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Marry Your Billionaire: A Modern Cinderella

Page 41

by C. J. Anaya

  Brody remained silent as Gregg walked through the door and closed it softly behind him.

  “Rhodes, you’ve checked my room for your ‘security breaches’ about half a dozen times now. I think it’s safe for me to go to bed,” Midge said as she sank onto her mattress and began pulling the covers over her body, allowing herself to snuggle into the softness of her pillow.

  “Your window doesn’t latch properly,” he grumbled. He shifted his bulky weight and sat on the bed next to her.

  “We’re two stories up. I don’t think Felicia has any secret ninja skills we need to worry about.”

  “I wouldn’t put it past that woman to be capable of flying due to some strange mutation she developed as a fetus.”

  “Are you calling Felicia Davenport a mutant?”

  “If the shoe fits!”

  Midge allowed herself a rare smile and reached for Rhodes’ hand.

  “Thank you for taking care of me.”

  “I’d like to take care of you on a more permanent basis,” he said as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.

  Midge blocked him with a hand to the chest and eased him back.

  “You know I love you Rhodes, but it’s always been a friendly kind of love. A sisterly kind of love.”

  Rhodes sighed and stretched back to his full height. “I know, Midge, but you can’t blame a guy for seeing something wonderful and wanting it for his own.”

  Midge nearly shed a few tears, wondering why Brody hadn’t felt the same way.

  “Do you know who else is absolutely wonderful and just happens to live in this apartment?”



  “Stacey? I thought she was dating someone.”

  Midge burst out laughing.

  “I’m not sure what gave you that impression, but she’s definitely interested in dating you. Maybe give that a try?”

  Rhodes gave her an affectionate grin. “Sure. I’ll think about it.” He reached down for a hug this time, and then stood up, heading for the door.

  “I’ll be staking out the apartment for the night. If for some reason you hear or see anything out of order you just give me a call.”

  Midge glanced at her cell phone on the stand and nodded.

  “I’ll not fail to sound the alarm in case of an emergency.”

  Once Rhodes left, Midge sank back into the bed and prepared herself for another sleepless night filled with thoughts of Brody, and why he’d suddenly turned on her.

  Brody sat in his car just outside Madelyn’s apartment, wondering for the millionth time why he had decided to take an interest in the safety of a woman who didn’t give a damn about him.

  The answer, of course, was simple. He loved Madelyn, even if she was a heartless man eater who had wreaked havoc on his emotions, his future, and his own sanity.

  A light flicked on in a second story window. He nearly jumped out of his seat at the sight of Madelyn. He grabbed his binoculars, something he considered a necessity when staking out an ex-girlfriend’s abode, and brought them to his face. Her sweet expression came into focus as well as the cute bunny pajamas she had on. He couldn’t believe she managed to pull off a sexy look with bunny pajamas that covered the entirety of her figure.

  He nearly allowed himself a smile when another person he wasn’t expecting came into view.


  Several expletives rang throughout the stillness of his car as he vented his anger and frustration to absolutely no one in particular. Hadn’t he known that Rhodes had his eye on Madelyn? Hadn’t he wondered if there was anything going on between them? Feeling like the idiot he more than likely was he lowered his binoculars down and considered leaving Madelyn to her fate. If Rhodes was by her side then certainly she had enough security to ensure that nothing happened to her.

  Then again, maybe that was the only reason he was there, though that failed to explain his presence in her bedroom. Brody raised his binoculars again. It also failed to explain why Rhodes was on the bed embracing her. The fury that ignited his temper nearly took over as he grabbed the door handle and prepared himself to scale the wall and rip Madelyn from Rhodes’ greasy embrace.

  He restrained himself once he realized that Rhodes was leaving the room instead of spending the night. The relief he felt at this turn of events gave him cause to thank his lucky stars that he was sitting rather than standing since the shakiness in his legs wouldn’t have supported him at the moment.

  He hunched down in his seat when Rhodes left the building and circled to a car parked right under Madelyn’s window.

  Was the pervert expecting a peep show?

  Fortunately, Madelyn’s light flipped off and all was dark and silent, forcing Brody to take in huge gulps of cool air as he tried again to cool his mounting temper.

  Then he waited, and so did Rhodes, confirming his assumption of Rhodes’ real reason for being there, though he still wasn’t pleased that the man had been in Madelyn’s room…hugging her. Silence stretched as he and the security guard waited for a threat that most likely didn’t exist.

  Brody cursed himself again for the decision to come here. All he’d managed to do tonight was prove to himself that he was still in love with Madelyn. How was he supposed to marry Charlene when he couldn’t get through a single moment without thoughts of Madelyn disrupting his emotional stability? He couldn’t break it off with the girl. Not now. Charlene certainly didn’t deserve such callous treatment when she had been nothing but kind and loving. It would break her heart, and he didn’t have it in him to do something like that to her.

  No. Madelyn had been the dream, but it was time to grow up and finally get married to someone who actually wanted and needed him. Someone who was charming, pretty, kind, and accomplished. Charlene would make the perfect wife of a CEO. What else was there to consider?


  So why was his mind in constant turmoil over a certain red-head?

  Brody had almost convinced himself that it was time to turn in and head home for the night when a slight movement just ahead of Rhodes’ vehicle caught his attention. A figure dressed in black darted toward the space two stories below Midge’s window and threw something against the wall of the building. The object exploded, erupting into flames. Rhodes jumped from his car and began chasing after the figure. Brody grabbed the door handle, ready to head into the lobby of the building to find a fire extinguisher when he noticed another figure climbing the fire escape…a fire escape that passed right next to Madelyn’s window. Without hesitating, Brody dashed across the street and into the building, making his way to the second floor and room number 223.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Midge heard what sounded like an explosion outside, but couldn’t be sure due to the noise of her neighbors in the apartment directly above. She would never understand the appeal of violent video games. The sound of bullets ricocheting against steel cars on the gamers’ TV caused her to grab her pillow over her head to cover her ears, which was why she failed to hear her window squeak open. The pressure on her pillow suddenly increased.

  Someone else was in her room!

  Midge tried to pull the material from her face, but the pillow was brutally shoved down much harder this time. She immediately kicked the covers off and caught her assailant in the leg. The pressure on her face released. She threw the pillow from her head and jumped from the bed. Felicia Davenport stood before her, wearing a dark jump suit and holding something thin and shiny in her hand.

  “Felicia, what in the world do you think you’re doing?”

  She gave Midge a creepy smile and inched herself forward.

  “I’m not sure how you connected all of those murders to me, but I am sure that you were the one to give that information to the police. They mentioned they have a witness prepared to testify to all of the skeletons in my closet. I’m sure you understand why I can’t have you living long enough to confirm everything you’ve discovered.”

  Midge couldn’t contain her hysterical

  “As much as I would love to take credit for bringing you down, I simply can’t claim that honor. You have a lot of enemies Felicia. You’ll have to look elsewhere for your witness, and no doubt do some more killing in the process.”

  “Don’t lie to me. You knew about my past. Who else would benefit from my incarceration?”

  “Anyone who’s ever met you would benefit from your incarceration, Felicia. You’re not exactly a pleasant person to be around.”

  “Oh, I am so going to enjoy this.”

  Felicia brought her arm up and swung it down, attempting to plunge something into Midge’s chest. Midge dodged to the right, and then brought her knee up into Felicia’s stomach, knocking the wind out of her. She regrouped on the other side of the room, screaming for Stacey and Lisa.

  Why hadn’t they heard all of the commotion in her room? She didn’t have time to worry about it further as Felicia turned and swung at her again. This time the knife’s blade gleamed wickedly against the firelight from outside.

  Wait! Fire?

  Midge’s focus broke as she stared in horror at the flames licking the outside of her window. Felicia took advantage of that moment and delivered a swift kick, knocking her feet out from under her and sitting herself on top of Midge’s stomach.

  “You set fire to my building? You are absolutely crazy, Felicia. You should have been institutionalized years ago.”

  “The fire was a distraction, you idiot. Do you think anyone is going to hear your pitiful cries for help when their apartment is going up in flames?”

  Midge bucked and kicked to dislodge the crazy senator’s daughter, but Felicia was much stronger than she looked.

  “I know that a dagger to the heart is a little dramatic, and even though you were rejected so spectacularly on live television, I still feel like your heart deserves one more jab just to seal the deal.”

  Felicia raised her arm up above her head, and brought the dagger down just as Midge bucked again and shifted to the left. The blade came down hard and plunged into the woolly carpet with a dull thud. Another thud sounded to her right and then a loud crack rippled through the room as the door busted open and someone barreled through, knocking Felicia to the floor. Vision blurry, Midge heard a loud smack and then another thud. Felicia landed next to her completely unconscious.

  “I’m not an advocate for hitting women, but that particular woman has had it coming for quite some time.”

  Midge’s heart sped at the hushed, familiar tones of the man’s voice.

  “Brody?” she whispered.

  Strong hands secured her by her shoulders and pulled her to her feet.

  “We need to get you out of here. The building is on fire, and the fire department is on its way.”

  Midge nodded, unable to form any of the questions that begged to be answered. Instead, she allowed herself to lean into him for support, swallowing her pride in the process. It wasn’t exactly easy to accept help from the man who had so thoroughly ripped her heart from her chest.

  “Thank you for coming to save me,” she whispered.

  There was a pause as they made it out of the apartment, and then, in a very quiet voice he said, “You’re welcome, Madelyn.”

  Midge continued leaning against Brody’s car while the police finished taking his statement. Apparently, upon hearing news of Felicia’s release, he immediately assumed Felicia would be headed Midge’s way, and he came over to stake the place out.

  She couldn’t fathom why. The chaos of ambulances and firemen taking care of apartment residents and those who were injured mirrored the chaotic thoughts moving around like floating topography within her mind.

  Why in the world would he have troubled himself with her safety when he couldn’t be bothered to trouble himself with her very tender feelings? Public humiliation one moment and then savior the next? His behavior within the last month had become so contradictory she wasn’t sure how to feel or react to this unexpected moment of chivalry.

  Of course, he’d also turned around and headed back into the apartment for Felicia once he’d brought Midge outside. He’d saved Felicia even though he hated that woman. She was glad he’d saved her. As despicable as Felicia was, she was also a human being who didn’t deserve to burn to death in an apartment building.

  Brody finished answering the officer’s questions and made his way over to his car. She couldn’t help but admire his quick and confident steps and then cringe when his steps slowed and became hesitant after spotting her standing by his car.

  So? Did he not expect some gratitude on her part or was she supposed to behave as if the last thirty minutes hadn’t happened? Midge began to look for her father’s camera crew just in case this entire fiasco had been nothing more than another staged attempt at adding more excitement to the show. Brody Prescott: all American good guy and national hero.

  She supposed it had a nice ring to it.

  He eased himself up to the car and leaned on it, leaving several inches of space between them. The distance may as well have encompassed the whole of the United States. The Brody she knew and loved never would have allowed that kind of distance to exist between them.

  After a moment, Midge cleared her throat, deciding she would take the high road and say something nice even though she wanted to attack him for his hurtful betrayal.

  “Thank you for keeping an eye on me. I owe you my life, and I’m very grateful to you.”

  She cringed at the formality lacing her tone. She didn’t know how to behave in his presence anymore. Offering his love one moment and then denying he’d ever felt a thing for her the next made her feel as if she were tiptoeing around land mines.

  “You already thanked me. You didn’t have to hover by my car simply to state it again.” His gruff voice felt as abrasive as sand paper might against her fair skin.

  “Well…I guess I feel like a thank you just isn’t enough to repay you for what you did.”

  “Who says I’m not going to expect payment? You can certainly afford my exorbitant fee now that you have your trust fund back.”

  Midge’s temper came to a boil. All thoughts of civility were wiped clean as her pent up anger and frustration came bubbling to the surface.

  She turned to face him, hands on her hips as she flung off the stupid blanket the paramedics had provided for her.

  “What is your problem, Brody? Why the hell did you even bother to stake out my apartment and save me when it is obvious now just as it was two weeks ago on national television that you absolutely cannot stand me?”

  Brody’s look of surprise immediately morphed as his jaw clenched and a small vein in his neck began to pulse.

  “I can’t stand you? That’s incredibly ironic coming from someone who faked an interest in me and then quickly tossed me aside at the first threat against her trust fund and her manuscript. You proved you didn’t have one ounce of feeling for me long before I dumped you on national television.”

  Midge’s jaw nearly came unhinged. “What are you talking about? You knew why I came on the show in the first place. I was very transparent about that, and I have no idea what my manuscript has to do with this.”

  “Don’t you?” Brody moved closer and roughly grabbed her shoulders. “I heard your little conversation with Felicia. I know she tried to blackmail you into lying about your feelings for me, though it turns out it wouldn’t have been much of a lie for you since you feel nothing. You told her you would dump me after the show and that was that. Do you really think that after watching that video I would wait around for you to completely destroy me?”

  Midge’s shock and confusion rendered her speechless. Her reaction appeared to confirm Brody’s dark assumptions.

  “Get away from my car. Charlene and I are having dinner together and I’m already late.”

  Midge grabbed his arm. “Wait. You watched a video? I don’t understand—”

  “Felicia filmed the whole thing and made a copy. Charlene found it and brought it to me, and can I tell
you how awful it was for her to be put in such an uncomfortable position?”

  Midge shook her head, trying to make sense of his explanation. “Charlene? What? Why did she even have access to it? Brody, whatever you saw or heard was taken out of context. Please believe me.”

  Brody ripped his arm from hers. The fury in his eyes had her backing up a pace. He was too angry to hear her and too angry to accept a different alternative to what he believed.

  “Not possible, Madelyn. It won’t do you any good to back-pedal now.” He got in his car and slammed the door. “Besides,” he yelled through the open window, “what good does denying it do? You have what you came on the show for. I hope all of that money makes you as miserable as you deserve.”

  Midge stepped forward, trying one more time to plead her case and explain why she had said those things in the first place, but Brody gunned the engine as a warning, forcing her to back-up. He pulled away from the side of the road and left her standing there unable to fix this egregious misunderstanding.

  “I knew this was some huge mistake,” Stacey said, bouncing excitedly in her chair and nearly toppling off it.

  The three roommates had to relocate to another living space since their apartment was technically a crime scene. Unfortunately, the only person in the group who actually had family living close by was Midge. After failing to convince the girls to let her pay for a comfy hotel, she reluctantly called her father to let him know what had happened and to ask to be put up for the night. He’d sounded upset when she related the news of her near-death experience and personally came to pick the girls up after the police had finished taking all of their statements.

  Despite the rift in their relationship, her father had always taken care of her even if most of that care had been dictated by his hectic work schedule.


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