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Truth or Dare

Page 6

by Dwayne S. Joseph

  Jess huffed and looked at the time again. One minute to go. “I’m just saying you have someone interested in your work. Maybe taking a night off wasn’t the best thing to do.”

  “I don’t think one night will kill me, Jess.”

  “A lot can happen in one night,” Jess replied, her thoughts on her first night with Jayson.

  Esias put his plate down so hard on the coffee table, his fork jumped and fell to the hardwood floor. “What the hell? I took one goddamned night off to relax with my family. I don’t need a fucking lecture.”

  “I’m not lecturing you, Esias.”

  “The hell you’re not!”

  Jess sighed as the time on her clock read 10:00. She looked at her cell phone, where Jayson’s picture sat waiting for her to glance at. Tonight she’d planned on giving him a dare to match her own. Tonight, without Esias there to harass her.

  “Look,” she said, her tone conceding defeat in a war she didn’t want. “I don’t have the time or desire to argue. My seminar is about to start. I’m going upstairs.” She began to gather her books, preparing to get out of her chair.

  “No,” Esias said, grabbing the remote. He clicked the TV off and tossed the remote to the corner of the couch. “I’ll take care of my priorities,” he said, making quotation marks with his fingers, “and just go to the goddamned studio.” He grabbed his plate, his beer, and went to the kitchen and slammed them down on the countertop.

  When he stormed off upstairs, Jess released a breath she had been holding at the tail end of their argument. Jayson had sent her a message.

  Hey, sexy. R u there?

  She took a glance toward the staircase, and then replied, Esias is here. But he’s leaving soon.

  OK. I luvd ur pic.

  Jess felt the heat in her cheeks as she smiled.

  Did u?

  Uh-huh. U lookd like u were hvng fun.

  Jess’s smile grew wider. Lol. I was. All alone.

  That’s a shame.

  A door slammed shut upstairs, and seconds later, footsteps thudded down the staircase.

  Jess shut her messenger down quickly, raised the volume so that her professor’s voice could be heard clearly, and looked up as Esias walked into the dining room.

  “I’ll see you after I’ve taken care of my priorities.”

  Jess frowned. “Whatever, Esias. I didn’t tell you to go anywhere.”

  “Yeah, OK,” Esias said. He turned and without a good-bye, walked out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

  Jess wanted to bring up the messenger again without hesitation, but she waited for Esias’s Camry to start, and then pull away from in front of their home. When it did, she logged back in and typed, I’m bck.

  Chapter 12

  Jayson smiled.

  She was back. Back and ready. Tonight was the night. Electricity ran through him to the tips of his nerve endings. Their relationship was going to move on to the next level. All she had to do was give him the dare he knew she was going to give.


  She was so right for him.

  He typed, U were gone 2 lng. I missed u.

  That would make her smile, he knew, because he knew her.

  Sorry. I was jst waitng 4 him 2 go.

  And he is now?


  And ur grls?

  Sleeping. They’re wiped out.

  I bet ur grls r cuties.

  I wn’t lie. Thy r!

  Lol. Thy get it frm their momma.

  Flattery will get you everywhere.

  Jayson ran his tongue across the inside of his upper lip. So ready, he thought. It was time. He grabbed his cell, pressed a button, and Jess’s breasts filled the screen. They were his wallpaper. He couldn’t get enough of them.

  His manhood came to life. Time, he thought again.

  He typed, I’m lookng at ur pic rght now.

  R u?

  I can’t stop lookng at it.

  Really? What was ur first thght when u saw it?

  1 st thght?


  Sure u wnt 2 knw? It’s a bold thght.

  Tell me!

  OK. 1 st thght ... tht I wsh my tongue was circlng around ur nipples.

  Jayson looked at his cell phone, his dick erect, and imagined Jess’s breasts in his hands and mouth. He could feel them. Smooth, soft, her nipples hard beneath the tips of his fingers. His dick throbbed. It could feel them too.

  Was tht 2 bold?

  No. Not at all.

  U hve some of the most engaging breasts I’ve evr seen.


  I wld kiss and caress the hell out of thm. I wld adore thm.

  Mmm. They haven’t been adored in a long time. Squeezed and fondled yes, but not adored. Tht would b nice.

  That’s a real shame. Breasts like tht, nipples as prfctly shaped as urs shld b caressed gently the way u wld handle a newborn. Thn thy shld be kissd, lickd, pinchd sftly, slwly. Thy shld b savored.

  Jayson stared at Jess’s picture, at her hard nipples. Nipples that he knew were harder now. She was wet and dripping from the things he’d just said. There was no doubt in his mind.

  Mmm. Tht wld b so nice.

  I wld hold, kiss, and admire thm for hrs, Jess. U wldn’t b able 2 say thy were neglctd evr again.

  Wow. Tht sounds so good.

  Touch thm 4 me, Jess. I luvd the way u held thm in ur hand. It made me so hard.

  A few long seconds passed before Jess responded.


  Squeeze ur prfct nipples 4 me.

  I luv to hve thm squeezed hard.

  I wld do tht rght now if I cld. I wld pinch and twist thm bfre I took thm in my mouth.

  Mmm. God, Jayson. I’m ... I’m ...

  Ur wht, Jess?

  I’m so horny.

  R u wet?


  Jayson smiled.

  Her hands were on her pussy now. He could all but see it.

  How wet?


  Wow. Wish I cld taste u. Do u like to be tasted?

  Of course!

  I wld so do tht 2 u.

  Mmm. My husband never goes down on me.

  Wht?? Ur hubby’s a fool. I wld savor and adore ur breasts and drnk evry drop ur pussy had to offr.

  I give, but haven’t gotten in such a lng time.

  If I were thre, I wld drink u rght now.

  Every drop?

  Evry drop. U’d b dry by the time I’d b done wth u.


  Time, Jayson thought as his manhood jumped. The time was now, the time had come.

  U still owe me a dare.

  J Yes, I do.

  R u ready 2 gve 1 ?


  The corners of Jayson’s mouth rose. He switched his cell phone to camera mode, leaned back in his chair, and pointed it at his cock. As always, he was sitting naked, sweat running down the small of his back.

  I’m waitng. Ask for what you want, my love.

  R u still hard?

  Jayson’s blood pumped. I am.

  How hard?

  Like steel.

  Prove it.

  Jayson angled his call to the right angle above his dick. And how do u wnt me 2 prove it?

  A pic. I wnt a pic.

  Of wht?

  U knw.

  R u afrd 2 tell me wht u wnt?


  So thn, if ur so grwn like u always say, thn tell me wht u wnt 2 see.

  OK, fine. I’m not scared.

  Prove it.

  I will.

  I’m waitng.

  I wnt a picture of ur dick.

  Is tht a dare?


  Hmm. And ur sure u wnt to see tht?

  Very sure.

  Jayson smiled, and as he did, he pressed the OK button and captured the proof Jess desired. Time, he thought once more. OK, I hve it. R u ready 4 it?


  OK. Sendng now, but ...


  I wnt an instant reaction. />
  Instant reaction? Wht do u mean?

  I mean I don’t wnt u running away again.As soon as u see the pic, I want 2 know ur thghts. OK?


  Coming now.

  Jayson hit the button to send his picture and as he did, a new chat message appeared in the upper left corner of his screen. He drew his lips together and shook his head. It was Rita from his Visual Basics class. He had fucked her, and then left her spread eagle on her bed, her wrists and ankles still tied to her bedposts. He had fucked her hard and deep. She’d cried and moaned behind the duct tape over her mouth when he pounded her, and the sounds of her whimpering had made his blood pump harder. He looked at her message. This one started the same as the previous three he had ignored since leaving her.

  U raped me u son of a bitch!

  Jayson sighed. It was time to be rid of her for good.

  I gave u wht u wntd, Rita.

  I wntd 2 b fckd not tied and gagged!

  It made the exprence more exctng, don’t u thnk?

  Ur an asshole!!!

  Jayson laughed.

  And ur an unfaithful whore

  Fck u! I’m gng 2 the police!

  2 tell thm wht, Rita? That u fckd around on ur hsbnd?

  No! 2 tell thm that u raped me!

  I did wht u dared me 2 do. Do u wnt me 2 send u the trnscrpts of our conversations 2 hlp u rmembr? Or bettr yet, I’ll just keep thm 4 the police, ur famly and the 676 Facebook friends tht u hve.

  Jess’s minimized messenger window began to flash orange at the bottom of his screen, indicating that she had responded. Good-bye, Rita.

  Ur a bastard, Jayson!!

  Jayson smiled.

  Truth or dare, Rita. U playd. I won. Game ovr. Now ... don’t send me anymore mssgs or everyone is going 2 knw a lot mre abt u than thy do now.

  I hate u!!! I hope u die!!!

  Jayson laughed and closed Rita’s chat window. Just like the others, her threats meant nothing to him. Their lives were locked away in folders with their names attached in his e-mail and in the memory card of his cell. They could go to the police if they wanted to, but if they did, two things would happen. One—he would air their dirty laundry out for everyone to see. And two—nothing would ever happen to him because Jayson Winston didn’t exist.

  “I dare you, Rita,” he said, then he maximized Jess’s window and smiled as capital letters with exclamation points at the end greeted him.

  O my!!

  Do u like?

  It was an unnecessary question, but he liked to read their responses.

  I ... I ... Wow! I do.

  R u sure? Don’t be afrd 2 hurt my feelngs.

  Jayson ... ur so big and thick.

  It looks better in person.

  Mmm. I hve no doubt that it does.

  I’m throbbing just knwng that ur lookng at it rght now. U r still lookng at it, aren’t u?

  I am. I can’t stop lookng at it.

  Tht’s how I am wth ur breasts. I’m staring at thm just imagining how they must feel.

  Mmm. I’m doing the same thing.

  I strokd looking at ur pic, Jess. I strokd and I came.

  Did u cum a lot?

  More thn a lot.

  Mmm. Just imagining tht is makng me wet.

  Wnt 2 taste u bad.

  Wld u really?

  Wthout hesitation.

  That sounds so good.

  Jayson nodded as he ran his hands up and down the length of his shaft. Of course it does, he thought.

  It wld feel good, Jess.

  Mmm. Wld it?

  Bettr thn good.

  I need tht. 2 feel good.

  Ur a beautiful woman, Jess. Beautiful and special. U desrve 2 b satisfied. U desrve 2 have evry desire met.

  Mmmm, Jayson.

  R u touchng urslf?



  R u?

  My hand is arnd my tip rght now.

  Your tip is so thick.

  Wld u stroke it if I were thre?

  O yes.

  Wld u tke it in ur mouth?

  I would tke all of it.

  All of it?

  All of it.

  I wnt u, Jess. I’ve wntd u since bfre I even saw ur pic. I jst felt smthng wth u. A connection

  I ... I knw wht u mean.

  U do?

  Yes. I’ve tried to deny it, but I can’t. As wrong as it is, I think abt u a lot. I long 4 our chats.

  Our conversations flow, dn’t thy?

  Yes, they do.

  Is ur hand still on ur pussy?


  Do u have fngrs insde of it?

  I do.

  How many?


  Can u get 3?

  I can get 4.


  R u still strokng?

  On the vrge of explodng.

  Mmm. Shame it has 2 go 2 waste.

  Maybe 1 day it wn’t hve 2.

  U never knw.

  Jayson grinned again. She was wrong. He did know.

  He was rock hard. I’m abt 2 cum, Jess.

  He stroked his manhood faster, held on to it tighter.

  Mmmmmm. I wish I cld see.

  If it were ur turn u cld dare me 2 capture tht.

  Do we hve 2 take turns?

  Truth or dare. We hve 2 follw the rules.

  Is all of ths jst a game 2 u, Jayson?

  Not at all, Jess.


  So ... truth or dare?

  I’ll switch it up this time.Truth.

  Jayson moved his hand up and down faster. As he did, he imagined Jess stroking him. He imagined being inside of her mouth. She’d chosen truth. He’d known she would, and his knowing made the moment that much more erotic.

  His right hand stroking, he typed with his left.

  Do u want 2 meet me?

  The friction of his skin against his skin was incendiary. He stroked and thought of Jess on him. He already knew what her answer was going to be.

  She typed, Yes.

  Jayson erupted. He worked his hands as he did, making his eruption flow harder. “Jesssss,” he whispered.

  Jayson, I don’t wnt 2, but I hve 2 go. My daughter jst woke up 2 go 2 the bathroom.


  I’m sorry. We’ll continue ths again.

  Defntly. But bfre u go, Jess, I hve 1 qstn.


  Did u hve an orgsm?

  Yes! Did u?

  I did.

  Wish I cld hve seen.

  It’s ur turn 2 ask nxt time.

  Lookng forward 2 it.

  So am I.

  OK ... hve 2 run. Talk 2 u soon.

  OK. I’ll b thnkng abt u, Jess.

  I will 2. Bye.

  Jess exited from AOL, and Jayson sat still with his hand around his shaft. Soon, he thought. Soon they were going to meet, and when they did, their forever was going to begin. Jayson grabbed his cell phone. He wanted to send Jess another picture to remember him by.

  Chapter 13

  Jess didn’t want to end the conversation, but she had to because of her oldest daughter’s sudden appearance in the dining room to announce that she had to go to potty. Jess quickly adjusted the panties she wore. They were now soaked. Her daughter had appeared so quickly and silently, that she’d only had time to remove her fingers from inside of her vagina. Jess quickly sent her daughter on her way, and then reluctantly said good night to Jayson and logged out of AOL.

  Now she shook her head. What if her daughter had seen her? What could she have possibly given as a viable explanation for sitting in the chair by the dining table with her head pressed back into the chair, her legs spread wide, and her middle finger moving back and forth inside of what she’d explained to her girls was something no one should ever touch? She’d been so lost in the heat of the sexual encounter Jayson’s words and picture had created in her mind that she had forgotten that she wasn’t alone.

  Jess closed her legs, the tip of her clit still pulsating, as her daughter flushe
d the toilet from the bathroom a few feet away. Never in her life had she ever done something so morally wrong. She was no prude and had done wild things in her younger days, but she was either single or just “dating.” Marriage and motherhood had been nowhere on the horizon.

  She was wrong. Absolutely and shamefully wrong. And the worst part was that had her daughter not appeared, her finger would still be inside of her, pretending to be Jayson’s dick, doing to her what his words on the screen said they would. She shook her head again. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so aroused, so wet. Too long, she thought. Too damned long.


  Jess turned her head. Her daughter was standing just inside of the dining room, rubbing her half-closed eyes. Jess smiled with a hint of a frown pulling down the corners of her mouth ever so slightly. “Hey, honey.” She pushed back away from the table, swiveled her chair, and opened her arms wide. “Come here.”

  Her daughter ambled over to her slowly and fell into her arms. Jess kissed her on the top of her head.

  “Why are you still up?” her daughter asked, her tiny head pressing flat against her chest.

  “I was studying,” Jess replied, hating herself for lying.

  “You’re always up late studying.”

  Jess raised her eyebrows. “Well, I have to take care of you and your sister first, so that’s the only time I get to do my schoolwork.”

  “Do you want us to take care of ourselves so that you don’t have to stay up late?”


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