Dual Hearts (Seduction Series Book 1)

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Dual Hearts (Seduction Series Book 1) Page 2

by Emily Vincent

  “You okay, Elisha?” he asked.

  I nodded, noticing the absence of his nickname for me straight away. Krystal’s words echoed through my mind then, nicknames will give them something to remember you by. I was going to be remembered, but not for the reasons I wanted to be. I had one chance and I blew it before I was even halfway through my routine.

  “Give her space,” I heard the familiar voice of Mr. Security Guard, it sounded distant though.

  Before I could do anything, or even say something, I was pulled to my feet and pushed back to sit on one of the seats in front of the stage.

  “One chance,” was all I could manage to say.

  Grayson gave me a sad look. “I can’t give you another girl, wouldn’t be fair to anyone else. Sorry.”

  I nodded, completely understanding what he was saying, and I couldn’t fault the decision at all.

  Confident to failure. There were no other words that could describe how I felt in this moment.

  “I’m sorry,” I looked up to see Krystal sit down next to me, handing me an ice pack.

  “You need not apologize, it was my shoes and nothing more.”

  “I know you traveled such a long way for this audition. You must feel like crap.”

  I looked up at Krystal, confused. “How do you know I traveled a long way?” I asked her.

  “Saw your sheet when I grabbed this ice pack from the medical room.” She put a hand on my shoulder. “I actually think your audition went okay.”

  “I fell on my face,” I tried not to laugh because I was so sore.

  “You’re in the good pile. Your sheet, that is.”

  She spoke as if everything she said would make perfect and compete sense, but it only left me with more questions than I had before. “What?”

  “The people at the back of the room, in the suits, they are the people we need to impress today. I saw your sheet when I went down there to get an icepack for your face.” I nodded, waiting for her to continue. “They put your sheet in the maybe pile.”

  “How many other sheets were in there?” I asked.

  “Not sure, not as many as there were in the no pile.”

  I tried not to smile and start thinking too confidently, “How many spots are there going?”

  “Five,” Krystal answered.

  “You really think I have a chance?” I asked quietly right as the next person’s music started.

  Krystal nodded. “I do,” she answered. “You should have seen the judges when you got on stage and started. They couldn’t take their eyes from you.”

  What she said confused and intrigued me, and I hope whatever they saw was enough to hire me or at least give me a second shot.

  Failure to hopeful. I might still have a chance.

  After I rested the ice pack on my head for a few minutes I removed it and stared down at my shoe. I had to blink a few times to make sure that what I was seeing was right, someone had tampered with my shoe. I knew they had been tampered with because they were brand-new, they won't even a week old! I bought the shoes when I first accepted the chance at auditioning for Class Elite and spent the week breaking them in while practicing my routine. My routine was perfect. It was flawless! Just like all my performances prior to now, it was well-rehearsed and I was ready.

  I checked the shoes this morning before leaving to come here, they were perfect. And now, it was plain to see that someone had remove the bottom cap the shoe that helped me keep balance. By removing that cap, I had no grip, and slipping was what caused the heel to snap the way it did. It wasn't the fact that I spent $80 on a pair of shoes, no, it was the fact that someone had ruined my shoes to kill my chances of winning a position at Class Elite.

  Who would do this? I asked myself.

  I looked around the room, looking at all the faces around me to see if there was something that I hadn't noticed before. And right there, sitting less than five feet away was Mercury Jones. She was smiling triumphantly in my direction. She was the one who ruined my shoes, so I would flake in my audition.

  I shook my head, feeling my blood start to boil as the thoughts of wanting to jump across two rows of seats and knock her flat ran through my mind. I couldn't though, I reminded myself, I need to stay focused and calm and not let Mercury mess me up any more than she already had.

  I still have a chance, I reminded myself. Krystal seemed nice, she seemed genuine when she said my sheet was in the maybe pile. And the fact that she seemed to have more experience at this than I did, I needed to believe her, I needed to have hope. I took a deep breath to settle my nerves and anger before standing and walking over to grab my bag.

  “Oh, here, you dropped something.”

  I looked up in time to see Mercury flicking the bottom cap off my shoe at my forehead. I bit the inside of my mouth to stop myself from saying something that would have me thrown out of the building faster than I could blink. I settled for a glare before picking the cap up and throwing it back at her.

  “You and I both know that I wouldn’t have dropped it if you hadn't touched it. There are cameras everywhere, nothing is stopping me from saying something.”

  She laughed. “Go right ahead, and see if I care.”

  “You'll care if you don't get a place,” I reported.

  She scoffed. “Just remember that you already flaked on your audition, so you're not getting a place anyway. And they wouldn't check the cameras for something so small.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  She nodded. “Positive, just remembered that I passed my audition with flying colors.”

  “Yes,” I agreed. “And I would've passed mine too had you not tampered with my shoes.”

  She smirked before pinching her face up like the stuck-up bitch she acted like. “Sweetie, it's not high school, build a bridge and get over it. You failed and that's all there is to it.”

  “Yes, you're right. But if it was high school I would’ve dragged you to the bathrooms and wiped that stupid smile off your face.”

  “Ooo, threats, I'm so scared.”

  “You're not scared yet, but you ought to be,” I replied.

  “Oh yeah, and why’s that?”

  “There are five spots, and apparently your name is currently in the ‘no’ pile.”

  The smile fell from her face as heat rose to her cheeks. “And how do know that?” she demanded.

  “Small world, people talk,” I replied with a shrug. “Keep away from me.”

  I quickly snatched up my bag and walked away from Mercury before anything else could be said.

  I wanted to leave the audition now, but what Krystal said still sat in the back of my mind and the hopeful feeling was still there.

  I sat down away from everyone else at the back of the room and pull a small mirror from my bag. There was a small bump on my forehead and a bruise already forming. I shook my head, shoving the mirror back in my bag before folding my arms across my chest. Even if I wanted to leave now I couldn’t, I would look even more like an idiot than I already did.

  I kept reminding myself that I was a big girl and this was a big girl problem. I would sort it out.

  It's fine, it's all going to be fine, how much worse can it really get? I asked myself.

  Less than 15 minutes later the auditions were over, and the time had come to find out if I had a place here or not. I was still hopeful that what Krystal said was true and I would have a chance, but there were 33 others here and, as far as I knew, I was the only one here who mucked up my routine. I knew I was the only one here that went sliding of the stage.

  No time at all was wasted and one by one Grayson started calling out names.

  My name wasn’t called, I was happy that Krystal was selected, but so far furious because the name that was called after her was the reason why my chances were ruined. Who knows, maybe I didn’t stand a chance at all anyway. Maybe if nothing happened and my routine was perfect I wouldn’t have gotten a place. But because of what happened I couldn’t look past the fact that Mercu
ry ruined my shoes, which killed my chances here today.

  Hopeful to lost, and there was nothing that could pull me out of this mood.

  I packed up my stuff in silence, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone on my way out the door before I headed into the bathrooms to change into my normal clothes.

  The bathroom was white, and looked so clean and sterile, I thought I could puke. The bathroom in my shoebox apartment in L.A. was blue, this included the sink and toilet as well. And my bathroom, which had toilet, sink and small shower, wasn’t even the size of one of these toilet stalls. It was fancy, maybe a little too fancy for my likings, but I would’ve gotten used to it had I won a spot today.

  I changed my clothes quickly, dressing in casual denim shorts, blue tee, and my sneakers, before taking my hair out of the tight ponytail I tied it in earlier and tossing it up into a messy bun. Sunglasses, lip balm, and hand moisturizer was applied before I took one last look in this fancy mirror, in this fancy bathroom, in this overly fancy building, in this over-rated and fancy city.

  I spent everything I could spare, and a little more, getting here and didn’t have to check my bank account to know I had $97.43 left, plus the $23.60 in my wallet. I was broke and had no idea what to do.

  I haven’t felt this lost since I finished school, and turned eighteen a few days later. Those few days gave me everything I needed to be free of the foster care system to have my life. And I thought everything would be better from that day on. Yes, I had ups and downs, everyone did, but I was working and studying, and able to save money each week.

  And five years later, I am standing in the bathroom at a place where every single person would kill to work. Whether it be a singer, dancer, security, office work, barman, or even a cleaner, everyone wanted a chance at Class Enterprises, and why? Out of 34 girls, five were selected, and the rest got told to have better luck next time.

  I sighed, and nodded to myself before walking to the door to get out of here. McDonald’s it is!

  “There you are!” I jumped back just in time for Krystal to slam the bathroom door open. “Grayson wants to see you.” She said without missing a beat.

  “What? Why?”

  “Who cares why, get back in there!” Krystal said as she pushed me hard back towards the audition room.

  “Ahh, my cute klutz, how are you?” Grayson smiled sweetly.

  I scoffed. “Thought I was stoic princess?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, honey that was before you went skating off the stage.” He laughed. “Which by the way looked so funny.”

  I held my tongue, not saying what I wanted to for hope that maybe I was going to be given a chance. I saw Mercury standing near the other three girls selected, and the suits, all bar Mr. Tall, Dark and Handsome. He was nowhere in sight, and now that I glanced around a little more Mr. Security Guard was nowhere in sight either.

  “Good times,” I finally said to Grayson. “So, am I here to receive a digital copy of my acrobatics?” I asked, not interested in beating around the inevitable any longer.

  “No, honey. What plans did you have if you didn’t get the audition today?”

  “Well, I honestly hadn’t really thought that far ahead, but seeing as you’re asking. McDonald’s, they are likely hiring.”

  He laughed. “Oh, I love the dark and dry humor, so refreshing!” he smiled, clapping his hands. If he didn’t have a boyfriend I would be very surprised. “Anyway, you got any experience waitressing or bartending?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I have waitressed here and there, and I have only a few months bartending experience,” I shrugged. “Why?”

  “If McDonald’s is your back up plan, how would you like to change that and give cocktail waitressing a go?”

  My eyes widened and I dropped my bag without meaning too. The question catching me by surprise was an understatement and I couldn’t form any words for near a minute.

  “Uhh,” I managed to croak out.

  He raised his eyebrows, a gleamingly, hopeful look in his eyes. “Is that a yes?”

  I nodded. “Yeah,” I replied.

  “Well good! Now the pay is nowhere near as good as what you came here to audition for today. But all tips are yours, and we have heaps of big tippers. You can start tomorrow night at 6 p.m. I’ll send you a message tomorrow morning on where to be and what to wear.”

  I nodded, still not able to form any proper words. What was going on?

  Tuesday, 6:45 p.m.

  “And that was when I went from lost to relieved.” I said with a shrug.

  “Okay,” Krystal said. “Still, you need to explain; good to average, average to excellent, and excellent to nervous?”

  “Oh, right,” I hit my hand on the bar. “The morning was good, and it turned average when I dropped my phone in the foyer. Hairline crack in the screen, see.” I showed her my phone.

  “Boring,” Krystal said.

  “Yep,” I popped the ‘p.’ “And average to excellent was when I saw the sigh up sheet, I only saw seven names at first, but then-”

  “Then you turned the sheet over and saw the long list of names on the other side?” Krystal guessed.

  I nodded. “Uh-huh.”

  “Understandable,” she agreed. “So how are you feeling now?”

  “Confused. Why did I get offered a waitressing job?”

  For the first time since I met Krystal she looked so confused and I thought her head would spin. And that wasn’t just because of the alcohol. “The hot security guy, he put in a word for you. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what happened.”

  “That makes no sense at all.”

  “Tell me about it,” Krystal agreed with me again. “Like I said, I’m pretty sure that’s what happened. I just saw him talking to Grayson, before I was told to find you.”

  The evening finished on a good note. I was still confused about how I got the job, but I knew I would have a chance to find this out later. I had a job, not the one I wanted, but I was still working with Class Enterprises and it was a very small step closer to my second dream.

  “Tomorrow is a new day,” Krystal raised her glass.

  “A very new day,” I agreed, clinking my glass with hers.

  Last drink, I told myself.

  Chapter 2

  “Honey, this is not what I ordered.”

  I felt my face start to burn red, this was the fifth time tonight I’ve mucked up my orders, and the second time I’ve done it to this table. I sighed, the two older couples were getting annoyed and I couldn’t blame them at all.

  “I’m really sorry, I thought you ordered a lemonade with lime,” I apologized as I reached over to grab the drink from the table.

  “No, honey, I ordered a lemon, lime and bitters drink,” the old woman clarified.

  “Yes,” her husband said. “And I ordered a scotch and cola, this is rum and cola! How can you get the two mixed up?”

  He shook his head and pushed the drink across the table to me. I grabbed the glass just in time to stop it from falling off the table. I put the glass on my tray with a shaky hand and looked up to the other couple. “Were both of your drinks fine?” I asked.

  The old lady nodded, “Oh, yes, thank you.”

  “Mine is perfect. Thank you, dear.”

  I nodded, “I’ll be back in just a moment with your correct drinks.”

  I walked back to the bar in a huff and put the tray down rougher than I would have liked. “Oh shit,” I muttered while trying the catch the tall lemonade glass on my tray before it toppled over the side.

  The barman laughed, “You want to know something, Elisha?”

  I looked up to him. “What is that?” I asked.

  “I am so glad they hired you,” he chuckled again. “Because now I have someone to laugh at during my shifts. It’s great!”

  “Yeah, thanks for the compliment,” I replied, ignoring what was actually meant as an insult. I wasn’t going to give Harry, the jerky barman, the satisfaction of knowing I hated him. “I need a lemon, lime,
bitter drink, and a scotch and cola. Thanks.” I walked over to wipe off my tray before he could say anything more.

  Harry put the drinks down on the tray without a single word, and I thanked him before I headed back to the table. The couple was happy to receive their correct drinks, but they didn’t leave a tip, which kind of bugged me. I was trying, but I hated waitressing, always have.

  “There you are!” Grayson greeted as he came up behind me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “One of the girls in the Sapphire Lounge called in sick, you need to fill her spot tonight.”

  “Oh, no, please? I don’t want to work in there,” I whined.

  “Nope,” Grayson shook his head. “You have to or you will not have a job anymore. Big boss is up there tonight and we need a waitress.”

  The Sapphire Lounge was the crème dela crème of Class Enterprises. It was where all the big shot clients hung out. And it was where all the very best entertainment was. The only way to get up there was to have very deep pockets, be part of Class Enterprises circle, or be a worker like me. It was a lavish two-story club that had an indoor and outdoor area. The very best entertainment was also included in the Sapphire Lounge, so to work up there, you were the crème dela crème as well.

  “Girl you are crazy to not want this opportunity.” Grayson shook his head.

  I sighed, “It’s not that I don’t want it.”

  “Then what is it my cute klutz?”

  I groaned. “Exactly that!”


  “Cute klutz. I am a disaster when it comes to this. I keep mucking up drink orders, and I’m just not good at this.” I shook my head. “Please, Grayson, don’t make me go up there, I will screw something up and will get fired anyway.”

  He laughed. “You'll be fine. Just get in there and smile.”

  I didn't have a chance to argue anymore because Grayson pushed me through the door. The lights weren’t blinding, but they were bright. I shielded my eyes for a moment letting them adjust before I finally got a good look around me. The places was bright, that was for certain, and there were people everywhere. No one looked at me as I walked into the room with Grayson, and I didn’t want them to anyway. The music wasn’t loud, but it was pumping, giving off a wild and fun vibe throughout. People danced, men in nice suits or extremely casual clothes, and women of all ages done up in fancy cocktails dresses and heels higher than anything I’ve worn.


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