Vampire Captive

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Vampire Captive Page 9

by G. Bailey

  “Yes,” I gasp as Tiryn hands run down my chest, cupping my breasts and his thumb rubbing against my nipples. I keep my eyes on Jath, seeing the desire burning in them.

  "I want you as my mate, Arilee. Will you mate with me?" Tiryn asks me, whispering in my ear as Jath kneels down in front of me. I gasp as Jath parts my legs, his mouth hovering above my core.

  “Yes,” I gasp, and at the same time, Jath’s tongue dives into me, licking and sucking until I’m losing my mind and all control over my orgasm. I crash into my orgasm that makes my whole body shake and my legs feel weak. Tiryn picks me up as Jath kneels back, and he kisses me as he carries me to the bed, sitting us down on it. I lift my wrist and wince as I bite into it, before offering it to Tiryn. He doesn’t pause as he takes my wrist and presses it against his lips, his eyes shutting as I moan.

  "I shall hold you through the eternal night. I shall embrace your soul as mine. For now, and forever, we are entwined.” The same as before, the moment the last word leaves my lips, the bond burns into us both. Tiryn removes his mouth and lies me down on the bed as he unbuckles his trousers and quickly slides inside me. I lean up and slam my teeth into his neck, hearing his loud groan into my ear as Jath comes to kneel next to me. I wrap my hand around his cock as his hand moves to my breast, flicking it as Tiryn slams in and out of me. I moan louder as another orgasm slams into me, and I let go of Tiryn’s neck as he finishes deep inside me. I move my head to the side and suck Jath’s cock into my mouth, and a few thrusts later, he pulls out and comes over my chest. We all collapse onto the bed, sucking deep breathes in, and I link my fingers with both Tiryn and Jath’s hands.

  “We win tomorrow, and then we have forever.”

  “Forever.” Both Jath and Tiryn echo the word. Forever is worth the fight. So is the throne.

  Chapter 24

  I keep my head high as I stare up at the large, gold-plated doors of the throne room and the detailed symbols of the crown on it. Red jewels, ones that match the crown we are fighting for lie pressed into the gold crown design on the door. Five guards, all wearing red, shining armor stand waiting in front of the doors. My dress is red, and I chose it because I'm done blaming the color for my past. It's the color of my people, and it will be the color of Halyard’s blood as we win the throne. I have my mates now; I have a family to fight for, and today I will make my parents and mates proud.

  I am done running.

  This is my home.

  "I should fight with you," I say to Tiryn and Jath, who have shifted into their wolves, standing at my sides. "I can fight." Of course, they don't reply to me, but they do look up into my eyes, and I nod at them, understanding what they want to say. They want to try to fight without including me. They don’t want me hurt, and I will be a distraction for them. I stare at their red eyes, a change from the vampire blood and knowing they are stronger than they have ever been. There is no way I'm going to let them get hurt if they struggle to kill Halyard. I can't let them die for this or me. It's my war and my past we are fighting. The sounds of heavy drums being banged fill my ears as the guards push the doors open, and we walk slowly into the throne room. The room is filled around the edges with important people holding lanterns on their laps, the lanterns glowing red. They are the red watchers, people who will watch and remember this fight, no matter the outcome. I remember a lot of the people here, ones who supported my parents and others who supported my king. Though not one of them stood up to my king as he abused me for years and drained the people of Arlen dry of all their money and strength. He never put the people first and the rich in here never stopped him. They won too. Halyard stands in the middle of the throne room, just where I was last night, but the blood is cleaned away, and it's almost like it never happened. He certainly doesn't look like he just killed his father on this spot, just after killing his brother. That must have done something to his mind to do something like that, and that will not make him a good king. I look around, seeing how shocked people are to see us, and I almost forget that wolves this size are a shock to them.

  "Wolves are very interesting, and I look forward to this fight. This is my partner for the challenge," Halyard says as we stop a distance away and a massive man walks out of the crowd. He looks like he eats rocks for dinner, and every part of his body is huge from what I can see under his black armor. He isn't going to be easy to beat.

  "For years, Arlen has been ruled by cruelty and a king who wanted nothing more than to destroy Arlen. He nearly did. He nearly destroyed me, but I rose from the ashes and became what I am today. I am the rightful queen, and my wolves are my rightful kings. This man is just a pretender and he will die today." Halyard’s face foes a little red as my words echo around the room, and some of them cheer. I sink my hands into Jath's and Tiryn’s fur before I step back and keeping walking backward until I'm standing between two guards near the doorway. I have to trust my wolves. Halyard is quick on the attack, swinging his sword toward Jath, who dodges out of the way and jumps onto his back. Halyard knocks him off, and he flies across the floor, before growling and standing tall. I move my gaze to Tiryn as he bites the massive guy’s arm, and the guy grabs him by the neck, holding him up in the air before throwing him across the room. Tiryn's wolf cries out as he smacks into a pillar, and my heart pounds in my chest.

  "Give me your sword," I tell the guard next to me, who looks at me in surprise. "That's an order from your queen. Now!" The guard nervously pulls his sword out and hands it to me, bowing his head as he does. As Tiryn gets up, I run to Halyard and slide right in front of Jath and Halyard. I can do this. My father didn’t spend all those years teaching me to fight for nothing, and this is the moment I have to prove I’m powerful enough to do this.

  "Pretty queen wants to play then?" Halyard asks me, and I nod, looking back at Jath.

  "Help Tiryn, and I will deal with Halyard. I can do this," I tell him, and his red eyes stare into mine for a moment before he turns away and runs to Tiryn. I turn back to Halyard and hold my sword up. Halyard isn't a talker and he goes straight into the attack, swinging his sword at me, and I block it as I spin to the side. I swing back and clash against his sword time and time again before I finally see a chance. I pretend to go for the left attack, only to duck and slide past him and swing my sword straight into his neck. The force of my blow makes my sword cut straight through his neck, sending his head rolling across the shiny floor. His body slams to the floor with a loud thud, and I lift my sword once more before slamming it into his heart. I heavily suck in breathes as I look up to see Tiryn and Jath ripping the massive man to pieces, blood covering their fur.

  "May the queen rule true!" the people shout and cheer. The bells ring in the distance as my wolves come to my side, and I leave the sword in Halyard body on the ground to sink to my knees, wrapping my arms around them.

  Now there is nothing to fear. We have our peace.


  Many years later…

  My daughter’s red hair brushes against my cheek as the wind blows against us, and we watch as the royal ship comes into the dock near the cliffs. The deep-red sails with a black wolf in the middle, the royal symbol of our home. We have been waiting many days for the ship to come in, following the joyful marriage of Faye to one the Dark Paw’s twins, creating peace. It turns out they fell in love after they took Faye prisoner a few years back and nearly started a war, though that is a story for another time.

  “Nanna?” Lailah asks me, and I nod, loving how my daughter is the perfect mix of all three of her parents, and I see it every time I just look at her. We are clueless who her biological father is. We do not care either way, she has two fathers. Lailah’s red hair is mine, though she looks like Tiryn, and she has Jath’s eyes. She is named after my mother, and there are times I see my mother in her eyes. Even though my parents aren’t here, it feels like they are in every part of this castle. We restored peace to Arlen, going back to the ways my parents set up, but I’ve made it clear we allow our children to play and speak to
any other child in the castle. I want to be known as a queen and my mates want the same thought of them. So, we try our best to be that. Tiryn and Jath miss the island and struggle to stay awake all night as is our custom, but after a few years, they both said they would never want to leave.

  “Cadriel, come here! The royal ship has docked!” I call my son, who just turned six yesterday, and he was our blessing, created on our first night together as mates. The time has gone too quickly. Jath and Tiryn walks out with Cadriel, who runs to the corner of the balcony to see the ship come in.

  “We should go and greet our parents and sister,” Tiryn says, taking Lailah off me and swinging her in the air as she giggles. Jath kisses my cheek, and I hold a hand out for Cadriel to take as he runs over with a big smile on his face. He looks just like his grandfather Alaric, with the same cheeky nature.

  “We could tell them about the surprise pregnancy too,” I say and Cadriel places his hand on my small bump which is growing by the day.

  “I can’t wait to meet my brother,” he tells me, and my heart feels like it is going to burst as he kisses my bump and whispers something to it.

  “It’s a boy, is it?” Jath asks.

  “Yes! I don’t want another sister,” he replies with a cute pout, and I laugh.

  “Boy or girl, you will love them. Now run ahead and get the gates open,” Jath says, and Cadriel excitedly runs off down the pathway. I lean my head against Jath’s shoulder as we listen to Tiryn talking to Lailah.

  I wish my parents were here to see this, to see how happy we all are. I look up at a painting of them as we pass it in the corridor and pause, looking into their eyes.

  “You miss them, especially on days like this,” Tiryn asks, coming back to me with Lailah on his shoulder. He kisses my cheek. “They would be proud, and they are watching us from somewhere.”

  “Somewhere,” I reply, resting my head on Jath’s shoulder. “We will meet somewhere. We all will.” Jath doesn’t say a word, kissing my forehead as we carry on walking down the corridor toward the open doors. Until somewhere, we have forever.

  Thank you for reading Vampire Captive, ending the Alpha Brothers world.

  Just thank you! I have the best job in the world due to everyone of you that pick up my books to read.

  My readers mean the world to me.

  A big thank you to my family, Denise, Mad’s, Cora and to everyone else that support me!

  A special thank you goes to Mad’s for her ongoing support.

  Thank you to my wonderful Pack Leaders for everything. <3

  Once again, thank you readers for your continued support! You’re all amazing and I couldn’t do this without you guys.





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  About the Author

  G. Bailey is a USA Today bestselling author of books that are filled with everything from dragons to pirates. Plus, fantasy worlds and breath-taking adventures. Oh, and some swoon-worthy men that no girl could forget. G. Bailey is from the very rainy U.K. where she lives with her husband, two children and three cheeky dogs. And, of course, the characters in her head that never really leave her, even as she writes them down for the world to read!

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  Seven towns. Seven seas. The seven council. The seven words every person lives by.

  The sea is lost, pirates are death.

  Cassandra should have been killed at birth, like all the other children who have powers like her. The changed ones.

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  Lucky for Cassandra, her father is on the council. One of the seven rulers of her large town and has kept her hidden her entire life.

  When she is seen for the first time, she has no choice but to run, and the only place she can go is to the sea.

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  At least, that is what she thinks. When she meets six handsome pirates and they take her on board their ship, she learns about a whole new world.

  If only she can protect her heart when they all desire to own it.

  This is a reverse harem trilogy.

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