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Control Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Holly moaned, kissing him back with an equal passion. Her pussy grew slick, and her nipples went rock hard. She needed him.

  “Fuck, baby,” he said, breaking away from the kiss.

  “No more hiding. No more secrets.” She slid her hands down to grip his ass, pulling him closer.

  He didn’t give her a chance to say anything more. Duke lifted her up in his arms and took her toward church.

  Catcalls and whistles followed after them. They were shut out when he kicked the door closed.

  Duke put her on her feet. “Take your clothes off.”

  Chapter Ten

  Duke went to his belt as he watched Holly wriggle out of her jeans. She hadn’t changed the clothes she’d put on that morning, and wasn’t wearing any panties. Her bare pussy was slick.

  “Climb onto the table.” He needed inside her more than he needed his next breath. Duke had seen her enter the club, but he’d waited. He’d promised her that she could decide when they no longer were a secret. Russ already called him to let him know she’d visited him. The loyalty shown by his club touched him even though Holly hadn’t kept him in the dark. She’d texted him each step of the way.

  Holly used the chair to ease her onto the table.

  “Everyone knows who you belong to.”

  She nodded, going to her elbows. He stepped closer, lifting her legs to rest on the arms of both chairs. Her chest rose and fell with each indrawn breath she took. “You want my dick in that sweet little pussy?” he asked, pulling his cock out.


  “Then play with your pussy. Let me see how wet you are.” Her fingers reached down going on either side of her plump lips. She made his mouth water for a taste of her. Duke worked his length as he watched her finger move over her clit. “Don’t orgasm. You orgasm before I tell you then you don’t get my cock.”

  She released a whimper, but he ignored it. He was the man in charge, not her.

  Down she moved her fingers until she circled the entrance of her cunt. “Hold your lips open,” he said.

  Both of her hands eased down, opening her slit for him. He saw her entrance ease open. She was soaking wet. Gripping the tip of his cock, he placed it where she needed him most.

  “Don’t move your hands. You keep your pussy open for me.”

  She nodded.

  Sliding inside her, Duke groaned at the tightness of her. No matter how much he fucked her she always felt unbearably tight. His balls tightened, and he wrapped his fingers around her knees.

  He caressed down her legs until he gripped her hips. Holly gasped as he drew her onto his cock. Her fingers stayed between them, keeping her open for his cock.

  In one slam of his hips, he seated himself to the hilt inside her. He waited, allowing her to get accustomed to his length.

  “Fuck, baby, you’ve got no idea how fucking hot you look, taking my cock. Look at us. Watch as I fuck you.”

  He eased out of her. His length covered in her slick cream. Duke watched as she stared at where they were connected.

  Tightening his hands on her already bruised hips, he fucked hard inside her. She screamed out. He didn’t care if the brothers heard him. They all knew he’d be fucking her inside this room. It would only be a matter of time before he took her as his old lady.

  “Now, you can play with your pretty pussy.”

  Her fingers moved to her clit.

  “Let me lick you.”

  She presented her other fingers to his lips. He sucked her cream from her fingers, relishing the taste of her.

  The sounds of their flesh slapping together filled the room.

  “Come for me, Holly. Come all over my cock.”

  Staring down at where they were joined he watched her fingers work her clit. Her pussy tightened around his shaft, and within seconds she splintered apart.

  Slamming inside her, Duke closed his eyes, yelling as he came within her depths. Collapsing over her, he pressed kisses to each of her breasts, sucking the buds into his mouth. The pleasure didn’t immediately ebb away. She ran her fingers through his hair. The only sound in the room was their heavy breathing.

  “Everyone would have heard us fucking, wouldn’t they?” she asked.


  “Can I ask you something?”

  He looked up. “Yes.”

  “When I was at my parents’ place—”

  Duke groaned. “You want to talk about your parents with my dick inside you.”

  “When I was at my parents’, I mentioned about you taking me as your old lady. I hate the term, but I know it’s what you use to make the difference between a club whore and an old lady.”

  “What about it?” he asked.

  “They shared a look. My mom looked worried. Why?”

  He let out a breath. He wasn’t going to tell her about what becoming an old lady meant. Not after he’d just fucked her with the men in the other room. She’d run. There would be a time in a couple of weeks when he’d tell her truth. “It’s a huge commitment, Holly. It’s not something to be taken lightly.”

  “I wouldn’t take it lightly.”

  “Some might.” He pressed a kiss to her lips.

  “You’re not telling me everything.”

  He let out a sigh. “I’ll tell you more about it soon. I promise. You’re not ready to know.” He eased out of her ordering her to stay still.

  Duke grabbed some tissues and wiped his seed from her bare lips.

  The sight of his white cum leaking out of her cunt had him getting thicker once again. The sight was fucking hot. He held the tissue in one hand, and with the other, he ran his fingers through her red, swollen flesh, pushing his seed back inside her. In a couple of years he’d have her pregnant with his kid. She’d make one hell of a mother.

  She gasped, shaking as he worked his cum inside her.

  Wiping his fingers on the tissue, he grabbed her jeans, and helped her to dress.

  “Julie came by earlier,” he said, buttoning up her jeans.

  “Why?” she asked. There was no jealousy to her voice. She looked annoyed more than anything.

  “She started shouting shit out about you.”

  “She knew about me?”

  He nodded. “I don’t know how she knew, but she did. I’m going to find out how, but until I do, Daisy and several brothers are going to be taking care of you.”

  “Tailing me?”

  “Yeah, don’t argue. If Julie comes near you and they can’t intervene, I want you to walk away. Call me, do whatever you need to do, but do not talk to her.”

  “I won’t.”

  He wrapped his arms around her body, gripping her plump ass. “Are you coming back to my place?”

  “I will. I want to talk to Pike first.”

  Groaning, he shook his head. “We’ve got to leave Mary and Pike to their own problems.”

  “She’s my friend.”

  “So is Pike,” Duke said.

  “He fucked her last night.”

  “Holly, baby, I fucked you last night. You’ve got to leave them alone. Their shit is their own.”

  He tilted her head back, forcing her to look at him.

  “I worry about her.”

  “I’m not going to get between my boys’ relationships. Mary knows what she’s getting herself into. She’s not naive about the club.”

  “You’re right. She did tell me to leave it alone.”

  “Then leave it alone. Come on, I better take over from Raoul.” He took her hand, heading out of the clubhouse.

  Several brothers nodded their head toward him. They glanced at Holly, but none of them said a word. Russ had already had a word with all the men. They knew shit was serious between him and Holly. He wasn’t using her for some quick fun. It was the real deal for him.

  When they got to his bike, he glanced at her.

  “Maybe I should call you a cab,” he said.

  She shook her head. “You’ve got to be crazy. I’m not some newbie here, Duke. I’ve been o
n the back of my dad’s bike plenty. Who do you think brought me here?”

  “Your dad did? On the back of his bike?”

  She nodded her head to both questions.

  “I’m not some kind of bike virgin. I know how to hold on at your back.”

  Duke grabbed a helmet and handed it to her. “You’re not getting on the back of my bike without a helmet.”

  She rolled her eyes but put one on. “How do I look?”


  Holly rolled her eyes once again.

  “You keep that up and you’re going to be going over my knee.”

  “Do you promise?” she asked.

  He liked this side to his woman. It had been too damn long since he had such fun.

  “Get on the back of my bike before I take you right here.” He straddled his bike, and she climbed on behind him. Duke would have to tell her about the club’s rule. When he’d been married to Julie, they’d argued repeatedly about him taking her like the other old ladies. He never would.

  Taking an old lady was about respect, showing the brothers a part of yourself you never left exposed.

  She held on tight, and he pulled out of the clubhouse. In all the years he’d been with Julie he’d never once felt anything close for her. Holly, they’d been together a matter of weeks and he knew this was it for him. There wouldn’t be another woman in his life.


  The next couple of weeks were a whirlwind of pleasure throughout. She spent most of her time at Duke’s place, and when she wasn’t working at the nursery, she was with him. He didn’t give her a chance to be alone, calling her the moment she got off work. She did get the chance to spend a little time with Mary over the last couple of weeks, not enough though. Mary started dating Mac from the diner. Nothing had happened yet but Holly didn’t like it.

  She walked out of the nursery at three Wednesday afternoon about to text Duke when someone stepped in front of her.

  Glancing at the person in front of her, she found Julie glaring at her. “It’s about time we had a little talk.”

  Julie was pale, sweating, and looking withdrawn. Duke had warned her about Julie’s use of narcotics. Holly quickly sent him a text letting him know Julie was waiting for her. Mothers were leaving with their children, but a couple stopped to watch them. Holly hated the attention. She should have known it would only be a matter of time before Julie stopped by to see her.

  “What do you want, Julie?” she asked, pulling her bag high onto her shoulder.

  “You think you’re fucking smart spreading your legs for Duke. You’re nothing but a whore in a long line of filthy bitches.”

  Holly hated being called names or being sneered at. The disgust on Julie’s face was evident. Her cell phone buzzed, and she looked down at the screen.

  Duke: On way!

  Until he arrived she was alone.

  “Look, I don’t know what your problem is. I’m dating Duke—”

  “You’ve always wanted Duke. How do I know you’ve not fucked him before now? Tempting him with that young fucking pussy of yours.”

  Heat filled Holly’s cheeks at her words. She didn’t want her private life coming to light.

  “Never. Duke wouldn’t have done that to you. I was underage. Don’t ever insinuate shit like that.” She took a step closer to Julie.

  “Your age doesn’t bother him now.”

  Gritting her teeth, Holly shook her head. “This is why you’re never going to get back with him. You’re an embarrassment. When was the last time you even called Matthew?” She hadn’t. Matthew didn’t care much, but there had to be a small spark of pain. This woman, this bitch, was his mother. It had to hurt to know she didn’t care about him.

  “Don’t even try to bring that boy into this.”

  “Do you even know his fucking name?”

  Before Holly could react, Julie brought her hand across her face. Holly hadn’t expected the slap. She stumbled back.

  “Duke’s mine. You’re just a young fucking whore who doesn’t know how to keep her legs fucking closed.”

  Stepping forward, Holly stood her ground. If it wasn’t for the children around them, she’d have Julie on the floor. She wouldn’t do anything to upset the kids.

  “Try that again.”

  Julie raised her fist. Before she got a chance to do anything, Duke pulled her back. “I suggest you get out of here and heed my warning before I make sure the only air you’ll be breathing will be filled with the scent and taste of dirt.” Duke pushed Julie toward a waiting Pike. “Get her out of here, now.”

  Duke moved toward Holly. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. I was expecting her to come for me.” She pressed her palm to her stinging cheek. “Your ex is a physcho.”

  He chuckled. “Come on, let’s get you home.”

  She followed him to his bike, climbing on behind him. Resting her stinging cheek against the leather of his cut, she breathed him in. The machine gunned out of the town. He passed the apartment and took her straight to his ranch.

  Once they were inside he settled her down on a chair at the counter. “Why didn’t you hit her back?” Duke asked, pressing a bag of frozen peas against her cheek.

  “Kids were there watching. I didn’t want to create a scene by lashing out.” She stared up at him. His arms were folded across his chest. “Next time I’ll hit her. For a skinny woman, she’s got a lot of muscle behind her.” Her cheek was stinging.

  “Julie’s a law unto herself. I don’t know what to do with her.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, dropping the peas when the cold got too much for her.

  “She’s hanging out with some bad guys.” He mentioned a crew she hadn’t heard of. “I want you to be careful. Julie has always been unstable.” He stroked the backs of his fingers down her cheek, the anger clear on his face. “If she’d been anyone else.”

  “Being Matthew’s mother gives her a lot of leeway. You don’t need to do anything about her, Duke. It was a slap. She said some pretty hurtful things as well. I think she’s still in love with you.”

  “What shit did she say?”

  Holly told him, to which he cursed. “I wouldn’t have touched you underage even if you begged me, Holly.”

  “I know that. It wasn’t even on my mind. She’s messing with us, and I don’t want her to do that.” She placed the peas on the counter, standing up so he wasn’t towering over her so much. It didn’t help. Duke towered over her regardless.

  “There’s something else I’ve got to tell you. It’s about becoming my old lady.”

  He’d put off telling her the last couple of weeks. Matthew was out with friends as school was out for the summer. The nursery still ran, but it was more a daycare center to help the local families.


  Duke looked torn. “I don’t want anyone else to tell you the truth.”

  “Okay, you’re starting to freak me out a little. It can’t be that bad.” She touched his hand, linking their fingers together.

  He touched her cheek. “Each club has their own rules for bringing in club whores and old ladies. For a club whore, she is displayed in front of the club and men use her.”

  “Use her?”

  “Fuck her. It can be any way providing she brings men to orgasm.”

  She was going to be sick. “Oh God.”

  “It’s safe and consensual, Holly. Every woman who does it knows her place within the club.”

  “What about an old lady?” She thought about her mother. The look Sheila and her father shared. Was this the reason?

  “For an old lady, it’s different but not by much.”

  “What?” Holly didn’t know what to make of what he was saying.

  He held her hands tightly, refusing to let her go. “The club needs to know your place within the club. An old lady is different than a club whore, but she is taken in front of the club.”



  Her stomach tur
ned over. “By other men?” The thought of another man touching her left her sick to her stomach.

  “No. An old lady is cherished. Only the man she’s agreed to marry, to share her life with, is with her.”

  “You’re telling me you want to fuck me in a room full of men I’ve known my whole life, for what?”

  “They’ll know you’re loyal to the club, to me, and in return you’ll get their protection.”

  “Why can’t you just put a ring on my finger?”

  “Each club is different. This is one of the rules that the guys agreed to. By taking you in front of them, it’s showing to them you’re special to me.”

  “But so are the club whores.”

  “Not in the same way.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she took a step away from him. He didn’t let her go. Duke held her hands.

  “Did you do this for Julie?”

  “No, and she didn’t get the protection along with it. Your mother, she’s protected by the club.”

  “My dad?”

  “He won’t be there, but of course he knows what it is.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that.”

  “I can wait. It’s for your protection as much as anything.”

  “To let men get off or mock me for being with you?”

  “They wouldn’t dare to mock you.”

  Tears filled her eyes. Duke was different from all of the other men. There was no way she was ever going to be naked with the club looking on, Raoul mocking her. “I need to go home.” She tugged on her hand, trying to get him to leave her alone.

  “I’m not letting you go like this.”

  “I need to think about this.”

  “Holly, stay.”

  “Duke, let me go.”

  He tugged her close, banding his arm around her waist. “Know this, Holly. You will be my woman and my old lady. You’re not getting away from me. I won’t let you. I love you, and I know you love me.”

  “This is awful.”

  “Think about your mother, Holly. Did she ever get treated with anything but respect?”

  She shook her head, biting her lip at the same time.

  “You’ll never be mocked, and no one will ever bring it up. It’s the secrecy of the club, the loyalty. You may go back home, but you don’t get to tell Mary about this.”


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