3013: CHAOS (3013: The Series Book 8)

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3013: CHAOS (3013: The Series Book 8) Page 4

by Laurie Roma

  “Hi, Katra. I talked to Dom and Arik, and they’re willing to do whatever they can to help. Actually, it took about ten minutes to get Dom to stop laughing after I told them about…you know.”

  Katra frowned at hearing that. “Why was he so amused?”

  Skylar’s voice lowered so they wouldn’t be overheard. “Oh, just knowing my father has a mate that could clearly kick his ass.”

  A sound escaped, even though Katra tried to muffle her laughter. “Let us hope it does not come to that. Although, I am tempted to knock some sense into his stubborn head.”

  “You can do that once we have you on your way to Tartarus with him.”

  They paused as Arik and Dom walked over and joined them. Dom’s wide grin told Katra that he was still enjoying her situation entirely too much. Arik was more reserved about it, but the D’Aire’s iridescent blue eyes also sparkled with veiled amusement. A few strands of his long, white hair fell forward around his face as he reached out and clasped her forearm with his hand in the formal way of her people. “A warrior’s greeting to you, Katra.”

  “Greetings to you, one of the light.” Katra briefly clasped his forearm in return as she spoke the formal words of greeting of the D’Aire back to him. Arik was almost the same height as Katra was, but she knew the tips of his powerful wings would be a foot taller than her when they were unfurled from where they were hidden in his back.

  “We’re pleased you could join us here today.” Arik’s deep voice was lyrical, and he had a calming presence to him that made it easy to be around him. “We shall try to aid you however we can with your—”

  “Conspiracy,” Dom added.

  Arik frowned. “I was going to say journey.”

  “Well, whatever you want to call it, we’re happy to help.” Dom leaned in a little closer to Katra, his dark eyes filled with mischief. “So…do we get to call you mom?”

  “Try it, and I will hurt you.” She let out a low, warning growl that made him laugh, while Skylar and Arik just shook their heads in exasperation.

  Katra could see in her peripheral vision that they had gained the attention of the others in the room. Unable to wait any longer, she turned her head to look at him. Glowing silver eyes met the dark black pits of Jaden’s, and a jolt of desire struck her hard enough that her breath caught.

  Jaden looked striking in the lightweight black armor that was standard for most Tarin males. It molded to his powerful body, highlighting the ridges of his sculpted abs and thickly roped muscles. It might have been silly, but she was pleased that she matched him in her own warrior’s garb of black pants and matching vest. He was so damn appealing to her, it almost wasn’t fair. Katra wanted to go to him, to pull his dark hair from the leather strap binding it back at the nape of his neck so she could run her fingers through it.

  Her perusal of him was cut short when she glanced up and saw the look of censure he cast her way. Sadness filled her. Was he angry that she’d growled? Without the language converters, the Dragon Warrior’s language would have sounded like growls and snarls to the others, leaving no doubt that her dragon spirit was always close to the surface. There was a primal part of her that she couldn’t deny, and wouldn’t, even if given a choice.

  She tore her gaze away from his when the others motioned for her to join them at the table. Before she took a seat, two new males walked into the room. They came to a sudden halt when they saw her. Both Regent Ian Spartan and Regent Roman Newgate were clearly baffled by her presence, but they returned Katra’s nod of greeting with genuine smiles of pleasure.

  Katra had met both males at Skylar, Dom and Arik’s claiming ceremony, and she’d enjoyed their company. They wore the black uniform with red sleeves that designated their status as members of the Council of Regents—the ruling body of the Alliance. There was a small metal star pinned to the collar at their throats, further differentiating them from the other elites, whose ranks were signified by metal bars. Katra thought the uniforms that all elite soldiers wore seemed too confining, but the males did look distinguished in the constricting outfits.

  Since she’d arrived on Earth, Katra had grown used to the interest all humans seemed to have for Dragon Warriors, and their open curiosity didn’t bother her. But the way Roman stared at her made her a little uncomfortable under the circumstances. She knew when a male’s interest was more than just passing inquisitiveness. Still, his admiring gaze gave her a much needed boost to her ego since Jaden had unknowingly smashed it to tiny pieces over the last few days.

  “Hello, Katra,” Regent Ian Spartan said. “We weren’t aware you would be joining us today.”

  “After our discussion last night, Serra, Skylar and Alexis thought it would be beneficial to have a Dragon Warrior in attendance. Our history is not the same as the Tarins, but there was a time during our past that we struggled with war and unrest amongst my race, just as they are.”

  “I’d forgotten about that. We welcome your insight during our discussion,” Ian assured her.

  The older man stepped away from them when Commander Matt Malloy entered the room. When they were alone, Roman took a step closer to her. He was a handsome male and tall for a human as most elite soldiers were, but she still had a few inches on him. “I was out on an early run this morning and saw two dragons fly overhead. Was that you?”

  “Aye, Regent Newgate. My brother, Galan, and I went flying together this rising.”

  “Please call me Roman.” He smiled warmly at her. “It must be an amazing feeling to be able to soar through the skies like that. I envy you.”

  “It is. We gain the ability to shift when we come of age, but our dragon spirits are always a part of us. It is the other half of who we are. I guess I never think about the privilege of being able to shift anymore, since it is something we just do.”

  Aware of the eyes on them, Katra moved toward the table, trying to gracefully distance herself from the male. Roman pulled out a chair for her so she could sit, and the gallant gesture made her smile up at him in thanks. Since she’d left her home world, the only males she’d really spent time with were her brothers, and they certainly didn’t waste any chivalry on her. It was nice to have a male treat her with the respect she was used to.

  A low, rumbling growl from the other side of the table caught her attention. The sound had been soft, but she’d easily heard it with her enhanced hearing. Elation filled her when she saw Jaden glaring at Roman. If looks could kill, the human male would have been lying in a bloody pool at her feet instead of taking a seat in the chair next to her. Jaden’s eyes tracked over to hers, and she felt the full power of his stare. It was like looking straight into the dark depths of hellfire. The blast of his raw fury hit her like a turbo booster, and it made her pulse quicken.

  “Why are you here?”

  The low, furious tone of his voice had her mood darkening to match his. Katra had been pleased with Jaden’s small show of jealousy, however, she’d done nothing to deserve his anger. She’d been aware that he wouldn’t like her being at the briefing, but that was just too damn bad. It was time Katra showed that she wouldn’t take any disrespect from anyone.

  Especially not from him.

  Lifting a brow, she met his glare with an icy look of her own. She kept her voice calm and even as she answered his question with the same short explanation she’d given the regents. Before Jaden could snarl a response, High Commander Jax Spartan stormed into the room.

  “Sorry I’m late. Everyone, take your seats and we’ll begin.”

  Jax took a moment to survey everyone sitting around the table, pausing briefly when he saw Katra. He didn’t comment on her presence, for which she was grateful. For a human, Jax was quite imposing, and the way he took control of the room impressed her. His steel gray eyes were sharp, missing little as he took his seat at the head of the table so he was sitting beside Serra.

  Regent Ian Spartan took the other seat next to Jax, and Matt Malloy sat next to him. “Is something wrong, Jax?”

ng?” Jax scoffed. “What could possibly be wrong, considering we have another missing cargo ship, two of my fucking commanders aren’t exactly human anymore, and I just found out that three idiot elites pissed off the Adaro brothers, and are now being sent back in the med unit of a transpo vessel.”

  Serra sighed. “Are they still alive?”

  “Barely,” Jax growled out. “Damn those Krytos.”

  “What do you mean we have commanders that aren’t human anymore?” Dom asked.

  “Don’t ask,” Jax snapped, then he huffed out a breath. “Commanders Brandt Carver and Hawke Summers on Alpha Station: X2 are now Krytos, or part Krytos.”

  “Wait…what?” Regent Ian Spartan blinked.

  “Hell, I don’t know. I’ll get more details later.”

  Jax’s father scowled. “The regents should have been notified. If they’re no longer elites—”

  “They are…sort of. We can discuss this later. As long as they continue to run X2 properly, I really don’t care what the fuck they are at this point. Right now, we have more pressing issues to deal with. Lord Tor, I just spoke to Lord Malik Rego as you requested. He said he would leave the treaty negotiations up to you.”

  Jaden didn’t look happy hearing that. “Rego is more suited for this.”

  “But you’re here now,” Jax countered. “I think it would be best to discuss this with you.”

  “The Alliance has held a tentative truce with your planet for years now, but we would like to talk about forming a more long-term treaty with your people. In order to do that, though, we need to restate our position regarding the war you’re currently fighting,” Regent Spartan said.

  Jaden’s black eyes heated with anger. “It’s a civil war, not some small battle between two lords. We are doing what we must for the entire planet.”

  Katra knew there was a faction of Tarin lords who prided themselves on owning harems of slaves, while the other half fought for the equality needed to officially have a treaty with the Alliance. Lord Tor was one of the leaders fighting to free all of his people, but he couldn’t do it alone.

  “Since the Tarins went to war with Earth centuries ago, your planet has chosen to remain isolated from the rest of the universe, not allowing interference of any other species. That was your right,” Regent Roman Newgate said. “However, with more females from other races being kidnapped and taken to your planet, things have to change.”

  “Don’t threaten me, human,” Jaden snarled.

  “We’re not threatening you, damn it,” Jax argued. “We’re saying that the problem you’re having with your war is now spilling over and affecting other races. That is something that can’t be ignored. Hell, we recently had an incident on Beta Station 4 involving a ship headed to Tartarus with female captives, and a dock worker was murdered in order to hide the discovery.”

  “Unsurprising,” Dom muttered. “It is a Beta Station. It’s a wonder those stations are still in operation. Did you know that you actually have to turn on the showers by hand there?”

  Skylar rolled her eyes. “Seriously? That’s your problem with the Beta Stations?”

  “Just one of them.”

  “The Beta Stations are a little…less advanced than the Alpha Stations, but Beta Station 4 has a charm all its own. There are actually quite a few nice shops there,” Serra commented, shrugging when every head turned to her. “What? I have to go to all the stations to update the shielding systems, and I liked it there.”

  “God, help me,” Jax said hoarsely. “Don’t tell me we have to visit all the Beta Stations now.”

  “Of course we do,” Serra said cheerfully, making both Jax and Archer groan.

  The levity seemed to help calm some of the tempers that had been stirring, but Regent Ian Spartan didn’t seem amused. “Focus, son,” he snapped. “Lord Tor, we are simply asking you to reconsider your stance on accepting our help to end the war on your planet.”

  “Lord Rego let you build the Hades Outpost on his land,” Isak reminded them, speaking of the only Alliance colony on Tartarus. “Many of the other lords rebelled when they heard of this until Lord Tor stepped in.”

  Ryodan nodded. “The Alliance should be grateful to both Lord Tor and Lord Rego.”

  “That’s true,” Sullivan Archer broke in. “And we are, but it’s still almost impossible to get clearance to enter your planet, and Alliance personnel aren’t allowed off the outpost without express permission, which is rarely given. In addition, we have offered our aid in your war against the lords that are part of this slave trade, but all our efforts have been rejected.”

  Jaden shot the other male a look of veiled disgust as the other two Tarin males shifted in their seats with restless anger. “We don’t need you to fight our battles for us. And don’t try to sit there and act like your offer is completely altruistic. We’ve traded with your people for the mineral you use for the high-powered jump drives installed in your space vessels. I know you’ve been dissatisfied with the amount we’ve been willing to give you. You just want our war to end for your own gain.”

  Archer held up his hands. “I’m not arguing with you. We do want more, and we’re aware that the mineral is located in the mountains on your planet that are currently where the slave-trading lords have their fortresses. If we help you end the war, we’ll be able to form a more formal alliance with your people and trade more with your planet, but we also want to stop females from other races being taken as captives. It’s a win-win for both of us from where I’m sitting.”

  What Archer said made sense, but Skylar could see Jaden was still unconvinced about accepting help. “Father, I understand your reticence. The Alliance isn’t suggesting you let us come in and take over. We only want to help, just like we did taking down Lord Khan.”

  “You will not be fighting this war, Skylar.”

  Skylar’s light-blue eyes flashed with irritation. “Damn right, I’ll be helping you.”

  “I forbid it!”

  Arik V’Dir placed a calming hand on Skylar’s arm, silencing whatever retort she’d been about to make. “Skylar, Dom and I would gladly aid you, however we have duties here on Earth that will delay our traveling back to Tartarus for a few months.”

  Jaden relaxed hearing that. He leaned back in his chair, one hand rubbing his chin. “I’ll have to consider this. My allies will never agree to an army of elites on our planet.”

  “What if it were not an army, but a few individuals that could aid you?” Katra spoke softly, but her words were like a bomb exploding in the room. Jaden’s head slowly turned until he was staring at her, and the dark fury she saw there would have made a lesser female shiver with fear.

  But she wasn’t just any female.


  “It makes sense,” Skylar said, ignoring Jaden’s protest. “Back when Earth was attacked by the Zyphir, the Krytos, D’Aire and Dragon Warriors came to our aid. It was the only way we were able to kill the bugs and save our planet.”

  The Zyphir were a colony race of insect-like creatures that had attacked Earth in the year 2960. They had tried to annihilate the human race, after which they would have depleted the world of all resources, then moved on to the next planet that suited their needs. A three year war had been waged, during which large portions of Earth were destroyed.

  Katra’s brothers, as well as Thorn and Brydan, had come to Earth during that war, fighting with a handful of other Dragon Warriors to help defeat the Zyphir for good. The Alien Wars had been a dark time in Earth’s history, but it had solidified a bond between humans, the Krytos, D’Aire and the Dragon Warriors that would never be broken.

  “For thousands of years, my race has traveled the universe, and we have formed many friendships with other planets. The Dragon Warriors do not interfere with other species as a rule, but we are willing to offer our assistance when needed. We offer that assistance to you now.”

  “No.” That one word was full of fury, dark and dangerous.

  “You said you didn’t want an a
rmy showing up,” Skylar reminded her father. “This way, you would only have to worry about a few people.”

  “With the Dragon Warriors’ magic and superior fighting skills, they would give your side a great advantage,” Arik added.

  “After sparring with Galan, I can attest to that,” Isak said. “And that was without his magic.”

  “But we aren’t discussing your brother, are we, Katra?” Jaden voice was soft, but no one could mistake the raw fury in the tone. “You’re female, and will not be fighting.”

  Katra could feel the heat of Jaden’s anger, but she met his glare and sent him a small, mocking smile in return. Insult made her voice sharpen like the edge of a blade. “But you would accept my brothers’ aid? They cannot leave Alexis, nor would they risk the twins she carries. That leaves me. Are you willing to risk the lives of many for your pride?”

  “Just like Skylar and Reva were able to infiltrate Khan’s mountain fortress, no one will worry about a female helping you. And Dragon Warriors have never been to Tartarus before, so you’d have surprise on your side since they won’t know what she is capable of,” Serra added.

  Roman frowned at Katra. “I don’t feel right sending you to an alien planet alone.”

  “With your permission, sir. We could transport the Tarins home on the Stargazer, and my Strike Force Team could assist Katra,” Commander Malloy offered. “Since it will be a few months until Jax, Archer and Serra make the next rounds of visits to the space stations, my team was just going to train. We could stay at the Hades Outpost, and be available if needed.”

  Jax nodded. “That could work. You could do more good on Tartarus in the interim.”

  Jaden let out a growl of frustration that was ignored by the rest of the table as a louder, more menacing snarl was heard coming from the hallway beyond the closed conference room doors. Katra sighed when the sound of rending metal filled the air as the double doors were pried open. Her brothers had arrived, and they hadn’t even waited for the automatic doors to slide open. Nay, they had simply torn the metal apart with their bare hands.


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