Shamrocks and Secrets

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Shamrocks and Secrets Page 21

by Cayce Poponea

  “Oh, you do make this a fun game.”

  I watched as he reached out and cupped his hand around my cheek. I couldn’t have stopped him if I’d wanted to, and, God, did I want to.

  “Even drained of all your spirit, you’re still breathtaking.”

  It was then I realized the news reports were correct. He was a very sick person. He played with his victims before he killed them.

  “You’ll learn to love me, Christi.”

  I closed my eyes again as he continued to traced my cheek and throat. “That’s where you’re wrong, I’ll never love you.” It took all of my remaining strength to turn my head, removing his hand from my skin.

  “Oh, I think you will. It’s either that, or I’ll let you die.”

  Death sounded so good right at that moment. How long had I been here? A week? A month? I had no clue.

  “Then take that shiny gun you have and just shoot me now.”

  He began to laugh, not with a normal that-was-a-funny-joke laugh, but a laugh that caused me to shiver. “Oh, Christi, you have so much to learn about me.”

  I opened my eyes once again. He lowered his entire body so that he was sitting directly opposite me. He took my dirty hand in his pale, cold one and I noticed he had a large ring on his index finger. It was silver and in the shape of a cobra’s head, the eyes were rubies. My memory flashed back to the engagement party, his guards wearing the same snake on their suits. I watched as he slowly ran that finger up and down my own.

  “When I first saw you at that party, you have to know I wanted you. I watched you for a long time, and when you tried to hide from me, you only made me want you more.”

  He shifted in his position. He was remembering that night. The smile that adorned his face told me it was obviously good.

  “I followed you home that night. I stood outside your window and I watched as you removed that dress you had on. I watched you as I touched myself. You gave me the best orgasm I’ve ever had, continue to have, actually.” The thought of him jacking off outside of my window made me want to vomit. “You made it so easy, you’re far too trusting, I stood inside your house for hours as I learned about you, about your family. That idiot Patrick began to call you, but I pocketed your cell phone because I wasn't ready to leave. Then you destroyed my gifts.”

  I had to smile as I remembered tossing the flowers in the trash. “They were shitty flowers,” I croaked out. Not bothering to address him being in my home. The missing cell phone had become a stepped over memory.

  “I wanted to take you then, but Malloy was always around. Then between Malloy pissing off Jeremiah and trusting the wrong people, I was finally able to take my opportunity. Imagine my surprise when Jeremiah told me he knew you.”

  Had Jeremiah been there that night?

  “Malloy didn’t know how much he helped me when he turned down my sister, or you when you told her off. And then there’s...ah, but I digress. No need to worry about family problems now. They’ll all be resolved soon no doubt.” This conversation was more in his twisted mind than in this room for me to hear. His eyes were black as coal as he continued to translate his memory.

  “When I was in prison, I told everyone that I was going to find a girl and settle down. My father wants me to go back to Italy and run things there, and I will, but first things first. Malloy is beside himself with worry about you, you know. He’s weakened, and he’s distracted right now. He’ll be so easy to get rid of, but don’t tell Sophia. She thinks she’s going to get him to want her, so let’s just let her have her fantasy while she can, hmm? As long as the liquor flows freely and the drugs are plentiful, she’ll be content enough, eventually,” he grinned, making me cringe. He really was nuts.

  “Yes, once the Malloy’s are taken care of, the Porchelli family will be free to do what they will and we can go about our business. I know you’ll come to see things my way, Christi, and you’ll love Italy. Once you’re there, you’ll submit to me. You’ll want me as much as I want you, and I want you there with me as my own.”

  I wasn’t worried about making the trip, I knew at this rate I would be dead soon. But what he was saying about the Malloy’s had me scared.

  “You may not be Italian, but it matters not to me. I rather like Irish women, well, most of them. Some are just so...rapacious. I can be very patient, though, Christi. I’ve waited this long for Malloy to leave you alone. He’s had his time with you, now I want what’s mine. I plan to collect that reward he has out for you, ten million dollars, before he dies. We’ll have fun spending his money. I plan to take you over and over again, lying on a bed of his money. I’ll video it and send it to him, let him see you spread out for me, hear you screaming my name while I fuck you every way I please as he dies slowly while watching.”

  Internally, I was smiling; Patrick was stronger and more cautious than Anthony bargained for, and I knew he and his family were looking for me, even though Anthony was a delusional psycho thinking he could kill them. I was looking at a dead man.

  “I’ve watched you, my Christi, and I have to say, you certainly know how to impress a man with your wit and charm. Where did you get that from, my Christi? It was certainly not from your Mother.”

  That got my attention.

  “Oh, yes, my Christi. It was too easy to find your Mother, and she was more than willing to help me. I don’t know what she was more excited about, seeing you or the bag of coke I gave her. Never have I watched someone so delighted to snort a line of coke. Too bad she didn’t get to enjoy the whole bag. She was too clingy, too willing to do anything I asked of her. She begged more for the coke than for her last breath.”

  I closed my eyes as the reality began to set in, Morgan was dead and Anthony had killed her.

  “So you see, Christi, I will get what I want. Whether it’s you by my side or watching you slowly die, I win either way. Call me selfish, but my winning is all that matters to me. The rest can tend to their own agendas. With the Malloy’s dead and you gone with me and out of the picture, we all get what we need. See? Things work out if you’re patient.”

  Time continued to pass. I was given water a while after Anthony left; not much, but at least it was clean. Just when I was getting weaker again, Sophia came back. She was dressed to the nines and carrying her designer purse. She took one look at me and turned up her nose. She opened the door and shouted for someone to get inside. Never in a million years would I have guessed who was waiting outside of that door. Douce. My mind instantly went back to the night of Paige’s wedding. Douce was the one who had told me Frankie was upset. He had betrayed me, and Patrick. I began to pray that I did survive this so I could watch as Patrick returned the favor.

  “Kevin, you need to clean her up. Anthony is almost ready to take her out of here. He’s talking about heading back to Italy early.”

  “How the fuck do you suggest I do that?”

  Sophia pulled out her cell phone and began to push buttons. I imagined she was texting someone. “I don’t care how, just get it done! You can smell her from upstairs.” She tossed her phone back into her purse and then directed her next words to me. “I’m late for dinner with my Patrick.”

  She was so full of shit, I knew this, but my heart was beginning to question my brain. I wanted to laugh at her and tell her that she likely was about to die and I wanted to watch, but I was too weak to even speak.

  Douce ran his hands through his hair several times. He would look at me and then ponder again. He quickly turned and left the room. I tried not to think about what his plan was. He clearly was involved and wouldn’t care what happened to me.

  He returned a short while later with what appeared to be a water hose. He came further into the room, before he turned on the hose and blasted my already tired cold, body with freezing water. I didn’t have the energy to fight. I lay lifelessly against the wall as the water continued to pelt my ravaged skin for what felt like forever, the water chilling me to the core.

  I was helpless to do anything. It felt as if h
e had used every last gallon of water in the city of Chicago. When he finally shut the water off, he leaned over my shivering body.

  “I’ll be back in a little while, Christi. I want my turn before he takes you away. I want to see if you’re as tight as your sister was. Right now, it’s time to go and collect,” he sneered then muttered. “She damn well better have it this time.”

  He then kissed my chapped mouth, turned, and left the room.

  My skin was wet and raw from the high-pressure hosing off Douce had given me. I prayed that I would not be here when he returned. Although I wasn’t certain which would be worse, Douce or Anthony.

  I closed my eyes and began to pray. I prayed that Patrick would be safe and that he would go on and have a long and happy life without me. It was important that he have a wife and children, even if it was with someone else. I prayed that Abby would grow up to be a self-confident and happy young lady. I prayed that Charlotte would take care of both, my dad and my sister. But mostly, I prayed for death to be quick and preferably before Douce or Anthony returned.

  But God wasn’t listening as I watched the door slowly open. I shut my eyes tight as I prepared for Douce to follow through on his threat. My breathing picked up as I waited. My heart was hammering inside my chest and I silently hoped this would be enough to finish me off.

  I was so wrong, God had been listening. As I opened my eyes and took a good look at the person standing at the open door, I felt all the tension leave my body and the silent sobs took over.

  “Ms. O'Rourke!” Angus’s manly voice sounded loudly in the caved room.

  I tried to call out to him, but my voice was gone. Angus rushed across the room and knelt by my side. I watched as he took his coat off and wrapped it snugly around me, the heat from his body feeling like a hot flame against my freezing cold skin.

  I watched helplessly as he took his phone from his pocket and pressed it to his ear. Just before the blackness took me, the words I heard him speak were like the finest symphony being played, in the best hall.

  “Boss, I found her.”


  I slammed my car into park as I skidded into the valet lane at Clair’s. I didn’t even waste time in shutting off the engine. Let someone steal it, I didn't give two shits about that car, my Christi had been found and I had to get to her.

  After Angus called me, I jumped out of my chair and ran down the stairs. As I ran to my car, I had called Matthew, but I only got his voicemail. I left him a message to meet me at Clair’s.

  I prayed over and over for Christi to be alive. I didn’t care what she looked like, what they had done to her, I would still love her. I would get her the best doctors in the country and help her in any way I could. If she had been raped, I would be patient with her. I would continue to honor her as a husband should.

  As I passed the door that led to the caverns, I was hit with the most putrid smell I had ever encountered. It was a combination of human waste and rotting food. I held my breath as I flew down the stairs and into the room where Angus had said he had found her.

  I slammed full force through the door that separated me from my Christi. What awaited me was a sight I would never forget.

  What had they done to her?

  Christi was lying in Angus’s lap, his jacket wrapped around her lifeless body, his gun pointed at my chest.

  “Sorry, Boss, I didn’t know if it was one of them coming back to finish her off.”

  I crossed the floor, ignoring the horrid stench that was clearly coming from this room. As I dropped to my knees, I noticed she was still in the same dress from Paige’s wedding. It was now black with dirt and grime and her hair was a filthy, matted mess. There were huge purple circles around her beautiful eyes, the sockets badly sunken in. She looked like one of those starving, African children they showed on the television, little more than a skeleton.

  “She’s alive, Boss. Barely, but she’s alive.”

  I looked to Angus who had begun to hand her off to me, and I took her willingly. Her eyes slowly opened and she began to recognize that it was me.

  “Patrick?” Her voice was so frail and small.

  I wrapped her wet body closer to mine as I began to cry with joy and relief. I placed gentle kisses around her beautiful face.

  “Yes, Babe, it’s me, I’ve got you. You’re safe, Christi.”

  “Not with Sophia...” she began to mumble.

  I slowly pulled my face back to look at her, her eyes remained on me. I searched her eyes, waiting for her to say it again.

  “Not Sophia,” she whispered again.

  “Christi, love, who did this to you?”

  Christi’s eyes were closing again and I quickly felt for a pulse, it was there, but just slightly.

  “She said it was Douce and Anthony Porchelli, and some guy named Jimmy, Boss.”

  I didn’t have time to react to Angus’s words as the door busted open again and my father and Matthew stood in the doorway. Angus again had his gun pointed at them.

  “Christi?” Matthew’s voice trembled.

  “She’s alive, Matthew. She’s severely dehydrated and clearly malnourished, but she’s alive.” Angus answered.

  Angus was a trained medic. During his time in the Irish military, he’d had to undergo training for events such as this one. I knew he was telling the truth, and I trusted him.

  “Has anyone called an ambulance?” I questioned as I began to kiss her face again.

  “Angus, are you certain nothing is broken?” Thomas questioned as he crossed the room.

  “Yes, Mr. Malloy. She pretty badly bruised up, though, and she needs a doctor badly.” Angus instructed.

  “Patrick, give her to me, it’ll take too long for the ambulance to get here in this traffic. I can have her at the hospital before an ambulance can even get here,” my father promised.

  The words were barely out of his mouth when I heard shouting coming from outside the door, “Patrick, it’s Ma, I’m coming in.”

  My ma was a smart woman. She knew if she opened that door unannounced, at least one gun would be pointed at her.

  The look on my ma’s face was enough to bring me to my knees again. She shoved Matthew out of the way and took Christi’s pale face in her hands. She began to place soft kisses along Christi’s sunken eyelids and was whispering soft words in Gaelic, her words meant for only God and Christi, as I couldn’t hear what was said.

  She stood abruptly and looked directly at me. “You make certain you kill whoever did this to my Lass.” Her words held venom and her green eyes bore into mine. I knew if I failed to follow her instructions, she would take matters into her own hands. My ma wasn’t someone to be played with.

  I simply nodded as I began to pass Christi’s lifeless body to my da. My mother captured Christi’s pale hand in hers. It was then I noticed her engagement ring and bracelet were missing. My ma noticed as well.

  “We’ll replace them, Patrick. She’s alive and that’s all that matters.”

  She was right; I would buy Christi a thousand rings if it would keep her close to me.

  “Are you coming with us, Son?” My da questioned as he shifted Christi in his arms.

  Running my hands through my hair, I knew he would fight me on my answer. “No, I want to be able to tell Christi when she wakes up that Douce is dead and can’t hurt her anymore.”

  Before my da could argue, the door again swung open and a very nervous-looking Douce came running in with Tonto right behind him.

  “Fuck, boss, I just heard,” Douce stammered as he ran closer to Christi and my father.

  It took everything I had not to cross the distance and slam him into the wall repeatedly until his bones disintegrated. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands, drain the life from his body as he had tried to do to my Christi.

  My ma interrupted and brought me back to reality, “Remember your promise.”

  I looked to Tonto as I spoke in a hushed voice, “Tonto, close the door.”

ouce’s eyes became huge as they darted between me and Tonto. “Why are we standing around? We need to go after whoever did this. Show them that they can’t mess with our family.”

  His words were like acid on my skin. How dare he refer to anyone in this room as his family!

  Tonto didn’t question me and placed his body in front of the door, his arms crossed over his massive chest.

  Douce continued to look around at the men in the room, no one said a word as they watched, waiting for me to calm down enough to not just kill him outright.

  “Tell me, Douce, was it all worth it?”

  “Wh...what are you talking about, Boss?”

  “You lied to me, Douce. You betrayed my trust.” I took a step closer. So did Angus to my left.

  “No, Sir, I haven’t missed a payment since you told me.”

  “You think this is about child support?”

  Douce began to look around the room at each of the men. He was trying to play us off, act as if he knew nothing, then run like the coward he really was.

  “Listen, guys, we’re wasting time...”

  “Tell me why you did this!”

  Douce’s body began to shake. He was at least smart enough to know when he was caught.

  “I…I sh…sh…” His body was fully trembling now.

  “Did you really think you’d get away with this?”

  Angus and I took another step closer. “Here’s what we’re going to do, you’re going to start telling me everything you know or I’m going to start shooting parts of your body off.”

  “Allow me, Boss. Save your bullets for the finale,” Angus spoke from my left.

  Douce began moving his feet side to side, looking like he was about to piss himself.

  “Who are you working with?”

  Several seconds went by and Douce remained silent as he continued to shuffle. The sound of a gun being fired and the distinct sound of a bullet lodging in the stone wall was evidence that Angus had grown tired of the silence. “That was your one and only warning shot.”


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