Jingle Belled and Mistletoed

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Jingle Belled and Mistletoed Page 3

by Jeanette Lynn

  Eyebrows shooting up, I snorted in disbelief, but Dean just shrugged his massive shoulders.

  "Suit yourself,” he muttered quietly, punching his oddly lumpy pillow into submission as he tried to settle in for the night, “but I tried to warn ya."

  "I heard that," Vincent hissed out angrily, making me grin, and Dean shook the bed as he laughed out loud.


  Don't ask. Don't tell.


  I woke up in the warmth of my own private cocoon, taking in the scent of man and soap as I pillowed my cheek on a warm, bare chest.

  A warm, bare chest, I thought not two seconds later, suddenly alarmed.

  My eyes popped open wide and I found myself pinned to the bed, as Vincent had somehow wrapped himself around me like an anaconda, every inch of him touching every inch of me, our limbs entwined in as intimate an embrace as it could get just shy of shagging each other, while he slept soundly, all cuddled up with me.

  "I told ya," Dean sing song-ed as he made his way out of the bathroom, a towel in his hand as he dried his hair off from his shower.

  Baring my teeth in a feral smile, I glared up at him as he grinned down at me.

  That cheeky monkey!

  Turning subtly, I glanced up at Vincent, taking in his slack jawed expression, a slight snore emitting from him as he snoozed away obliviously.

  Shifting, I tried to wiggle a little, but he just pulled me closer, wrapping himself tighter around me as he mumbled something incoherently in his sleep and placed his cheek on the top of my head.

  Gulping, I flailed around feebly as I tried, ineffectively, to escape. 'Help me,' I mouthed as I looked to Dean helplessly.

  "Sorry. You're on your own, Jin Jin," Dean called out unrepentantly and shrugged, then chuckled evilly as he hurried from the room, tossing his towel to the floor carelessly on his way, and closed the door quietly behind him, finger waving at me right before the door shut, sealing us in.

  "Vincent," I grumbled as I wedged my hands between us, trying to pry him off of me. He didn't budge, so I tickled him a little on his ribs, shaking my head at him when he smiled at me in his sleep.

  "Good grief," I chortled out on a giggle as that smile widened, until he sported a goofy grin. "Vincent!" I called a little louder, trying to nudge him.

  He looked like such a loon with that silly grin on his face.

  I nudged him again. "Vincent!" I yelled from my squashed position on his chest.

  No response.

  Lips pursing, I eyed his nipples skeptically and thought, my bladder is going to explode, is it really worth it? Should I? Could I? Hmmm. If I do, he's going to be sooo mad.

  I could and I did.

  Wiggling even closer, I leaned forward and bit down on his nipple a little. Just a nip, trying to pull back quickly if my plan worked like I'd hoped it would and he released me.

  He didn't. Gah. Poor me.

  No, instead, he jumped and we were moving, until he’d rolled on top of me, giving me a dark glare as he grunted into my shocked face.

  There was a knock on the door and then, sharp and impatient, and a second later William strolled in. "Jinny, I..." he began, and then stopped as he saw Vincent and I playing dog pile on the bed, the sheets tangled around us as I stared up at Vincent, wide-eyed, and he glowered down at me fiercely, my hands braced on his chest as his rested on either side of my head.

  Gawping, I glanced at William and then at Vincent, my mouth opening slightly and then closing again as I choked on what to say.

  "What do you want, Geralds? Can't you see I'm a little busy here?" Vincent snapped haughtily, glaring down the length of his nose at William, and then William laughed out loud.

  "Do you really expect me to think Jinny and you are screwing?" He guffawed, finding the idea way more hilarious than I felt it warranted.

  Hey! It ain’t that funny, I thought indignantly.

  We could have been, maybe, I thought petulantly. Like, say, on an alternate universe where cotton candy tastes like chick peas.

  My eyes kept going back to Vincent, and I noticed the pink tint that had slowly come over his ears, that bright blush spreading across his high cheekbones and down the uppermost part of his neck, his throat working as he swallowed hard and his jaw clenched tight.

  "How the hell would you know? Been keeping tabs on us, Geralds?" Vincent gritted out through clenched teeth, his expression cold as he eyed the man angrily.

  "You can't stand her. It's painfully obvious to anyone who's around you two. Has ever been around you two for more than two minutes. Even I've noticed," he replied acidly. "I've been here for what? A full day now? And all you've done is glower at her and bark at her whenever she's within ten feet of you. Now, Jinny," he murmured snidely to Vincent and then glanced down at me, "Jinny wouldn't sleep with you because she can do so much better." He sneered, eyeing Vincent like he was beneath him, like he’d studied him and found him lacking.

  William smiled at me confidently then and winked, earning a narrow-eyed frown from me as his words slowly sunk in.

  "Jinny wouldn't play around with a snobby bean pole like you, when she could have someone like me," William stated boldly, puffing out his chest like a prissy, preening peacock.

  Vincent shifted on top of me uncomfortably as his face took on an even darker hue, beet red bordering on purple, clearing his throat loudly, shifting awkwardly atop me as William's barbs seemed to have struck, hitting a nerve with him.

  My heart went out to Vincent right then. I could completely sympathize, being on the receiving end of good old ridicule one too many times in my life. No one likes being the butt of a joke, I thought, in Vincent's defense, even more so at the hands of an ass hat like William.

  My eyes straying to William’s briefly, I slid my hands down Vincent's sides and under the blanket, boldly running them over his tight little ass, gripping his cheeks firmly, on in each hand, and gently squeezed. William watched in wide-eyed disbelief, gaping at the exploration of my venturous hands.

  Take that, Geralds! You prissy peacock! Does this look like I find him lacking? I smiled slightly on the outside, cackling like a demented witch on the inside.

  Vincent's eyes bugged out of his head but he didn’t stop or correct me. Glancing up at him to study his face, I grinned at his expression, laying it on more than a little thick for William, so any doubts he had about Vincent not being good enough for me, which was preposterous and totally the other way around, were put to rest.

  My middle name should have been Mayhem, I thought gleefully as William immediately stopped laughing, recovering from his sudden bout of gaping spluttering to frown at us. Hi eyes never left the movement of my hands, watching avidly, taking every detail in as I inappropriately groped my best friend's brother.

  "Could you go away?" I murmured quietly, quirking my brows up at the ass twat. "We were just getting started here and I need to put my pants back on before someone else comes in."

  Vincent, frozen above me, just stared down at me, a look on his face that would have had me in tears laughing my bum off, had the circumstances been drastically different, his tall frame tensing as I smiled up at him sweetly and leaned in to affectionately nuzzle his neck. Allowing me to do as I pleased, yipping slightly at the nipping bite I playfully planted on his nape as I watched William out of the corner of my eye, I took note, but rather absently, of the gooseflesh bumping up on my sleepover buddy’s flushed skin.

  Vincent made a noise in the back of his throat at that, and, taking that as my cue to tone it down, pulled back to look at William fully. Vincent’s chest was starting to heave, a small vein in his forehead starting to bulge, and I wondered if it was only moments more before the jig was up. Stuffy looked about to pop.

  "Ignore him," I giggled out, cuddling right back into Vincent's chest as William’s shock started to waver into suspicion. Pressing my cheek to the warmth in his chest, planting a small, chaste kiss on Vince’s chest, I offered William a small, somewhat condescend
ing grin. "Vin's just grumpy because you interrupted him when he was about to, ahem, jingle my bells," I joked, grinning lasciviously. Pulling back, feeling my job here done, my gaze swiveled until I was gazing up into wide green eyes. Winking at Vincent saucily as he blinked down at me, the look on his face beyond stunned, my master plan would have been perfect, had Stuffy over and above me cottoned on and played his part. Poor fella, I think I mighta broke him.

  "Your mother wanted me to let you know breakfast is ready," William muttered through tight lips, his mouth a thin, grim line. When neither of us said anything, I finally gave a sharp nod in acknowledgement, which must’ve been enough for ol’ Will over there who, suddenly silent, gave a curt nod back and spun on his heel, swiftly making a hasty retreat.

  Eyeing the door, I waited until it closed, William’s retreating footsteps growing farther and farther away, before hopping into action. With a long, heartfelt sigh, I went to hop up, remembered my companion pinning me to the bed, almost smashing his forehead with mine, and then began pushing at the human obstacle’s chest, shoving at Vincent’s person, anywhere I could reach, hurriedly.

  "Okay, get off of me! You're pushing on my bladder and I'm about to explode!" I hissed out loudly, pushing my pelvis up into his to get him going when he didn't budge. He made a wonderful paperweight but a lousy door. Move! Move! Move!

  He jumped up, finally snapping out of it, and hopped off of me, startled by my junk bump to his groin. I couldn’t hop out of that bed fast enough, uncaring that he was watching my every move as I ran to the bathroom, slamming the door with a wall jarring thud behind me. I had to go so bad I didn’t even bother to lock the darned thing as I rushed to do my business.

  Standing at the sink, my bladder noticeably smaller, I let out a sigh of relief as that particular organ thanked me, no longer throbbing almost painfully, and I washed my hands. Once done, I hurried to the bag of clothing I'd left in the bathroom last night, hoping to make it easier for me when I went to change this morning.

  Rummaging through my belongings, whipping clothes off in the process, I took off my comfy pajamas and traded them in for a clean pair of panties, a t-shirt, sweatshirt and jeans, tossing them on quickly so I could try and rush to breakfast before Dean ate everything.

  Cracking the door open, I found Vincent waiting on the bed, watching the bathroom door for me as my head poked around the door and I peeked out. The coast still clear, I opened it the rest of the way and stepped out, unnerved by the unreadable expression on Stuffy’s face.

  He was sitting there in nothing but tight boxer briefs, with little candy canes printed all over the dark green material. He looked very rumpled and sexy, practically naked in the bed, staring up at me with the strangest look, the remnants of his earlier blush still pinkening his skin. It was unnerving, and I tried oh so very hard not to stare.

  He still had that half-mast, slumberous expression to his eyes and his hair was adorably tousled, cowlicks sticking up in the back at every angle as his hands gripped the sides of the bed rhythmically and, still, he stared at me.

  Say something! Anything! Speak, I wanted to shout, but he’d probably take it wrong. Hell, he took everything that came out of my mouth wrong.

  He almost, almost looked approachable, I thought as I surreptitiously eyed his wirier but still quite manly physique.

  "Nice underoos, buddy," I joked, trying to lighten the mood a little, swinging my hands at my sides nervously.

  Why does he make me so damn edgy, I wondered. I felt like a little kid again, doing some strange version of the pee-pee dance whenever someone says or does something that makes me feel unsure of myself, particularly him. Almost always him.

  As my attempt fell flat, I was beginning to feel kind of like an ass, while he just continued to regard me like a newly discovered species of unknown origin. Just starin’.

  Clearing my throat, thinking myself ready, I smoothed my hands down my pants, then tugged at the neck of my sweatshirt hoodie. Just apologize. Maybe that's what he wants? Hmm. It was worth a shot.

  "Umm, so... sorry I, uh, grabbed your bum and all that. Heh. Heh. It won't happen again," I tried, hoping I'd said the magic words to lessen some of the tension between us.

  "Hey, Jinny! Get your ass out here!" Dean yelled from somewhere else in the house, making us both jump. "Ma says I gotta wait for everyone else to eat! Bring Stuffy with you while you're at it, would ya?!" he bellowed out impatiently not two seconds later, saving me from my current predicament.

  I could hear the faint sounds of Dean's mother scolding him on his caveman-like attitude and I grinned, rushing over to grab up my warm slip on boots on my way to the door.

  "You coming?" I asked Vincent as I hopped around on one foot, trying to get my foot in my boot as quickly as possible.

  Vince muttered something under his breath that I thought sounded an awful lot like, "I will if you keep doing that," but when I asked him what he'd said, he replied, "I said, you keep doing that and I'll be so dizzy I won't even be coming to lunch."

  Dropping my foot and my boots in the process as I momentarily froze, I blushed profusely and looked away, chagrined by my wayward thoughts.

  You're a total pervert, Jin, I berated myself, slipping on my boots slowly. Pfft. Like he’d ever actually think that about me, let alone say it aloud. Get your head out of the gutter, girl, I scolded harshly, finally sporting two boots and each on the correct foot.

  "Uh, see ya out there. And, uh, Vince...?” I called over my shoulder, straightening, not particularly wanting to meet his eyes right this moment. “Thanks, you know, for the help with William. I'm sorry if what I did bothered you. I didn't mean to- I wasn't... I don't want you t- Erm. Well, I'm, uh, just sorry. ‘Kay? So, bye!" I babbled as I rushed out the door, then turned the corner like my butt was on fire and began sprinting down the hall, not waiting for him to respond as I hauled ass the heck out of there.


  Did someone say bacon?


  I made it to the table in record time, but came to a screeching halt when I saw William sitting a chair away from Dean, his arm resting along the back of the chair he knew I was going to sit in.

  Frowning, though I tried not to, I detoured and made a beeline for the kitchen, breezing through the swinging door, walking over to the counter to steal a couple of pieces of bacon right off the platter Miriam was about to take out to the table.

  "Good morning, Jinny, dear!" Miriam called out cheerfully as she pulled the platter out of my reach.

  Shrugging in answer, I munched on my already snagged bacon as I waved her a good morning back.

  "Did you sleep well, Jinny?" she asked conversationally, pausing as she headed out the kitchen door.

  "William caught me trying to dry hump Stuffy into submission, but other than that, I'm great!" I called out sweetly, ducking when my mom would have hit me with her pot holder.

  Miriam just rolled her eyes and tsked me. "Jinny, you always did love a good tease, so ready to get a rise out of everyone else. Just like my Deanie." Shaking her head, she chuckled, giving me an indulgent, motherly smirk as she made her way out the door.

  "One of these days, Jinny,” Mom was already scolding, the second Miriam’s round rump was no longer visible, “someone is going to actually believe you!" Mom continued to complain, stirring the eggs harder than necessary.

  "Aw, come on, Mom," I teased, smiling at her confidentially, "who says it wasn't true?" I waggled my eyebrows at her when she turned to gape at me but she laughed, despite herself.

  "No, no. It's too absurd to be true.” Mom shook her head, upsetting the loose bun she’d put her hair up in. “You two are like cats and dogs."

  "Who's like cats and dogs?" Dean asked as he waltzed in and stole a strip of bacon right out of my hands.

  Swiping at empty air, I growled at him and launched myself at his smug butt, trying to wrestle my prize back from him, but he just stole my other piece of crispy pig slice and shoved it into his mouth,
chewing happily as I slapped at him and pinched his sides, glaring up at him indignantly. The very nerve!

  "Quit it, Jinny," he gasped out in a fake, whiny voice, "I'm delicate!"

  Unable to keep a straight face, I burst out laughing and let it go, giving up, settling on stealing my mom's orange juice off of the counter. It was a small victory, but a victory, nonetheless.

  "So..." Dean started as I studiously ignored him in favor of my pilfered juice, "who fights like cats and dogs?"

  "Jinny and Vinny," my mother supplied helpfully, swatting me with her wooden spoon when she turned around and went to get her juice glass and found it empty.

  Yelping, I dodged her whacking spoon hand the second time it flew in my direction, ducking behind the farthest end of the counter, safely out of her reach.

  "They looked pretty cozy this morning," Dean said mischievously, winking at me when I smiled at my mom congenially, giving her a look that screamed, See?! I told ya!

  "Oh, not you, too!" Mom huffed hotly, swinging back around for what felt like the millionth time, waving her spoon at him warningly. "I won't be dealing with anymore fibs from the two of you.” The spoon arced in front of us, weaving wildly as it swung around the open space separating us from her, going this way and that. “Do I make myself clear?" Lips pursing mulishly, she glared at us. "No more funny business!"

  "Yes, ma’am," we said simultaneously, elbowing each other like the brats that we are when she turned to check the food.

  Hey, it's not like we had to act like adults right now, not really, this is our vacation after all, a time to let loose and act like dorks whenever the mood strikes us, be free and childish if we wish, footloose and fancy, so to speak. Hell, if we had our way about this, no adulting-adults allowed. Hah.

  Now, we aren't really always like this and if children were present, then, no, we wouldn't be hamming it up, but they aren't, so ha-ha! Let the games begin!


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