The Litter of the Law

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The Litter of the Law Page 17

by Rita Mae Brown

  “My human is curious, plus she liked the witch lady. She wants to catch whoever did it.”

  The bird cocked a snapping black eye at the corgi. “You need better control over her. She’s wasting her time. Now, spending more time on her fields, that will yield something of value.”

  Tucker’s attention was diverted by a vehicle coming down the driveway. The sound sent her flying out of the tractor shed to bark warnings.

  “Dogs are idiots.” The goldfinch laughed as he hopped to the other rear fender, getting closer to Harry.

  The slender woman turned around, hands cleaner, beheld the small brilliantly colored bird. “Hello,” she said.

  “Hello back at you,” he chirped, which sounded to her ears like “potato chips.”

  Hearing the familiar goldfinch call, she smiled. “You’re a bold fellow.”

  She hung up the red rags, walked out of the shed, glanced over her shoulder. The goldfinch chirped, then flew up to the rafter.

  “Hey,” Cooper called out, Tucker at her heels.

  “Is this a courtesy call or business? I never know when you’re in uniform,” Harry said.

  “I was down at Rose Hill. Thought I’d stop by on my way back to town.”

  The two fell in side by side as they made their way to the house.

  “How’s Aunt Tally?” Harry asked. Rose Hill was the old lady’s estate.

  “Never changes. She’s besotted with the baby.”

  The two walked into the sunny kitchen.

  “Is she dispensing advice?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “No, she’s leaving that up to Big Mim, who, by all accounts, is a treasure trove of childrearing wisdom.”

  They laughed.

  Before they sat, Harry asked, “Coffee, tea, Co’Cola, hot chocolate?”

  “Nothing, thanks.” Cooper took a seat at the table. “Harry, I asked Aunt Tally a lot of questions about Hester, about ownership of old farms, stuff like that. Someone should record what she remembers before it goes with her.” Cooper felt that every old person was a library.

  “Good idea,” said Harry, sitting across from her. “Learn anything new?”

  The tall deputy nodded. “More than I imagined. Who married whom. How many children, legitimate and non. Who hated whom and who was smart and not. She said such things run in families. I showed her a county map with farms outlined. She knew the history of every single one, and her memory started with the end of World War One. Got really clear in the twenties, but she said with her parents, her friends’ parents, and their grandparents—well, the living memories recounted to her when she was young, all put together, reached back to the 1830s. She could just rattle stuff off.

  “She pointed out which farms had been well managed, even through the Depression, World War Two, and up to today. She knew where some of the old slave graveyards were, and even where there are Indian mounds, which may or may not be graveyards. Most of that history has been lost. She said if you have an ancestor in a graveyard, you have a legal right to tend to that graveyard once a year. She noted farms that had endured ups and downs, and much of that seemed to tie in to drinking. Then there were those who lost everything.” Cooper sighed. “I hit a dead end. Learned a lot, but …”

  “Any disputes?” asked Harry. Aunt Tally could always tell a good story.

  “Not as many as you would think. A lot of squabbling among heirs in certain families. Any dispute she recounted seemed to involve wine, women, moonshine.” Cooper laughed.

  “Never a bad place to start.”

  Cooper, hat off, ran her fingers through her ash-blonde hair. “I’m pretty frustrated.”

  “I can understand that,” said Harry. “Look, I know I get in the way, but let me make a suggestion. Hester, though well educated, was country. I’m a Smith graduate but country. I can help.”

  Cooper shook her head at her neighbor and friend. “You? Harry, one of these days you’ll either fall into a well or get yourself killed.”

  “Now, just a minute here. Hear me out. Let’s go to Hester’s house. Let me go through her truck, the outbuildings where she kept equipment. If we don’t find anything of interest, then let’s go to her roadside stand.”

  “You don’t want to go into the house?” Cooper’s curiosity rose. Despite herself, she wanted to understand Harry’s logic.

  “No. Like I said, I’m country, Hester was country. I can look at equipment, tools, trucks, tractors, and see things you don’t.”

  “Like what?”

  “Let’s find out,” Harry egged her on.

  Challenged face-to-face, Cooper had to say yes.

  Cooper called ahead and asked permission from Sarah to comb the outside grounds and equipment. Sarah readily agreed.

  In the barn, pulling open every drawer of Hester’s freestanding toolbox, Harry found old tools but nothing that proved helpful. She ran her hands along the inside walls of the shed—no false boards or hiding places. She opened the small box behind the tractor seat, finding the manual. She lifted up the seat. Carefully searching each outbuilding, examining each piece of equipment, she even looked into the bins holding birdseed, sticking a broom handle down into them and twirling it around.

  Cooper admired Harry’s thoroughness. “Hiding something in a seed bin—now, that’s clever, though there’s nothing here.”

  “Moonshine is often hidden that way, just like when it’s trucked, it’s generally hidden in the middle of another shipment, like furniture boxes. Or before flyovers with infrared cameras, when the boys would grow marijuana, it would usually be in the middle of a corn crop. That doesn’t work anymore.” Harry looked around the shed. “Let me check her truck. She spent a lot of time in it; she told me it was on its third set of tires.”

  Before going into the cab, Harry pulled off the hubcaps. “Cooper, pull the ones on the other side. Hubcaps can be good storage if you’re careful.”

  Using her penknife, Cooper popped off the hubcaps, took a look, then replaced them. Next she opened the truck’s passengerside door as Harry opened the one on the driver’s side.

  “Our team went over the truck,” said Cooper.

  “I know,” said Harry, though she continued searching, undeterred.

  In the glove box, they found the usual: manual, registration, insurance information, old pens, a box of Altoids. From the side pocket, Harry fished out one earring, a notebook, which she leafed through, a powerful LED flashlight, and bits of leaf, dirt. Leaning over the steering wheel, she ran her palm over the dash.

  “Damn,” Harry cursed low.

  “I told you we went over it.”

  “Pull up the floor mat.” Harry did it on her side of the truck and tossed the rubber mat outside. “There’s the covering that came with the vehicle underneath. Take your penknife and slowly work around that to see if anything lifts up.” As Harry did this on the driver’s side, excitement crept into her voice. “I think I’ve got something.”

  She raised the loose edge of the original mat and carefully slid her hand underneath it. “Aha—here’s something …,” she said, and pulled out a flat manila envelope with a clasp. “Let’s see what we’ve got.” She hurried to the back of the truck and dropped the tailgate.

  Now next to her, Cooper watched as Harry drew papers and a map from the envelope and gently spread the map on the truck bed.

  “Same as the other map …” Cooper’s voice trailed off.

  Harry squinted. “Some properties have parcels that are outlined in purple.”

  Cooper grabbed some papers. “Here’s the key. The purple signifies ancestral land.” She pointed to a spot on a nearby farm. “Here’s a Quaker school near Midway Farm. That school’s gone now. Boy, is this thorough!”

  Cooper flipped through the other pages. “This is Josh Hill’s research,” she said, pointing to his name on a document. “Look here. Says the Virginia tribes cared greatly about education.”

  Harry exclaimed, “Some of this goes back to right after the Revolutionary
War. He has a note here, ‘Many of us took Quaker names. The Quakers have been consistently helpful identifying and helping the Monacans and other tribes to reclaim our lands.’ ”

  She picked up an old newspaper clipping. “Here’s an article about how the Upper Mattaponi purchased land and restored Sharon Indian School, which is the only Indian school on the Virginia Landmarks Register and the National Register.” Harry checked the map again. “Hill drew double lines around old church schools, Random Row, and also where old churches used to stand. And hey, about forty acres of Buddy’s one hundred acres are marked off in purple.”

  Cooper leaned over and studied this after setting down a paper she’d just been examining. “Hill wrote out a plan for raising money to purchase Random Row and part of Buddy’s land, saying it would be easier to prove tribal usage there, even with Walter Ashby Plecker’s paper genocide.”

  Harry straightened up at the ramifications of Hill’s report.

  Cooper continued. “He wrote that while church lands were carefully recorded, the buildings had usually disappeared after a century and more, but, and he underlined ‘but’ in red, with the School Desegregation Act of 1965, the records for schools are much more recent.” She put her forefinger to her lips. “The problem goes back to how to prove you’re a Virginia Indian.”

  “If someone like Josh or Hester could arouse interest among the African American community to jointly preserve history—say, at Random Row—working together would render that less important,” said Harry. “Here’s a list of local people Hill thought might help their efforts.”

  “Your name is on there,” Cooper remarked.

  Harry stared at her name, along with the names of professors, businesspeople, and community leaders, white, black, and tribal. “Tazio’s name is on here, too. Hill did his homework.”

  “And he paid for it,” said Cooper.

  “Hester did, too. She must’ve hid these documents because she was afraid. She didn’t want this information to fall into the wrong hands and all of this research to be destroyed.”

  Cooper whistled. “Those that would gain by this being destroyed are Buddy, Wesley, and maybe Neil, as they often work together on land purchases.”

  “They don’t seem like murderers,” said Harry, mulling it over. “Wesley and Neil are on the vestry board. Buddy is the sweetest man ever.”

  “People can fool you.” Cooper thought a long time. “I can’t arrest three men on suspicion of murder with only a map and these papers to go on. And there is the good possibility they have nothing to do with it. But I’m nervous about what might happen at the hayride, and it’s only two days away.”

  “Can you assign extra security to it?”

  “I can try again.” Cooper called her boss and pleaded her case once more.

  Finally Rick relented and said he’d assign Dabny to work with her.

  “Thanks, boss.” Cooper clicked off her cellphone. “Dabny.”

  “One more is better than none.” Harry folded her arms across her chest. “Thursday night is going to be interesting.”

  “I hope not,” Cooper said, though she feared the worst. Halloween had never seemed so frightening.

  Halloween colors, orange and black, gave way to shimmering slate on Thursday night as twilight fell over the rolling Virginia countryside. Those trees without leaves appeared outlined in charcoal, and the conifers swayed blue and silver. The pin oaks, dried leaves still attached, rustled in the light breeze. When the wind lifted their leaves upward, the pale underside contrasted with the tree’s dark bark. Then as the wind died down, they turned right side up.

  As the sun set, the actors for the Halloween Hayride met at Random Row’s middle schoolhouse, along with the starter, Lolly Currie; Neil, who would keep reports on traffic midway through the hayride; and two boys charged with keeping the goblins lit. The number of people totaled thirteen, the ideal number for a Halloween drama. While they reviewed their parts, a molten sky faded to blue velvet.

  “Darkening of the moon,” said Wesley. “What luck. We can scare the pants off everyone.” He laughed as he glanced out the long windows.

  “You do that anyway, Wes,” Neil remarked.

  Tazio focused on the task at hand, once more reviewing the night’s plans. At her side was Lolly, with a duplicate schedule on her clipboard. “Okay,” said Tazio. “First hay wagon leaves from the barn at seven P.M. After that, the wagons leave at ten-minute intervals and we have …”

  “Ten wagons plus foot followers,” Paul reminded her, and Tazio was grateful for the strong man’s presence at her side.

  “Why are people going on foot?” Wesley wondered.

  “Some people like to walk and some groups won’t all fit in the wagons. We’ll put the children in first and have the adults walk alongside the wagons,” Tazio replied.

  “How many people can we expect tonight?” Cooper had just finished putting on her Jeepers Creepers costume.

  “Three hundred and twenty-one,” Tazio said. “That’s how many bought tickets. That doesn’t mean all will come out. The library also received contributions from over one hundred people who won’t be here. After expenses, we net over twenty thousand dollars. Pretty good. Paul, we can’t thank you enough for getting the horse-drawn wagons and drivers to contribute their services, and Reverend Jones, you organized the truck-drawn wagons. We have four of those. They’ll be good backups if a problem arises with the horses.”

  “I trust the horses more than engines,” Reverend Jones replied.

  “Okay. First scare, after Lolly gives the initial go-ahead. The wagon rolls by the schoolhouse, Dr. Frankenstein has the monster on the table.” She glanced over at Buddy Janss, a credible if rotund Frankenstein’s Monster. “Buddy breaks the bands, rises up, chokes Dr. F after a suitable struggle, then flees the building, running into the cornfield, threatening folks on the wagon. Then he runs back into the corn and sneaks into the schoolhouse, gets on the table, and does it all over again.”

  Lolly read from her schedule, “After that, ‘glowing goblins and ghosts flutter through the cornfield as the wagon progresses.’ How you guys made those things work, I’ll never know.”

  “Pretty much the same way you make a jack-o’-lantern.” Paul smiled at the two high school boys who had created the goblins and ghosts. “They’re lit by LEDs, and they go up and down, back and forth on wires, using the tiny battery packs in their backs.”

  Brows wrinkling for a moment, Tazio asked Neil, “No one using candles tonight, or torches?”

  “No, too dangerous,” said Neil. “We have a fake torch at the end, when the monk”—he nodded to Reverend Jones—“calls the spirits to order and points the wagons toward the old Mount Carmel Church, where it all ends festively.”

  “And safely,” the reverend reminded them.

  “All right,” said Tazio. “After the goblins and ghosts, Frankenstein’s Monster should be back in the schoolhouse, ready for the next wagon. Okay. Now, the first wagon goes between the two big trees on either side of the dirt lane.”

  “That’s my cue.” Cooper smiled in her Jeeper Creepers costume. “And given that I need to get hooked up to a darned cable, I’m leaving now.” What she didn’t say was that Dabny, who would fasten her to the guy wire between the trees, would be observing from an old farmside road along the edge of the cornfield, ready in case trouble occurred.

  From her perch in either of the trees she would swing between, Cooper would have as good a view as possible, given it was five days after the dark of the moon. Both on-duty officers would have cellphones, but should a cellphone not properly work, Cooper and Dabny also carried a piercing whistle.

  “Once people recover from the Jeepers Creepers scare,” said Tazio, “they round the bend and the Headless Horseman gallops toward them before going into the open-air shed, disappearing from the hay wagon’s sight. Is there any way to throw a pumpkin for a head from there?” Tazio asked her boyfriend.

  “It would scare the driving horses,” sa
id Paul. Despite his assigned role, his head was always screwed on straight. “Basically, I’ll be running toward them, then veering off. We did set out a jack-o’-lantern on a fence post about a quarter of a mile down the road from me and Dinny.” He named his horse, a lovely old hunting fellow who had done it all, seen it all.

  “Neil, you’re all in black near the shed,” said Tazio. “If the wagons need to move along, you call Lolly. Hopefully, no one will see you as our secret traffic manager.”

  “Right.” Neil nodded to Tazio.

  “The wagons pass the hayfield, large rolls stacked together. There will be a green-eyed goblin on top—again courtesy of our high-tech guys. Then, the evil Jason and his chainsaw, meaning you, Blair”—she tipped her paper toward Little Mim’s husband—“will jump out from behind the tall obelisk in the graveyard.”

  “And I’ll turn on the ghost noises and wails from the graveyard before I jump out,” Blair added with enthusiasm.

  “We’ve got lights on one bony arm coming up from a fake grave—we didn’t want to desecrate a real one,” said Tazio. “We were going to have a witch in the graveyard, but after Hester’s death that seemed insensitive.”

  “Good thinking,” Neil complimented her. “Jason beheads the vampire, Count Dracula, who is the undead, so of course he just puts his head back on.”

  “You’ve always had a good head on your shoulders.” Reverend Jones laughed at Barry Betz, the batting coach whom Cooper had started dating. Barry would portray Dracula this evening.

  As Cooper had talked him into it, everyone assumed the relationship between them was heating up. They were right.

  “Any questions?” asked Tazio.

  “We aren’t allowed to drink inside the meeting room at Mount Carmel, right?” Wesley asked.

  “Now, Wesley, when has anyone been allowed to drink inside a church building?” Reverend Jones winked at him.

  “Right.” Wesley smiled.

  “The second hay wagon, the one pulled by the team of Belgians, has a full bar under the driver’s seat, since we knew how parched some of you can get from your labors.” Tazio smiled broadly.


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