Her Dark Soul

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Her Dark Soul Page 20

by Kim Knox

  Ash dug her fingers into his shoulders, pushing her hips forward, eager for him to sink deep into her flesh. They would give new strength to Lucas…and then… A quick bolt of desire-driven magic skittered under her skin. They had decades to explore everything. “You can’t hide from me.”

  Marek’s thoughts were a dull granite and his fingers tightened against her ass. His cock pushed, so close to where she needed, ached for him that Ash held her breath. “Magic weaves under your skin, sings in your flesh, tastes…” His lips brushed hers. “Sweet.”

  Ash’s heart pounded and she rolled her pelvis. Sparks danced behind her eyes. The head of his cock teased her and then he thrust forward. The first wave of her release coalesced with the bright burn of magic and it spiraled up, up, Marek catching it, weaving it with this thoughts. On the bed, Lucas gave a soft groan.

  With the next hard stroke of him into her pussy, Marek speared her with his heated gaze and tugged at her bottom lip. “I want you.”

  Something lurked under his words, the darkness that seemed to flow beneath everything that he said. But the lies were over. He had hidden their unity to fool Zorion and Caheus. Now there was nothing to hide. “Marek…?”

  Desire and desperation wrapped around her. His want of her was hot, heavy, burning through her flesh. “You.” His mouth covered hers in a ruthless kiss, denying more questions. His bruising hands and the hard thrust of his cock called to her demon blood.

  Magic rose. It tasted of life and sex and their perfection. Marek wrought it into healing and strength, his ease crushing her to him. She wanted his strength. He was their primary, would restore Lucas…

  Marek groaned and his strokes into her willing body increased. She tightened her thighs against his hips, the squeeze of her muscles around his cock searing a hot liquid twist of brilliant magic between them. Their binding deepened the desire, the need to fuck hard and fast, to share what they were, to find glory and joy in their demon blood. And she would.

  Ash broke her mouth from his with a low growl, fisted her hand in his hair and forced him to look at her. Magic flickered in the darkness of his eyes in streaks of gold and silver. “What are you hiding?”

  Anger creased the corner of his eyes and the sparks of power curving his irises glittered. “Questions?” He rolled his hips and the sudden flare low in her flesh caught her breath. “Now?”

  Her mouth thinned and she pushed down against him, meeting every hard thrust. He was hers and she had the right to know his thoughts.

  His lips ghosted her mouth, ignoring the tug of her fingers in his hair. “I’m your primary.” The hot words burned against her skin. “Obey me.”

  She sank her teeth into his bottom lip, tasting him, feeling the fast pulse of his blood. Her thoughts touched his. It was still there, the obscuring mosaic of granite and diamond, shifting, blurring his deeper emotions. She could taste…something. Something sour. “Guilt.” Her tongue laved her teeth marks on his lip. “Fierce, choking.”

  Marek closed his mind to her and anger rushed from him. His fingers gripped her ass and he pushed deep, pushed hard, the need to end the unwanted conversation his final thought. Ash wanted to lose herself in this strength, the force of his body and the desire that drove him. They had to heal Lucas and the magic fusing together from their hot flesh rippled over them and him. His soft groans, mirroring Marek’s push into her body, proved it was working.

  Yet Marek’s bitter secret tempered the pulse of her release. It was there on the edge of her thoughts, the knowledge that her primary, the man she desired, the man she loved, kept a needed part of himself hidden. “Lucas will share his past with me.” Her words came out on broken gasps, the slick heat of Marek’s body pinning her to the damp silk of the wall. “You.” Her head fell back and Marek buried his face against her neck. His lips touched the shell of her ear, his ragged breath heating her blood. “You deny me. Deny us.”

  He paused and for long seconds he stayed still and silent. Ash’s wild heartbeat slowed and she couldn’t help the wince that tightened her face.

  “It hurts.” He pulled in air and held it before letting it go on a long sigh. “It hurts that I love you.”

  Her heart twisted, joy and then fear rushing through her veins. He had never wanted to be their primary, had fought his own heritage until forced to accept it by Zorion. She pushed out the question that had the magic dying in her flesh. “You want to break our deomos?”

  Marek jerked his head back and stared at her. “Break?” His sudden burst of fear smashed into her, quickly followed by anger and the burn of possession. His glare seared her. “You’re ours. Mine.”

  She squeezed her pussy around him and his hips bucked involuntarily. The first spark of magic teased her belly and Lucas shifted on the bed. “You love me.”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw and he looked at Lucas. Ash followed his gaze. Sunlight edged Lucas’ face and his eyelids fluttered. His gold-touched beauty lifted her thoughts, brought a smile to her mouth. Marek looked back and his lips thinned for a brief moment. “I’ll heal him for you. I promise.” His gaze fixed on her mouth. “You love him.”

  Ash blinked and her fingers touched his jaw. “Guilt.” She pressed her lips to his cheek, the now familiar brush of bristles, the spiced taste of his skin sinking warmth into her soul. She rolled her hips and the feel of him still hard and hot inside her curved a smile across her lips. “Lucas loves me and I love him.”

  There, the slight tensing of his shoulders, his back and the thickening of his shield in his mind deepened her smile. He was their primary, but with the games he had had to play, he didn’t understand the true nature of their bond. He felt guilt for wanting, for loving her when she loved, and was loved, by another. “Marek.” She whispered his name against his lips and pulled back to hold his gaze. She could read nothing from him, but she knew he hid his pain. “It’s who we are. I love him and I love you.” He blinked. “And you’re expected to love me.” She smirked. “We share…everything.” She pulled a slow kiss from his lips. “Honestly, I’m supposed to be the one ignorant of all law and customs of the dark souls—”

  Marek stopped her words, but his kiss was slow, deep, a kiss that reached down and created a liquid run of warm, golden magic threading through her flesh. He caught it, wrapped it around and through his own and let her join in bathing it over Lucas. It slid over his thoughts, caressed him, eased the pain Caheus had inflicted.

  Marek sighed and the slow push of his hips brought her thoughts back to him. She teased a kiss and then another, meeting his powerful thrusts. Magic, desire and the soft keen of their binding song swept over them, repairing the doubt, the secrecy. “I love you.” Marek’s soft whisper warmed her skin.

  She felt his smile as if it were her own and his flow of emotion, of need, desire, affection and… Her eyes narrowed. “Irritation?”

  Humor sparked in his gaze. “Another question, Ash?”

  “Then it’s mutual.” She pushed down and squeezed her thighs, forcing him deeper, and watched the flare of magic and want gleam in his eyes. “Primary.”

  “Yes, I am.” He grinned and the throb low in her belly made her gasp. His mouth found hers and his tongue mirrored the hard stroke of his cock.

  Ash groaned and clung to him, his skin slick under her fingers, the feel of hard muscle, his strength and power, rioted through her. They were bound in perfection and that knowledge drove her against him, faster, the smack of their bodies, their moans, filling the silence. Magic and the flickering edges of her release wound up through her flesh and she grabbed at both. Fire danced under her skin. She wanted to come, but she wanted to luxuriate in the joy, the glory of Marek fucking her and the creation of sweet, delicious magic.

  Marek broke his lips from hers and his harsh breaths burned against her ear. “Come for me, Ash. Sear the air with your screams.”

  Her heart pounded and she crushed her eyes, riding out the first ripple of hot orgasm. “Damn you.”

  His wicked laughter slid
another flutter of intense joy. “Want me to stop?”

  Ash growled, her dark soul blood rising. “Want to do this ever again?”

  Marek’s laughter deepened and he teased his teeth, his tongue across her earlobe, and the liquid heat in her veins flared. “Come for me.” His pause ramped her already pounding heart. “I love you.”

  Ash arched into him, a cry escaping her mouth as her release swept in an unstoppable, violent wave up from her belly to overwhelm her thoughts. Magic burned, flooding her, chasing over her breasts, her belly, finding Marek, finding Lucas. The sweet sound of it rang through her. Marek’s erratic thrusts added fury and her body, her limbs shook. Only his hard hands, the solid strength of him, kept her from slipping from his arms. He came, his heat filling her, and his low groan sent a delicious shiver under her skin.

  Her head flopped back. She breathed through the last slow pulses of her release. An easy smile pulled across her mouth and she felt the echo of Marek’s in her flesh. His mind shone, open for her, and the beauty of his gift squeezed her heart.

  Marek straightened and flexed his fingers against her ass. His head tilted and his dark grin pushed fresh need into her mind. “A bed next time, I think.”

  Ash dropped her bare feet to the cool tiled floor and curled her toes. She lifted her arms, stretching her spine, the pull of sated muscles a pleasure.

  “A bed would be different.”

  “Lucas.” His name burst from her and heat bloomed in her chest. Then she flung herself at him, wrapping her arms around him, her head pressed to this chest. The slow, deep thud of his heart made her eyes burn. She bit at the inside of her cheek to stop more tears and smiled as his fingers skimmed long the hollow of her spine to trace a lazy pattern over her ass. She looked up, her chin creasing his linen shirt. “Feeling better?”

  He lifted an eyebrow, his face almost lost now in the heavy shadow of the bed. “More time without me?”

  “You’re alive,” Marek said. “Be thankful.”

  “Oh I am, primary.”

  Lucas’ eyes sparked and Ash almost touched the connection between them, the sharing of thoughts. It pushed an idea into her mind, one she hadn’t thought through before. “We create magic. Can I use magic?”

  “With time and practice.” Marek picked up his trousers and pulled them on. Ash watched him, disappointed that he wasn’t ordering Lucas to strip. His gaze narrowed on her and she smirked at him. Her thoughts were too obvious. He bent and picked up a long crystal, the mirror of the one Zorion had turned to flickering light.

  Ash blinked. “That’s the marker…”

  “Caheus still needs to be imprisoned.” He flexed his fingers around the heavy crystal and its magic thrummed through her flesh, but she didn’t feel the pull of the old demon buried beneath the palace. “It seems we’re his new keepers.”


  Lucas traced a random pattern against her skin. “Marek defeated him. Who else would magic choose?”

  Marek shrugged and dropped the crystal on the bed. “Now, since the emperor made me Senior Prime, I must enter the citadel. I need to reintroduce myself to old friends. Offer discipline.” His attention wandered over her nakedness, stopping on Lucas’ hand on her ass. She felt Lucas’ cock stir beneath her. He shook his head and gathered more of his clothes. “You’ll be safe here. Justus will be occupied with Zorion and Nelek. I suspect our emperor will enjoy his newfound power.” He shrugged his way into his crumpled tunic and pulled on his boots. Straightening his shoulders, he rubbed his hands over his face and smoothed down his hair. He picked up the crystal again.

  “You’re under the protection of the emperor and the Senior Prime of the Custodians.” His lips twitched and Ash felt the burn of his satisfaction in her own gut, caught the brief flickers of his old and bitter memories. His order had shunned him, mistreated him, but Marek had removed a man who had ruled for centuries and the emperor had installed him as the successor. His oath had once bound him to respect and work within the order. Now he set the rules. Ash watched his dark smile grow. “I could be a while.”

  “So we should amuse ourselves?”

  Ash rolled her eyes at the lascivious edge to Lucas’ voice and she pinched him. He yelped.

  Marek took her chin in light fingers. He dropped a soft kiss on her mouth. His taste, the brief swirl of magic and lust curled into her flesh and she almost purred. “I give you permission to do everything you think I would want.” He murmured the words against her lips and her heart thudded. No sour emotion lurked in him. He knew he could share in their joy, and intended to do just that. “Keep me firmly in your thoughts.” He glanced at Lucas. “Both of you.”

  He straightened and color flushed his cheeks. He ran a hand over the thin leather of his tunic, then turned on his heel. Ash felt his reluctance to leave them, had it mixed with her own. Marek stopped at the door. “Have fun.”

  The door thudded shut behind him.

  Ash let out a short cry as Lucas rolled her and pinned her wrists above her head. “Our primary has spoken.” His thigh pushed between hers and hard muscle pressed just right. The sweet shape of magic flowed between them. Lucas grinned. “We must obey.”

  “And think of him?”

  His kiss was more of a tease across her jaw. “Is he ever far from your thoughts?”

  Ash arched her body against his, aching to deepen their contact, to let Marek share in the ecstasy they could give him. Lucas was right. He would never be out of her thoughts. Neither man would. They were tied together, bound in love and lust and magic, for as long as she could imagine. A smirk pulled at her mouth. Longer. It was time for her to enjoy her heritage…and already the blood of her dark soul heated her flesh. “I want to make him squirm.”

  “All right.” Lucas’ grin deepened and the flicker of gold gleamed in his eyes. “I can do that.”

  About the Author

  Kim lives on an ancient boundary line, once marked by a Neolithic burial tomb. The tomb’s now a standing stone circle—thank the Georgians for that one—and stirs her mind with thoughts of history and ancient myths. She mixes the essence of the past into fantasy, along with the essential mix of magic and sex. She also writes science fiction romance, pushing out into the far future with effortlessly sexy men and the women who can’t resist them.

  Kim is multi-published. You can contact her on her website or come and chat at her blog: www.darknessandromance.wordpress.com

  The author welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website and email address on her author bio page at www.ellorascave.com.

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  Also by Kim Knox

  Chosen One


  Demonic Attraction

  Flesh and Shadows

  Hunting Evander

  Ruthless Beauty

  Skin Magic


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