own skin, but I don’t like how his friends look at me. They remind me of lions stalking their next meal.

  “Oh, wonderful. Amalia here is your surprise,” Carlos says, waving towards the three men he walked in with.

  Shaking my head, I look at him, pleading with my eyes as much as I can, “I don’t understand…”

  Coming closer, Carlos puts his finger to my lips, “You looked at another man tonight. I told you I would give you that if you wanted. Well, here you go. Have them all.”

  What? I don’t get another word out before one of the men slaps me to the floor. I recognize one of them as the silent man. He is Nico’s friend though, or I thought he was. One of the others grabs my arms holding me down while the one that hit me thrusts his fingers inside of me. Screaming, I thrash trying to get away. I’m not ready for it when he plunges inside of me. I can only lay here and take it. Visions of Dmitri and Carlos run through my mind. The only break is when I see times with Nico and me happy together. Flipping me over, I feel the smack of a hand on my ass before I feel someone else ripping into me.

  The silent one is filling me with his cock. A low whisper in my ear causes me to break from my trance, “Nico and I will get you out of here. Tonight. I promise you.” I was right, but why is he doing this to me. I look up to see Carlos staring down at me.

  I hope this man understands my message as I scream out, “No! Don’t!” I don’t doubt Carlos would kill me before he let me escape. “I need to end this, just give me time,” I whisper to the man.

  Eventually, all of them finish, their come coating me as I lay on the floor, broken. The men file out the door without a backward glance leaving me to suffer Carlos on my own.

  Looking down at me, Carlos asks, “Still want another man?”

  Lifting my bruised face, I look him in the eyes, “Anyone but you.”

  Fury takes over his features. Pulling me by my now loose braid, Carlos opens the dark room I was in on the eve of our wedding, locking me inside. I crawl over to the small mattress, too sore to move much more than that. Crying, I let my body shut down and fall asleep.


  Bennett is lucky I need him otherwise the punch to his face would have been worse. He fucked Amalia, along with two other men while she screamed and cried. He fucking stood by while men raped her!

  Bennett is holding a bag of ice to the side of his face while he sits on my couch. Carlos trusts him which is good. I needed someone on the inside, and Bennett was already there for another reason.

  “I haven’t seen her for over a day now and the maid Laura isn’t talking.”

  I replay the kiss in my head. Amalia knew that she just needed to say the word and I would have gone in guns blazing for her. So why didn’t she say anything and where the hell is she now?

  “Find out where she is and if she is fine. Don’t leave until you know something or see her with your own eyes.”

  Standing up Bennett, dumps the ice in the sink, “I’ll know in a few hours tops.”

  Sighing, I decide to drink straight from the bottle instead of wasting a glass. I don’t know how much longer I can take her being there and not in my arms.


  I’m woken up by a whisper, Laura is crouching next to the mattress with a small flashlight and a bowl of water. She hands me the flashlight as she dips a washcloth into the bowl. I’m hesitant to trust her, but she is here helping me in a small way.

  “I’m sorry for not helping you,” Laura whispers.

  Shaking my head, I tell her what we both already know, “He would have punished you if you had.”

  Laura presses down on the cloth causing me to gasp in pain. Taking the towel from her, I wipe the dry come from my body. I feel just a little better now that I have cleaned away the evidence of what happened earlier. Taking the small cloth from my hand, Laura leaves the room.

  I’ve been down here for a long time now. Days if my time assessment is correct. I haven’t even been given any food, just bottles of water being placed by the door. I doubt that is Carlos’ doing. No, I think I may have found a friend in Laura.

  Light blinds me, Carlos is standing at the door looking in at the disheveled state I am in. “Get up.”

  I make my way to my feet waiting for him to give me some indication of what he wants. Carlos crooks his finger as if I am a child. Tentatively, I walk until I am standing in front of him. He
traces his finger down the side of my bruised face down to my nipple. I loathe his touch, but Carlos has shown me that he doesn’t care how much he hurts me. For now, I will endure him and his idea of what we are. Soon, I won’t have to.

  “Dear wife, have you learned your lesson?” Carlos questions, gripping my chin.

  I take his other hand in my own, lacing our fingers together, “Of course I have.”

  He studies me trying to figure out if it’s a lie or not. I have been perfecting my poker face for years though. Carlos must believe me. Pulling my hand, I am finally let out of the small room. I catch a glimpse of Laura in the hallway as we make our way up the stairs, nasty and dark bruises line her arms. I don’t ask, but I have a feeling it was for the water she left for me.

  “Your father has finally agreed to sign over the business to me. You have some planning to do. It will happen tomorrow night, so a celebration is in order. Make it happen. You don’t want to disappoint me again,” he muses, handing me a phone.

  Taking the phone, I ask, “May I call my father?”

  Nodding, Carlos turns to leave the room halting just before he closes the door, “Invite your cousin… Rosalina? I believe that is correct.”

  Perfect. A huge smile plays across my face, “Of course.” For the next hour, I am planning a celebration to rival any others I have been to growing up. I dial my father’s number, waiting for him to answer is hell.


  Sighing, I greet him, “Hola Papa.” I don’t remember the last time I called him that but it works for what I need.

  “Amalia, how is married life?”

  Rolling my eyes, I respond curtly, “It’s great. Listen, I need Rosalina’s phone number for Carlos’ big party tomorrow. Can you give me that?” Writing down the number, I don’t say goodbye; instead I just hang up on my father.

  Dialing Rosalina, I hope she will answer and understand what I need. A male voice answers the phone, “Bueno.”

  “Uhh, hi is this Rosalina’s phone?” I question.

  “One moment.”

  I can hear muffled voices until her voice finally comes across the line, “Rosalina, it’s Amalia. Listen, I would love for you and Anthony to come tomorrow night for a party.”

  Silence greets my question. Finally clearing her throat, she responds, “Yes, we will be there. I would really love to talk to you about your married life since I just found out. Maybe somewhere private?”

  I rush to tell her I would love that when I hear footsteps outside of the door. Quickly ending the call, I look up as Carlos walks in. “All done.” Stalking over to me, Carlos picks up the phone pocketing the device.

  “You stink. Get a shower then eat something,” he commands making his way out.


  I do smell. Days in a room with no bathroom will do that. Stepping into the shower, I scrub my body, washing the filth and any leftover traces of that night away. I need to plan how I will finally get away from Carlos tomorrow night. Genuinely smiling for the first time in weeks, I begin to plot the perfect way to end it all.

  When I’m done, I hum to myself all the way downstairs to the kitchen where Laura is cooking dinner. “Smells wonderful,” I say giving her a smile. She is confused at my actions, I would be too if I were her.

  We eat dinner in silence. I am ready for tomorrow —the anticipation is killing me honestly. Lying in bed next to Carlos, I think of all the ways I could fail at getting away from him. I don’t have a very good plan; I am not a killer or at least I haven’t ever been. Closing my eyes, I fall asleep listening to Carlos’ breathing.

  Waking in the morning to Carlos driving into me, I question how I am going to finally get away. I am beginning to feel as if this is normal for people, even if it’s not what I want.

  “Turn over,” he commands.

  When he spreads my cheeks, Carlos gives me no time to prepare as he tears through the tight ring of my ass. As Carlos plunges into me, I try to get him to stop. Visions of the dead woman in front of me still plague me.

  “Please stop. I can’t do this, anything but that,” I beg.

  Carlos doesn’t care if I beg and cry, gripping my hair he pulls me back into him, “You will do whatever I command. Remember who you belong to. Tonight, you are going to wear my come like a Goddamn badge.” Releasing my hair, he pulses inside of me. His come filling my ass. Carlos smacks my ass, “Oh, don’t think about washing that off. I want everyone to know who you belong to, dear wife.”

  Leaving me in the bed that smells like him, Carlos saunters out of the room, I feel filthy and humiliated at the idea of being covered in his come. Carlos is allowing me to wear a dress today, no panties but I still consider this a small win. After dressing, I make my way downstairs as the event caterers begin to arrive. Plastering a smile on my face, I make sure that everything will be perfect for tonight. One way or another Carlos or I won’t live to see another day.

  Rosalina arrives with Anthony around four in the afternoon. She immediately hauls me upstairs, using the excuse of catching up as to where we are going. I’m thankful my bruise has faded when she takes in the scar on my thigh. It is still a bit red instead of the white of an old scar.

  “Here. Nico sent this with me,” Rosalina explains handing me a small plastic bag with two pills inside.

  I roll the pills in my hand, it’s almost too easy to believe that these would end it all. “How do I get him to take it?” I question, looking for somewhere to hide them.

  Entering our bedroom, Rosalina glances at the lack of clothing in my closet. I don’t want her pity. It’s not something I’m use to from anyone. “Break it open, and pour it in his drink. It will dissolve in seconds, and he will suffocate until he eventually dies. The smaller one won’t kill him, but that one is for Hernando,” she answers, sitting at my vanity. Both of us are quiet, lost in thought at what I am going to do when she speaks again, “He loves you, you know. I don’t get it, but he does.”

  My hand acts all on its own, coming across her face in a loud smack. “You don’t know me. You never really have. You have only ever gotten to know the person on the outside. So fuck you, Rosalina.”

  I look at her, waiting for her to say something but she doesn’t. A knock sounds at the door; I know it's only Laura because Carols never knocks but I still place the small bag inside my vanity drawer.

  Opening the door, I see her standing nervously, “Senor Perez would like you downstairs to greet the guests in a few minutes.” Dropping her voice to a whisper, she rushes out, “He isn’t in a good mood, something about a male guest he didn’t invite being on his way.”

  Closing my eyes, I turn to Rosalina, "Come on, I have to go downstairs to see Carlos for a bit.”


  Walking down the stairs with Rosalina on my heels, I notice it is now after six and people should be arriving soon. I make my way straight to Carlos waiting for him to tell me why he needs me.

  “Come, dear wife,” he commands, lacing his fingers with mine.

  Carlos pulls me into his office, leaving the door open as he pushes me to my knees. I know exactly what he wants as he unzips his slacks. Opening my mouth, I let him use me. Gagging around him, my eyes go wide seeing Nico standing in the hallway watching me. I can tell he isn’t pleased, his fists clenched and he shakes his head looking back one last time before he walks away.

  “Swallow it all.”

  Tears fill my eyes threatening to spill over. I never wanted anyone to see me this way. Choking back a sob, I do as I was commanded, swallowing the mouthful of come. Patting my head as if I’m a dog, Carlos grins, “From the tears and the way you are staring at that hallway, I take it he saw you on your knees for me.” Gripping my chin, he forces me to look into his eyes, “Remember what I said, you are my whore, my wife.”

  Offering me his hand, I stand, and we walk out into the room where all of the guests are now mingling. I mask my humiliation and hurt while I play the part of a dutiful, loving wife. I feel as if my entire life
has been one massive play for everyone to watch, waiting for me to show them the fragile woman I truly am.

  As we make our way around the room, making our way closer to Nico, Rosalina, and Anthony, Carlos grips my side harder than ever. Carlos offers the hand not digging into my side to Anthony and then Rosalina —completely bypassing Nico, “Welcome. I’m truly sorry you all were not able to attend our wedding. As deep in love as we are, I’m sure you can understand the need to have it finalized quickly.”


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