The Tiger's Pregnant Bride

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The Tiger's Pregnant Bride Page 1

by Bonnie Burrows





  Copyright ©2016 by Bonnie Burrows

  All rights reserved.

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  About This Book

  Olivia was definitely not looking for anything serious when it came to men and sex. That was why she enjoyed seeing Sable, her “friend-with-benefits”. The fact he was a sexy shape-shifting WereTiger just made it even more fun.

  However, the fun ended when, despite being safe, Olivia found that Sable had made her pregnant and under WereTiger law this meant only one thing.

  They would have to marry and raise the child together or she will face execution. Reluctant to marry at such a young age, will Sable save Olivia's life by making her his bride? Or is she going to be forced to go on the run in order to protect her unborn baby?














  Sable pulled his jeans on, fabric rustling loudly in the quiet room. His latest conquest, a beautiful blonde whose name he couldn’t recall, slept peacefully in her bed, her face slack with deep satisfaction. Good for her. The blonde hadn’t been much fun at all, reminding Sable more of a starfish than the wild and crazy lovers he typically favored. But she’d been sweet, and he’d rocked her world in a way that only he could.

  He cursed under his breath as he scanned the room, looking for his shirt and shoes. He caught a glimpse of the toe of one shoe peeking out from under her discarded dress. He picked it up and turned, finally spotting his shirt on the bed, wrapped in her arms and held up against her face. Ah hell. This girl was so sweet, he hated to just leave without saying goodbye. But he’d been very direct with her from the start, letting her know that he wasn’t interested in anything more than a playful fling between two grown adults. As she neared climax, her mouth loosened with desire, she shouted her undying love and affection. And now, Sable was sneaking out of her home, leaving her with what he hoped was a beautiful memory, and one of his favorite shirts. He hoped this didn’t get awkward later on.

  Still missing one shoe, he circled the room quietly, trying his hardest not to wake her. The light of day would come soon enough; he wanted to give her that beautiful dream that had drawn a sweet smile on her face. She’d have other men; some that would be worse, and one that would give her exactly what she needed.

  He was not that man.

  He finally found his second shoe and was pulling it on when she stirred behind him. He held stock-still, willing her to go back to sleep so he could make his hasty retreat without confrontation. Sable relaxed when her breathing remained steady and heavy, a sure sign that she was lost in the bliss of her dream world.

  He looked again at the dress, tattered and cast-off on the floor of her cluttered apartment. A quick scan of the modest room said that she had spent an entire paycheck on that one dress, and it was the only one she owned like it. Hesitant to leave her a bit of money on the night-stand to replace the dress, lest she think he was paying her like a common prostitute, he pulled a piece of paper off a notepad on her dresser. The pen flew across the paper, leaving neat script behind as he wrote her what he hoped would be a welcome note.

  Beautiful woman,

  I seem to have destroyed your dress in my haste. You deserve to have another like it and many more. I have an account at Rolland’s in the city. Feel free to pick a collection of dresses that suits you and charge it to my account. I wish you the very best and hope that you find the true love you deserve. Do not settle for less than a man that will shout his love for you from the rooftops. Sweet dreams, Sweet Lady.


  He doubted that “goodbye” was what she wanted to hear, but it was inevitable. He hoped his gift would reduce the sting of waking up alone, though it could backfire on him.

  Sable looked at the sweet blonde one more time before taking his leave and closing the door behind him silently.


  Ava heard the door click, and waited a few beats to check the note he’d left on her bedside table. She cringed when she thought of her unfortunate outburst; screaming “I love you” at the top of her lungs when he’d sent her spiraling out of control. The man was a tiger in bed, and she’d been unprepared for the feelings that would come rushing to the surface when her passion overflowed. She didn’t actually love him, but man would she love to have him again. And again.

  She pulled the note to her and read in the dim light from the street lamp outside her bedroom window. Her eyes briefly went to the mangled dress on the floor. He had ruined her only dress. Ava read on, a slow smile spreading across her face. The man had thought he’d break her heart, so he gave her a wardrobe from Rolland’s! Ava looked at the clock. She had seven full hours before the upscale department store opened up. How would she sleep? Never in her young life had she ever been able to afford to shop at such a posh store.

  Ava rolled over and wrapped his shirt around her, inhaling his scent deeply. They may have only shared one night, but she would never forget Sable James.


  A short while later, Sable pulled his sleek Jaguar into the driveway, the ornate steel gate closing behind him silently. The driveway meandered through the property on the way to the house, but Sable didn’t notice the opulence. His parents had been wealthy his entire life, and they’d left it all to him and his kid brother Egan when they passed away six long years before. The money had meant very little when he’d been in his early twenties, suddenly the sole guardian of a twelve-year-old boy. All the wealth in the world didn’t heal the pain they’d both felt, and their lives had been rocky for some time.

  Pre-teen boys were already a force to be reckoned with, especially when their world was shattered as his had been. But Egan was also a shifter, and their parents' deaths had come during a time in his life where he was unable to control his body, or his temper. Now eighteen, Egan could still be a challenge at times, but he was a good and kind soul. Sable had no doubt that his kid brother was destined for greatness.

  Sable pulled himself out of his musings and concentrated on the driveway ahead. His automatic garage door opened when the Jaguar passed the sensor and he slid the machine into its place beside his SUV. The door closed behind him and Sable took the side door into the house. The back stairs off the kitchen led directly to his master suite. He took the stairs two at a time and checked his watch as he walked through his door way. He had at least two hours before sunrise, plenty of time to get some sleep before he had to start his day.

  He shed his clothes and slid into bed. He would shower in the morning. For now, what he needed most was s


  The sound of the doorbell tugged at Sable, clanging over and over until he awoke from his deep slumber. He blinked several times, his head foggy with confusion and the left overs of an odd dream. With a groan, he rolled over and looked at the clock. Eight a.m.? Who would come to my house at eight a.m.? He had his suspicions, but he pulled on some clothes before he went to answer the door, just in case.

  Olivia Turner stood on the porch, arms crossed, staring straight into the peep hole when Sable checked to see who was calling at such an early hour. Her hair was messy, long auburn locks in loose waves around her heart-shaped face. Her cheeks were splashed with freckles that highlighted her deep green eyes. Sable could hear her toe tapping impatiently through the door. He opened the door and she strode in without waiting for an invitation, heading for the kitchen.

  He watched her walk away, admiring how her jersey knit dress clung to her round backside. Sable could watch Olivia walk away all day; it was a luscious sight. He found her at the center island, already opening an expensive bottle of Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc, preparing to pour it into a large glass.

  “Rough night?” he asked, knowing the answer already. Olivia wasn’t much of a drinker under normal circumstances. So when she opened a bottle of wine before breakfast, he knew she was in a bad way.

  “Rough month. I haven’t been able to sleep a wink all night. I haven’t even seen this man in over two weeks, but he’s been calling me almost non-stop since we spent the night together. We were having a perfectly good night, and just like that, it was over.”

  “What did he do wrong?”

  “He said I love you. Why the hell did he have to go and ruin everything? I liked this one.”

  Sable nearly laughed. Anyone who didn’t know Olivia would have a hard time figuring out why she was nearly in tears with anger that a man had declared his undying love for her. But Olivia wasn’t that kind of woman; she preferred to be free to flow from one relationship to another without any bonds tying her to just one man. A man professing his love threw a wrench in her plans and threw her for a loop. It seemed to happen to Olivia often, and Sable couldn’t help but be amused at her predicament. She was probably the only woman he’d ever met who was truly happy remaining unfettered, and not just saying it to snag an otherwise reluctant man. He had no doubt that she would settle down someday, but he also knew it would take one hell of a man to accomplish it.

  She poured the wine into the goblet and downed it in one shot. Sable reached into the pantry and pulled out a bottle of whiskey, setting it on the table with two shot glasses. She raised her eyebrow at his choice.

  “What do you take me for, a drunk? It’s not even nine in the morning.”

  Sable laughed this time, a deep, hearty chuckle that reverberated through the tiled room and filled the air with warmth. Olivia was a fire-cracker, and Sable loved her for it. There was never a dull moment when Olivia was around, that was for sure.

  Sable took a shot of the whiskey and put the bottle away, coming back to sit across from her on a plush, high-backed stool. He sat in silence, waiting for her to talk. Two glasses later, she finally started talking, the words pouring out unchecked.

  “What man doesn’t want a woman who isn’t looking for a ring? Is it too much to ask for some wham, bam, thank you ma’am without all the mushy stuff?”

  She looked at Sable, waiting to see if he would answer, but he held his tongue. Part of the reason they’d been friends for so long was because her feelings on love and sex aligned so perfectly with his. For almost a decade, the two had been friends with occasional benefits, and that suited them both just fine. He winked at her, and she blushed.

  “If you’re done whining about love and soul-mates…”

  Olivia sighed. “Yes, I’m through. I’m through with all of it. Why can’t they all be like you? Good in bed, but not looking for commitment. Every man I sleep with is suddenly head-over-heels in love, and can’t live without me. I thought only women were like that. What gives?”

  “I guess I’m one of a kind.”

  She rolled her eyes. Sable was a lot of things, but modest was not one of them.

  “So there’s a fundraiser tomorrow night for the Shifter-Human Peace Project Scholarship Fund, and I need a date. Someone who’s gorgeous, funny, stunning in a tight little dress, and a good conversationalist. It also helps if she’s human, since the big purpose behind the gala is to prove that shifters and humans are still able to coexist peacefully.”

  “Is there anything in it for me, or am I just arm candy?”

  “I could offer you the moon and the stars, and my heart for all of eternity.” Olivia snorted. He knew better than anyone that those things were the furthest thing from her mind. “Or I can offer you a good time, lots of dancing to live music, and maybe a roll in the hay afterwards.” She smiled at the last, “If you’re good and you behave yourself in front of the politicians.”

  Olivia groaned. There was nothing quite like a room full of pompous men throwing a party to show each other what selfless philanthropists they were. Olivia stood, her legs a little wobbly from that extra glass of wine she enjoyed. She slid around the counter and stood beside Sable, leaning in close to whisper in his ear.

  “Fine, I’ll go, and I’ll be nice. I might even be friendly. But I don’t promise that I’ll be wearing anything under my dress.”

  He smiled. “I was counting on that.” He pulled her in for a kiss and she leaned into him, enjoying the heat of him. She pulled back and smiled sheepishly.

  “I’ll need a new dress of course.”

  “Of course. You can charge it to my account. Just do me a favor; wait until tomorrow morning to go shopping. I have a feeling that what’s her name is buying at the store as we speak.”

  “Oh, Sable. Did you forget some poor girl’s name again?”

  “More than that. I ripped her only evening dress and rocked her world so hard that she blurted out her eternal love for me. I left without saying goodbye, so I thought a new wardrobe would help.”

  Olivia laughed so hard that she snorted. “I wish men were so easily placated.” She looked in dismay at her cell phone display. “I’ve already received twenty missed calls from Dan today, and we haven’t had sex in weeks. And he left a message every time.”

  “Let me know if he becomes an issue and I’ll take care of him.”

  The memory of the last man Sable had “taken care of” was still fresh in Olivia’s mind. He had a hard time understanding that no means no and had started stalking Olivia shortly after a date that was so bad, she left before dessert was served. After trying unsuccessfully to let the police handle it, Olivia was desperate for peace. Sable had caught the man, red-handed, trying to sneak into her bedroom window in the middle of the night. Olivia would never forget the look on his face when Sable stood before him in the darkness, the light of the moon shining down on him as he shifted into a tiger and let out a deafening roar. The stalker had been rooted to the ground, a large puddle growing around him in the flower bed as he stood there, too frightened to move.

  Olivia had never seen the man after that day. She hoped Dan wouldn’t need the same incentive to stay away.

  Heavy steps pounded down the stairs off the kitchen.

  “Incoming,” Sable whispered. Egan wasn’t much of a morning person and Sable knew that it really was a crap-shoot which version of the hormonal teen he was going to get each morning. Sometimes, Egan was downright pleasant. But most of the time, it was like playing a game of Russian roulette and all the chambers were loaded.

  Hair in disarray and yawning, Egan appeared in the doorway. When he saw Olivia, he smiled shyly and went to the fridge. He pulled out a dozen eggs, a package of bacon, a gallon of orange juice and a can of pre-made biscuits. Glancing over his shoulder to see if Olivia was still watching him, he began to cook with a flourish, cracking the eggs with one hand and placing the entire pound of bacon strips on the stove top griddle. The air quickly filled with the aroma o
f sizzling bacon and hot, buttery biscuits.

  Olivia realized that she was starving. “Man, Egan, you’re a life-saver. I’m glad one of us can cook.”

  Egan ducked his head and blushed. It was no secret that he had a crush on Olivia, even though his brother had been seeing her off and on for most of his life. He never gave up the notion that one day, she would be his. She shot him down at least once a month, claiming that he was much too young for her, or that he was like her kid brother. She would see one day, he just knew it.

  Garnering his courage, he stammered a little as he started, “Olivia, um, there’s this dance tomorrow night.” He spooned her food onto a plate and garnished it was a fresh sprig of parsley. Olivia smiled and thanked him, digging in with gusto and moaning in pleasure when she took the first bite.

  “Anyways, there’s this dance, and I need a date and I thought that you could be my date. You know, just as friends.”

  Olivia’s face fell. She hated to hurt him, but he was so persistent. She looked to Sable to for help. Sable shrugged. He’d long since given up on convincing Egan that Olivia was out of his league and his age bracket. He was determined, that was for sure.

  “Sable already asked me to be his date for an event and I’m going with him. What about Tiffani from your school? I thought she liked you.”

  “She does, but she’s a high schooler.”

  Sable interrupted him. “So are you. As long as she’s already eighteen, she’s welcome. I’ll even let you rent a limo if you want.”

  Egan slammed a plate of food in front of Sable, the eggs spilling over onto the counter as the glass fought to stay together. “I don’t want a limo, I want Olivia. Why must you ruin everything for me?” He grabbed his plate of food and raced up the stairs, his hasty retreat followed by a violent slamming of the door that reverberated throughout the west wing of the house.


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