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J.Rihards - An Agitated Gentleman (The Submission Series #2)

Page 2

by Unknown

  Over the next thirty minutes Gavin, Smith, and a few other men from the fire station talk about sports and things she has no interest in. She nods and giggles as if she understands, and all the while Gavin’s hand moves over her hip and lower belly. He keeps her mind from thinking of anything but those skilled fingers and that they know exactly how to please every inch of her body.

  “Are you ready to go home?” he whispers in her ear.

  “Mmm, hmm.” She makes only a small sound of agreement.

  “My house or yours, baby girl?” he asks, his lips brushing the shell of her ear as he talks.

  “Mine,” she whispers back, head tilting slightly against his mouth. “I need to let Kane out.” Her Rhodesian ridgeback would be some kind of pissed off if he didn’t get to go outside one last time before bed.

  “Of course. I am driving.” He removes his keys from his jeans pocket and presses them into her palm. “Go to the truck, lock the door until I get there. I’m going to say goodnight to the boys and let the owner know the Jeep will be spending the night in the parking lot.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she teases him, knowing how much he loves the title he absolutely deserves. She starts to walk away and his big hand meets her right ass cheek. The force of the spank almost lifts her off her feet. She skips forward to stay balanced and covers her mouth to keep from giggling.

  Outside the bar, the breeze flirts with her legs. September might just be her favorite time of year. Fall comes early to New England and the leaves have already begun to change all different shades of red and yellow. Even though she can’t see them in the darkness, they give off a smell. One of an impending end, of a world refusing to slow down.

  She reaches Gavin’s big black truck and shakes her head. Why the hell do boys think they need their vehicles lifted so damn high? She stabs the unlock button on the key fob and reaches up for the handle. Her spiked heel slips and she slams her knees into the chrome trimming the pretty truck. Pretty, but so fucking dumb.

  “Fucking mother of, Goddamn it,” she mumbles, trying again to get into the truck. A hand cups her ass and gives her a shove. Adjusting herself in the seat, she looks down. Oh, shit! It isn’t Gavin. “Um, thank you.”

  “Are you still with that pervert?” the guy asks. He seems short for a man, probably the same height as her in her heels.

  “Excuse me?” Her face wrinkles up at the weirdness of his question.

  “Yeah, I thought as much.” His pale blue eyes skate up from her ankles until they meet her tits. She stretches out to grab the door so she can shut it and end this conversation. His eyes widen as she does so. The V cut of her dress giving him much more of a view of her breasts than she would like him to have. “I’ll let Dave know. He asked me to watch over you,” he says, shaking his head.

  “Dave?” Panic flows like oxygen through her blood. The stranger slams the trucks door. Making her jump back to avoid being caught in the closure. She presses the lock button on the fob. Pulling her knees up to her chest, she rocks herself slowly while looking out the window, but the stranger has vanished.

  Dave has only been in prison for six months of his eleven-year sentence. Which in her opinion was getting off easy! After smashing her windshield, poisoning her dog, and trying to burn her alive, she wished he would rot in there for the rest of his life. But instead, he received one year for stalking and ten for attempted murder. The week of his trial was almost as difficult for her as going through the events the first time. She thought, with him safely behind bars, that her living nightmare was over. Now it felt as if it had grabbed her tightly and was shaking her awake, forcing her to relive all of the fear.


  Gavin steps from the bar, welcoming the quiet of the night. He takes long strides to get to the truck. Eager to take advantage of Victoria’s sweet mouth one more time on the drive to her house, he walks a bit faster. Through the windshield, he can see her hunched-up body. He taps his knuckles against the driver’s side door and watches as she fumbles with the key to let him in.

  He climbs up into the truck in one fluid motion and pulls Victoria into his arms and against his chest. A single hiccup bubbles from her throat, and he cups his hand to the back of her head.

  “What happened, baby girl?” His brain thinks back to what went on in the bar. Did he say or do something to upset her? Is this about Smith being at the fire that night? It didn’t seem to set her off inside. Could it be some kind of delayed reaction?

  “Some guy,” she sobs. “Some guy said Dave sent him to watch me.”

  Gavin’s heart stops dead with her words. He blinks and slowly pulls her back from him so he can look at her.

  “Some guy? You don’t know him?” In these small towns it’s rare to find people you don’t know.

  She shakes her head back and forth. “No, I’ve never seen him before.”

  “OK, OK. Tell me what he looked like. Can you remember, baby?” His hand moves to her jaw and he holds her head softly, offering her his strength. She leans against his palm and closes her eyes.

  “Brown hair, five-five, I think.” She opens her eyes and looks into his. “His eyes were so blue, they kind of scared me. I’d remember his eyes anywhere.”

  “All right, which way he did he go? Did you see headlights coming or going after he left?”

  “Um, no. It’s been dark. He went straight that way, I think.” She stretches out her arm to point out the passenger’s side window.

  “Stay here, I’m going back inside and asking Smith to go over the parking lot with me. Keep the doors locked, baby girl.” He skims his thumb over her lower lip. “I am so sorry I let you come out by yourself.” He drops his lips to hers and kisses them gently. “It won’t happen again.”

  “It’s not your fault, Gavin. How could we have known?”

  He nods and climbs back out of the cab. He slaps the lock button before shutting the door and jogging into the bar.

  Gavin quickly pushes through the mass of people enjoying their night and grabs Smith’s shoulder. The other man looks back and cocks his head to the side. Gavin pulls him in closer so he can be heard over the blasting country music.

  “Someone scared Victoria in the parking lot, would you mind helping me do a walk around?”

  Smith nods and both men push their way outside. The door shuts behind them and the flow of music stops, leaving them in an eerie silence.

  “Who am I looking for?” Smith asks, his eyes searching the darkness the same way Gavin’s are.

  “Not a townie. Five-five, blue eyes, brown hair. He told her Dave sent him to watch her.” Gavin runs his hand over his bald head and groans. “If you’ll walk around the left, I’ll take the right. I am almost sure we won’t find anything tonight, but I’ll swing over by the station in the morning. Have them run prints on the pickup or whatever, let Carrion know what’s going on.”

  “Not a problem.” Smith starts out around the left side of the bar and Gavin steps back. He looks up over the eaves of the building and spots two security cameras. Tomorrow he’ll ask to view the footage. Maybe the scumbag’s face will be visible. There are only two lights on this side of the building and none along the right side. He starts walking slowly. Listening and looking. No birds, no cars, only the faded thumping of the activity inside.

  In the back of the building there is only one motion light above the back door, and a few feet out from that is the tree line. Easy place for someone to hide out or get lost. He’ll hope for the latter.

  Smith comes into view and shakes his head. “Nothing, man. I doubled back and looked through the parking lot. No one sitting in cars or crouching behind vehicles. I’d say you were right, he took off after scaring her.”

  “Thanks for the extra eyes. I’ll keep you informed after I talk to Carrion.” The local cop was the one who dragged Dave’s unconscious body from Gavin’s house when he broke in to try and light it on fire with him and Victoria inside. He would put all his men—which wasn’t many—on this.

sp; He walks back to his truck and again taps on the glass. He hears the snick of it unlocking and jumps in. Victoria looks up at him and he can see her eyes are wet with unshed tears. This woman’s strength has far surpassed any other he’d known in his life. He takes the keys from her fingers gently and slips them into the ignition. As the engine turns over and roars to life, he tugs Victoria until her body tips sideways and she rests her head in his lap. He drops the gearshift into reverse, pulls the truck from the parking space, and shoves it back into drive.

  His headlights bounce along the dirt road, his hand smoothing through Victoria’s red hair. Why would Dave send someone? Maybe there was no use trying to reason it out. The man was clinically insane. He’d tried to kill Victoria for cheating on him in a relationship he completely imagined. There was no way to understand the workings of his twisted mind. All he could do was keep his eyes on Victoria and do everything in his power to keep her safe.

  The feeling of her tiny fingers running up and down his thigh distracts him from his thoughts. He looks down and brushes her hair from her face, bearing her jaw and neck to him. He lets his hand trace the pale skin of her neck.

  She lifts her head and her open hand rests over his soft dick. She closes her fingers until an outline forms in his pants and a sexy murmur comes from her chest. She starts moving her fingers up and down, coaxing his blood to fill his member, and it swells under her touch.

  “You don’t have to do that, baby girl. We can go home and just rest.” He watches the road as he pulls onto the town’s main strip, having to rely on his headlights to see since streetlights are almost unheard of here. The state keeps those expenses for the few highways that dot across the state.

  “I know,” she sighs softly. “I like the diversion.” She shifts her body so her knees rest on the passenger seat and her elbows are against his outer thigh. She looks up for his permission before she continues to touch him.

  “I’ll give you a diversion, my pet. You can touch, but don’t pull him free.” He winks as she pouts.


  Using her index finger, she follows the length of his growing dick. A small moan slips from her lips as she watches him harden. She leans over his thigh and places kisses across the ridge in his jeans. His hips shift and she knows he is uncomfortable, trapped in his pants. Good, serves him right for denying her an orgasm earlier.

  Finding where she imagines his cock head to be, she opens her lips a fraction and runs the tip of her tongue in circles over him, not stopping until the material is a darker shade of blue and wet from her actions.

  “Mmm,” she purrs and removes her mouth, then she leans to the side, resting her head against his tight stomach. Her finger rolls along the damp circle, hoping to tease him into feeling the same need she does. She glances over the steering wheel and out the windshield. Her driveway comes into view, and she pushes up to sit on her bum. Gavin pulls up to the front door and turns to face her.

  “I’ll look inside, OK? Stay here, I’m sure everything is fine, but I feel like I already messed up tonight.” He holds his hand out for her house key. She blushes and reaches into the built-in cup of her dress. Between her breast and the fabric rests her house key. She wrinkles her nose and pulls it free. Trading her key for the pickup’s key, she smiles. “Only you, baby girl,” he chuckles, kisses her cheek, before getting out of the truck.

  Gavin climbs the porch steps quickly, and she can see his head shaking. Kane must be barking. Having learned his lesson about standing in front of the open door, Gavin swings it open and stands to the side. Kane barrels through and bounces in circles around his legs.

  Vicki’s heart smiles when she sees Gavin bend to pet her baby. Both her boys go into the house and she knows they are searching the layout. They return a few moments later, looking no worse for wear, and at the bottom of the steps they take different directions. Kane runs to his favorite bush to relieve himself, and Gavin heads over to open her door.

  She slides across the bench seat when the door clicks open. She smiles down at him, resting her hands on his shoulders. He’s stepped so close to the opening that she doesn’t have any space to jump to the ground. Licking her dry lower lip, she gives her hips a small thrust and slithers down the length of his body until her heels meet the dirt.

  “God, you are so fucking sexy,” he growls, hands cupping her ass to pull her up. Her hips against his, he leans down to nip at her collarbone. He digs his fingers into the flesh of her ass, and moving one hand lower, he presses against her pussy lips.

  “Gavin,” she giggles softly. She hears the barking only seconds before she feels the impact. Kane has charged into Gavin’s legs, making him jostle her, and he lets go. “Damn! Kane!” she scolds the dog. It doesn’t come out very fierce because she is still laughing. Gavin shakes his head in amusement and reaches down to rub his knee.

  “I’m gonna have to start wearing knee braces when I come over!” he teases both her and the beast.

  “Beats the knee pads I need for your house,” she teases back, wiggling her eyebrows at him. His hand comes up and again his thumb skims across her lower lip.

  “Such a smart little mouth.” He tsks and shakes his head. “You make me think I’m not strict enough with you.” For a moment her heart skips a few beats with anxiety, but then she sees his grin and sighs.

  Gavin places his hand on her lower back and ushers her into the house, Kane following behind them. Now inside the house, Gavin bends to wrap arm under the backs of her knees. He crushes her to his body as he stands. She folds over his shoulder with a squeal. Kane races circles around Gavin and playfully nips at his pant legs.

  “Hey!” Gavin snaps at Kane. The rowdy beast sits on his hind legs and cocks his head. He seems unsure of why Gavin yelled. “None of that now, mister. I’ll do the biting around here.” He scratches the big dog’s head and starts walking to the stairs. He points to the floor. “Stay down here, buddy.” Kane woofs happily and turns to dash across the space for the couch. He spins and plops down. Gavin grins. “Good boy.” He slaps a hand to Vicki’s ass. The skirt of her dress has lifted up over her cheeks to give him an appealing little view. Holding her thighs to him with his left forearm, he lets his right hand slip between her legs to her tight pussy.

  She squirms in his hold when his fingers touch her lower lips. He climbs the stairs slowly and pushes two fingers into her slippery cunt. He groans and pushes his fingers in deeper.

  “You’re soaked, kitten,” he muses while brushing his thumb up and down the top of her clit. The dull ache she had been suffering through all night is now a searing pain. Her pussy contracts around his fingers and waves of tingles shoot down her limbs.

  “Gavin,” she pleads.

  “No, baby. Not till my cock is stretching this pretty, pink pussy open.”

  They reach her bedroom and he tosses her to the bed. She bounces with a squeak and he watches her, his brown eyes growing darker with his lust.

  “Take off your dress.” His voice is deeper than normal. It makes her core tighten.

  She crawls up to her knees and tips her head to make her hair fall forward. Slowly she unties the knot at the back of her neck, and the top half of her dress falls down around her hips. She dips her fingers into the fabric and shimmies it over her round ass. Pushing herself to her feet, she steps out of the dress and stands naked on her bed.

  Gavin grabs his erection through his jeans and adjusts it. His eyes roam over her, taking her in, his hunger for her growing. He moves into her closet and opens the small duffle bag he leaves at her house, full of toys and other fun things he can use on her body for his pleasure. He finds a length of black, hollow, twisted rope. He runs it through his fingers, happy with the softness of the cotton. Vicki was bound when Dave tried to murder her. Because of that, Gavin has introduced her very slowly to the pleasure of his ropes, tying her up only a handful of times since they have been together.

  Walking back to the bed, he motions for her to sit down. She does and he
grins to show his pleasure in her. He makes the “come here” motion with his fingers and she lays her wrists out for him. He leans forward and kisses the center of her forehead.

  He begins to twist and knot the rope around and up her forearms, taking his time to get the pattern he wishes to see against her beautiful skin. The flowing of his hands as he works puts him in a calm-like trance. He looks over her face and can tell the knotting of the rope is having the same effect on her. He grins and continues until the rope binds her from her wrist to her elbows, locking them together in the most beautiful way.

  “This is a form of Shibari, Japanese bondage. I can give you stunning harnesses and secure you in ways that would take your breath away. When you are comfortable.” He lets his fingers move down the center of the intricate knots. “How are you feeling now, Victoria?”

  “Safe.” She smiles and attempts to tug her arms apart. They don’t move at all, and she looks up at him, her eyes widening as the feeling of helplessness sinks in.

  “It’s just me, baby. I got you.” He brushes his thumb over her lower lip and she closes her eyes and nods.

  “I’m OK.”

  “And what is your safe word?” He moves his hand from her jaw and down to cup her left breast. She takes in a deep inhale.

  “Peaches, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” He tucks his fingers under the first few strands of rope near her inner wrists. “Let me know if you have any tingling or numbness, say ‘apricots’ if I am not listening, OK?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispers. He lifts her hands above her head with one hand, his other hand parts her thighs and he presses his knees into the mattress there. She leans back at his urging, and he clips her ropes onto the over-the-door towel hook he had picked up at Target a month ago for just this purpose. Unlike his metalwork headboard, hers is made of solid oak and not bondage friendly. As soon as he bought the hook, he drove to her house and slipped it over the top of the headboard, though he had yet to test it out.


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