The Secret Space Age

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The Secret Space Age Page 6

by Olav Phillips

  So here we have a man, totally committed to the ideology of the Nazi movement who had steadily moved through the power structure of the SS. He was personally ordered by Himmler to destroy the Warsaw Ghetto, and was the builder of concentration camps.

  Kammler represents the Nazi party elite and at its most foundation a man who would have been the man assigned to not only build Der Reise and supervise its research program but also a man who would have seen the end coming and prepared to perpetuate the 1000 year Reich.

  Operation Highjump

  If Kammler and others actually were successful in moving their base of operations to Base 211, then the presence of 211 certainly would have made the Allies nervous and according to many popular theories a massive US Naval operation was formulated to attempt to destroy Base 211.

  In August 1946 world renowned polar explorer turned US Navy Rear Admiral Richard Bryd lead a massive naval operation in Antarctica which ostensibly was designed to field test US Military equipment in cold weather conditions. This was based on Bryd’s assumption that the next war would involve an attack coming via the polar regions. That is an assumption which has some good philosophy behind it considering that the most direct path for Soviet forces would have been via the North Pole.

  The operation, code named High Jump, involved some 4,700 men, 13 ships and numerous aircraft including modified PBY Catalina’s which had been fitted and reconnaissance aircraft.

  Task Force 68 was split into two groups, an eastern and a western command. The Western force landed on the Marquesas Islands in the December 1946. The Eastern force landed in on Peter I island a few weeks later and set up operations. The Western group immediately started running reconnaissance flights over the Pole, possibly in search of telltale evidence of German incursion into the area.

  In January 1947 the ships massed in the Bay of Whales and built a beach head complete with runways. The base was dubbed Little America IV.

  By February 1947 ships were recalled back to US ports apparently due to the oncoming harsh winter. What’s strange about this turn of events is that the mission was designed to operate in those conditions, so why did they leave so quickly? Some in the conspiracy realm have hypothesized that those reconnaissance missions did indeed detect German activity and possibly contributed to the loss of a PBM Mariner, which killed four of the men. Faced with overwhelming force High Jump was called off and retreated while other options were considered.



  So following the previous line of thinking, and assuming the Nazis did indeed build spaceships like the Haunabu or the Vril, one would expect them to be actively doing things. Why invest the effort to construct such devices if not to use them, right?

  The short answer would be yes, and the evidence is hidden within the 1950s-era contactee movement as well as the seminal Betty and Barney Hill abduction.

  In much of the contactee writings of the 1950s as well as later work involving contactee style visitations, there is a predilection for “Venusians” and “Nordics” as a source for the visitations.

  There is almost an obsession with these two groups and it would make some level of sense given that Venus is close by and Nordics, at least on the surface of it, represent a human type being which is easily relatable to the human mind.

  So I know what Venus is but what on earth is a “Nordic?” Wikipedia, the source of all truth (?), describes Nordics in this way:

  Nordic aliens are said by self-described contactees and some UFOlogists to be a group of humanoid extraterrestrials who resemble European racial images, or more specifically Nordic-Scandinavians.

  Nordics are typically described as six to seven feet tall with long blond hair and blue eyes, and are commonly reported as being male. Their skin is said to range from fair colored to tanned, they are reported to be in excellent physical shape, and they are sometimes described as wearing skintight clothing. During the 1950s, many contactees, especially those in Europe, reported beings fitting this description. Such claims became relatively less common in subsequent decades, as the grey alien supplanted the Nordic in most accounts of extraterrestrial encounters, but Nordic aliens are still occasionally reported. Some sources, such as UFO Contact Center International, refer to Nordic-type aliens as Pleiadians, referring to the Pleiades star cluster.

  So effectively Nordics are conceived of as the blond haired and blue eyed aliens from Venus or the Pleiades. A description some psychologists have seen as a way of articulating our inherent racially biased fears manifest through alien visitation: A notion which does hold weight given the racial stereotyping we see every day.

  But what if, just for the sake of argument, the contactees really did meet Nordic looking individuals who claimed not to be aliens but simply from somewhere else, like Venus, and the came across the vastness of space in a flying saucer. Who else could they be? A very good question.

  There is a small element of the Betty and Barney Hill case which is often glossed over, which may give us some gateway to the true identity of these “Nordic” aliens. During hypnotic regression, Barney Hill made the observation that the aliens looked like Nazis and moved with a Nazi-like precision. He also claimed they were dressed in shiny black uniforms with silver piping and peaked caps: A description which is very reminiscent of the uniform of the SS, especially if you look at the operational uniforms of specific units such as the Panzer crews. Barney Hill had also reported, during that initial regression, that he heard them speak something which sounded very much like German.

  Walter Webb, the NICAP investigator who took down the sighting, reported the following in his October 1961 report:

  “The figures, according to Barney Hill were of human form dressed in shiny black uniforms and black caps with peaks or bills on them (which could be seen when the figures turned their heads). The uniforms were like glossy leather…The figures reminded the observer of the cold precision of German officers; they moved smoothly and efficiently and showed no emotion except for one figure operating a lever who, Mr. Hill claimed, looked over his shoulder and smiled…The ‘leader’ at the window held a special attraction for the witness and frightened him terribly.”

  So is it possible a UFO staffed by a German crew picked up the Hills? It would appear to be very plausible, but that isn’t the half of it.

  During the early regressions Barney also pointed out the presence of a red headed Irishman, not very alien, but this also points out another element to this story which is generally lost to time.

  It is not widely known but in the early part of World War II Ireland, apparently where this gentleman hailed from, was neutral but the country did have a large population of very much pro-Nazi or at a minimum Nazi sympathizers in its government as well as active in the IRA. In fact many of the senior members of the IRA including Sean Russell who went to Berlin to specifically be trained by the Germans in the use of German military equipment.

  In fact during World War II, there were a small number of Irish volunteers who fought in the SS. The number was small but they were active both as combatants as well as spies operating as part of the Abwher.

  It is also not widely reported that during the Spanish Civil War the IRA sent two units to aid the fascists. Both the Irish Brigade and Irish Contingent of the International Brigades fought on the fascist side of that bloody conflict. So it is not necessarily surprising that there would be individuals who were ethnically Irish on board a Nazi spaceship especially if they were high ranking sympathizers.

  It should also be pointed out that this element of the Hill abduction is also not widely reported, and seems to be lost to the mists of time.

  Another interesting element of that much of what we know about the source of the vessel comes from a map which Betty Hill had seen and memorized. Later drawings the map, which was investigated by Marjorie Fish, seems to indicate their home as being Zeta Reticuli.

  The main issue we find here is tha
t if the map was indeed seen, and properly drawn it was matched against earth relative view point which would make the map somewhat suspect. It is interesting there was a star map, but I’m not sure that it truly indicates the source of the ship, and frankly could mean anything.

  Imagine it like this, you are an alien who has spent quite some time to come to the Earth because it’s not a quick trip.

  Your star maps would be relative to the source not the destination. If you were to draw a map even in the reverse its orientation would be clouded by the source since your understanding of navigation would be relative to your home. So the fact that the star map is relative to Earth either means that the occupants were SOL (our sun) centric or the map is a red hearing devised to confuse two individuals who were scared and confused. Meaning this could have potentially been done to fill the narrative for the abductees and help them frame their experience.

  This is also not the only report of saucer occupants speaking German. Legendary contactee George Adamski had reported several times overhearing the Venusians speaking German and later Everett Clarke reported German speaking aliens landing in the field behind his house.

  It was around this same time Reinhold Schmidt, another contactee, also reporting a landing in Nebraska and actually conversed with the “Nordic” crew in German.

  Probably the most famous, or infamous depending on your point of view, case of Nordic interaction was with Billy Meir and his interactions with “Semjase:” A name some researchers have pointed to being listed as a fallen angel in the book of Enoch. Thus making it of terrestrial origin, at least initially.

  Each time the crew was dressed in a similar fashion to known uniforms of the Nazi era, and each time the crews spoke fluent German. Is that a coincidence? Well there is another part of this story, which requires discussion and that is of course the UFOs themselves, but we just covered that. Let’s just say the design of the UFOs seen during this era and frankly subsequent eras is indeed consistent with the original Nazi designs.

  However, the story does not end there.

  We would be truly remiss if not to mention the story of a man named Valiant Thor.

  According to this story in March 1957 in Alexandria, Virginia one of the highest ranking Venusian leaders came to meet then President Dwight D. Eisenhower to discuss something of critical importance, at least that was the impression of contactee Howard Menger.

  So the story goes Valiant Thor, Donn, Jill and Tanyia had come to Earth from Venus to deliver a special message and an offer to help the Earth. An offer to which Eisenhower apparently responded that the people of Earth were not yet ready for the disclosure of aliens and their public presence would plunge the Earth into an “abyss of chaos.”

  Eisenhower did however invite Thor to stick around and help out for a while, while he spoke with other leaders to come up with a sort of game plan. To this, Eisenhower was given three years to sort it out. In the meantime, Thor and his crew would assist scientists and they apparently did so. It’s also important to remember that these meetings and interactions took place during the 1950s and does pre-date the modern space program.

  The story goes on from there, but the main points of interest here are the names and several photos taken of the crew including Thor.

  The first thing we should do in discussing Valiant Thor is to take a look at he and his companions’ names. One would imagine that coming from a foreign land their names would be decided alien in nature, possibly unpronounceable by the human mouth. Instead of some decidedly exotic name there is Valiant Thor which represents Brave God of Thunder. His name an obvious reference to Norse/Nordic mythology, as well as Donn, Jill, and Tanyia all of which are either common enough names or slightly modified from the normal spelling.

  What strikes me as odd is that the leader’s name is an obvious Norse reference and something I could see space Nazis naming their children. The others? Fairly common.

  Now one could imagine Venusians picking earthly names as to not confuse us little ape decedents, it is not unheard of even today when people from another country pick anglicized names to ease integration into their new homes. But why choose a Nordic derived name? That is very odd and I think very telling.

  The UFOs

  The term “Flying saucer” is actually a misnomer. It is largely attributed to Kenneth Arnold who saw a large formation of odd aircraft flying near him in the Cascades and described them as traveling as though they were saucers skipping across a pond.

  What Arnold actually reported was seeing a large formation of arc shaped craft specifically reminiscent but updated version of the Horten HO 229.

  Later interactions with Nordics involved the use of more true flying saucers of a classic variety. What is interesting is that if you compare these saucers to the known German designs of the World War II era they seem to be a pretty close match, even down to the anti gravity pods on the lower portion of the ships.

  What’s more interesting is that if you look at the basic contactee era UFO, the German style UFO then compare that to the UFO that Robert Lazar reported in 1989 what you see is evolution and modification which makes me believe the “sportster” style UFO, which Lazar reported seeing, is an evolutionary step and with modifications to improve upon a older, maybe captured, design. The anti-gravity amplifiers are still there but hidden inside the under structure of the UFO versus a 1950s era UFO or a World War II era design where the pods could be seen.

  The other interesting element is that when Lazar boarded the ship he said he could see a strange kind of writing scrolling across a screen on the front of the room. The script he saw looks alien in artists’ renditions but could have been some sort of bastardized Runic alphabet written in a kind of cursive. That is a bit of a stretch but still possible nonetheless.

  The thing about Lazar is that despite being bombarded with accusations of being a hoaxer, more then 20 years later he still tells the same story. He has also, on several occasions, produced a W2 tax form and other minutia which seemed to indicate he was present at the site. So in my estimation he absolutely believes what he is saying, but that’s not to say he is absolutely accurate in his appraisal.

  It’s my contention that much of what Lazar has told us was told to him in a series of briefings and in briefing documents but, I believe at least, that the information was not completely accurate. This would make sense, and is a classic disinformation ploy which assumed he would tell other people what he had been told and thus spread an incorrect story which could not only muddy the waters but could also be used to discredit him if he went public, which it was attempted to do.

  This is a tactic the military and CIA have used before. In fact, during the early A-12 program and later SR-71 program the CIA and military used UFO reports to cover up covert flights. I think the same is probably still being done to cover up Aurora flights as well as the numerous government derived flying saucers and space planes which appear to do the sky per my articles on Solar Warden and the secret space program.

  UFOs make a convenient cover for covert operations. They always have and frankly still do. Then again these aircraft, when sighted, are unidentified flying and there are certainly objects.

  So are the Nordics Nazi supermen and women from the planet Venus or do I deserve a tin foil hat? I think a strong argument could be made either way but if we apply Occam’s Razor to this problem, and the simplest answer is usually the right one would seem to indicate Nazis from Venus is more likely then Nordics from the Pleiades. The tin foil hat? Only time will tell.

  We know that the Nazis were working on the creation of Aryan super soldiers and have a quite sophisticated selection program. We know they founded the Lebensborn birth centers to execute this strategy, and if there are space Nazis it stands to reason that almost 70 years later they might have achieved their goals. So if they came here, those crews would probably be some of the best they had, and as a result would demonstrate their success with the Lebensborn.

  If we look at Nordic interaction
, the uniforms, their physical make up, and the fact they have been overheard speaking German I think one could make a good argument that the Nordics are Space Nazis.

  I know how that sounds, but it makes a lot of sense. They come here to manipulate, like Valiant Thor, or they come here to monitor, like Adamski or Leslie, but both of those operations would be something you would do.

  I always liken it to a television show of my youth. It was called “Wild Kingdom” and each week Marlin Perkins would show us some fascinating wild animals. The show usually involved a helicopter and tranquilizer darts, then there was the tagging which allowed the scientists to track the movements of the elk or buffalo, or whatever.

  Substitute a flying saucer for a helicopter, and an implant for the tag. What do you have? Something coming here, abducting people, doing some experiments, and tagging them for tracking and that is something you would want to do either as an alien or as a group of former earth people who left the planet and want to come back.

  Do I know that Nordics are Space Nazis? Not concretely, but it does make a lot of sense. So the next time you meet up with a Nordic, if you talk to them regularly, you might want to enquire as to their planet of origin as well as the history of their society because I think the answer you get may shock you.



  One of the key linchpins in this idea of human built UFOs is to take a look at the markings. Humans are a curious lot, and we like to label things as well and organize things. It’s in our very nature. So it would stand to reason that if a UFO was of human construction it would indeed be labeled and categorized.

  This is a very tricky line of research and it is fraught with peril because within the UFO community there is a strong, almost urgent, need to believe in this idea that the UFO experience is alien. I think in some cases this is due in part to the need to believe we are not alone, and as a firm supporter of not only J. Allen Hynek but also the pioneering mathematical research by Frank Drake, I believe we are not alone. I also share Hynek’s opinion that at least 10 percent to 20 percent of all UFO sightings may indeed be alien in origin but I believe that the vast majority are ships made by humans.


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