Vegas Baby! (Luck in Love Book 1)

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Vegas Baby! (Luck in Love Book 1) Page 8

by Laney Terra

  At times, during my long walk to the parking garage, I had to stop and tug at the bag to pass over difficult terrains and pull it up and down curves. It was as though they designed part of the place to give you a work out. My work out part two. I was glad that my apartment building had an elevator.

  Once I was inside my home, I left the bags at the door and crashed on the couch. Then I remembered Hendrix’s card and fetched it from my purse. Staring at it for a little while, I wondered how he thought I’d call him by using a different phone. I hadn’t seen a pay phone in ages. There was probably one at the airport off in some corner somewhere. When I called, I didn’t expect to get the answering service. I was sure he’d want to talk one last time. I left the message.

  “Hey, Keene. This is Londyn. I’m at home now…I. OK. Thanks again for everything.”

  I hung up feeling empty. Why was I so adverse to having a relationship with him or simply being a friend? He wasn’t interested in Michelle, and it was clear to me that he wasn’t leading her on. I wasn’t scared of her and the fit she’d most likely throw was I? I was. I knew I didn’t want the conflict. But was I denying myself happiness on her account? For sure it wasn’t because I wanted to adhere to his momma’s rules.

  Hendrix and I didn’t have to be together. We could be friends. Just friends. And if there came a time where that wasn’t possible, we could figure it out then.

  I rotated the card in my hand and chuckled. He gave me a business card and a business number. He was funny. I picked up my phone off of the couch and redialed his number. It went to voicemail again.

  “Hey, Keene this is Londyn. Yes, Londyn again. Don’t be a stranger. You can reach me at this number. I don’t see why we can’t be friends.” I was about to hang up and realized I should say the number, so I did and hung up. Already, I feel happy again. I feel like dancing.


  A few days later I was talking with Hendrix through a video chat when I noticed it was time to pick up Leslie and Jackson from the airport. They stayed in Vegas a little longer than everyone else as part one of their honeymoon. After shutting off the computer, I dashed to grab my keys and purse to head out of the door.

  There was barely any traffic that afternoon. I was singing along to one of the songs on the radio when something made a loud, crunching sound. The next moment I couldn’t see anything. I didn’t know where I was.

  I opened my eyes. My vision was hazy for a few minutes, but I saw that a TV was on. There was a drape covering what l thought could be a glass wall. Leslie was asleep in the chair next to me. The blinds were drawn to a window outside.

  Moving my head further, I saw a bunch of monitors recording my heartbeats and rhythms. My blood pressure was on another screen. Holding up my hands, I saw IVs placed in my arms and bandages. Pain began to creep in. How did I end up in a hospital?

  “Leslie,” I said. I wasn’t loud enough. My mouth was dry. “Leslie.”

  Leslie shifted and opened her eyes. She gasped. “Londyn!” Tears started streaming down her face. “Londyn, you’re awake.” Leslie hopped up and was by my side. “I’m so glad.” She took my hand. “We thought we…I’m…I. Thank you. Thank you for not leaving.” She sniffled and wiped the tears that overflowed.

  “It’s OK Leslie,” I said and patted her hand. “How did I get here? What happened?”

  “You were in an accident,” Leslie said. “I feel so guilty. You were on your way to pick us up from the airport.”

  I frowned. “Where were you coming from?”

  “Vegas remember?”

  “No. I don’t remember going.”

  “Do you remember the wedding?”

  “You got married?”

  Leslie started crying again. “I’m sorry. I can’t stop.”

  “No, it’s alright,” I said. “I’m just trying to figure out things.”

  “What do you remember?”

  “Um, we were talking about your wedding and the bachelorette party. We had everything ready to go to Vegas. I must have gone to the store or… But you said you got married? What happened?”

  “I got married in Vegas. It was a surprise after my bachelorette party. You were there. We had fun.”

  I closed my eyes and tears started to form in the corner. “I don’t remember.”

  “I’m sorry. Hopefully, it’s temporary.”

  “Yeah.” I opened my eyes.

  Leslie sniffled.

  “You know what I do remember?” I said.


  “I broke up with that jerk. You were right about him.”


  “Yeah, him and Ms. Ariel.”

  “That happened a little more than a three weeks ago.” Leslie grinned. “Do you remember where you work?”

  “Yes, in the call center division. I’m a manager.”

  “Good, good. And your sisters?”

  “If you’re including yourself as a sister. I only have one.”

  Leslie nodded. “Your family is here. They went to get something to eat.”

  I smiled. “How bad was it? I can’t see myself. I feel pain that’s getting worse as we speak.”

  “You hit your head. There is some bruising and cuts.”

  “Who hit me?”

  “It was an accident. The driver was going too fast; changed lanes without looking in their blind spot. That’s what the police said. It was a driver of a truck.”

  “Oh my.”

  “Yeah, so I’m so happy… Let me call the nurse and tell them you’re awake.”

  “Tell them to bring some medicine.”

  Leslie pushed the call button, and the nurses came in to check on me, ask questions, and gave me some painkiller medicine.

  The doctor came by and said I’d get more visits in the morning. I asked them about my memory loss, and the doctor let me know that it could be short term confusion or amnesia due to the head trauma. They would continue to monitor me for the changes, and after I got out of the hospital, I would have a follow up appointment to make sure it wasn’t serious. At one point the doctor asked if Leslie could step out. That was strange because I already told them she could hear everything.

  “I had her step out because there is something I need to tell you,” the doctor said. “When we ran tests to check you out, we found out that you are pregnant.”

  “Pregnant?” I said.

  “Yes. Don’t worry about the treatment. We are following protocol to not cause harm. I strongly advise you to follow up with an obstetrician once you leave the hospital. We have one who will come and talk to you later.”

  I nodded. I was filled in with the observations they found, my condition was moderate, and she let me know I wasn’t leaving the hospital any time soon. They had to monitor me for a few days. I asked how long I had been asleep. I was knocked out for some hours.

  When the medical staff left, Jackson opened the door, and my parents and sister rushed in once they saw that I was awake. They visited with me as Jackson and Leslie stood with another man by the door. I assured my family that I was alright. I didn’t want them to know that I couldn’t remember some things.

  My mother let me know that she was going to stay with me for a while after I got out of the hospital. Visiting hours were almost over, so I had my sister tell Leslie to come back over to me.

  I asked her who that man they were talking to was.

  “Keene,” she said. “Do you remember him?”

  “No,” I said.

  “He’s Jackson’s best friend. He was at the wedding.”

  “I met him?”

  “Yes, you were…maybe he should come and say hi.”

  “OK,” I said. “Leslie, I was thinking. If I have to stay here a few more days, when I get out I’ll probably have to stay home, and I can’t go back to work immediately. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “Don’t worry about any of that,” Leslie said. “We have all of your bills covered.”

  “No, don’t spend your money
on me. Go on your honeymoon.”

  “Jackson and I talked about it. We’re pushing the trip back, but it’s Keene who is helping with the bills. Don’t feel obligated to do anything for him. He’s not the type of person that would expect anything in return. I’m going to introduce you to him OK?”


  Leslie went out of the room and brought Keene back. His warm smile tried to distract me from the sadness he had in his eyes. He put a vase full of pink roses on a counter across from my bed. Then he joined me on the opposite side of Leslie.

  “Hi Londyn. I’m Keene,” he said. “I’m so sorry that this happened.”

  I squinted my eyes, trying to find some sense of familiarity within his eyes. I found none. “Thank you for coming. And thank you for your help.”

  “No problem. If you ever need anything, feel free to let me, or tell Leslie to let me, know.”

  There was some silence.

  “Um,” Keene said and swallowed. “Well, I’ll… let you get your rest.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said, scanning his eyes. “I don’t remember going to Vegas or the wedding.”

  “Don’t be sorry.”

  “Leslie says I met you,” I said.

  “Yeah,” Keene said, suppressing breaks in his voice as he continued. “We hung out for a little bit before everyone… came, and while they were there, and… we started to become friends.”

  Not remembering him made me full of sorrow. It was my fault this man was breaking down. “The doctors said my memory loss may be temporary,” I said. “I hope I will remember you soon.”

  “I hope so too.” He nodded and said goodnight before exiting the room.

  “He really cares about you,” Leslie said. “When Jackson told him the situation, he dropped everything and took a flight out here.”

  I sighed. “Too bad I don’t remember.”

  “No, Londyn I’m just saying we’re all here for you. I’ll come and see you again tomorrow. Your mom is going to stay with you overnight. And the girls wish you well too. I told them to visit later. We didn’t want you to be overwhelmed.”

  “Thanks. Thanks for being here for me Leslie. Tell them all how much I appreciate them.”

  “I will.”


  Hendrix aka Keene

  “You’re just going to go home?” Jackson asked me at my hotel.

  “I have to,” I said.

  “But what about Londyn?”

  “I can pay for the bills from home. I can’t stay here.”

  “Why? You know you can move things around. You can live anywhere you want.”

  “I know, but I can’t stay and watch her like this. I can’t… She doesn’t remember me. She doesn’t know me. She… there’s nothing left between us.”

  “Keene, she needs you,” Jackson said.

  “Her parents are here. Her sister. Friends.” I closed my eyes for a moment. “She doesn’t need me. It’s best I keep my distance and let her heal… She felt so bad for not remembering. It broke my heart to see her struggling to recall the memories, wanting to say something today.

  “All I am to her now is a symbol of the memory she lost. If I stick around, I’ll be reminding her of the accident. I can’t do that to her. Today’s visit was worse than yesterday.” I exhaled. “Fine, I’ll be here for the rest of the week, but after that I’m going home. Call me if that credit card doesn’t work or something happens with the bills.”

  “Don’t give up on her Keene.”

  “I’m not giving up on her. I’m giving up on us.”

  Chapter 14


  One Month Later

  During my recovery, I had all the support that I needed. My memory began to come back or at least I thought it did. I couldn’t be sure that the memories of Keene were dreams or really happened. He kept himself at a distance, which I appreciated. He was still like a stranger to me. The get well soon pink roses he sent a couple of times were sweet, however. About a month later, I met him for lunch.


  Hendrix aka Keene

  Londyn appeared to be uncomfortable as soon as she saw me. I smiled, wishing that I could help her relax again. When we sat down I asked her how she was.

  “I don’t have any more pain,” Londyn said. “My memory seems to have repaired itself although I can’t remember anything specific about the accident.”

  “That’s great!” I said.

  “Yeah. I remember you, but I don’t know if what I remember is real. So…”

  I took a breath. Jackson had good advice. I shouldn’t give up on her. I had to try.

  “Londyn, if it’s alright with you, I’d like to start from the beginning again,” I said.

  She bit her lip. “I um…” Her eyes dashed for the floor. “I recently got back to work. There are a lot of things I have to figure out in my life. I’m so grateful for your support, but I just can’t do it. I’m not ready for anything else that’s new.” When she finished talking, she glanced back up at me.

  “I understand.”

  “I’m going to pay you back for everything.”

  I shook my hand. “That’s not necessary. I won’t accept it. You don’t owe me anything.”

  “OK.” She sighed. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I should stay.”

  I nodded. “I wish you well.”

  “Same to you. Goodbye.”

  “Bye,” I said.

  As I watched Londyn leave the restaurant I thought I’d never see her again.



  Two weeks later

  I couldn’t forget about it anymore. I hadn’t told my mother. I hadn’t told my family. I hadn’t even told Leslie that I was pregnant. My morning appointment with the obstetrician that day reminded me of my neglect—the decisions that were waiting. But I didn’t know if I could raise the baby on my own or should.

  I wished I at least knew who the father was. As far as I could remember I hadn’t been with Xavier for a while. When I went to Vegas who knew who I slept with? I was still sad from Xavier’s cheating ways. Anyone was a good fit to numb myself from the situation.

  I sighed. I have to tell Xavier. At least that’s one person I know of. Please don’t let it be Xavier’s though. If it’s not his baby, then who could the father be? Who do I know now…? Who’s different…? Keene. He’s the only new man I know. And by the way he acted around me and from my memories of speaking with him… Maybe Leslie knew more about what happened between us. Hopefully, I told her.

  Leslie was on her way to a hotel to drop off Jackson. He was attending a birthday brunch for Keene, sponsored by Keene’s mother. Leslie said I had great timing. She’d come pick me up to go out to brunch ourselves.

  “Londyn,” Leslie said, hugging me at my door. “So there’s this place I want to try. I can’t remember the name. It’s really cute.”

  “Seeing that Jackson went to a party, I’m wondering why you aren’t there as well,” I said. “Keene is your friend too isn’t he?” I secured my apartment, and we began strolling to Leslie’s car.

  “Yes, but oh, it’s a good thing you didn’t remember,” Leslie said. “Keene’s mom is worse than my mother and law was. On top of that she’s on a mission to hook him up with Michelle, and I’m sure he has feelings for someone else. Michelle is on board of course.”

  “I thought he lived in L.A.”

  “He did, but now he has a place here too,” Leslie said. “And he seems to be here more than L.A.”

  “Good for Michelle.”

  “No! Anyway, what’s up?” Leslie said as we climbed into her car. She rolled out of my complex, on her way to wherever place she spoke of.

  “Well, I haven’t told anyone yet,” I said. “Not even my mom but…I’m pregnant.”

  “What!” Leslie’s mouth stayed open for a good minute. “No way.”

  “Yes way.”

  “When did you find out?”

  “In the hospital,” I said.

  “Oh no.�


  “It’s Xavier’s isn’t it?”

  “No,” I said. “I don’t know. This is the main reason I called today. I was hoping you had some insight. Did I tell you about anyone during the bachelorette party or after the wedding?”

  “You know how I said Keene has feelings for someone else?”

  “It’s me.”

  “Yep. You two were together the whole time. I caught you after a night of sneaking out.”

  I chuckled. “I snuck out. That doesn’t sound like me.”

  “It wasn’t,” Leslie said. “You were getting out of that mood you were in.”

  “To try and exercise my memory, I found my plane ticket, and it said I left a couple of days earlier than you. So how are you sure I was with Keene the whole time?”

  “Besides it being obvious that he cheers up when you’re around, I siphoned the info from Jackson. At first you two didn’t know your path crossing wasn’t a coincidence. You happened to live in the same hotel. He was in town for a wedding. Our original plan was the bachelorette party. I surprised y’all with my wedding. So do you have plans for the baby? What are you going to do?”

  “If Keene and I were together, I have to tell him,” I said. “Will he still be here tomorrow? I don’t want to bust into his brunch.”

  “Londyn, he’s a busy man. Don’t procrastinate on this one. Before you know it, you’ll be in labor.”

  “But it’s his birthday. I can’t spring this on him for his birthday.”

  Leslie laughed. “Yes you can, and I will be your culprit. I’ll keep the coast clear. It’ll be fun.”

  “For you.”

  “Oh, look. We’re already three exits away.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Oh yes,” Leslie said. “I know you’ve been stressing about carrying all of this information on your own. We’re here to help. And trust me he’ll help too. You’ll see.”

  Leslie prepped me, speaking about Mrs. Anderson, and how she treated me, on our way to the hotel’s restaurant. We entered the brunch area and hid behind a divider wall close to the restrooms. Leslie peaked around it.


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