Shamrocks and Secrets

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Shamrocks and Secrets Page 12

by Cayce Poponea

  Unfortunately, he did. I knew Nora was at the table, but his fingers really did make my lady bits tingle.

  “All right, you two, dinner is at our house. No excuses; and I expect you both,” Nora began as she stood from her chair. Patrick followed her and helped to gather her things. Once he had her out the door, he turned and came back to the table.

  “Well, so much for the plans I had for you later,” he stated rather gruffly.

  “Patrick, it’s just dinner, we can always go back to your house after.”

  The smile returned to his face as he helped me out of my chair.

  “I like the way you think.”

  “Oh, you have no idea the plans I have for you later,” I stated as he took my hand in his.

  “I look forward to each and every detail, trust me.”

  Dinner with Nora and Thomas was surprisingly relaxing. Seeing Nora go from her typical dress-to-impress style to her lounge pants and zip-up hoodie was refreshing, and I had to admit it was nice to just sit back and enjoy the casual atmosphere.

  Once the meal was over and I had insisted on washing the dishes, we all found ourselves settling in the family room and enjoying a bottle of wine.

  “So, how was the shower, ladies?” Thomas questioned as he shifted in his chair. He had not been able to attend and sit in the room next to ours.

  “Eileen didn’t give a gift, nothing,” Nora stated with no emotion in her voice.

  “Then it’s true,” Thomas responded, looking at Patrick.

  I watched as Patrick nodded his head solemnly. No further words were exchanged and I was too nervous to question what they were talking about. I couldn’t help but wonder why this gift issue was so significant.

  Patrick didn’t waste any time after we got back to his condo. I found my shirt on the floor and my bare back against his soft sheets. His strong hands were gentle on my skin. I made quick work of his shirt and ran my hand along his muscular chest, as his lips and tongue dominated mine.

  I was so lost in his touch that I barely heard his cell phone ringing. Patrick ignored it and continued. It was seconds later that the house phone began to ring. Again, Patrick ignored it and continued. Barely a minute passed and the house phone rang again. This time Patrick jerked away from me, rolled to his side, and shouted into the receiver, “What?”

  I couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, but Patrick’s face began to soften.

  “Brandon, she’s a small woman, bust the fucking door down and get her out.” Patrick was again quiet; his fingers found his hair and began to tug. I knew he was getting frustrated. “Fine, I’ll be there in fifteen. Find the motherfucker who drugged her.”

  Patrick placed the phone back in the cradle and then turned to hover over me again. “I’m so sorry to do this to you.” He lowered his forehead to mine, “Michelle has locked herself in the bathroom of some sleazy motel downtown. She refuses to come out for anyone else except me. Evidently, she went there with some guy and he roughed her up pretty good.”

  I knew Michelle had a drug problem. The situation made me think of my sister. If only Coleen could have had someone like Patrick to come save her, things would have been different.

  “Babe, don’t worry, go help her and then come back here. I’ll be waiting for you.”

  He kissed me and then began to get dressed. With one final kiss and exchanges of ‘I love you’, he was out the door.

  I laid there for hours after he had left. I began to think about how often this would happen if we were to marry. Would he miss baseball games and dance recitals for stuff like this? I guess only time would tell.

  I felt him as I slowly came out of my twilight sleep. I was certain I had just drifted off. He was fresh from a warm shower and I turned to face him.

  “Hey, you’re home,” I whispered, my raspy voice full of exhaustion.

  “Umm hmm,” he nuzzled his face into my hair and took in a deep breath.

  I couldn’t help but giggle. “Can you please tell me why you’re sniffing me?”

  He let out his breath and nuzzled in closer to me. “Because your smell is so much better than what I’ve just smelled for the past few hours.”

  I hugged him tighter to my body. I knew nothing sexual was going to happen between us tonight, he just needed me to be here.

  “Did you get Michelle calmed down?”

  “Yes, she’d barricaded herself in the bathroom. We never found the guy who roughed her up, but I have a few leads on him. I was able to check her into The Haven and get her some help for her drug addiction.”

  I smiled as I laid my head in the crook of his neck. “Allyson was right about you.”

  “How so?”

  “At the end of the day, you really are a good guy.”

  No further words were said as I drifted off to sleep, wrapped in his arms.


  When I woke up the next morning, I noticed two things. First, Patrick had the most annoying alarm. Second, the man could make a cup of coffee.

  His alarm was a combination of a loud annoying beeping sound followed by all of the overhead lights coming on. Not to be outdone by the curtains on the window being opened and the bright sunlight nearly blinding me.

  All was forgiven and forgotten, though, as soon as he handed me a huge steaming cup of liquid happiness.

  “Mmm, good morning,” I said sleepily as I kissed his lips.

  “It is now,” he said, his voice rather husky this morning.

  Patrick sat beside me on the bed, his well-defined chest on display for me, his pale blue sleep pants hanging low and giving me just a hint of his chiseled ‘V’ that made me cross my legs.

  I set my mug on the nightstand and began to make my way over to Patrick’s lap. He had started a fire in me last night that he needed to extinguish. It felt like he was up for the challenge as he pulled my nightshirt off, tossing to the floor.

  Before I could even get my lips on his neck, the loud banging of a door caused me to freeze.

  “Patrick!” Paige’s voice screeched down the hall.

  I didn’t even have time to climb off of his lap before she barged into the bedroom.

  “Patrick, didn’t you hear me calling you?”

  Paige stood with her arms crossed and her foot tapping. She didn't seem to realize or care that I was sitting on his lap.

  “Um...kind of trying to get laid here, Paige,” Patrick stated as he continued to kiss my neck.

  “Oh, would you forget about your stupid dick for one second. I need your help!”

  Paige had no shame as she jumped into the middle of the bed.

  “Dear Penthouse, Ever have one of those dreams where…?” I began as I removed myself from Patrick’s lap and crawled under the covers, sighing as I pulled them up over naked breasts. Paige was totally unfazed.

  “Christi, I’m so glad you’re here. I need to talk too you.”

  Again, Paige had no boundaries as she picked up my cup of coffee and went to take a drink.

  “Hold it right fucking there...” I snapped as I took my coffee out of her tiny hands, “I’ll share a lot of things, my first cup of coffee, isn’t one of them!” I cradled my cup of coffee as if it were the Hope diamond.

  “Sorry, sorry, my mistake,” she held her hands up in surrender.

  “You said something about needing my help?” Patrick questioned, annoyance in his voice.

  “Yes, dear sweet, Patrick. Did you know that Queen Bitch didn’t give me a gift at my shower?”

  Patrick took a sip from his cup as he leaned his back against the headboard. “I did hear something about that.”

  “No quilt, Patrick! No lace for my wedding...nothing.” Her hands flew into the air, emphasizing her point.

  “Trust me, Paige, that isn’t all she failed to deliver at your shower.”

  Patrick went on to tell her the story of how I had pulled out his credit card and paid the hotel bill. Paige’s eyes were huge as she looked first at me and then back to Patr

  “Paige, this only confirms what we warned you about.”

  “She wouldn’t, would she? I mean Ma said that when she spoke with Caleb’s Aunt Audrey, the lace had been shipped weeks ago.”

  “It confirms they’re broke, Paige; she took that lace and sold it to buy something.”

  Then it hit me. I felt so stupid for not catching this before. It was an old Irish tradition that when two families were being united by marriage, the mothers would get together and bind together pieces of their family’s lace. Each piece of lace was extremely old, having been handed down through the generations, a sort of tangible genealogy. They were usually very intricate and handmade, and thus very valuable. This would continue down the line, and if I had to guess, Paige’s piece of lace was hundreds of years old. It was done to symbolize the union of the two families. Many lace collectors would study these and could tell instantly where one family ended and another began. A really intricate, well-made and well-preserved piece could sell for thousands. With that being said, it made perfect sense why Eileen would have wanted to sell hers.

  My father had given Shannon the piece from our family. She had sent it to a lace maker back in Ireland who joined the piece that Dillion’s mother had sent.

  “Paige, let Ma handle this. Trust me, Eileen Montgomery will regret the day she messed with our Ma.”

  No truer words had ever been spoken. Nora could be a real piece of work, especially when provoked.

  “So, um, Christi, do you still have his little black card?” Paige’s voice changed as she asked and her shoulders came up to be even with her ears as if a child that was being coy.

  “Yes, actually, I forgot to give it back.”

  I went to retrieve it from my purse, but Patrick stopped me by placing his hand on my shoulder, “Not so fast, keep that one until yours arrives.”

  I turned back to him and nearly fell off the bed, “What do you mean mine?”

  Patrick gave me his signature sly smile. That usually worked to make my panties wet, but unfortunately this time it just pissed me off.

  “I mean the one that my credit card company is sending for you. Don’t even think about arguing, and have fun with it.”

  “Patrick Malloy...”

  My words were cut off by his lips. He was really playing dirty now.

  All right, Mr. Malloy, two could play this game…


  In two short weeks, my sister would be a married woman. I was happy for her, thrilled even, and also completely jealous.

  I wouldn’t ever admit that to her, or to anyone else. It was just how I felt and I had every right to feel like I did.

  Last night at dinner, Patrick told me he would be heading to Ireland soon. He said he had some business to take care of, but that he would be back in time for Shannon’s wedding.

  We were having her bachelorette party at Smoke and Mirrors, one of Patrick’s clubs. He insisted on having it there and assured me he would take care of everything. I learned a long time ago to expect Patrick to be true to his word. When he said he would handle everything, he would handle everything. Thus, the reason I was sitting in the back of a stretch limo that was buzzing with very excited girls. Shannon had invited all of her friends from college and her bridal party; needless to say, it was quite loud.

  We pulled into the valet area of the club and I listened as girl after girl screamed with excitement.

  “Oh, my God, Shannon! How in the hell did you get into this club?”

  I looked at my sister, silently asking her to keep quiet about me.

  “I have friends in high places.” She said with attitude.

  Did I mention that I loved my sister?

  Once we emerged from the limo, the blue lights that illuminated the outside of the building showed me two things; first, the line to get in was huge. Second, Allyson and Paige were standing beside three of Patrick’s men, just outside the entrance.

  I made my way over and hugged each of them.

  “Patrick said he told you about his trip to Ireland?” Allyson had a glint in her eyes as she spoke.

  “Yes, he said he’d leave early tomorrow and be back before the wedding. Some business he has to attend to.”

  Allyson and Paige gave each other a look that I honestly didn’t want to know about.

  The club was packed as we made our way through the crowd. Tonto was standing directly beside me and was ushering me to the back of the dance floor.

  “Ms. O'Rourke, boss wants you to enjoy yourself.” With his words, he gestured for my right wrist where he placed a silver Tiffany bracelet. I noticed that all of the girls in our party were given the same bracelet. “Just show the bartender this and you can have anything you want to drink or eat.”

  The area he had escorted us to was a huge section that looked more like a casual living room. It had several couches and small tables.

  Posted outside the entrance of course were four of Patrick’s men. It wasn’t until I was seated on one of the couches that I noticed Nora sitting in the far corner. I was delighted to see her, so Allyson and I made my way over to her.

  “Lass,” Nora grinned and kissed us from her chair, wrapping me in a tight hug.

  “Nora, I didn’t expect you.” I admitted, joy filling my voice.

  “Well, she’ll be my daughter and I wanted to help her celebrate.”

  Nora never stopped surprising me with her kind words. Considering the type of business her husband and son were in, you would have thought she would be a hard-nosed woman.

  The DJ was wonderful as he played everything Shannon asked of him. The bartenders would get her on the bar and do body shots off her and her girls. I sat back and watched as none of them made a move toward me. I was getting used to not having jerks come up to me.

  Everything was going really well when it happened…

  I was dancing with Shannon and Allyson off to the side when a really big guy approached us on the dance floor. I had my back to him so I had no idea he was even there. Without warning, I felt tight hands gripping my hips. At first I thought it was Patrick and I tried to turn around. He wouldn’t let me, his bruising grip tightening to the point of being painful. It was then I knew it wasn’t Patrick. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and his erection grinding into my ass.

  I again tried to turn around when I noticed Tonto plowing his way through the crowd. I looked at him and held my hand up, telling him to stop. I was finally able to pry the guy’s hands loose enough to turn my body and look at the man. What I saw made my blood run cold.

  He was huge, his eyes hooded and wild. I could barely make out his dark eye color as they were boring directly into mine. His massive shoulders rocked with the beat of the music as he began moving us away from the crowd, his hands never fully leaving my body.

  “You need to step away!” I shouted at him over the music. He only snickered and jerked me back even closer, his grip tighter and more painful than before. I was sure I would be covered in bruises. The look in his eyes scared the hell out of me, but I tried to hide it and squared my shoulders. “Seriously, if you value your life, you’ll walk away now!” I yelled trying to pull away from him.

  It was then that he reached up and grabbed my face with one hand and jerked it to his, kissing me full on with his tongue shoved into my mouth as I fought to push him off. The guy was freakishly strong and I couldn’t budge him off me. His other hand went up under my dress and grabbed a handful of my ass, pulling me against his erection again and grinding roughly into me. I felt my feet leave the floor then and suddenly we were moving towards the back of the club.

  It all happened so fast that I wasn’t sure if it was real. One second, the large man was on the verge of violating me with the hand he had begun using to roughly grope me between my legs, and then the next second he was three feet away from me.

  I watched in horror as Patrick stood with the back of the large man’s neck clenched firmly in his hands as he is repeatedly slamming the guy’s face into a tabl
e. I watched as blood splattered everywhere, and what appeared to be teeth flew in different directions. Patrick’s face was contorted in rage, his expression almost feral. It was all happening so fast that I couldn’t process what Patrick was screaming at the man. With one final slam, the heavy table broken in half and the man fell to the floor.

  “Get her the fuck out of here!” Patrick roared at Tonto.

  I didn’t wait for him, I turned and began making my way toward the doors. Once outside, I found the cold air of the night and a very anxious Angus began pulling me toward the car.

  “I’ve got you, Ms. O'Rourke.”

  I didn’t remember the ride back to my house, only that I couldn’t get the mental picture of Patrick in an out-of-control rage out of my head.

  Thank God for Angus, as he and Tonto helped me into my house.

  “Ms. O'Rourke, boss wanted you to go to his condo.”

  “N...No, I want my bed, thank you.”

  I knew Tonto would be sitting on my couch all night; Patrick would have his head if he didn’t. The next morning, my father was sitting at my kitchen table when I awoke. I knew Patrick would have called him, but what I wasn’t prepared for was the story he had to tell me.

  “So, I got a call from a buddy of mine that responded to a situation at a club downtown.” Okay...where was he going with this? “It seems a patron got a little carried away and the owner had to step in.” I poured myself a cup of coffee and then joined him at the table. “Normally, this wouldn’t be a big deal, something that happens all the time.”

  “But…?” I coaxed.

  “Patrick called me, Christi.” I lowered my head. Half of me had hoped that last night was just a dream. “I know that what you saw spooked you.” I didn’t respond. “But you need to know the whole story before you go being afraid of Patrick. Have you ever heard the name Darius Vailer?”

  The name alone caused a chill to travel down my spine. Darius Vailer was a man that had been convicted of murder and was sitting on death row, or he had been up until about a week ago when he had escaped by faking an illness. Darius had abducted thirteen women, most from nightclubs, and had strangled them to death after raping them. He would then remove different parts of their body as souvenirs, mostly ring fingers, but he was particularly fond of green eyes.


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