Jingle Belled and Mistletoed

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Jingle Belled and Mistletoed Page 7

by Jeanette Lynn

  Changing his pace to short, hard thrusts, he chuckled darkly, biting down on the lobe of my ear, and that was it. Crying out, I dug my nails into his shoulders, trembling violently as my body exploded, my pussy twitching, pulsing, clamping down around him, my orgasm wracking me to the point I shook from the intensity of it.

  Vincent joined me a few minutes later, muffling his exultant shout of release into my neck, his shaft throbbing deep inside of me gave one, two, three harsh thrust and froze, spilling his seed.

  My companion was still pulsing inside of me minutes later as the sweat began to cool on our skin and the chill of the basement air became more apparent.

  "Jinny!" Dean shouted from the other side of the door as Vincent, with a long suffering sigh, reluctantly pulled out of me.

  In a state of post orgasmic, euphoric la-la land, though fully aware if I didn’t dress soon I’d be putting on a free show, I rushed around on wobbly legs, picking up my clothes as I hurriedly tried to get dressed.

  "You okay, Jin Jin?" Dean called out again.

  "What are you, psychic?" Head shooting up as I wrestled into my pants, I gaped at Vince incredulously, gaping over at him when he grinned, stalking towards me, and decided to try and get a little frisky. A snort left my lips and I slapped at his wayward fingers, chastising him soundly, yet as quietly as possible, while he tried to cop another feel at my bent over rump.

  Bending over my bent back, he planted a smacking kiss to my nape, chuckling into my skin before pulling back, but didn't stop there. Tugging me towards him for another mind melting kiss the second I stood up and spun around to face him, ready to let my mouth loose on him, it was quite the opposite, his lips eating at my mouth until I couldn’t recall which way was up or down. It wasn’t long before his hands grew more and more insistent on my person, and we were forced to put an end to it before we really put on a show.

  "Quit it, you." Shaking my head, I giggled quietly, finishing dressing.

  I was righting my clothes just as the basement door smashed open. "Jinny!" Dean shouted, barreling in, hurrying down the steps towards us.

  "Wait!" Vincent and I both shouted at once, but it was too late. Dean had already stormed his way down the middle of the steps, the ominous groan of the stairs sending me rushing towards him, trying to lunge for him as the middle steps gave way and Dean fell through.

  Horror filling me, I screamed, crying out his name as my insides twisted. I tried to reach for him but Vince grabbed me and hauled me back, holding me tightly to him, no matter how hard I fought.

  I clawed at him, just gone, completely mental, unable to fully process, screaming and fighting, panicked, trying to get to Dean. It felt like hours I fought, though it was mere moments in all actuality, begging and pleading Vince to let me go, explaining how desperately I needed to reach my friend. “Please...” I was sobbing openly now, trembling fiercely, slumping against Vincent, melting into him as he clutched me tight.

  The dust finally settled, unearthly the damage to the basement staircase, and Vince finally let go.

  Tumbling in my haste, I scrambled over to Dean, careful of the broken steps, splintered wood and debris everywhere as I rushed under the staircase and right over to him.

  “Dean? Dean?!” I called, ignoring the high pitch of my voice, how reedy and strained it came out. There he was, smack dab in the middle, pale with dust and other junk from the fall. My hands hovered over him—I was too afraid to touch him, yet afraid not to. Swallowing hard, I sucked back my fears, alarmed that he was so still, touching my fingers gently to his neck. Eyes filling, I let out a cry of relief when I felt a pulse. Stuffy was right there with me, saying words I couldn’t understand, not right now, my pulse pounding so thickly in my head.

  "Help!" I screamed up towards the doorway. "Help us! Please! Dean's hurt!" My hands shook as I brushed the hair back from my best friend’s face and found a long gash across his forehead. Dizziness hit me and my gut roiled. It looked bad. Hiccupping but trying to keep it together, I put my hand on the steadily bleeding wound, applying pressure.

  Dean’s fingers were cold as I slipped my free hand into his and began to talk, rambling about everything and nothing, murmured reassurances littered in there somewhere. Yacking my lips off, I tuned everything and everyone else out as I gently held my best friend's hand, praying, and waited for the ambulance, the one Vincent yelled for his dad to call for, to arrive.

  "It's going to be okay, Deanie." Ignoring the moisture slowly slipping down my cheeks and the way my chest ached, I sniffled softly, stroking his hand with my thumb as I kept telling him over and over, reassuring him that everything was going to be alright.


  Paging Dr. Jinny, Dr. Jingle, Dr. Bell!


  "He's going to be alright," I heard the doctor telling our families in the other room as I held the water cup up to Dean's lips and encouraged him to take another sip.

  "No more, please! I'm going to have to pee soon and I'm not all that fond of using public restrooms, you know?" Dean grumbled moodily.

  Waggling the cup, ignoring his surliness, I grinned down at him anyway, relieved beyond measure that he was okay, just happy to hear his voice.

  "You okay, Jinny? I didn't mean to scare you," he said worriedly.

  I nodded, and though he didn’t look convinced he nodded and sighed, closing his eyes and resting his head back against the pillows.

  My hand was still firmly gripped in his big mitt, holding on to him as tightly as he was me. He hadn't let it go since he'd woken up.

  Dean and hospitals didn’t mix, turning my big, brave bud into a giant, needy baby, hence his death grip on my digits.

  "You scared more than the piss out of me, Deanie Wienie," I told him truthfully, "you scared a few years off of my life!"

  Dean grimaced, scowling, but then yelped when his stitches pulled, tugging at his skin. "Shit, that hurts!" he yowled, forced to relax his expression, grunting in pain.

  "What hurts, Mr. Miller?" a nurse inquired as she walked in, her hands full with a nasty looking syringe.

  "Umm... heh... what's that for?" Dean inquired squeamishly as the nurse approached his bedside, lifting the needle up, and took the cap off.

  "Oh, it's just a little something for the pain," she said easily, patting his leg cast gently.

  "Roll over, sweet cheeks." Setting his cup down, muffling my reaction behind my hand, I giggled a little. "She wants a shot at your sweet ass!" I called out cheerfully as Dean glanced to me and paled, not even trying to hide my guffaws when he lifted his hand enough to flip me off. I laughed harder, just to the point of muffled yet howling laughter, and he huffed at me indignantly. And yet, as the nurse drew closer, he leaned a little closer to me, further away from the needle happy nurse.

  "I really don't need that," he said quickly, motioning towards the pain medication she wanted to administer.

  "You need it," I insisted, looking directly at the nurse. Nodding, lips turning down, I sighed sadly. "He's in a loooottt of pain," I reported solemnly.

  "NO! No, I'm really not," he practically yelled at the nurse, grimacing with each bump he gave to his cast.

  "Relax, Dean. It will only take a second," I taunted, smirking, looking to him challengingly when he really started to chicken out.

  "You aren't afraid of an itty bitty needle, are you?" Blinking innocently, unwilling to give him the out he was hoping for, I smiled sweetly.

  "You're a witch, you know that?" he growled out at me, turning towards me jerkily, squeezing his eyes shut tight, his fingers gripping mine to the point of pain as the nurse flipped up his covers and stabbed him, much harder than I felt was necessary, right on target.

  Dean's howl of pain could be heard throughout the halls of the hospital.


  I love you, man!


  "Jinny?" Dean asked with a sappy smile as Vince and I tried getting him into the bed.

  Our parents had relented when w
e'd insisted we could handle him, wishing us all a good night, and headed off to get some much needed rest. Everyone was, in a word, wrecked.

  "Jinny... how did you get the hospital to let you in?" Dean asked with the first sign of lucidity we'd seen since his pain meds had kicked in.

  He was much heavier than Vincent or I’d anticipated, his hefty frame causing us to huff and puff, straining to hold on to him.

  "WELLLL," Dean sang as Vince and I grunted and groaned, trying to shift his heavy ass onto the bed properly, "I'm waaaaiiittttiiinnnggg."

  "I told them I was your wife," I muttered, then snorted, yelping when Vincent let go of his grip on Dean, stiffening and jerking back, leaving me floundering with my bulky friend’s dead weight falling on me.

  "Hey! What the hell, Stuffy?!" I barked out, frowning over at him. “What gives?”

  "I wouldn't want to interrupt anything between you two." Eyes flashing, he glared at us, stomping from the room in a huff.

  Dean was a moose of a man, but slowly, surely, I managed to get him fully on the bed.

  "What did I do now?" I groaned out hopelessly, plopping down next to Dean when I'd gotten his leg situated and pulled his blankets up his chest.

  "He's not mad at you, Jinny." Dean smiled at me, throwing an arm around my shoulders to give me a hug. "He's just worried that you, you know, like me-like me," he murmured suggestively, his voice low and husky, ruining it by suddenly giggling like a little girl.

  "That's just absurd!" I burst out, horrified at the very idea. "I love you, Deanie, you know I do, but never like that," I muttered disgustedly.

  "I know, me too, for you." A sweet look on his face, Dean smiled at me then, but it was short lived. Staring up into my face, his gaze starting to shift, he frowned suddenly and grimaced, expression bunching, grunting when his stitches pulled. "I never gave you his letter," Dean said, looking to me worriedly, reaching out for my hand when I was about to get up to go try and leave, debating the merits of trying to soothe Vincent's ruffled feathers.

  "It's all my fault, Jinny. I didn't know. I never read it. I’d thought... Heck, I don't even know what I thought," he babbled, tugging on my hand when I would have stood up.

  "What letter?" I asked, baffled.

  "The one you gave to me, to give to Stuffy," he mumbled miserably.

  "Dean, I still don't-"

  "The one where you told him how much you liked him, when you were fourteen," he put in helpfully.

  "You didn't?” My brow shot up before furrowing. “But then, why? I always thought...” My words trailing off, I sat back down on the bed, more than a little surprised.

  "Don't hate me, Jin Jin, I didn't know, I swear!" he pleaded with me, gripping my hand frantically, as if he thought I might rip it away from him and storm from the room.

  "But... why didn't you? And why tell me now? That was so long ago, Dean, and I-”

  "You mentioned it to Stuffy and me after you got sauced up with me in the garage," he stated bluntly, cutting me off. "I didn't give it to him when we were kids because I was a stupid kid and I am, and probably always will be, a selfish bastard," he stated quietly. "I didn't want to share my best friend with my dorky little brother.” His eyes widened before lowering, and I knew he was fading fast. “I’d figured you were just trying to be nice to him or something and invite him to come along with us that weekend to the movies or something, I dunno, I never read it. I just threw it out and told him a bunch of bologna about you not wanting to hang out with me if I had to let my goober of a brother along. Hell, I don't even remember exactly what all I'd said. I didn't even remember it until you'd mentioned it and it jogged my memory a bit. I was a stupid kid, Jin, I swear! Ugh. Argh... This is all my fault!" Groaning, he moaned, shifting restlessly, and I wasn't at all surprised when his eyes got glassy.

  Pain meds are really throwing the poor guy for a loop, I thought, pushing his hair off of his forehead tenderly. "Relax, Dean." I smiled at him a little. "I'm not mad at you. Really. It's kind of hard to conjure up some mad at you for something that happened so long ago. We were just kids, like you said. You obviously feel bad about it, so I won't be browbeating you for it." Shaking my head, I chuckled a little. "And to top it all off, you're my best friend, Deanie Wienie, I've never managed to stay mad at you for very long." Patting his thick chest, I shrugged, nudging him a little.

  "Thank you, Jinny," he murmured as he closed his eyes and smiled, a sigh of relief escaping him, his body slowly loosening up as he finally relaxed, drifting off to sleep moments later.

  Untangling our fingers, I stood and went to leave, making sure to leave on the bathroom light with the door cracked, his crutches next to the bed, shutting off the main light on my way as I tiptoed out of his room.

  Scrubbing at my face, I made my way to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water, girding myself, trying to prepare, mentally, shoring up my reserves, for the showdown with Vincent.

  Rinsing my glass, taking my time in doing so, I walked down the hall, quiet as possible, and opened my door, a little disappointed to find the beds back to the way they were when I'd first arrived.

  Vincent was already asleep, his back facing me as he hunched under his covers, and I felt my spirits drop.

  Disappointed, yet a little relieved, I got ready for bed quietly and crawled under my own cold covers, sighing resignedly without Vincent's comforting warmth, of which I'd admit I’d grown accustomed to these past few days.

  "Good night, Vincent," I whispered. "Sweet dreams."

  Hours later, I woke up at some point in the night to the sound of furniture being scooted across the carpet.

  "Not a word, Jinny," Vincent growled out as he rolled me over, startling me awake. Moments later my sleep buddy came down on top of me, his lips meeting mine in a brief but urgent kiss that had my eyes widening and my lips tingling. “Too many clothes,” I heard him mutter, and he clambered off of me.

  Standing next to the bed, completely in the buff, ripping back my covers as he tugged urgently at my clothes. Buttons ripping in his haste, he gripped my jammy shirt and pulled it open. The clank of ricocheting buttons made me giggle, my lips slowly tipping up as he shoved the two sides apart, bending down, and latched onto one of my breasts, sucking hard at the tip until I gripped his scalp, my chest thrusting up and out, and urged him on.

  "Vincent," I moaned aloud and he released my nipple, kissing his way down my belly and past. I called his name out again as his tongue slowly circled my belly button, and he hummed his approval.

  "Say it again. Say my name, baby," he murmured huskily, his hot breath brushing against my clit now.

  I complied and was rewarded with a long, slow, torturous lick to my little nub of pleasure, his tongue venturing further up and then back down, until there wasn’t an inch of me he hadn’t tasted, my body quivering at his attentions.

  Once satisfied with his exploration, his mouth returned to my pleasure button and, much to my delight, he kept it there for a very generous amount of time.

  Pleasure button, I thought as he sucked it into his mouth gently and ran his tongue over it repeatedly. What a very apt name for that part of my anatomy. My hips bucked as he released it to give the folds of my pussy a long, torturous yet wonderful lap. My breath caught on a moan, my body squirming in anticipation as I eagerly awaited another one of his talented, torturous kisses to my most secret place.

  Pretty soon even that wasn't enough and I began to tug and pull at his hair, mumbling and pleading for what I wanted most.

  "What do you want, Jinny? Tell me," pressing a kiss to my thigh, I could feel him smiling against my flesh, and then he chuckled playfully, his mouth going back to my center, his tongue dipping lower to play at my folds before entering me. He was screwing me with his tongue, mimicking his cock, swiftly bringing me to the edge of a climax, but then he pulled away when I was just about to go over.

  Licking his lips, he climbed up my body, pleased when I spread my legs wider, running my hands feverishly up his chest
as he poised himself at the mouth of my sex, the head of his shaft teasing me, touching but nothing more as he held himself back.

  "Who do you want, Jinny? What do you want? Tell me now," he coaxed and started to enter me a little, slowly and shallowly, pulling out after he started to stuff his cock in past the head.

  "YOU! YOU! I want you! Vincent! Please!" I wailed, pulling at him desperately.

  "That's right, baby." He grinned at me.

  Covering my mouth with his, his hips pressed forward and he entered me abruptly, swallowing my ecstatic cry at the rush of pleasure tearing through me with a thorough kiss.

  "Only me, Jinny." Smiling against my lips, he nipped them, pulling almost all the way out to thrust in again. "And only you for me," he said on a growl, grinding his pelvis with mine, rubbing his pubic bone against my clit, sending tiny sparks of bliss shooting from my insides out.

  My body coiled tight as I climbed up and over. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my scream as my orgasm slammed into me, my sex milking his shaft, rippling convulsively as he plowed into me.

  Vince called out my name as he came, his cock pulsing in time with my quivering quim as our climaxes joined.


  And then...


  Two more rounds and one pee break later, we finally slumped down in the bed, Vincent's head pillowed on my breasts as I played with his hair and he gave a cute, happy sigh, cuddling me a little closer as I rubbed my free hand lovingly down his back. Watching my hands slide across his skin lazily, I grinned when gooseflesh popped up everywhere.

  "I've always liked you, Jinny," Vincent said quietly, a yawn escaping him as he tried to stay awake. "I just always thought you didn't like me," he admitted.

  "Funny you should mention that," I told him, thinking of Dean's medicated confession, "because Dean blurted out that he'd help perpetuate that idea."


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