Adele, Claire - Guardian of His Soul [Wolves of West Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Adele, Claire - Guardian of His Soul [Wolves of West Texas 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 9

by Claire Adele

  Juan reached for her. She backed away a step, shaking her head, not comfortable with him touching her at the moment. Hot tears trickled from her eyes.

  He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. “Are you all right?” His voice was a rough rasp. “They didn’t hurt you or force you to do anything you didn’t want to?”

  “No.” She shook her head again. “Only insisted I change into that flimsy garment. There was a woman there who took me into a room to change. I didn’t want to, but I didn’t have much choice when one of the Hawks came inside and insisted I put it on. I kept hoping I’d have a chance to escape. I knew it was their plan to lure you there.”

  “Shit,” Juan swore.

  She added, “Thanks to you and Derek, I did escape unscathed with the young woman they kidnapped from the shelter.”

  “Thank God you’re all right. Is she?”


  “When we left the house just now, I noticed the police in the driveway talking to a tall blonde woman dressed in a blouse and slacks.”

  “Sounds like the woman who told me to change clothes.”

  “The police will probably take her in for more questioning,” he said. “I need to talk to you, explain things.”

  “That would be helpful. Right now, I want to go home, shower, and rest a little,” she said and turned away.

  “Wait.” He held out his hand to her.

  The plea in his voice drew her to face him.

  “What you saw,” he began, “was real.” He dropped his hand to his side. “I’m a shape-shifter, a werewolf, and so is Derek.”

  She winced. It was too unreal to believe.

  “We’re also private investigators. We’ve been trying to bring down the Hawks for years. They’re werewolves, too, but they use their power for evil. They traffic in slavery and prostitution, like I mentioned to you before. They’re also involved in smuggling aliens into the country. Before I met you, we had recently discovered their previous house of prostitution in the downtown area, and with the help of the police, it was closed down. The leader at that time was killed by a policeman. I couldn’t let it end there. They killed my aunt years ago, and I’ve been determined to see all of them brought to justice for her death.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she offered, as his loss touched her.

  “That’s why I was following them the night you rescued me near your home. I wanted to confront them at their new house of prostitution. Although I failed that time, I’m not sorry. I might not have met you otherwise.”

  She studied his face, the serious look in his eyes. “Why do you change shape? Do you have to?”

  “It’s something in our genes that goes back a dozen or more generations to a family from Europe. Some of their descendants moved to Texas back in the 1800s. We control the shape-shifting as much as possible. We can’t stop ourselves from changing when we, or people we love, are threatened by danger. You could say we’re driven to protect those who need help, and those we love.”

  She nodded, understanding that emotion, if not the actual shape-shifting. “I saw a fight at the Rescue Mission recently. The men all looked a little like giant dogs.”

  He nodded in agreement.

  “Was that you and Derek fighting the Hawks?”

  “Yeah,” he answered softly, as if he regretted the fight, or regretted her seeing it. “I didn’t know you’d seen that.”

  She nodded and watched him grimace and look away. “Are all the Hawks dead now?”

  “No.” He met her gaze. “They’re all on their way to jail and hopefully prison. Shape-shifters heal from wounds very fast, especially if injured while in werewolf form. Something about our physical makeup speeds recovery.”

  “I see. You look fine except for the rips in your clothing.”

  “I am fine, now that I know you’re safe.”

  She looked at him, unable to ignore what she felt for him.

  “My Aunt Chela’s murderers will be behind bars at last.”

  She shuddered. “How was your aunt killed?”

  “She rescued me from the Hawks’ imprisonment when I was a young teenager. As we made our escape, she took a werewolf slash to her jugular and a bullet in her back, and bled to death before we could reach help. She wouldn’t leave my side. She could have changed back to her human form and the change would have healed the wounds, but she chose to keep her wolf form to protect me as long as she could. They’d put a heavy chain around my neck to keep me from shape-shifting while they held me prisoner, and she couldn’t get it off. So she chose to protect me the best way she could. In my human form, I was no match for the Hawks as a young teenager.”

  He closed his fist around the wolf’s head pendant hanging from the gold chain around his neck.

  “Your aunt gave you that, and she probably saved your life. Do you feel like your debt to her is paid now?”

  He shook his head. “I have one more thing I must do before I can let go of the past. Will you come with me?”

  “Is it non-violent, what you still need to do?”

  “Yeah,” he said softly. “This will be a peaceful thing. It would mean a lot to me if you’d go with me. Aunt Chela would have admired you, as I do, for your courage. You’ve shown that courage over and over since we first met, when you took me in after the Hawks beat me that night in front of your neighbor’s house. My aunt would love you for that.”

  Cynthia didn’t think it would hurt for her to go with him. They still had so much to come to terms with. Later, she wanted to talk to him at home in private. But first, she thought it only fitting that she invite both Juan and Derek over to her home. If not for the two of them, she might not have escaped and taken Kelly Smith with her. “I need to drive my car home.”

  “I’ll follow you. Afterward, we’ll have time to talk about everything.”

  “Yes. We need to talk.” She headed for her car.

  Juan walked beside her and held the car door for her, closing it after she settled on the front seat. “I’ll follow you.”

  She watched Juan as he joined Derek, and they headed for his car, got in, and waited for her. Cynthia backed her car out and drove downhill the few blocks to her home. Leaving her car in the garage, she joined Juan at his car.

  Derek nodded to her from the back seat as Juan held the door for her. “Heck of an escape you made today with that other pretty lady. Are you both all right?”

  “Yes, we’re okay,” she said, smiling a little at Derek.

  “I couldn’t help taking a moment to watch you two make your escape,” Derek continued. “I’d like to meet your friend. Is she married?”

  Cindy smiled at Derek’s blatant interest in Kelly. “I’m not sure. I’ve seen Kelly around the Rescue Mission before. The Hawks have been trying to kidnap her for a while. She managed to avoid them until today.”

  Juan watched Cindy as her eyes closed for a moment. She finally looked up at him.

  “Thank God, you and Derek came to our rescue. I can’t thank you both enough for freeing us from those bastards.”

  Juan reached across and squeezed her hand. “I’m sorry we didn’t get there sooner. We didn’t realize you were involved until we saw your car in their driveway. We’d followed them after chancing on them kidnapping Kelly.”

  He squeezed her hand gently in his.

  “What’s Kelly going to do?” Derek asked. “Does she need a place to stay? If she’s alone, she may need help.”

  “My friend, Darlene Lovejoy, welcomed her into her home and invited her to stay there and help around the house if she wants to. She offered to pay Kelly for her help, to give her a way to get on her feet.”

  “Oh,” Derek said. “Good deal.”

  Cindy smiled at Derek. “Do you want me to put in a good word for you?”

  “Wouldn’t hurt,” Derek said.

  * * * *

  It took only a few minutes for Juan to drive to his place. He wondered what Cindy would think of it. His home was small but adequate for a single guy.
Not as comfortable as Cindy’s home, though.

  Juan showed Cindy around the house. Derek followed them. Maybe she’d give him another chance if she saw that he had a home just like normal folks. If she didn’t want anything more to do with him, he didn’t know how he’d survive. She was his soul mate. He loved her. He’d never love anyone else like he loved Cindy.

  After he completed the tour of the two-bedroom ranch-style built in the seventies, he took her back to the main living room. He crossed to the white brick fireplace and indicated the photo of his Aunt Chela, which he kept on the mantle.

  “This is my aunt. She always stayed close to me. She was like my guardian angel. She lifted my spirits when I was young and something upset me. If not for her rescuing me, I would have probably lost my life. She gave hers to save mine.”

  Cindy drew close and stood at his side. “She looks like a lovely lady. I can tell she loved you very much.”

  “I’ll never forget what she did for me.” Juan’s voice was rough with emotion. He lifted the gold chain over his head. After he carefully draped the chain and wolf’s head pendant over the top corner of his aunt’s framed photo, the wolf pendant rested against her heart, the topaz eyes glowing bright gold.

  “Tillita Chela, the last of the Hawks are all behind bars now. Because you saved my life, we finished the work you started. You sacrificed your life to give me life. I will always love you and never forget you. You’re in my heart, forever.” He covered his heart with his hand.

  Juan turned to Cindy and took her hand. She looked up at him, her eyes wet with tears. “She guided me to walk a path helping others.” Was this night the last time he’d see Cindy? “What now? What do you want to do?”

  She blinked at the tears. “I’d like to go home. I still have questions about all that’s happened.” She turned to Derek, who stood behind her. “Derek, I want you to come, too. The two of you saved my life and Kelly’s.”

  Derek looked at Juan.

  Cindy met Juan’s gaze as he nodded in agreement.

  Chapter Eleven

  Juan drove Cynthia to her home, and she invited them inside. “Will you stay and have dinner with me later? Right now, I just want to have a shower and get rid of the feel of their dirty hands,” she explained.

  “How would it be if we showered with you?” Juan asked.

  Cynthia’s body said yes, but her mind wanted answers to her misgivings about their shape-shifting. Just saying the word brought back the surreal sight of Juan in werewolf form in the middle of a deadly fight. She didn’t know that side of him, or Derek. She needed Juan’s pleasure-giving hands on her, as well as Derek’s, all over her. Maybe then the unreality of what she’d seen would go away, and life would regain some sense of normalcy.

  “Yes, I’d like for you both to shower with me.”

  Juan’s eyes held the first look of confidence she’d seen in them since just before she was kidnapped.

  “Would you like a glass of wine?” she asked them.

  “I’ll have what you’re having,” Juan said.

  “Me, too,” Derek agreed.

  She poured them each a glass of white wine. “I often have wine while bathing,” she explained, smiling self-consciously.

  “You do? Sounds like a good deal.” Juan raised his eyebrows and smiled at her.

  Cynthia led the way to her bathroom. She’d had it redone after her divorce. She’d wanted as few reminders of her ex as possible. Now she was so glad she’d turned the spacious bath into her own retreat. She sat down on her dressing-table bench and placed her glass of wine on the small silver tray resting on the table.

  When she reached to remove her shoes, Juan knelt in front of her. “Let me,” he offered softly, as he put his wineglass next to hers.

  He removed her sandals and smoothed his big hands over her feet and up her ankles to her calves. It felt wonderful.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes,” Derek said.

  “Let’s all undress,” she countered, as she stood.

  “Great idea,” Derek agreed, and grinned at her.

  She couldn’t help smiling back. Juan and Derek sounded like themselves. They all made short work of undressing.

  Cynthia took another swallow of wine. Was she making the right decisions? Or the biggest mistake of her life? It was clear what Juan and Derek wanted.

  Juan slipped his arms around her, and his erect cock nudged her belly. She re-placed her glass of wine on the silver tray as he hugged her close. When his hard chest rubbed her bared nipples, shock waves surged to the already swelling folds between her thighs. My God, this definitely helped replace the frightening events earlier in the day.

  “You’re driving me crazy, querida. I don’t think I can wait much longer.”

  “In that case, we’d better get in the shower.” She pushed gently against his chest. He released her, his arms slipping from around her with warm, inviting caresses.

  She crossed the room to the tile-enclosed shower and turned the water on to her preferred temperature. Not too hot, but just warm enough. Clean white towels and washcloths were close-by in a basket on the side of the Jacuzzi, and white terrycloth robes, as soft as velvet, hung on leaf-shaped hooks nearby.

  Ready to step under the shower, she glanced back at Juan and noticed she could clearly see his lean, muscled back and narrow buttocks in the mirror of her dressing table across from the shower entry. She gazed a moment longer at his trim, tight backside, and the wolf tattoo across his upper back, and stepped under the spray of water. Was she doing the right thing?

  Juan followed her and reached for the soap. He lathered his hands. “Let me,” he said.

  She moved from under the shower spray, smoothing back her dripping wet hair, and smiled at him.

  He glided his hands over her, starting with her hair. It felt incredible. He helped her rinse and soaped his hands again before moving downward. When he reached her breasts, he took his time cupping each one, rubbing and gently flicking her nipples. More hot pulses heated her opening.

  His hands slicked over her ribs and down to her waist. His progress stopped as he dipped a finger playfully into her navel. She chuckled and squirmed under his touch as she remembered previous sexual play with him.

  He grinned at her and lathered more soap on his hands, continued his caresses down her hips, over her sensitive labia and between her thighs.

  “Querida, your pussy is so juicy.”

  Derek joined them in the shower and moved close to her backside so that her shoulders fit against his chest, and the head of his hard cock rested at the small of her back. His hands held her close around her waist. She balanced herself with her palms against the shower walls. The cool tile made her shiver. Or was it Derek’s hands as he smoothed them over her shoulders and down her sides to her hips, to cup beneath both cheeks? His hands stroked the backs of her legs. It felt amazing.

  Juan’s dark, hungry gaze met hers as he lowered his head. His lips brushed hers softly. When she parted her lips, his tongue delved deep and touched every surface. She sparred with him. She was lost in the kiss, mesmerized by his touches.

  One of Derek’s long fingers slid between her thighs and delved slowly inside her channel. He brushed his lips along her spine. A moan escaped her as he removed his finger. One of his hands slicked over her hip. His fingers stroked between her cheeks, circled her tight hole, smoothed under one hip and around to her belly as he held her steady with his other hand on her waist.

  She drank in Juan’s kiss, sighing with the increased pleasure. Suddenly, his hands slipped between her thighs and one long finger slid between her nether lips and deep inside her vagina. He touched that excruciatingly pleasurable place.

  A short, sharp whimper escaped her. “Juan!” Her knees turned to jelly. She almost collapsed. Intense sensation drew up the muscles and flesh around her opening. “Oh, God. Juan.” She was close to coming. Just a little more.

  His tormenting fingers left her. “My turn,” he said, and handed h
er the soap as he smiled.

  What? She blinked in surprise and steadied herself against Derek’s chest, as Juan’s supporting arm left her. How could he do that to her?

  Derek chuckled.

  Okay. If that’s the way they wanted to play, she’d go along. She’d be happy to take Juan just as far. Two, or three, could play this game.

  “My turn.” With her hands covered in suds, she stroked from Juan’s strong neck over his muscled shoulders to his hard chest. She circled his nipples, tweaked them, and was rewarded with his soft grunt of pleasure. She turned him to face away from her and glided her soapy hands over his back, admiring the movement of his muscles beneath the large tattoo of the wolf’s head, a true reminder of his reality.

  She didn’t hesitate but smoothed her hands past his narrow waist and hips and finally cupped his butt cheeks. At his low moan, she slid her fingers along the backs of his thighs and felt a tremble go through his limbs. His buttocks jerked and tightened beneath her touch.

  Satisfaction at her ability to give as good as he gave made her smile. Derek steadied her with his hands holding her waist as she bent down and slipped the fingers of one hand up the inside of Juan’s leg while she kept her other hand at his waist. She touched the sensitive flesh behind his balls and drew another sharp grunt from him. Slowly, she slipped her slick fingers between his buttocks and over his tight hole. Soap bubbles streamed down the valley of his back and met her fingers as she slid them inexorably upward until she reached his lower back.

  “Dios, Cindy. What you‘re doing to me.”

  “I’ve never done things exactly like this before,” she said softly.

  “I’m about to explode in your shower, querida.”

  Cynthia grinned behind his back, hugely pleased that she’d brought him to the same place he’d taken her.

  With her hands on his hard muscular shoulders, she turned him to face her and smiled at him sweetly. “I think we’re all clean now. What would you like to do next?”


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