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Control Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Duke ran his hands up and down her inner thighs.

  “Your naked pussy makes me so fucking hard, baby.”

  She hated having to deal with pubic hair and kept herself cleanly shaven. Holly also liked the feel of being bare, and the touch of her panties and clothes as she worked never failed to turn her on.

  He worked her shirt up going over her breasts. Duke didn’t remove her bra, but he pulled the cups down so that her breasts fell freely out.

  Keeping her gaze locked on him, she bit her lip as he tugged his shirt over his head. His body was covered in ink. She’d seen him without a shirt before. On his back he wore the insignia of the club. The members who got “Trojans MC” inked onto their backs had no intention of leaving. Duke, he wasn’t going anywhere. He was part of the club to stay. It was his life, like the air he breathed. The club was what he needed to live. Her heart pounded inside her chest. She remembered one summer when she was seventeen. Her mother had sent her to the clubhouse to study as they had decorators in to fit the new kitchen. Mary was working and couldn’t spend the day with her. Holly had spent the day out in the sun with her books open on the ground around her. Leaning up against a tree the guys had left her alone. It had been hot, and the guys had decided to have a game of basketball. She’d sat watching as all men removed their shirts, playing to the game.

  Duke had glanced her way. She’d been unable to look away, drawing her knees up to her chest as he stared right back. He’d given her a smile before carrying on. It couldn’t have been for longer than a couple of minutes, yet she’d felt that gaze for a long time. Her pussy had grown slick. He was older than she was, and it still hadn’t stopped the attraction.

  His hands moved to his belt, and within seconds he was working his jeans down his thighs.

  Arousal, hard and thick gripped her, tightening things deep into her stomach.

  “Are you on the pill?”

  This was going to happen.

  Chapter Four

  Duke stroked his cock, staring at her naked body. He couldn’t wait long enough to grab a condom nor could he wait to take this into the bedroom. Three days he’d been without her. It had been well over a year since he’d taken any club pussy. The moment he realized he was going to have Holly as his old lady, he’d stopped banging every other pussy. He’d known she wouldn’t like him to have been screwing around. The only person she’d been with was Raoul. After the incident, without Russ’s orders, he’d kept an eye on her. The men and boys who’d been sniffing around her had gotten a warning from him. He didn’t share in any way.

  “Yes, I’m on the pill.”

  In one tug he tore the white panties from her body. He pushed them into his jeans pocket. They were his trophy for today. The sight of her naked pussy was nearly his undoing. Thirty-nine years old and he was ready to come at the sight of her cunt. The lips of her sex were open, revealing her swollen clit. Cream covered her slit and coated her lips. Running his finger through her pussy, he circled the nub, before sliding down to thrust inside her.

  She cried out.

  “Fuck, baby. I’ve got to have a taste.”

  He placed her feet on the edge of the table, opening her thighs a little wider. Going to his knees, he opened her pussy with his fingers. Within seconds he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  She screamed, arching up off the table. Pressing his palm against her stomach, he forced her to stay down. He was stronger than she was. With his hand on her stomach, he kept her still as he ravished her pussy. Flicking his tongue over her clit, he circled the hard bud before sliding down to plunge into her tight, hot cunt. She was so fucking tasty and wet. He didn’t suck women’s pussy, especially the club whores’. Duke didn’t want to risk licking another guy’s semen. Holly was pure. It had been years since she’d been with Raoul, and she’d not been with anyone else. A great wave of possession overcame him. Holly was going to be all his. He’d not had a woman who’d not been fucked by multiple men before. Gripping her hips, he held her in place as he fucked her several times with his tongue.

  “Fuck, Duke,” she said, moaning.

  He loved hearing her pleasured cries. Duke released his hold on one of her hips, to move down to press two fingers into her pussy. She tried to thrust down onto his fingers. He worked them inside her, harder. When they were coated in her cream, he eased them down to the puckered hole of her anus. She tensed up beneath him.

  “Has my baby not been fucked in the ass?”

  She groaned.



  “Then you’re going to be in for a surprise because I’m going to fuck this ass.”

  “Isn’t it wrong?”

  “No, baby. You’re going to fucking love the feel of my cock in your ass.” He stroked over her puckered hole, slowing his caresses so she started to crave his touch more than anything else. She started to relax. He continued tonguing her clit alternatively fucking into her pussy with his tongue. When she was completely relaxed, he pressed the tip of his finger to her hot ass. The tight muscles kept him out.

  He wasn’t going to denied what he wanted, and he wanted her to open up to him like a flower in summer.


  “Let me in, Holly. Trust me.”

  She whimpered.

  Pressing his finger to her anus, the tight ring of muscles still kept him out.

  “Push out,” he said.

  She did as he ordered, and he eased his finger into her ass. Holly tensed up and tried to get away from him. Standing up, he kept one hand on her stomach while he worked his finger inside her ass.

  “Feel me.”

  When she didn’t try to get away from him, he moved the hand on her stomach down to tease her clit. He gave her the double pleasure of touching her clit as well as teasing her ass. In time he’d have her begging to take his cock. Until the time was right, he’d get her used to his touch. Every time she tried to forget about him, Duke was determined to give her a little reminder of who he was.


  “Do you need to come?”


  “Then ask me.”

  “Please, Duke, I need to come. Let me come.”

  He smiled. Moving his fingers to her cunt, he pressed two inside her as he worked her clit with his thumb. Duke stared into her eyes and watched as she splintered apart under his touch. He’d kept her at the edge so that it didn’t take long to have her going over.

  She cried out, arching up, thrusting against his touch. He pulled his fingers out of her ass, grabbing the towel from the floor to wipe his fingers before he touched her further.

  When she came down from her orgasm, he rubbed the tip of his cock through her slit. The rounded, bulbous tip was coated in his pre-cum. He was so turned on that he feared he’d come inside her with a few easy thrusts. Duke knew how to make those few thrusts worth it.

  He stared down at where his cock separated her pussy lips. Duke wasn’t a small man. He was large, and he knew the first thrust might hurt her. Bringing her to orgasm before fucking her had been the only idea for him. If he fucked her now, he was going to hurt her, and hurt her bad.

  She was small compared to him, and her pussy was incredibly tight.

  Wrapping his fingers around the base of his cock, he guided the tip to her entrance. He couldn’t look anywhere else. Her cream was leaking out of her making his penetration easy. Gritting his teeth, he pushed the head of his cock inside her. With only the tip of his cock within her pussy, he felt how tight she was going to be. Slowly, inch by inch, he worked his way into her pussy.

  Holly cried out. Glancing up, he saw her eyes were wide as she stared back at him.

  “You’re hurting me,” she said, shaking.

  Reaching between them with his gaze on her, he stroked her clit. She let out a gasp, and her eyes were dilated.

  “You’re big.”

  “I know, baby. You’ll get used to my size.” He’d spend the rest of his life fucking her in order for
her to get used to the feel of him. Stroking her clit with one hand, he used the other to caress her body. He glided his fingers up her quivering stomach, to circle her nipples. She was such a sensitive woman. Duke had noticed her response when he touched her neck, stroked her body or brushed up against her.

  She started to thrust up to meet his cock. He waited until she was the one working his dick into her tight cunt. Duke was a patient man, and within minutes he was rewarded by her begging him to move.

  “Please, Duke.”

  “You want me to fuck you?”

  “Yes, please, I need it.”

  Returning his hands to her hips, he slammed inside her to the hilt. Holly arched up, screaming as he went to the hilt inside her. He hit the top of her cervix, and she’d taken the whole of his cock. Duke tightened his hold on her hips, wanting to mark her skin so every time she saw them, she’d know who she belonged to.

  He didn’t want her to forget him. Duke intended to fill her pussy, claim her ass, and leave his mark on her body.

  Sliding out of her pussy, he watched his cock, slick with her cream, reappear. The sight was so fucking hot it had his balls tightening up. Gritting his teeth, he slammed inside her, growling as her pussy tightened around him. Her cunt fluttered around his length, squeezing the life out of him.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight.”

  She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, and pulled him in.

  “Harder,” she said.

  Duke didn’t question her. Tightening his fingers on her hips so that they were white from the grip, he rammed into her. The table started to move from the force of his thrusts. Annoyed, he pulled out of her, grabbing a chair. In quick moves he pulled her onto his lap, gripped his cock, and was back inside her as she straddled his lap. Her hands went to his shoulders. “I’m going to fuck you in the clubhouse on the table in church.”

  “I’m not allowed there,” she said, moving up and down his length.

  He held her ass this time, squeezing the flesh. Duke used his strength to guide her over his length. She sank down on him in hard thrusts that had them both crying out in pleasure.

  “You will be as my woman.”

  She pressed a hand to his mouth. “Stop talking.”

  He grinned, taking over control, and fucking her using her body for his pleasure.

  “You’re not the one in control here, Holly. I am.”

  Duke didn’t hold anything back, showing her his strength, and making her take the whole of his cock. She gasped, bit her lip, and looked totally out of control as he fucked her. He watched her tits bounce and forced his hips up.

  She reached between them to stroke her clit. Gritting his teeth, Duke held off his orgasm for her to find her own release. She came with a few strokes, and Duke followed her spilling his cum deep into her womb.

  When it was over, she collapsed over him, pressing her head to his shoulder. He ran his hands up and down her back.

  “I’m not going to be your old lady.”

  “You will.” There wasn’t a chance in hell he was letting her get away.


  Holly climbed off his lap, and without looking back at him, she made her way toward her shower. The apartment was modest in the living space, but when it came to the bedrooms it was a little more luxurious as she and Mary had separate bathrooms. When they went hunting for an apartment they could have picked one with a larger kitchen and living space, but they both wanted their own bathrooms so they forfeited the larger living space for hygiene. There was only a shower, toilet, and sink within the room. Holly preferred it like this. She’d rather not share a bathroom with anyone. From a young age she liked her own bathroom. It probably came from stumbling into the bathroom when her parents were fucking in the shower.

  Nothing screamed privacy more than seeing your father’s dick in places you’d rather not.

  Turning on the water, she stepped under the spray, wishing for some sanity over what just happened.

  Holy fuck, I’ve just fucked Duke Bana, president of the Trojans MC.

  She rubbed her hands over her face, hoping it was some awful dream.

  It wasn’t a dream. Her pussy ached from his hard cock. Duke wasn’t a small man, and she knew all the gossip about his dick was true. Holly pressed her head against the wall, and the water sprayed down her back. Her ass hurt a little from his finger, but he’d gotten a response from her there as well. She hadn’t been able to stop responding to his touch.

  Duke set the flame of need burning inside her into an inferno. She couldn’t put it out.

  The bathroom door opened, and then the door to the shower stall did as well.

  “You’re not gone?” she asked. She half expected him to run off and brag about fucking her, like Raoul had.

  “Why would I be gone?”

  He reached around her, and she saw him pick up the soap. His hands were large, twice the size of hers. Duke was the first man to make her feel small in presence. It was nice. With him at her back she felt … delicate.

  Her mother had told her never to worry about her size. She always liked her food, and her mother was a good cook as was her grandma. Both Russ and Sheila had grown up in the club lifestyle as a member. Russ was the first man in his family who took the gavel. Sheila’s parents, her grandparents, had simply been loyal members.

  “Shouldn’t you have some club work to do?” she asked. She couldn’t bring herself to face him. His semen dripped down the inside of her thigh. Holly groaned. She’d not given a thought to ask him if he was clean.

  “All club work was done before I came here.”

  She jumped as his hands went to her arms running up and down. They were covered in soap as he washed her.

  “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She closed her eyes. “You got what you wanted. Why don’t you run back and tell the club about it? I bet they’ll have a good laugh about how you got me to fuck you without much work.”

  His hands tightened on her arms. Holly cried out as his grip turned to pain. He spun her around fast and pressed her up against the wall. Duke grabbed her hands trapping them above her head, and he gripped her chin. There was nowhere for her to run.

  “Let’s get one thing straight, baby, I’m not and I’ll never be like that fuck Raoul. I don’t kiss and fucking tell. What happens between us, stays between us.” His body was flush against her. Even flaccid she was aware of the length of his cock against her stomach. “I don’t run to the club, nor do I use women. If I wanted the club to know who I was fucking, I’d tell them straight. I wouldn’t disrespect you by making shit embarrassing for you. Let me make one thing clear. We’re only a secret because you don’t want anyone to know that your pussy creams at the sight of me.”

  “I hate you.” She spat the words out. Holly hated him, but she hated herself even more. The power he held over her scared her. She didn’t want to be easy, yet he was right. All it took was one look from him and she was ready.

  “No, baby.” The hand on her chin moved down her body to cup her pussy. He fucked two fingers into her pussy, and she closed her eyes groaning. “You don’t hate me. You want me, and that’s what you hate. You’ve been hurt by one of the club before, and you’re scared. I’m not going to hurt you. My cum is inside your pussy, and that’s where it’s going to stay. You’re not going to date any other man, and no cock is ever going to know how tight you are, do you understand me?”

  “You’re not the boss of me.” Her voice didn’t sound strong enough even to herself. The way he played her body was like she was his own personal toy. She wasn’t a toy.

  “Tell me again, baby, but this time make sure I can believe you.” His thumb rubbed over her sensitive clit, making any argument she had before, non-existent. “You know you’re mine. You’ve been mine for a long fucking time. We both know who you wanted that night you went with Raoul.”

  She gasped, trying to jerk out of his hold. What happened the night with Raoul was none of his business, and she t
old him as much.

  “When I found out I wanted to destroy him. You were not my girl nor were you my daughter, but I wanted to tear his fucking head off.”

  Should she be delighted in what he said?

  Licking her dry lips, she turned her head enough so she could see his face. His hands continued to hold her in place and tease her body. She’d never been this open with anyone, not even Raoul. That night she’d lost her virginity had been a disaster of the highest order. She hated it and would chose to forget it if she could.

  “I’ve surprised you.”

  “Raoul’s your brother. He’s part of the club.” While she was just a daughter, nothing special. She didn’t add that last part.

  “You’re special. You just don’t realize how fucking special you are.” He moved his hand up her body, stroking over her nipple as he cupped her face. His touch ignited the arousal once again in her veins. “We keep this a secret only because you want to, baby. I don’t. I want you, and I want the whole fucking world to know who you belong to.”

  “This is too much.”

  “No, baby. It’s not enough for what I want to do with you. I can handle secret while you get used to the idea of being with me. Soon the club and people will know about us and you’ll be by my side as my old lady.”

  “What about Julie?” She couldn’t help but bring up his ex-wife. There wasn’t a single comparison between her and Julie. Holly, she cared a lot about everyone. She loved taking care of the family and being there when they need it. She took after her mother in that regard. Julie cared about nothing and no one but herself. The other woman took selfish to a whole new level.

  A lot of the time Holly was disgusted by the stuff she heard about Julie. Matthew, her son, didn’t need her in his life. She was a bad influence and only served as a reminder to hurt him.

  “Julie’s a piece of shit who doesn’t get anything. The only reason she’s at my club is because of Matthew. You never have to worry about her.” He pressed a tiny, fluttering kiss against her lips. Her heart raced at the contact.


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