Last Round (Double Play Series Book 6)

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Last Round (Double Play Series Book 6) Page 3

by Nicole Rodrigues

  Peter protests my arms, leaning back towards Miguel.

  “What's the matter, bud? Too much estrogen in here, right? I agree. Let's go in the living room and watch some baseball.”

  I'm still standing there, dumbfounded as Miguel walks with Peter into the living room.

  “Soooo, yeah,” Normani says widening her eyes. “Who is that, and what did you do with my brother?”

  “I...I don't know. My son...he never goes to anyone.”

  “Wait a second. Alessandra? The Alessandra from Florida the one who-”

  She clamps her lips together and lets out a breath.

  “I'm sorry. Lacey is my friend but...Nico explained things, I'm sorry for what you went through. I didn't put two and two together before and I didn’t know y'all were comin’ to Louisiana.”

  “It's okay. It was kind of a spur of the moment decision and I get the girl code, don’t worry about it.”

  “No, no. You're fine, okay? Lacey will come around. If you need anything, let me know. Miguel and I...we've been through a lot ourselves. If anyone can relate, it's the two of us. Livin' with him could be interestin' though, you let me know if he starts givin’ you a hard time, okay? He may look tough but I'm tougher. When I'm not hella pregnant,” she laughs.

  I nod as she gets to her feet and walks to the door.

  “Goodbye brother,” she yells towards the living room.

  “Goodbye my nosy sister.”

  I laugh and walk back into the kitchen, finishing the omelet's then plate them, walking into the living room to fetch the boys.

  “That is my almost brother-in-law, Devin. He's got a big ole head and when you meet him you need to tell him that you can throw a changeup better than him with your hands tied behind your back, okay?”

  Peter nods and slaps Miguel's hand and I smile, folding my hands over my chest, leaning against the door frame.

  “Ball,” Peter says pointing to the TV.

  “Yeah, ball. You wanna play ball?” Miguel asks.

  Peter nods and Miguel laughs.

  “Okay. We'll talk to your mama about playin’ some ball then, okay?”

  Peter nods again holding his hand out for a high five and a giggle escapes me.

  Miguel and Peter both turn their heads.

  “Breakfast is ready,” I say.

  Miguel gets to his feet and Peter puts his hand out for Miguel to take. Miguel looks up at me, questioningly.

  “He wants you to hold his hand, it's okay.”

  Miguel takes Peter's hand slowly and Peter smiles, dragging Miguel towards the kitchen.

  “When is your sister due?”

  “Two more months. She's a couple weeks after Lacey,” Miguel says shoveling eggs into his mouth.

  He sees my mood change at the mention of Lacey and reaches across the table to cover my hand with his.

  “She's gonna come around. It's a weird situation but you were a victim. She'll see that.”

  “I had a choice, Miguel. I wasn't a victim. I made my decision that night willingly. She shouldn't be forced to forgive me just because everyone else is nagging.”

  “Is that what you think? You willingly made that choice?” he asks incredulously.

  “I chose the money and my son over someone else so yes, I had a choice. I would make it again if the same thing happened. I would do anything to protect him.”

  “Exactly,” Miguel says dropping his fork, “that's not a choice. There was not an option, it's Peter, that's it. A choice insinuates that there were other options and there weren't, she'll see that. We all see that, Alessandra.”

  “Thank you for saying that,” I say quietly playing with my food.

  “Good, Mama,” Peter says putting his small hand on mine.

  I glance up and see his empty plate and give him a proud smile.

  “Great job, bud! You can go play, okay? Dish in the sink!”

  He smiles and puts a hand out to Miguel and we both laugh as Miguel gives him a high five.

  “Great job, bud,” Miguel says.

  Peter gets off the chair and puts his dish and fork in the sink and runs down the hall to the bedroom.

  “You know he's gonna look for a high five about 500 times a day now, right?” I laugh.

  “That's okay, he's a cute kid. I don't mind havin’ a little buddy hangin’ around.”

  “Thank you, Miguel,’ I say softly. “You didn't have to let us stay here, but I really appreciate it. Once I start working, I'll start paying you rent, I promise.”

  “Don't worry about that, it's just nice to have the company.”

  I smile, feeling way too comfortable in Miguel's house, sitting at his table. The fact that Peter feels it too should be a sign. Maybe all the terrible things that have happened in my life were supposed to happen to bring me here, this moment. My hopes and dreams of a new life, a safe life. Maybe we were brought here so I could see how a man should respect a woman, worship her and be proud to have her by his side, instead of behind him. Could Miguel be the start of that?

  Miguel breaks my gaze and looks down at his dish, finishing his food. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Alessandra. Love yourself before you can love another.

  “I sorry I've been gone a lot this week. There's a big case down at the station they have me workin’ on. I have someone out front on patrol when I'm not here though. Y’all are safe,” Miguel says looking up at me.

  “Thank you, again. I hope you're not going to get tired of hearing that,” I laugh.

  “I can never get tired of your voice.”

  His smile drops like he didn’t mean to say that out loud and he clears his throat.

  “Thank you for breakfast. I'm gonna go down and open up the gym. Y'all are welcome to come and hangout if you want. I'll be down there until closin’ time.”

  I nod as he stands with his dish and drops it into the sink, leaving the kitchen.


  After a few hours of tidying up mine and Peter’s room, I get him dressed and make our way downstairs to the gym.

  The gym is huge, ten heavy bags hanging from the industrial ceiling. In the middle is a big ring and my eyes land on Miguel, dead center surrounded by a bunch of kids.

  “Grab some water y’all and then grab a partner and two jab mits.”

  The kids scramble out of the ring and I lift Peter as we walk over to him.

  “Hey. Just had to clean up a little. I didn’t know you taught kids classes here.”

  “Just started a few weeks ago. A lot of the adults that come asked for their kids, so I got enough interest to try it out. It’s been pretty successful so far. You wanna throw some punches big guy?” Miguel asks Peter.

  Peter reaches his arms out for Miguel to hold him and I shake my head in amazement.

  “You know he hasn't let anyone hold him besides me since he's been born. This is amazing me,” I laugh.

  “Not the first time I've heard that. I have a weird way with kids,” he laughs.

  “The ladies must love that.”

  I don't know what possessed me to say that, but I slam my mouth shut pressing my lips together.

  “Maybe. I don't really experiment. I'm busy here or the precinct so if that was your roundabout way of askin’ if I got a girlfriend, I don't,” he laughs.

  The kids come back towards Miguel cutting our conversation short. I stand off to the side of the ring and watch Miguel explain the exercise to the kids while holding Peter.

  “My gosh my ovaries are explodin’. I cannot even imagine the stamina that man has,” says a female voice from behind me.

  “I saw him hittin’ that bag for a straight hour the other mornin’. Good Lord, just gimme five minutes with him,” says another female voice.

  I roll my eyes and try and focus on Miguel and not his fan club. He drops Peter on his feet in the ring and holds up two punching mitts. He instructs Peter to punch one and then the other. Peter smiles, the widest smile I've ever seen when he punches the mit and Miguel falls back on his butt. />
  Peter loses it laughing, as does the other kids and I can't help a giggle either.

  “Dangit man, that's a strong punch! You're gonna break my hand!” Miguel says taking his hand out of the mitt and shaking it.

  Peter lifts his hand for a high five and Miguel laughs, obliging.

  “The next Rocky over here, Mama,” Miguel says looking over to me.

  I nod and give him the thumbs up.

  “Good job buddy.”


  The hour passed quickly as the kids hop out of the ring and towards their waiting parents.

  “Same time next week. They're all doin’ great! Thank y’all for making this class happen. Have a good one,” Miguel says waving to the departing parents.

  One of the mothers that was ogling Miguel before, walks up to him as he helps Peter down from the ring.

  “Miguel, I've been meanin’ to ask you. Do you do private lessons? My jab is a little off and is botherin’ my wrist. I might need some extra practice.”

  “Sure thing. Why don't you call the studio first thing in the mornin’ and I'll check my calendar,” Miguel says with a smile.

  The woman nods and walks off with her son as Miguel turns towards me.

  “Had fun? He did amazin’ for only bein’ two years old!”

  “It was fun to watch you in your element. You're great with the kids,” I say smiling.

  “Gotta get my practice in before Mani pops. I'm gonna take a lunch break, want me to order us somethin’?”

  “Sure, that would be nice.”

  We walk towards the back and into Miguel's office as Peter wiggles to get free from my grasp. He walks over to Miguel's desk and plops up on his seat, spinning himself around.

  “So, what made you want to open up this gym?” I ask hopping up on Miguel's desk.

  “I uh...always fought, just not on the right side of the law for a while. Pretty crappy childhood, did a lot of things I’m not proud of.”

  I nod silently letting him guide the conversation.

  “When Normani's dad had an affair with my mom, he didn't stick around. I never met him, he never looked back but when…” He clears his throat before he continues. “I found out who he was and I went out to look for him. I ended up workin' for him with Mani and...let's just say I wouldn't be able to carry this shield if people knew what we did.”

  I sit there listening intently at this glimpse into Miguel and Normani's life. I didn't know all the details about their childhood, and it amazes me that they've gotten through all that hardship and still came out such nice, loving people.

  “Well that was a really long explanation for why I opened the gym and never even gave you the reason,” Miguel says laughing.

  “It's okay, I like listening.”

  “I...uh...haven't really talked about that with anyone besides Mani,” he says rubbing the back of his neck.

  “I don't confide in people much either.”

  “Well I guess a big reason for the gym was givin’ me an outlet for my anger, honestly. My life, it all kind of hit me at once. I joined the academy, but I had to keep my control. My instructor suggested boxin' and I ended up lovin' it. The calmness I feel, the stress leavin’ my body, the bliss, it was like my drug, ya know?”

  I break his gaze, sweat dripping down my back at his words.

  “Yeah,” I answer quickly.

  “Well I decided to open my own gym, allowin’ me to release my tension whenever I wanted. It gave Mani something to do until Savannah found her and offered her the job at Double Play worked for a while.”

  I want to ask when things changed. What happened for this to become a full-time job over being a police officer, but I didn't. I sensed Miguel was a lot like me, he would come to me when he was ready.

  “Got it. I...I could see the appeal for the gym. I wish I had an outlet when I was younger. A safe outlet, to let all my frustrations with my life go.”

  Miguel looks up at me but before he can say anything there's a knock on his office door.

  “Delivery for you up front boss,” says a teenage boy.

  “Thanks Yan. I'll bring it on back,” Miguel says with a smile.

  I smile back and he walks out of the office and I glance over at Peter. He's asleep in Miguel's office chair and I shake my head, pushing the chair against the wall so he doesn't fall off.

  Another first for him. He only falls asleep on my chest or in his bed. Peter is way too comfortable here and I can't blame him. Miguel walks back into the office, smiling at me and damn I really can't blame Peter at all.

  Chapter 3


  I'm sitting at the kitchen table, freshly showered, drinking my morning smoothie after working out when I hear rummaging in Alessandra's bedroom.

  The past two weeks have been a whirlwind. I miss my own space one minute but then I smell that lavender-vanilla perfume or see Peter's little hand extending for a high five and it's gone. I look forward to our morning breakfasts, our nightly chats, I just look forward to any time I can have with her and Peter.

  It's dangerous, she's fragile. The look of defeat crosses her eyes more than I care to admit; submission, obedience and I hate it. I want to give her a glimpse of rebellion, resistance. I recognize it sometimes but not enough; I want that look in her eyes all the time.

  “Morning,” says a soft voice from the hallway.

  I snap my head up and painfully try to keep my chin from dropping to the table.

  Alessandra is in a tight black dress, elegant yet sexy. No sleeves showcasing surprisingly cut arms with a modest neckline. Her blonde hair is curled loosely down her back and she strides past the table in black heels to pour herself a cup of coffee.

  “Thanks for making coffee, I think I snoozed my alarm a few too many times,” she laughs turning to me. “You okay?” She asks with concern.

  I break myself out of my staring and smile.

  “Yeah, mornin’. No problem. It's the least I can do after you've been feedin’ me.”

  She laughs and sits at the table.

  “I think the giving scale is tipped heavily in your favor.”

  “I'm a giver, what can I say?” I smirk.

  She looks up from her coffee with an arched eyebrow and a small smirk and I back track what I just said.

  “ look nice for work today. Excited?” I ask attempting to break the tension.

  “Thank you, but not really if I'm being honest. I mean about the job, totally, but not about seeing the woman that probably wants to gouge my eyes out and I wouldn't blame her.”

  “Like I said, she’ll come around. Lacey is a hard nut to crack but she's also got a heart of gold underneath it. It'll be okay. Savannah and Charlotte won't allow the MMA to plow its way through the reception area, don't worry. Plus, she's pretty pregnant and, she ain't so scary with that belly,” I laugh.

  “Thank you,” she smiles, “and thank you for watching Peter for me. I really don't know what I would have done with him.”

  “Again, don't worry about it. I do have to stop at the station today though, care if I bring him with me? I always carry, he's safe with me.”

  “Sure, he'd probably love that. He really likes you, you're really good with him.”

  “He's an easy kid. You did a great job with him.”

  “Thank you. You're just full of compliments today, aren't you?” she laughs finishing her coffee and putting it in the sink.

  “You're easy too,” I shrug.

  She turns, her expression hard and I close my eyes shaking my head.

  “I didn't...I didn't mean it like that, I just meant an easy woman to compliment and...I'm sorry. That came out different than how I meant it,” I stumble over my words and get to my feet, walking over to her quickly as she crosses her arms over her chest.

  “I'm sorry. English wasn't my first language, forgive me, please?” I say running a finger down her cheek.

  “Fine,” she exhales looking up at me. “You're forgiven.”

p; “Well that was ea- not as difficult as I've heard it could be. You're a very forgivin’ woman.”

  “I don't need to dwell on things that are so miniscule in my life,” she snaps.


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