Vegas Baby! (Luck in Love Book 1)

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Vegas Baby! (Luck in Love Book 1) Page 10

by Laney Terra

  “Do you have any women on the side?” she asked.

  “No! Absolutely not. Londyn, is there anyone who would want to hurt you?”

  “Well…I don’t know if…” She took a few moments to breathe. “Your mother?”

  “She visited you?” I said.

  “At the wedding.” Londyn closed her eyes. “That accident was right after the wedding too.”

  All of a sudden I started breathing heavy. “Sweetie, what did she say?”


  We reviewed the video from my complex but didn’t get too far. There were a lot of people going in and out, moving Londyn’s things. We saw the suspect, who also was dressed like a mover, hop out of a van. Their face was covered, and they stayed low to the ground while the van blocked them.

  I was mad at myself for not asking Londyn to park in the secured parking area. Then again it was good to know that something was happening; they were targeting Londyn. I wouldn’t be caught off guard again. I hired two friends of mine, a bodyguard, to watch out for her while staying at a distance, and a private investigator.

  Later, Londyn and I paid a visit to my mother. She was happy to see me. Londyn, on the other hand....

  “What is she doing here?” my mother snapped.

  We went inside, and I brought my mom to another room, leaving Londyn to stay and sit on the couch with my dad. I gave Mom the benefit of the doubt and let her know what happened.

  Then I said, “Mom, if I find out you were behind all of this.” I was dead serious. I didn’t plan on hurting my mother, but she would pay for what she tried to do.

  “I would never Keene,” Mom said. “You know me better than that. Why would I try and break in or kill someone? Slash tires? That’s insane!”

  “You were pretty insane when you threatened her at Jackson’s wedding.”

  “I.” Mom shut her mouth.

  “What did she do to you?”


  I exhaled a couple of times. “You know it’s not even worth it. I don’t want my child around someone so evil. I don’t want to be around you either. Goodbye mom.”

  I made it to the hall when my mother yelled. “I was only trying to protect you Keene!”

  I turned around and went back into the room. “How is this protecting when all you do is hurt?!”

  “I met some of those girls you had before,” she said.

  “Stop right there,” I said. “I’m not listening to this.”

  “They reminded me of…” my mom said and sniffled, looking off in a random direction. “When I was younger, I was not too bright. I didn’t listen to my parents. I thought I loved him. I thought he loved me. We were getting married regardless of what anyone thought. It was us against the world.

  “The morning of my wedding, we had been in Vegas. It was his idea. I got dolled up, a few friends that came along did too, and we went to meet him at the chapel. At first I thought I should have told him to be there thirty minutes before. Justin was always late. But then an hour passed, and we were told there was another appointment.

  “Not one of his friends from the night before came. We had been calling Justin, getting no response. After two hours, my friends suggested that we go back to the hotel. At the hotel, no one answered his door, so we asked the staff who let us know that Justin had checked out at 2 a.m. 2 a.m. In the morning!

  “I was floored and called my parents who checked my bank account. It was empty. At least a little of it remained. My savings that required my consent. I had given him access through a card. Come to find out Justin wasn’t a real person just a random identity. I didn’t want that for you.”

  “Mom, I’m sorry,” I said.

  “That was over thirty years ago Keene. I’m fine but.”

  “Trust me. Londyn is nothing like that. She’s a sweet and caring person. She’s carrying my baby. Your grandchild.”

  “I know but.”

  “She’s not him. Mom, all I want is for you two to get along. I don’t want to be torn between my future wife and mother.”

  Mom exhaled then patted my cheek and mustered up a half grin. “Tell Londyn to come in here.”

  My mother humbled herself and apologized to Londyn for how she treated her. Mom promised to work on making their relationship better for me and the baby. Still stuck in her ways, my mother didn’t hug Londyn like she did with Michelle, but the fact that she admitted she was wrong, said sorry, and vowed to fix their relationship meant more.



  The situation with Mrs. Anderson wowed me, but I kept her on the short list. Michelle was on it too, however, I wasn’t about to chat with her. I figured that visiting and speaking with possible suspects could tip them off. Leslie and Jackson didn’t suspect anyone new to add to my list, so I told Hendrix the next step was to speak to someone in a more neutral position. Someone who knew a lot of gossip. Someone named Ariel.

  Hendrix questioned my idea, thinking she could be the troublemaker. I assured him that she was very upfront about things. She wouldn’t be passive aggressive, going through all of the planning. She’d just call me and say what she had to, or she’d do what she wanted. And by using that to our advantage, I knew how to approach her. Hendrix suggested that I invite her to a specific restaurant, so he and his security team could observe.

  “Thank you for inviting me,” Ariel said. “You knew what…happened wasn’t personal.”

  “Well…” I said.

  “He’s not a good guy I know. Not good enough to be as cocky as he is either.”


  “He thought he deserved to have a girlfriend and a few others on the side. Well, that’s not happening. And we as women can’t let men come between us like that.” Picking up a menu, Ariel said, “Aren’t you going to eat? This place is really good.”

  “No,” I said.

  “I don’t know why you’d meet me at such a nice place if you didn’t want to eat. Suit yourself.” Ariel scanned the menu and found what she wanted. She smiled and the waiter hurried over. “Yes, I’d like the cheese sticks. We’ll share. That will be all.”

  “Yes, miss,” the waiter said.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Share?”

  “Why not?” Ariel said. “I don’t ever mind sharing.”

  “I’ll just get to it. Ariel, did you break into my apartment?” I said.

  “Why would I do that?” Ariel said. “I don’t have to break in to get what I want. You know that. If you’re talking about Xavier, and you need to hear it out loud, he approached me. Several times.

  “He told me about your little problem between you two. Given the whispers about him not being the best man he could be and the situation, you shut him down for longer than he liked. So he told you he was sick. Don’t come over for a week. He called me. And frankly, I was bored that day.” She chuckled. “And the other days before. You were right for not trusting him. You’re too good for him anyway.”

  “Are you still with him? He came to my house trying to reclaim me and my child. I know you know about that.”

  “Londyn, we grew up together. We were friends once upon a time. I wouldn’t hurt you or your baby. If the child is his, it’s his. But he isn’t my concern anymore. You know I don’t do relationships.”

  I sighed as the waiter brought her food. I should have ordered some too. The aroma of those cheese sticks. Why!!!???

  “Remember we’re sharing,” Ariel said and pushed the plate in the middle.

  Not being able to ignore my growling stomach, I ate a couple, making sure to dip it in the magic they called marinara sauce.

  “Good right?” she said. “They make them nice and crisp on the outside. Tasty and warm in the middle. They’re my favorite.”

  “They are good.”

  We took a few moments to eat.

  “I know you’re wondering about your man now,” Ariel said. “And no, I’m not after him.”

  “Well,” I said and brushed my hands together, “thank you,
Ariel, for speaking with me.”


  “See you later.”

  Making sure to get rid of the crumbs, I wiped my hands with a paper towel then I chunked my purse on my shoulder, stood, and stepped to leave. Ariel slid her fingers around my wrist. “Where are you going? You haven’t heard the best part yet.”

  “Best part?” I said.

  She grinned. “I have some information that may be helpful. Have a seat.”

  I sat and listened.

  “Michelle that girl, you know we don’t get along,” Ariel said. “And she didn’t like you too much either at first. After the stunt she pulled being the maid of honor and now…

  “Well, some months ago she was running around with all this expensive stuff, strutting in our faces. Depending on who asked, she spilled that she stepped up her game and could afford the nicer things in life. Natalie, her little toy doll, was right behind her.

  “Over the past few months Michelle and Michelle part two got angrier. They couldn’t understand why he had to go get that chick pregnant. I’m using toned down language here. I doubt very much that Michelle is still with him.” Ariel popped the last cheese stick in her mouth and glanced at me.

  “But I am.”


  “But she has been nice to me. Nicer than she was before.”

  Ariel whipped her head back, giving me an “are you serious” stare. “Come on Londyn. She can put on a happy face for you. Then threaten you to leave him or make it appear as though she is a scorned lover. Do you think she’ll let this opportunity slip through her fingers? He’s right there. Her dream is living fifteen minutes away. Word is his mom says Michelle’s the one, his wife. Then again your man has a brain.”

  “Leave? You said leave.”


  “There were a bunch of leaves in the apartment. That was the message, leave. Xavier came by later on that weekend.”

  Ariel shrugged. “I doubt it’s Xavier. He’s too scared of your man and he likes his women. He was hanging around Nicole the other month, but that’s not the story. Supposedly he’s dating another chick, and maybe has been, who won’t show her face. I guess she’s too good for him. No one knows who she is, but I’ll find out soon. Probably at Talon’s concert, which will be at my club. Are you going?”

  “Isn’t everyone?” I said.

  “Of course but back to your mystery. I’m betting on the momma or Michelle. It depends on how much his mom hates you. You’re welcome. Anymore questions?”

  I shook my head, figuring out how to wrap my thoughts around his mom having so much disdain for me that she’d lie to both me and her son about working things out. I couldn’t put it past her though.

  Michelle, on the other hand, she would have had to know someone. She always had stories of meeting a wide range of people through her work. To make things worse, it could be the two working together. His mom loves Michelle. I sighed.

  “Thanks again Ariel,” I said.

  “Anytime,” she said.

  “Excuse me,” Hendrix said, appearing from his hiding spot. “One more thing.”

  “Anything for you honey,” Ariel said.

  “Ariel,” I said. “I’m right here.”

  “I know that,” Ariel said. “Now, what were you saying dear?”

  “Can we put extra security cameras and microphones in your club?” Hendrix said. “If everyone is going, maybe we can catch something there.”

  “I think Talon would be extra happy about that,” Ariel said. “Send your people by any time after 12 p.m. and before 3.”

  “Thank you,” Hendrix said.

  Chapter 17


  Instead of changing my mind and speaking to Michelle, I had Leslie and Shauna watch out for changes in her behavior. No one knew about the tire slashing. We planned to see if Michelle would drop hints when we hung out. Hendrix and I came up with a scheme to lure the perpetrator into the light. Set a trap. All we had to do was be out in public together more, and we went out to eat with Hendrix’s parents a few times.

  One day at work, Hendrix sent me dusty pink flowers for no reason at all.

  “Londyn,” my coworker said and nudged me. “I need a man like yours. He sent you flowers. They’re on your desk.”

  “Thanks,” I said. “When did they get here?”

  “While you were in your meeting. About fifteen minutes ago.”

  This is sweet but out of the ordinary for him. He knows I don’t like receiving things at work. Especially at a company he partially owned. He wouldn’t do that would he?

  I headed on over to my desk and checked the greeting card. It said it was from Keene. Keene? I got on the phone and asked Hendrix if he sent flowers. There was a card that accompanied them. He said he didn’t and told me to back away from them. The flowers had to go through a security checkpoint before entering our area, but he was on his way, and his friends were going to double check.

  Minutes later members from Hendrix’s security team were in my office, investigating the scene. I was informed that the others and Hendrix were working on tracking the flower van by security videos and street cameras. We found out that there wasn’t anything specifically dangerous about the flowers or the card; they came from a reputable store. There was a heavier amount of leaves though, in the arrangement, and the card congratulated me on a new baby. By calling the store, we were told that the buyer was anonymous from an online venue. Dead end, but the owner offered to help.

  The videos Hendrix obtained from the store raised my suspicion. I pointed to a car that was parked across the street.

  “That car is familiar,” I said.

  We ended up tracking the car and discovered that it sat in the parking lot of my office building for twenty minutes before the delivery happened and left ten minutes after. No one exited the car. Happy to find the odd activity, we traced the car to an apartment complex through street cameras. It wasn’t clear who got out. The apartment didn’t have video access to that area. The suspect knew that. I was asked if I knew anyone who would possibly live there, but I didn’t. Hendrix sent a car to stake out the complex.

  “Where are you going?” I said as Hendrix packed up a computer.

  “To the apartment,” he said.

  “I’m going too.”

  “I’d rather—”

  “You need me. You don’t know everyone. Plus it’s 4:45. The concert doors open at 6:30, and the show starts at 8:00. We have to go over to the venue to check into the pre-show conversations. Answers may be over there, and I’m not staying here alone for a few hours.”


  Minutes into the ride over, we were informed that the car was on the move again. It was going our way, in the direction of Ariel’s club. There were too many no U-turn signs, so we missed seeing the driver head on to make a few right turns and travel in the correct direction. The car got onto the freeway and took the same exit to get to Mrs. Anderson’s house. But rather than cruising under the freeway the car continued through the light and made a few turns to go to another complex.

  “I can’t believe this,” I said. “There’s no way. She was becoming nice.”

  “There has to be an explanation,” Hendrix said, “but at the same time people can do crazy things when they want something.” On the side of the street, we found an area to park.

  “But you’d find out,” I said. “Michelle would think something like this through. She had to unless…”

  “Unless what?”

  “Your mom is working with her.”

  “Keene,” one of his men said. “The suspect is exiting the vehicle. Live video is up.”

  He grabbed the computer and we saw our aggressor.

  “Natalie,” I said.

  “It fits,” Hendrix said. “Natalie came across as very protective of Michelle when I met her.”

  “She is the type of person to do almost anything for her best friends, but she still puts herself first,” I said. �
�Michelle was upset that she backed out on the Vegas vacation.”

  “Natalie probably did this to make up for it.”

  “You’re right, but is there a possibility Natalie could be acting alone?” I said. “What if Michelle doesn’t know? Natalie would have found out enough about us through Michelle.”

  “Did you give Natalie a reason to do all of this?” Hendrix said.

  “No. We know of each other, but there’s nothing bad between us. The only reason she’d be upset with me has to be connected to Michelle. At least from what I know.”

  “Well, Michelle is going to the concert, so all we can do is wait,” Hendrix said.

  “On the move,” a voice said through the two way radio a little more than an hour later. “The suspect has another individual with her. Details on the video.”

  We perked up, ready to stalk Natalie again. There was no need to see who was with her. Riding back down the freeway, we got ahead of them and arrived to the club about ten minutes earlier than they did. Inside, there were already tons of people mingling.

  Ariel nudged me. “Everything is in place. Good luck. Oh and your ex is by the bar over there. I had them add an extra mic. He was guarding a space.”

  “You’re excited about this?” I said.

  “I am,” Ariel said. “We took some extra measures to set your ex up at the bar too. If he was in the middle of the floor, getting audio would be difficult. After all, he has to be included on the list of stalkers.”

  “How did you get him to stay there?” I asked.

  “Free drinks. Hot women. He’s so easy. Let the fireworks begin.”

  When I glanced over to the door, Michelle and Natalie had strolled in. Fortunately, Leslie and Jackson did too and Michelle stopped in the corner to chat with them. I guided Hendrix over to the bar. We were on the side towards the back, behind Xavier. Xavier stood in front of the bar facing forward.

  “Londyn,” Hendrix said, nodding to point out the situation in front of us. He immediately notified someone to connect him to the bar microphones. Natalie crossed our path and squeezed through the crowd to get to Xavier. She snuck an arm around his and set her head on his shoulder. Within an instant, Hendrix and I migrated closer. Then he gave me an earpiece.


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