The Secret Space Age

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The Secret Space Age Page 3

by Olav Phillips

  But more importantly is not what is in the headlines but what is being talked about in quiet voices in those dark halls of the conspiracy world. Rumors of secret space programs are pervasive and the cooling of relations with Russia, as well as the proliferation of nuclear weapons concern the public. Terrorism is on the lips of most western leaders.

  All these things serve to scare us, to produce a strategy of tension where we cry out to our leaders to save us but they don’t. Instead they endlessly debate the outcome. All the while the blueprint laid out in Alternative Three is quietly executed.

  Underground bunkers continue to be built for a war the planners admit will never come. Discussion of a coming ice age brought about by global warming is subversively debated. All these things lead to one ultimate end. Alternative Three is real.

  Alternative Three is a blueprint, and its apocalyptic vision is coming. Most importantly we finally can find the end game. All those things we endlessly debate in conspiracy circles finely have a motivation. Subjects that had no purpose come into view, and are clarified. For once we see a clear end game on where it’s all heading and someone, somewhere is preparing for Alternative Three’s apocalyptic vision to come to pass.



  What’s amazing about Alternative Three is the downright plausibility of the whole operation. If the plan is real, its rationality is fundamentally beyond reproach. The best part is it all starts with a bang.

  The base concept behind the first alternative is a desperate gambit to use a high altitude nuclear blast to create a hole in the upper atmosphere to empty the greenhouse gases into space. To the 21st century line of thinking this option sounds borderline insane, largely because as we have progressed technologically and socially we know this will not work. However, if you remove yourself from conventional thinking and go backwards in time, this makes perfect sense.

  Let us not forget that the same military planners and scientists who may have conceived of these options were the same individuals who came up with “Operation Plowshares.” What is that, you ask? That was a military funded program to use nuclear weapons to create artificial deep water harbors. The only catch was that after the bomb was successfully detonated, and a perfect deep water harbor was formed, there was so much radioactivity that the site was unusable for the next 2,000 years. In the final review “Plowshares” failed, but the attempt was made nonetheless.

  So what was the real Alternative One? The operation’s name was “Project Argus” and it was both a failure and a success. As with many things in this realm there is a duality of success and failure, which seem to occur simultaneously.

  Project Argus in particular was a secret series of nuclear weapons tests secretly conducted by the Navy during August and September of 1958.

  The tests were performed over the Southern Atlantic Ocean and administered by the U.S. Defense Nuclear Agency in conjunction with the Explorer 4 mission.

  Military contractors from Lockheed as well as some personnel and contractors from the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission were on hand as well to oversee the project.

  What is interesting about Project Argus is that the time frame for Project Argus was vastly expedited. This was ostensibly due to the political environment of the era and the upcoming bans on atmospheric and exoatmospheric testing. A case could also be made for the acceleration due to Argus being part of the Alternative Three program.

  As a result, the tests were conducted within six months of conception, versus a normal test program which could take upwards of one to two years for complete mission planning and authorization. This project, however, was fast-tracked.

  In order to expedite the project, the United States Navy formed a special task force called “Task Force 88” or “TF-88.” The taskforce was formed April 28, 1958 solely to conduct Project Argus. Once Project Argus was completed, the task force was dissolved, and conveniently the task force’s records were dispersed which has made reconstruction of their mission much more difficult. This seems to be par for the course with a project such as this and lends credence to the covert nature of their mission.

  Conveniently, most of Task Force 88’s records have been destroyed or lost over time. This is not the only time such records have been misplaced. Interestingly, among the missing documents is the entirety of the film records.

  So who was involved?

  The USS Norton Sound was responsible for actual missile launching. She was also the training facility for launch crews involved in the testing, because the X-17A missiles used in the test were unfamiliar to the crew. These were typical exercises apparently, from known literature, including the assembly and repair of dummy missiles to be used. The Norton Sound also carried a 27-MHz COZI radar, which was interestingly operated by the Air Force Cambridge Research Center. This radar system was used to monitor the effects of the launches and detonations. It seems like all the armed forces were involved!

  The USS Albemarle was not listed as part of TF-88 but still participated. She set out to the Atlantic under cover of a shakedown cruise but was apparently tasked with detecting man-made ionization caused by the tests.

  The USS Tarawa functioned as the command and control ship for the mission, with her commander serving as Task Group Commander. The Tarawa carried an Air Force MSQ-1A radar and communication system designed for missile tracking. She also carried several VS-32 aircraft tasked with search and security operations as well as functioning as platforms for scientific measurement, photographic, and observer missions for each launch. The HS-5 was also aboard to provide transportation for personnel and cargo.

  The USS Warrington, as well as the USS Bearss, USS Hammerberg and USS Courtney were assigned as a weather picket about 460 kilometers west of the task force. They also provided air cover for the USS Tarawa during launch operations, and carried out surface security and search and rescue. The USS Warrington also carried dart rockets so the taskforce was very well armed, for a scientific mission.

  The USS Neosho was tasked with refueling task force ships during the mission. She was also outfitted with Air Force MSQ-1A radar. The Neosho’s commanding officer also served as the Task Group Commander for TG 88.3, the Mobile Logistics Group, which consisted of: Neosho, equipped with USAF MSQ-1 radar and communication vans, USS Salamonie (AO-26), and assigned destroyers. Oddly the USS Salamonie returned to the United States shortly after her arrival at TF-88, and did not participate in any launches.

  The Tests

  About 1,800 kilometers southwest of the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, USS Norton Sound launched three modified X-17A missiles, each armed with 1.7 kt W-25 nuclear warheads into the upper atmosphere, where high altitude nuclear explosions, the highest altitude nuclear tests incidentally, took place.

  What’s interesting about the location chosen is that due to the “South Atlantic Anomaly,” the Van Allen radiation belt is closer to the Earth’s surface at that point then any other location on the Earth.

  As part of the test, highly coordinated measurements involving satellite, rocket, aircraft, and surface stations were employed as well as other government agencies and various contractors worldwide. For such a rapidly prepared test there was an inordinate amount of monitoring which took place. The primary reason was that the scientists need to know very quickly if the desired effect was indeed taking place.

  Conventionally, the Project Argus tests were proposed by scientist Nicholas Christofilos who was at that time part of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory, now known as the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The test was a means to verify the proposed Christofilos effect. Christofilos had argued that such high-altitude nuclear detonations should create a radiation belt in the extreme upper levels of the Earth’s atmosphere. Such belts would be similar in effect to the Van Allen radiation belts. The radiation belts were believed to have possible tactical use in a war.

  Argus was able to prove Christofilos’ theory but was unable to provide the actual desired result, whi
ch was to open a hole in the upper atmosphere to vent carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases into space. This component of the test utterly failed, and proved to be the downfall of Alternative One.

  Interestingly the New York Times first reported the tests on March 19, 1959, with a headline bearing the awesome headline “Greatest Scientific Experiment Ever Conducted.” Although the tests were announced the following year, the full results and documentation of the tests were not declassified until April 30, 1982. It was declassified more then 20 years after the tests took place. Seems odd that the “Greatest scientific experiment ever conducted” was classified for more than 20 years.



  The scene around the table at the Alternative One post mortem must have been a sight to see. I suspect you could hear a pin drop as the project scientists scrambled to recover. So much faith must have been placed into the feasibility of Alternative One because by its very nature, Alternative One would have been the easier, least damaging, method to correct the problem.

  The failure of Project Argus to deliver the desired result must have been catastrophic because now the military planners had to struggle to find other alternatives: Other alternatives which would yield a smaller and smaller survival group and inversely cost more and more money to attempt and sustain. Not to mention the human capital required to build and support the infrastructure.

  The other problem which the planners must have faced was the realization that Alternatives Two and Three would take decades to prepare. This meant a more complex conspiracy now had to be put into place, all the while those same planners had to engineer a way to stabilize the weather while these other alternatives were prepared. The answer was simple, and it wasn’t HAARP or “weather machines.” No, it was something far simpler but of a scale never before attempted. Their solution to this problem? What we call “chemtrails” today.

  Chemtrails started to come into the public imagination as a conspiracy topic in the mid 1990s. With the advent of the internet, individuals from around the world started to congregate and share data showing strange persistent contrails being released from aircraft as they flew overhead. It was a story that grabbed the public imagination and sent shock waves of fear through the populace as theories started to filter through in the public space.

  Theories ranged from mind control to depopulation and about everything in between. Websites started to spring up and by the early 2000s, chemtrails had become an obsession to many in the public who sought to understand what was going on in the skies overhead.

  The search was on. Who was doing this? Were those military or commercial aircraft? There was a concerted effort to find the squadrons, the pilots and the designers of these things called chemtrails.

  As with many things conspiratorial, the true story starts long before the story gripped the international public with panic. It is a story much older and probably more disconcerting then any of the sometimes outlandish theories which have been presented to date and like many things the story is probably not as complicated as we, the conspiracy demanding public, want to believe.

  The story starts in the late 1950s with a meeting on the American Chemical Society. During that meeting a consensus was reached that industrialization was producing a massive increase in carbon dioxide and other damaging gasses. At the same time Roger Revelle, of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography, discovered that the world’s oceans could no longer keep up with the amount of ambient gasses building up in the atmosphere. The magnificent natural air scrubbers of the ocean were falling further and further behind. Revelle’s research found at the oceans could only handle a mere 10 percent of the original estimation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere during the 1960s.

  In short, we had a problem. As Revelle wrote “Human beings are now carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future.” The experiment would inevitably lead to a large-scale greenhouse condition. That condition would in turn heat up the entire planet, amongst other things. In effect Revelle discovered what we now call “global warming,” also known as “climate change.”

  Revelle’s discovery lead to Alternative 1.5—an audacious plan to geoengineer our planet out of an impending and catastrophic total system failure. This alternative was the next logical outcome from the failure of Alternative 1’s Project Argus/Hardtrak which was designed to vent the gasses to space.

  It is important to note that Argus did succeed in demonstrating that artificial Van Allen style radiation belts could be generated with high altitude nuclear detonations. It was a strategy which could deflect oncoming solar radiation or serve to bolster the ever weakening Van Allen radiation belts, but its primary objective still failed.

  Starting in 1957 there was a rush to solve the problem. Patents started to be filed from US2730402A, which represented an aerosol dispersal device, to US2908442A, which was a method for the dispersion of natural atmospheric fogs and clouds. Eventually the doctrine of geoengineering seemed to move in the direction of “Solar Radiation Management.” This is a process by which a reflective material such as aluminum would be scattered at high altitude to change the albedo, or reflectivity, of the Earth causing less light energy to make it to the surface of the Earth. The effect is called “Global dimming.”

  It should also be mentioned that if over your life span you believe the world has gotten strangely darker, you would be correct. As these geoengineering programs are more and more active the surface of the Earth will become darker in order to control and stabilize the global ambient temperature.

  By the 1970s even more papers were being written on the subject, mostly advocating for the continued use of metallic particles in the upper atmosphere. As time went on the support of this idea continued to grow.

  In 1997 Dr. Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, penned a piece in the venerable Wall Street Journal called “Sunscreen for Planet Earth.” In that article, Teller points out that this is an extra-governmental problem which needs to be addressed globally. It’s an attitude which garnered the support of physicist Freeman Dyson (the man behind the Dyson Sphere concept). But it was a problem detected in the late 1950s, and by the time this paper was written the vast geoengineering project was most likely well under way.

  So where are we today?

  Like many things in the conspiracy universe, we as researchers tend to over complicate the issue. We find a need to make these kinds of programs much more devious and complicated then they really are. I think that’s a natural inborn process of the human mind deciphering complex issues, but chemtrails are real nevertheless.

  I think the simple answer to this question is that we are well into the program. One of the key patents I discovered which leads be to believe this is Patent 5003186, called “Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming,” a very interesting patent which came out of Hughes Aircraft Company in 1990. The patent also references older patents from 1965 and 1988.

  The patent appears to be an act of evolution, not revolution, and deals with the types of materials used to produce the global dimming effect. This patent would not necessarily be as useful if the program was not already underway.

  Another case in point was research conducted during the groundings after the 9/11 attack. During that time, aircraft, except for military aircraft, were grounded all across the United States.

  This presented atmospheric scientists with a unique window into an un-contrail effected sky and the results were staggering. In the hours after the grounding, as the contrails began to dissipate, the scientists found a 1.1 degree Celsius increase in ambient ground level temperature over the 1974-2001 recorded numbers.

  This is important for several reasons. Number one, it shows that larger scale geoengineering started in the early 1970s and the second is that they have been able to stave off at least one degree for almost 30 years. What is also of imp
ort is that that one degree represented only four days without jet exhaust. If we were to go weeks, months or years the ambient ground temperature would rise more significantly, maybe 10 or more degrees. In fact the reports show that the overall air temperature was 1.8 degrees higher then the previous six days. That is a massive increase in temperature.

  So what does this really mean?

  If there is a large scale geoengineering project underway, which I think the 9/11 results prove, it is not a new thing. In face the artist Prince, in an interview on BET, discussed chemtrails and his observation of them as a child in Minnesota. Given his age that would put his observations in the 1970s (Prince was born in 1955 so if we assume he was 15 would place the date around 1970).

  This project has been underway for at least 30 years or more. Probably early on the aerosol dispersal was on a trial basis, which would account for some normal contrails and some persisting contrails. At this point I would believe whatever additive is being used to produce this phenomenon is generically placed into the jet fuel since more and more the contrails seem to persist. This would explain why you cannot find a specific culprit, because there is none. They are all producing the problem.

  It is also important to note that since 2000, Alzheimer’s disease has increased by 63 percent and that aluminum in the brain and long term exposure to aluminum is one factor in the progress of Alzheimer’s. This would coincide with the increased use of metallic, possibly aluminum, particles used as part of the program.

  The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

  Of course this kind of project presents a huge problem. On one hand the program, if it exists which I think you can argue, has carried out its mission to stabilize our climate. The bad on the other hand is that it carries with it risks such has Alzheimer’s and other unforeseen catastrophic medical issues like Morgellons disease.


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