Protection (Death Knights MC Series Book 1)

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Protection (Death Knights MC Series Book 1) Page 5

by Michelle Betham

  He leaves, and I lean back against the fridge and close my eyes, breathing in deep as I feel my heart start to race, and I’m not sure whether that’s because of what’s just happened there, or whether it’s the effects of whatever shit I’ve just taken. Either way, I should get upstairs. Get ready for Vanni.

  I’m a married woman now.

  I’m Mrs. Vanni Colletti.

  A whole new role. A brand new life. Because I need to keep the old one very much at bay…



  She don’t come from this world, this life, but as I watch her move around the kitchen, feeding these men, handing out bacon sandwiches and mugs of coffee it’s like she was meant to be here. She’s fallen into her new role so effortlessly, because she knows she has no other choice. I know she has no other choice. And I’m not sure if she expected to fall in love with me, but she tells me she has, and I believe her. I know when people are lying, I make it my job, to know that kinda shit. And she isn’t lying.

  “Hey, baby girl.” She stops by my chair and I slide a hand round onto her ass; give it a gentle smack. It’s a proprietorial action, even though every brother in this room knows that they touch her, they get hurt. “You got something for your man, huh?”

  She leans over and plants a kiss on my mouth, forcing my lips apart with hers and I pull her down so she straddles me and, Jesus, my cock’s already hard. I gotta have her now, this is what she does to me. And she gets that as she raises her hips slightly and unzips me, setting my aching cock free before she lowers herself back down, pushing her panties to one side and I smile as I sink into her. As I take her, right here, while all around us my club brothers eat breakfast and plan our latest turf war. There’s talk of bringing men down, killing in the name of our brotherhood, and I’m fucking my wife, feeding off her moans and sighs as she rides me like the biker whore she is, but she’s mine. She’s fucking mine.

  I cup her ass and push her down onto me, my cock sinking deeper inside her, and she leans back and I look down and watch as she touches herself, and this woman, she’s gonna drive me freakin’ crazy.

  “Jesus, Vanni… Seriously?”

  “Not your business, Della.”

  Piper opens her eyes and she turns her head to look at Della, a slow smile crossing her face, her fingers still helping to bring herself off, man, she don’t care who’s watching. And the look she just gave Della – sure don’t look like there’s any love lost there. Makes Della turn on her heels and walk away, and Piper faces me, clenching her crazy-hot muscles tight around my cock, forcing me to come, squeezing the fucking life out of me, and she kisses me as she comes, too, slamming her hips down onto me as her body bucks and jerks. Jesus! And the second she’s done she climbs off of me, pulls her skirt back down over that perfect ass of hers, and goes back to serving coffee, making sure my men are being looked after.

  I sit back in my chair, swing my feet up onto the table, flip a cigarette between my teeth and I smile. Man, I’m one lucky son-of-a-bitch. And even though she could bring all kindsa shit to my door, trouble I don’t need, I’m ready. I’m more than fucking ready.


  “You sure know how to work a room, honey.”

  I look over as Della approaches, her expression less than friendly but I’m beginning to care less as each day goes by. I don’t need her acceptance, or her friendship. I have Vanni. He’s all I need. Anything else is just a complication.

  “I guess I’m just making the most of the honeymoon period.”

  She narrows her eyes, and they’re cold as ice. Like I give a shit.

  “You got a problem with me, Della?”

  “You walk in here like you belong in this world, and you got him sucked right in ‘cause he thinks like any other man when it comes to whores like you – with his dick. What’s gonna happen when he gets tired of you, huh?”

  “You think he’ll get tired of me?”

  “I know he will, honey. He’s a man who gets bored very easily, he needs constant attention, something different, he don’t do monotony.”

  I lean back against the counter and cross my arms, staring right into her eyes. I really don’t know what her problem is, but she won’t get to me, because that’s her intention, I’m getting that vibe. “Then you really don’t know the kind of twisted shit I give my man. He isn’t gonna get bored. He isn’t gonna need anyone else.”

  She laughs, an ice-cold laugh to match her freezing eyes. “He’ll get bored. I promise you. ‘Cause you really don’t belong here.”

  “I think that’s Vanni’s call, don’t you? And why the hell are you being such a bitch, huh? I thought clubs like yours – they’re supposed to create a feeling of family, aren’t they? Of loyalty.”

  “My sister, she’s had her eye on Vanni for a long time now. She was almost ready to reel him in, too, he was starting to show some interest. And then one day he turns up with you in tow and suddenly she just ain’t his type no more. That pisses me off, see? So, yeah, that’s family loyalty right there. Vanni wasn’t yours to take.”

  “He wasn’t anybody’s.”

  “What you got that Suki don’t, huh? What makes you the one Vanni just gotta have?”

  “I’d write you a list, darlin’, if I thought it had anything to do with you.” I feel Vanni come up behind me, feel his hand rest gently on my hip and I can see from Della’s expression that he’s looking right at her. “But I’d rather you just got the hell outta my kitchen.”

  She turns and leaves and Vanni twists me around so I face him.

  “She been giving you shit?”

  “You know the way some of the other women feel about me.”

  “They’re just jealous. I mean, I’m a catch, right?”

  He grins, and I smile, kissing him long and deep, his hand falling onto my ass, which is where it seems to live lately. And as his tongue slides into my mouth, intertwining with mine, he squeezes my ass and pushes me against him, and I jump up and wrap my legs around his hips as he carries me into the living room, throwing me down on the couch as he hurriedly unzips himself. His cock’s rigid and throbbing and I tear off my panties and spread my legs and he’s back inside me in a heartbeat, thrusting hard, pushing deep, he’s slamming himself against my inner walls, and it’s a beautiful pain, one I’m used to.

  It takes just seconds for him to come, and this time he doesn’t care that I don’t get my own release, he just pulls out, stands up, and drags a hand back through his hair.

  “Don’t you worry about Della and her band of bitches, OK? They just wanna be where you are, and they were never gonna get there.”

  He holds out his hand and helps me up off the couch, circling my waist as he pulls me in for a kiss.

  “You have a good day now, baby girl. I gotta go do some business.”

  He lets me go and I watch as he heads out of the room, back into the kitchen. I watch as he rounds up all his club brothers, and within seconds the place is empty. Quiet.

  I go back into the kitchen and start clearing up, glancing outside, everyone’s packing up their things now, getting ready to ride back to their respective clubs. The party’s over. Bikes and trucks and cars are slowly leaving the estate, bar a few tents that are still erected outside in the grounds for those men Vanni’s requested stay behind for a couple more days.

  Dropping a pile of plates into the sink I stop what I’m doing and close my eyes, my fingers tightly clutching the counter’s edge. I ran from the mob and I married an outlaw. And the reality of that is only just beginning to sink in…


  I’m freakin’ pissed. I wanted to get out of this place, head into Vegas for a couple of days ‘til those weapons arrived, but Vanni’s insisted we stay here, he don’t want us out there, thinks someone might start shooting their mouth off. He wants us where he can see us, and I’m not fucking happy. I’m itching to get laid, but there’re no women here, they’ve all gone back with their men, there’s just Vanni’s new wife here now. And no-on
e’s gonna risk touching her, even though I know there isn’t a man here who wouldn’t, if he could. If he knew he wouldn’t have his balls hacked off with a rusty blade, ‘cause that’s the least Vanni’d do.

  “Man, I want what my cousin’s just had for breakfast.”

  Dragon throws himself down beside me outside my tent and hands me a bacon sandwich. “What’re you talking about?” I ask, ripping off a huge chunk of meat and bread.

  “He’s just given it to Piper, right there in the kitchen, man, he don’t give a shit who sees.”

  I swallow down the bread and bacon but it sticks in my throat and I reach for my coffee, taking a long mouthful to dislodge the food. “And you watched, huh?”

  “Couldn’t help it.”

  I look down, dropping my sandwich, I’m not that hungry anymore.

  “What the fuck’s up with you, Logan? You’ve been a real pain in the ass all weekend.”

  I don’t answer him, I’m done here. I get up, cover my eyes with my sunglasses and head toward the house. I need more caffeine, maybe a shot of whiskey in there, and it’s quiet now. Everyone’s leaving, and I wish I was going, too. This isn’t turning out like I was hoping it would.

  The kitchen’s empty when I get there. I find the whiskey in the cupboard and I pour a measure into my mug before refilling it with coffee.

  “Vanni doesn’t like people helping themselves to his liquor.”

  I swing around and she’s standing there, in the doorway, all endless legs in a ridiculously short pair of denim cut-offs and over-the-knee boots, her toned abs on show in a midriff-baring tank-top, her long hair falling down around her shoulders. She’s fucking stunning, I mean, she could get a man hard just by breathing in his direction. “Vanni isn’t here.”

  “He’s only over there.” She jerks her head in the direction of his office outside. “Could come back any second.”

  I look outside, but Bullet and all the other presidents are heading in there now for a final meeting Vanni’s called before they all start the ride home. He’ll be a while yet. “Like I said, Vanni isn’t here.” I lean back against the counter and take sip of coffee, that hit of whiskey a welcome one, even this early in the day.

  “You not leaving this morning?” Her eyes remain fixed on mine, and I think she might actually be thawing slightly toward me.

  I shake my head and take another sip of coffee. “I’m here ‘til Tuesday.”

  “Guess I can’t be lucky all the time, huh?”

  But there’s a hint of a smile playing at the corners of her mouth when she says that, and I watch her as she moves a little further into the room, gathering up the last of the mugs and plates from the huge table in the middle of the kitchen.

  “Admit it. You’re glad I’m not going home yet.”

  She looks at me, but she says nothing. And I know I’m playing with fire, flirting like this with Vanni’s new bride, but I guess the boredom’s kicking in. I need something to do, something to get the blood pumping, and there’s nothing gets the blood pumping more than the threat of having your balls hacked off.

  “You had a good morning so far?” I try again, but she’s not really playing.

  “You’re trying small talk now?”

  I shrug, and drain my mug. “Just trying to be friendly, is all.”

  “Being friendly could get you hurt.”

  “And you don’t want that, right?”

  “I don’t want trouble.”

  “Neither do I, darlin’.”

  She turns to face me, and for a fleeting second I see something other than suspicion in those bright blue eyes. “You should go. Before Vanni comes back inside.”

  I hold up my hands in a gesture of surrender and back away, toward the doors. “OK. I’m going.”

  But I’m still here for a couple more days, whether I like it or not. And I didn’t, like it. But I think I might be starting to…


  I still can’t remember his name, and I know he told me it, but I can’t remember it. And as Vanni swaggers back into the kitchen I breathe an inner sigh of relief that he left when he did, whoever he is, because he only just made it.

  “I gotta go out for a few hours, baby girl.”

  I watch as Vanni opens various drawers, takes out a number of handguns and throws them to the men who’ve followed him inside. His chapter brothers.

  “Won’t be back ‘til tonight, so, you keep outta trouble, now, y’hear?”

  He says that with a smile but I can read the veiled threat that lies beneath that almost flippant remark. And I nod, and I melt into his arms as he kisses me because he’ll want me to put on the Bambi eyes and be the submissive little wife in front of his club brothers. And then he smacks my ass, throws me a wink, and leaves, his brothers trailing behind him like the loyal disciples they are. I don’t ask where he goes, I don’t want to know. Ignorance is all part of my new role now, and I’m quite happy with that.

  I go outside and sit down on the front porch, watching Vanni’s bike roar into action, his brothers riding behind him, and I lean forward, drop my head, and close my eyes. I breathe in deep and I exhale slowly, and I let the warm Nevada sun hit my shoulders, it relaxes me. I like the sun.

  “Guess I’m safe now, huh?”

  My eyes spring open and I turn my head to see him sitting down beside me, bold as brass and twice as cocky.

  “They won’t be back for hours.”

  “You not going with them?”

  He shakes his head and mirrors my stance, clasping his hands together between his knees as he stares straight out ahead of him. “Vanni left me in charge.”

  “In charge? Of what?”

  He turns his head to look at me. “You.”

  “I’m sorry?” Did he really just say that? “I don’t need looking after.”

  “Well, Vanni thinks you do.”

  “You’re gonna look after me?”

  “I can’t ignore an order from Vanni Colletti, darlin’.”

  “Jesus… He’s got his own men on the gates, why do I need you here to protect me?”

  He shrugs and lights up a cigarette. “I’m just following orders, darlin’, like I said. So, what we gonna do, huh?”

  Oh, he’s fucking pushing it now. “You’re gonna leave me the hell alone.”

  “Come on! That’s no way to talk to the man who’s supposed to be keeping you entertained all day.”

  I shake my head and stand up, walking away, out into the grounds, I need some air.

  “Hey, Piper! Wait up!”

  I stop, but I don’t turn around. I’m pissed, but at the same time I know Vanni just wants to keep me safe. He hasn’t done this to annoy me, he’s done it to protect me. I’m the wife of one of the country’s most feared outlaw bikers, I need protecting, in his eyes. Does he know I need protecting from so much more than just his enemies?

  “You should be offended, really.” I finally turn to face him, and he frowns. “I mean, Vanni doesn’t ask you to ride out with him today, instead, he asks you to babysit me.”

  “Whatever he’s doing today, that’s his chapter’s business. Got nothing to do with the rest of us, we’re all still hanging around here.”

  I know Vanni’s waiting on a delivery of weapons, so I know why there are still men here, on the estate; his own private compound. And then it slowly dawns on me. Vanni hasn’t left this man in charge of me, he’s left him in charge of everyone else. He doesn’t trust them, but in turn that also means he doesn’t trust me.

  “He hasn’t left you to look after me at all, has he?”

  He smirks, and I’m pissed again. Real pissed. “Guess he don’t trust his own brothers around his pretty new wife. So, yeah, you got me. I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on them, not you.”

  “Why you, huh? Why’s he trust you to do that?”

  “No idea, darlin’. Guess I must have a trusting face.”

  “I need a drink…”

  I turn and head back inside, fetching a beer from the
fridge, it’s almost lunchtime. And I need this. But when I go back outside he’s still on the porch, leaning back against the wall, his dark glasses back down over his eyes.

  “Shouldn’t you be doing what Vanni asked you to do?”

  He takes a drag on his cigarette and looks at me. “Thing is, sweetheart, if I’m here, then no-one else is gonna come near you, right?”

  “Nobody else is gonna touch me anyway. And even if anyone did make a move, of any kind, you think I can’t look after myself? I can. Believe me.”

  I sit back down on the steps and he joins me, even though I didn’t invite him to.

  “Vanni seems real keen on keeping you under some kind of lock and key here, Piper. There a reason for that?”

  I turn my head to look at him. “What’s your name again?”

  “You forgot me that easy, huh? Now I’m offended. And the name’s Logan. Logan Sandero. And you’re avoiding my question.”

  “Because it’s got nothing to do with you. Sandero, huh? You got any Italian in your family?”

  “It’s OK for you to ask the personal questions, huh? And yeah, my father’s parents were Italian. Settled in America just before he was born. I grew up in Queens.”

  He drops his gaze and for a second I see something in his eyes that tells me he feels he’s told me a little too much there. But it also tells me he isn’t just this brash, cocky biker with too much attitude. There’s more to this man, he just doesn’t seem keen to show it.

  “I grew up in Jersey.”

  He looks at me, and he smiles slightly. “What brought you to Vegas, then?”

  It’s my turn to look away, I don’t want to talk about this, not with him. I haven’t even told Vanni the real reason why I was in his bar that night, why I ran some place far away, and the fact I’m lying to him – that scares me. But the longer I keep quiet, the harder it is to tell him the truth. “I should go inside.”


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