Marry Your Billionaire: A Modern Cinderella

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Marry Your Billionaire: A Modern Cinderella Page 36

by C. J. Anaya

  Was Charlene being targeted as well? She and Brody got along wonderfully even though they hadn’t had their own one-on-one yet.

  It was nauseating to think that her friends might be in danger while simultaneously wondering if Cambria was Felicia’s sidekick in all of this.

  The box was empty. Why else would it be empty unless Cambria planned to fill it with something…something living and breathing…and extremely deadly this time.

  Laughter carried up the tower steps. She hurried to replace all of her roomies’ items and returned the purse to the exact spot it had previously rested.

  She couldn’t label her friend a traitor until she had more evidence, but she also needed to be on her guard tonight. It couldn’t be a coincidence that she and Cambria were sharing the same room. How easy would it be for Felicia’s minion to do something to her in her sleep?

  She quickly moved to the door and then headed down the spiral stairs in search of her friends and her costume. Tonight, she not only had to play the part of Arial Font, but also pretend she had no reason to suspect Cambria’s involvement with Felicia while simultaneously avoiding giving Brody any reason to believe that something was troubling her. She didn’t want him to go berserk on national television should he discover the danger she faced.

  There was no other way to handle the precarious position she now found herself in. She’d simply have to be on her guard tonight and play her many different parts to perfection.

  The party was held within the courtyard in the middle of the castle. The festive atmosphere and fairy tale decor covering tables laden with delectable foods enhanced the ambiance of the occasion. All around her the crew were dressed in footman attire while the contestants were dressed to the nines in their respective character ensembles.

  Even her father was getting into character by playing the role of one of the Brothers Dimm along with Talin Rhodes.

  Talin caught her eye and swiftly made his way over to her, bobbing through enormous hoop dresses and servants carrying platters of appetizers for the guests.

  “Midge you look amazing in that emerald contraption,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her and brought her in for a big bear hug.

  Her dress was made of sparkling green sequins in an effort to imitate the color and texture of a mermaid’s fin.

  “Your tailored clothing seems to fit you in all the right places, but I think you’re supposed to address me as Ms. Arial Font,” Midge teased. She accepted the quick kiss he planted on her cheek and then stood back, noticing as she did that Talin kept hold of both her hands.

  “Do tell me all about yourself, Ms. Font.”

  “Well, apparently I’m here to fight for Prince Alarming’s hand in marriage since there seems to be no other bachelors available.”

  “Au contraire, my dear lady,” he huffed in an injured tone. “Even though I spend most of my time writing stories about captive princesses and evil queens, I am still unattached, as it were, and completely available to star in my own happily ever after with one of you lovely ladies.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  “The plot thickens, I see. In other words, though Prince Alarming is purported to be the only bachelor available, the Brothers Dimm are here on a mission of their own matrimonial pursuits?”

  “Indeed we are, much to Hans Christian Philanderson’s dismay—” Talin broke off and choked down a laugh. “I honestly can’t take that name seriously. Did you read his character profile?”

  “Oh yes. Hans seems to be dallying with many of the key players in these fairy tales.” Midge tapped a finger to her chin in thought. “I hate to spread nasty rumors, but I do believe the identity of one of these ladies must be Rap-Pun-Zel.”

  Talin and Midge made a great show of not so subtly observing Cambria over the throng of people dancing. She was currently laughing at something Brody had to say.

  “It would appear that the young woman in question is moving in on your intended. What makes you think Rap-Pun-Zel has been having an affair with our dear Hans?”

  “What else could she possibly be doing up in that tower of hers?”

  “Good point.” Talin gave her a wide grin, dropping all pretense of remaining in character. “I’ve missed you, Midge. I would have come to catch up with you sooner, but my work has been busy, and every single time I get a free moment that blood hound of yours is always sniffing around your skirts.”

  Midge’s eyes widened in surprise. “You mean Brody? Talin, even if I am in conversation with him, you know you can come and talk to me anytime you want to.”

  “Somehow, I don’t think your boyfriend appreciates it.”

  “I think he’s under the mistaken impression that you’re interested in me.”

  “Who says he’s mistaken?”

  Midge let her curious gaze flit to Talin’s features. She was about to delve deeper into his comment when another loud laugh from Cambria pulled her attention away. She studied Cambria’s friendly smile and open demeanor. Was it all one big act?

  “Talin, I wonder if I could talk to you about something.”


  “I think I have a stalker on my hands, and I was hoping you could look into the situation without letting anyone else know.”

  Talin was immediately on alert. “What exactly has been happening?”

  She quickly went through the events at the hospital, then went over the snake incident, the threatening messages, the spider, and eventually her findings in Cambria’s purse.

  “Why didn’t you bring this to my attention sooner? My job is security, Midge. It falls on me to protect you, and I can’t do that if I don’t know about the threats to your safety.”

  “At first I thought it was simply a hoax, a pathetic attempt to scare me into leaving, and you know how I feel about being manipulated.”

  “Yes, I’m fully aware.”

  “I also don’t have concrete proof that Felicia is involved, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get that since I think she has an accomplice.”

  “And now you’re wondering if Cambria is the accomplice.”

  “As much as it pains me to admit it, yes. I need proof, Talin. If Felicia is the one pulling the strings here, we need to tread carefully because she is very very dangerous. If we spook her, there’s no telling what she might do to any contestants who threaten her chances with Brody.”

  Talin thought about what she said and then nodded. “I’ll start looking into Cambria’s background and see if she’s another victim or possibly the perpetrator. I don’t like the fact that you’re sharing a room with her. As much as it pains me to suggest this, you might consider bunking with Brody tonight.”

  “That’s not happening, but I’d like to know what exactly you have against Brody. He’s a fairly decent guy.”

  “Exactly. You think he’s decent, and I’m beginning to think I never had a chance.”

  Midge bit her lip as understanding washed over her.

  “Oh, Talin…I’m—”

  “Don’t you worry about it, Midge.” He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and then brushed his fingers across her cheek. “I’ve always known you were a long shot. I’ll start my investigation and let you know what I find out. You be careful.”

  He squeezed her hand and then walked back through the guests, mingling with a few contestants and no doubt getting their character’s back stories.

  “You were certainly chummy with Dimm over there. I hope he didn’t capture your attention before I have a chance to possess it permanently, Ms. Font,” Brody said from behind her as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

  She spun in his arms to face him, a teasing smile on her lips. “Why, Prince Alarming, always thinking the absolute worst in every situation when nothing could be further from the truth.”

  “Dimm may be a few chess pieces short of a set, according to his character synopsis, but Talin Rhodes knows exactly what he’s doing, Madelyn. Do you have…” Brody puffed out his chee
ks on an exhale and rubbed the back of his neck. “I hope you don’t have feelings for this guy, because I have no intention of backing down now that we finally seem to be on the same page here.”

  Midge quirked an amused eyebrow and folded her arms across her chest. “And if I did have feelings for Talin Rhodes, exactly what would you do about it?”

  “Revert to my caveman ways and carry you off to my room in the top of the tower. I’ll go Mother Gothel on you and lock you in there for good measure. Your hair doesn’t grow too quickly does it?”

  “Not unless I have a special spell on hand.”

  “Then there’d be plenty of time to convince you I’m the only man you’ll ever need.”

  Midge’s look softened as she took in the tension near the corners of Brody’s eyes.

  “Brody, we’ve called a truce, and I’ve decided to see where things will go between us. I’m not interested in doing that with anyone else but you. Do you believe me?”

  “Yes, I believe you,” he said. A warm glow filled his eyes as he took a step closer.

  Midge was about to remind him of where they were when a strangled cry was heard at the edge of the courtyard.

  Stacey flung herself dramatically to the floor, though it looked as if she had nearly tripped on her servant’s gown. She flung a hand to her forehead and screamed, “Murder. Hans Philanderson is dead!”

  Brody stifled a snort. “It would appear there are games afoot, Ms. Font. Stick with me and I’ll keep you safe.”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  Madelyn took Brody’s hand and allowed herself to be led from the courtyard down toward the vaulted cellar where Stacey pointed to Les Lassiter’s body hanging on the stairs leading to the small stage.

  There was fake blood on his chest and letters scattered everywhere, which upon examination proved to be love letters from various characters in the room.

  “That looks so real,” Charlene said as she moved closer to Les’s body. “Is it catsup?”

  Les opened his eyes and lifted his head to survey the mess on his chest.

  “I think it’s corn syrup dyed with red food coloring,” he said.

  “The food coloring strikes again.” Brody’s reference to her first prank had her giggling under her breath.

  “Les, you’re not supposed to be talking, you’re dead,” Cambria gently reminded.

  “Right.” He let his head sink back to the floor and allowed himself a dramatic moment to die all over again.

  “My dear ladies, I’m afraid no one can leave the palace and return to their respective lands and kingdoms until this heinous murder has been solved and the culprit brought to justice,” Rhodes said.

  “I’m convinced the murderer is Ms. Font,” Felicia said in a shrill tone.

  “Now who saw that coming?” Charlene muttered under her breath.

  “Ms. Font is anxious to find herself a husband, and Hans was insistent that her story end with her one true love choosing another while Ms. Font’s soul was lost in the process,” Felicia continued.

  “This, unfortunately, is quite true,” Midge said with a heavy sigh.

  “No,” Charlene shuddered.

  “Yes,” Midge reaffirmed. A smile pressed its way over her lips. There was no way she could maintain her character. The whole thing was just too ridiculous, but she couldn’t deny she was having fun.

  “I received a letter from Hans letting me know that my request for a change in circumstance had been approved, but not in the way I wished. He’d decided that I wouldn’t die after all, and he would simply hand me over to Mother Gothel where I would spend the rest of my days in unwedded misery while coming up with new puns to entertain my roommate Rap-Pun-Zel.”

  “Why in the world would Hans want to keep you in a tower?” Cambria asked with actual curiosity garnishing her tone.

  Midge threw herself on the floor in the middle of the cellar and shouted, “He wanted me for himself.”

  Horrified gasps echoed throughout the cellar while one lone chuckle from Brody carried across the room and tickled her senses.

  “That can’t possibly be right. He was sneaking me out of my tower every Friday night to see the lantern show in the neighboring kingdom,” Cambria stated in mock disdain.

  “Told ya,” Midge mouthed to Talin who was biting his hand to keep from laughing.

  She turned her head and caught Brody’s tense look at Talin, surprised by the jealousy exhibited there.

  For the next fifteen minutes revelations, dark secrets, and surprising connections between the characters—apparently the Brothers Dimm didn’t actually have the same mother—were sallied back and forth as all of the contestants did their best to figure out who had motive, means, and opportunity for killing Hans Christian Philanderson.

  The case finally broke when Charlene squealed in triumph, “I know exactly who killed poor Hans. The culprit is none other than Prince Alarming.” She pointed her finger at Brody and waited for the murmuring to die down.

  “That’s ridiculous. What proof do you have?” Brody said, pretending to be affronted.

  “You yourself admitted to being low on funds and needing to marry a wealthy heiress in order to continue your princely lifestyle. You discovered that I had been left a sizable fortune from my dead father.”

  “Your point?”

  “You intended to announce our engagement tonight, but Hans found out about it and refused to rewrite my story unless you gave him fifty percent of my inheritance once we were married. So you stabbed him in the chest.” Charlene walked over to him and reached her hand into his coat pocket, pulling out a sharp dagger covered in blood.

  Everyone began clapping as Charlene gave a deep curtsy and then received a hug from Brody for being the winner of the next one-on-on date with him.

  Midge wanted to be happy for Charlene. She really did, but two things were holding her back. First, she didn’t want to have to share Brody one single moment longer. The very idea of him going on a date with Charlene made her insides feel raw and weak. Second, she didn’t want Charlene to become the next target on Felicia’s hit list.

  Spotting the “See Which” by the stairs she sauntered over and stood next to her.

  “What do you want?” Felicia hissed.

  Midge supposed the woman was feeling especially nasty tonight due to her failure in winning another date with Brody.

  “I was just thinking how surprised I am that you weren’t the one to guess the culprit. I mean, you’ve had so much experience with the subject matter in question.”

  Felicia’s eyes widened for a mere second, but it was enough for Midge to see that her comment had not only hit home, but was completely accurate.

  “I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “No? I’m sorry. I thought for sure I heard you mention that you had already attended several of these types of parties.” That of course wasn’t at all what she had meant, but Midge wasn’t trying to tip her hand just yet. She merely wanted to see what kind of reaction her words evoked if Felicia was indeed guilty of murder herself.

  Based on the woman’s panicked reaction, albeit brief, Midge felt confident that where Felicia was concerned she was dealing with one psychotic killer. What a shame she couldn’t unveil her at this particular party.

  Felicia’s eyes darted to Midge and the lamplight from the cellar gave them a supernatural glow.


  “Unfortunately, we’ve reached that moment where Brody must say good-bye to three more contestants,” Les said, still wiping red corn syrup from his chest.

  “These eliminations are so tedious,” Felicia said, fanning herself in boredom.

  “You don’t feel like your position on the show is tenuous at best?” Midge asked.

  “Oh, don’t you worry about me, Madelyn.” Felicia flashed her teeth, reminding Midge of a tigress ready to bite. “Your father and I have come to a certain understanding. Believe me when I say I’m the last per
son Brody will be eliminating anytime soon. See you later.”

  Midge’s eyes flickered to her father as she wondered what on earth Felicia could have been referring to. Surely her father hadn’t promised Felicia she’d be one of the final three in the running.

  Once Brody announced the three women leaving the show and all of the hugs and good-byes were said, Midge hurriedly made her way over to her father and pulled him into a small corner of the cellar for a private moment.

  “Why does Felicia think that she’s going to continue to remain on the show right up until the very end?”

  Her father cringed and looked away, doing his best to avoid her gaze. “I may have promised her some extra air time on the show if she promised to cause as many scenes as possible, which she has.”

  Midge shook her head in disbelief.

  “Does Brody know about this?”

  “No, but I honestly don’t see what the big deal is. He obviously cares about you, and she’ll eventually be eliminated during the last round.”

  “Dad, she is dangerous. The longer she stays here the more likely she’s liable to…” Midge cut herself off abruptly.

  He narrowed his eyes at her and stepped closer.

  “More liable to what, Midge?”

  “Nothing. I just don’t like her.” She bit her lip in frustration, angry that she didn’t feel it wise to tell her father about the threats. She had no proof, and she wasn’t in the mood for her father to laugh at her suspicions when everything was pure conjecture on her and Lisa’s part, and if she showed him the latest threat there was a very good chance he would send her packing. How would she protect her friends and Brody if she wasn’t here? Who would Brody propose to if she suddenly up and left the show? The thought made her ill one moment and then completely shocked her the next.

  Brody was playing for keeps here. At the end of this show he fully intended to propose to someone. Was she ready for that someone to be her?

  Brody, Talin, and Knightly gathered in the hotel manager’s office later that night after Talin informed them he had something important to impart. As much as it pained Brody to spend any amount of time in the security guard’s presence, they were both working toward a common goal and he needed the man’s skills, experience, and insight to protect Madelyn.


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