3013: CHAOS (3013: The Series Book 8)

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3013: CHAOS (3013: The Series Book 8) Page 7

by Laurie Roma

  Then her fangs scraped along his lower lip, and he froze.

  Hellfire. Fangs.

  She was a Dragon Warrior…what the hell was he doing?

  Jaden forced himself to pull back even when every cell in his body demanded that he take her. He hardened his resolve, but he almost gave in when he got a good look at her face. Her lush lips were swollen from his kiss, and her glowing silver eyes were bright with need. It was agonizing to know they were both left unfulfilled, and it took all of his strength to step back from her, far enough so they were no longer touching.

  “That was a mistake.”

  The look of passion on her face changed instantly to one of fury. “You dare say that after what we just shared?”

  “I am to blame, but this changes nothing.” Jaden knew it for the lie it was as soon as he said it. The moment his lips had touched hers, he’d felt his life change, irrevocably. She wanted him as much as he wanted her, and knowing that made him burn for her. His hands clenched into fists as he ached to touch her again. He was fighting himself as much as he was fighting her, but there was too much at risk for him to give in.

  “This changes everything. Do you see now? You have no need to worry for me, Jaden.” Katra’s voice sounded breathless even to her own ears. He looked startled for a second, and she realized it was the first time she’d ever used his given name when speaking to him.

  “You can fight, but you’re too impulsive. You need a keeper, female.”

  “Are you offering, Tarin?” Katra regretted the words instantly as he took another step back.

  “This cannot happen again,” he said quietly.

  Katra’s chin lifted defiantly, and she glared at him. Without looking at the room they’d just destroyed, she raised her hand and snapped her fingers with a flourish she wouldn’t have used if she wasn’t so set on making a point. All of the broken furniture was magically repaired, making the room look as it had before they had waged their private war.

  “I never took you for a coward.”

  Jaden let out a vicious curse as she disappeared from the room. The silence mocked him, the room feeling far too empty now that she was gone. He closed his eyes, allowing himself a moment of regret, then his head jerked up and his eyes popped back open in shock.

  Holy hellfire, Katra had just spoken to him…in his mind.

  * * *


  Stupid, stubborn male…

  Katra brooded as she looked out of the large bay window of the little sitting room she’d taken refuge in. After her fight with Jaden, she hadn’t wanted to return to her own room, and so she’d gone to the room located near the medical unit that was mainly used for friends and family of those visiting the injured. Since there was no one in medical right now, she was left alone in peace and quiet.

  Silently, she stared out at the home world of the idiot male that was her mate, and wondered what the future held for her on Tartarus. Known as the Dark Planet, Tartarus was located at the edge of Alliance regulated space. It was a world that was smaller than Earth, and was similar in size to her own home world. The dark red planet had frequent electrical storms, and was the domicile to volatile inhabitants almost as wild as the vicious animals that prowled the land.

  Just looking at the planet made her nervous, but she couldn’t turn away.

  She was tired, heartsick, and she couldn’t sleep. Not after what had occurred earlier. Jaden couldn’t know exactly what he’d done when he’d kissed her, but he’d sealed his fate—and hers—with that one passionate embrace. The second she’d tasted his blood, a bond had formed between them. The exchange had been small, but it was enough to allow her to feel his emotions and give her access to his mind, allowing her in so she could speak to him or find him wherever he went.

  For a moment, she had been tempted to bite her own lip to complete the blood exchange between them, but she wouldn’t force that on him. Nay, she wouldn’t force it when she was clearly not wanted. She’d been lost in the glory of his mouth on hers, then she’d felt his abject horror at kissing her when he’d remembered what she was.

  Her soul had wept at the pain he’d caused her, and she’d known she had to get away from him before she did something she would regret. Closing the pathway between them hurt, but she blocked the bond that had been formed. It was only a temporary fix, but was necessary for her own sanity.

  To have a mate who didn’t want her was heartbreaking, but she refused to let it destroy her. She would survive…would get past the pain, but she vowed to somehow find a way to make her mate love her as she’d always dreamed. But until that happened, she needed some time to think.

  Since there really wasn’t anywhere she could go to escape him on the space vessel, Katra had used her magic to boost the jump-drive of the Stargazer so they would arrive at Tartarus ahead of schedule. The sooner she got away from Jaden, the better, because the divide that was separating them was too much to bear right now.

  Katra heard the whoosh of the doors opening, and her attention fixed on Commander Matt Malloy’s reflection in the glass as he entered the room behind her. He was wearing a plain black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, and looked like he’d just rolled out of bed.

  “I do not think I will be very good company at the moment.”

  Despite her words, he walked over and sat down in the chair next to her. Leaning back, he stretched his long legs out in front of him as he yawned. “Things didn’t go well with your mate?”

  Her head turned, and she looked at him sharply, but he simply shrugged.

  “I don’t mean to pry. I’ve done my research, and I’ve learned as much as I could about Dragon Warriors since your brothers came to Earth. I’ve noticed that you and Jaden have a strange…something going on, so I figured that was the issue. Does he know?”

  Katra studied the human as she thought about what to say. She liked Matt Malloy, and had come to think of him as a friend since they’d been traveling together. Malloy was a big man, thick with heavy muscle like most elite soldiers were, and he had a straightforward way of thinking that appealed to her.

  “Nay, he does not,” she said softly.

  “Figured.” Malloy yawned again as he laced his fingers together and rested his hands on his flat stomach. “I never really sleep well out in space. It’s pretty damn odd, considering how much I travel on these things. It usually takes me a week or so to settle in, but imagine my surprise when I woke up to a call from Commander Genero telling me our trip was cut short.”

  Katra had the grace to look a little sheepish. “I may have been a little impulsive.”

  He laughed. “You were pissed and wanted off this tin can. I can’t blame you, and hey, anything that got us here quicker is fine with me. Commander Genero thought we hit a wormhole or something. It was touch and go for a minute, but I talked him down out of the vent units.”

  “He was climbing in the vents?”

  Shaking his head with a little snicker, he rubbed his chin. “No, it’s just a human saying. I meant he was a little freaked out. Your magic is pretty fucking frosty, though.”

  “I like to think so. I have been careful not to use it much.”

  Malloy sobered at her morose tone. He stared at her a long moment before saying, “If you want my opinion, maybe you should stop being so careful. Show him who you really are, Katra. Jaden will come to value you. How could he not?”

  She sighed. “He seems to find fault with everything I am.”

  “I don’t see how that’s possible. It’s not like you’re some weak, weepy female. Just the thought of a woman crying all over me gives me hives.” He gave a mock shudder. “You’re a smart, strong, incredible female. Not to mention pretty fucking hot, and you can kick some serious ass. Even with the freaky glowing eyes, I’d say you’re close to perfect.”

  The appraising look he gave her was filled with respect and a hint of male appreciation. Malloy was a handsome male, but he didn’t appeal to her in a sexual way. Still, she smiled when she said, �
��I would eat you alive, human.”

  His emerald green eyes sparkled with mirth. “And I would probably enjoy every second of it, but I’m not the man for you. It’s a pity, that.”

  She smirked at him. “Perhaps you should tell Jaden that.”

  “Do you want to get me killed? I’ve seen the way he glares at me every time I’m near you. The rest of my men are terrified of Jaden, but I’m…hell, he is a pretty scary fucker, but I can handle my own. Still, I don’t want to give him a reason to take my head off.”

  “He probably would not care,” she muttered.

  “Oh, he cares. He just doesn’t want to let you know he does. But trust me, if another man touched you, Jaden would rip them apart.”

  That thought cheered her up. “You really think so?”

  He leaned forward in his chair. “Look, I’m not the kind of guy to talk about feelings and shit like this, but he cares. I don’t know much about mating. Hell, I try my best not to think of bonding with a woman, even though everyone around me seems to be pairing up. It’s like it’s some kind of virus or something, and I really hope it’s not catching. But I’ll tell you, when I do claim a chosen, I would kill any man who tried to take what belongs to me. I’m a pretty intense guy, but Jaden…that man gives intense a whole new meaning.”

  “He is driving me crazy. He…does not act like a mate should.”

  “He’s a Tarin. Who the fuck knows what they’re thinking. I think all males of any race have issues when it comes to relationships. At least, they do from what I’ve seen. I believe once Jaden finishes being an asshole, he’ll make you happy.” He paused for a moment, then said, “The mantel of command is a heavy weight. I feel it, and I only command ten men. Lord Tor runs an entire kingdom. I think you confuse him, and he’s fighting what he doesn’t understand. He’s been very unforgiving in his attitude toward outsiders. Finding out he has an alien mate has to have him reeling.”

  Katra frowned as she considered that. “So, you are saying he is worried about what it would mean if he accepts me?”

  Malloy shrugged as he leaned back again. “Who knows. I think he’s been through a lot lately. Having the daughter he thought was dead show up on his doorstep couldn’t have been easy, and he’s fighting a war. I’m not making excuses for him, but I don’t think he really knows what to think of you.”

  “Well, he needs to figure it out.”

  At her sharp retort, Malloy smiled. “About that. I have a suggestion, but you have to promise me you won’t let him kill me when he finds out.”

  Intrigued, Katra leaned forward. “Go on.”

  “Since we’re already here, why don’t we head down to the surface? I can call down and request permission from Lord Rego, then wake up a few of my guys to accompany us. The Tarins went to bed a few hours ago, so I can leave the rest of my unit to escort them down later.”

  “This only means Jaden and I will continue our fight at the Hades Outpost.”

  Malloy’s eyes gleamed mischievously. “Not necessarily. I’ve met Lord Rego before, and I bet he would love to meet you. I’m sure he would be willing to offer you accommodations at his palace, and I don’t see Jaden taking that well. In fact, I think this might help give him the push you need.”

  Her smile was slow and filled with satisfaction. “Make the call.”

  * * * *

  Katra looked around the great hall in Rego Palace, and felt an instant connection to the place. On her home world, she’d grown up in a palace, and even though the structures were different, the atmospheres were very similar.

  The hall was filled with Tarin warriors, all standing at a little over seven feet tall, wearing the flexible black armor of their kind. Their eyes were completely black, making them look like deep pits of darkness, and all of them had dark hair, but Katra found she could easily tell them apart. She thought she would feel uncomfortable surrounded by so many Tarins, almost like she had walked into an enemy camp. But she was used to being around warriors at home, and the truth was it was all making her a little homesick.

  There were a few female Tarins in the room, including Malik Rego’s sister, Quilla, and Katra noticed each was pampered and well cared for. They all wore bright, jewel-toned dresses, and had a gentle manner to them. The looks they sent Katra were a mixture of suspicion, curiosity, and an envy that she understood. Out of all the females present, she was a lone predator amongst the prey.

  A few hours ago, Malloy had contacted the outpost on Tartarus, asking for permission for them to be able to land on the planet’s surface. While Katra had prepared for their departure, she’d taken a moment to apologize to Commander Genero for disrupting the ship’s systems with her magic, but the man had just laughed and waved it off.

  After everything was settled, she and five elites had taken a shuttle down to the Alliance’s base on the planet’s surface. The Hades Outpost was set on the far end of Lord Rego’s land, nestled into the side of a mountain. From the air, it had looked like a small, circular city with large stone walls built around it for protection from invaders…or to keep the humans in place. Once their shuttle had landed at the Hades Outpost, a group of Rego’s warriors had been waiting, ready to escort them to Rego Palace, so she had little time to look around at the human base.

  The large, black stone castle that was Rego Palace had been an impressive sight as they had approached it. Katra had felt the elite soldiers’ apprehension, but she had felt nothing but fascination. She’d been a little surprised by the warm welcome they had received, but she kept her guard up, regardless of how congenial the situation seemed to be.

  “I’m pleased to welcome you to my home, Katra.”

  She bowed her head slightly. “Thank you for the hospitality, Lord Rego.”

  “Please, call me Malik.”

  Katra studied the Tarin lord as she sat next to him at a long table set up on a raised dais at the back of the great hall. A meal had been prepared for them upon their arrival, but she didn’t have the heart to tell Malik that she had no appetite. Still, she was pleased to sit next to the male her mate called a close friend, and she endeavored to use this opportunity to get to know more about the Tarins…and Jaden.

  Malik Rego was a large man, with a strong, chiseled jaw and dark eyes and hair just like the rest of the Tarins. She could tell he had a powerfully built frame under his lightweight, flexible armor. Although his features were similar to Jaden’s, she felt nothing for this new lord besides friendly affection for her mate’s ally.

  “I have never met a Dragon Warrior,” Malik said at length. “In fact, I believed your race was nothing but a myth.”

  She nodded her head. “Many believe the same thing.”

  Katra took a moment and looked around the room. It was early evening on Tartarus, and the four large stone fireplaces set into the walls on each side of the hall had been lit to stave off the coming darkness. The hall was filled with large wooden tables that were packed with warriors enjoying their evening meal. Up above, large streams of gold fabric hung from the high rafters, and on the far wall, two large, gold tapestries held the Rego crest of a snarling cat-like creature with a claw raised as if it were poised to take a man’s head off.

  Malik turned slightly in his chair to see what held her attention, and he smiled when he saw was she was looking at. “That is my crest. It is a venar. A wild and dangerous animal here on Tartarus.”

  “We have something similar on my planet. I like your hall, Malik. It reminds me a little bit of my home.”

  “Do you have castles on your home world?” Quilla asked, her dark eyes sparkling with interest. For a Tarin, Rego’s sister was small and delicate, and it made Katra feel like a giant sitting next to the other female.

  Katra smiled at her. “Aye. They are different than what you have here, but very similar. I grew up in the Palace on the Isle of Mist. My uncles are the Kings there, and my fathers are the head of their guards.”

  “You’re a princess? Seriously?” Matt Malloy gawked at her from acros
s the table where he sat next to Malik’s second-in-command, Aldric. “I didn’t know that. Your brothers never said anything.”

  Katra’s lips curved in a smile. “My brothers like to forget they are princes. Even though Xavier and Galan are the oldest, they have always had a sense of wanderlust in their hearts. I believe it is because they knew their mate was human, even if they had not met her yet. They passed down their duties to my other brothers, Ryker and Killian, to take over when my fathers decide to step down.”

  Malik studied the dark-haired female sitting beside him. She was a beauty, no doubt, but her appeal went far beyond what he could see. He could tell that her glowing silver eyes saw everything, and there was such strong energy emanating from her, he wondered what it would be like to bed her. But that was not to be. He had spoken with his friend a few days ago, and had heard the strain in Jaden’s voice when he’d mentioned Katra Tesera.

  There was interest there, and Malik was glad of that. Jaden had been alone for so long, holding his own happiness back while he did what was best for his people. Malik was in a similar position, but he was a more social creature than Jaden was. Amusement flickered through him as he considered how bewildered his friend must be to discover he was attracted to a female of a different species, and it would be interesting to see how this new development turned out.

  “A dragon princess, then.” Malik gave a slight bow of his head. “I am honored to host you at my table, princess. But I have to ask, why have you come to me without Jaden?”

  “I did not come to you,” Katra snapped, her glowing eyes burning bright with insult.

  “Brother, how unkind of you,” Quilla admonished.

  Katra took a deep breath, then spoke in a more controlled voice. “Forgive me. The Tarins were…sleeping. We thought not to bother them, so we came ahead.”


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