Romance: A Night with a Badass Biker (Romance, Contemporary Romance, Biker Romance, MC, Fantasy, Novel)

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Romance: A Night with a Badass Biker (Romance, Contemporary Romance, Biker Romance, MC, Fantasy, Novel) Page 2

by Vanessa Vixen

  How did they find him? He asks himself. He needs to get her out of here.

  “Come on,” Brock demands, taking her by the hand, and leading her into the small restroom. He shuts the door behind them.

  “What’s going on?” Lyla asks a bit confused, as Brock flings open the window.

  “No time to explain, but these guys are bad news. We have to get far away from here. Climb through. Hurry,” Brock tells her. The window is just big enough for the both of them to squeeze through one at a time.

  Lyla doesn’t argue with him, she steps on top of the toilet seat and shimmies through the window, collapsing in the dark alley behind the hotel.

  Brock falls next to her in no time. “Come on,” he whispers, taking her by the hand. “We have to make it to my bike.”

  Lyla loves the feeling of the adrenaline coursing through her veins. She’s never felt like this before. It’s exciting.

  Brock peers over the corner, watching the group of bikers stand in a circle, searching through the rooms. His bike sits not that far from him and Lyla, blanketed in the darkness. “Wait here,” he whispers to her. He dips around the corner.

  Within a second his bike roars to life, and he’s whipping around the corner for Lyla. Yelling for her to hop on.

  Chapter 4

  A Ride to Remember

  “What if they follow us? Where are we going?” Lyla shouts so he can hear her over the booming engine.

  “We’re going to the perfect place I mentioned earlier. Don’t worry that pretty head of yours, you’re safe with me baby.”

  Lyla hears the sincerity in his voice as he speaks to her. The engine revs louder through the night air, and they zoom faster down the lone road. Another thirty minutes pass by of just desert and hills. He slows the bike down to cruising speed, as cars pass them going in the opposite direction.

  Lyla still couldn’t help but worry about the group of bikers that were at the hotel. Bruno was scared of them, not scared but worried about them. And then the gunfire, did they kill someone? As if on cue, revving engines start to echo from behind them.

  Brock sees them through his side mirrors. Their small headlights gaining on them. Lyla squeezes him tight, turning back trying to get a better view at the gang of motorcycles. She has a bad feeling about all this. Ahead of them on the side of the desert, three more bikers sit around a bonfire. As they roar pass them, Lyla sees one man, a blur in her view, running to his bike. Their bonfire is turned out quickly, as the men rush to their motorcycles to join their gang in the chase. The rowdy engines come to life behind Brock and Lyla.

  “Brock what’s going on?” Lyla shouts. Craning her head back to see four of the bikers gaining on them rather quickly.

  “I don’t have time to explain,” he says urgently. “Just hold on to me.”

  Lyla didn’t think it was possible but they whizz down the road even faster than before. She can’t hear anything from the buzzing of the motorcycle. What did she get herself into? She mentally scolds herself over and over again. She should’ve just gone to bed like she was planning.

  The other bikers close in on them. Their revving engines splitting through the night. The bikers hoot, and holler at them.

  “Pull over you traitor,” one of them yells at Brock over the chorus of the motorcycles. One of the biker’s whistle loudly, and two of them break their formation and speed forward right in front of Brock and Lyla.

  “Brock,” Lyla says shakily. “Who are these guys?”

  “Their bad people,” he shouts over his shoulder, trying to swerve the bike between the two crooks in front of them, but they block their path. “Crap,” he mumbles.

  The leader, well Lyla guesses he’s the leader by the way the others listen to his commands; he extends his arm out and tries to clasp her flowing hair. Lyla screams at the same time trying not to make any sudden movements.

  “I’ll kill your little whore you traitor.” The man shouts, weaving out of the way of a passing car. The small red car honks at the group of bikers. “Screw off!” the man yells.

  “Brock I don’t want to die,” she says in his ear, trembling against his body.

  “Just hold on. I’m not going to let anything happen, I’ll get us out of this. Hold on.”

  “How?” Lyla yells.

  “I don’t know, but I will. You can bet that pretty little butt of yours.” Lyla knows he’s grinning. “In my vest pocket I need you to get the gun that is in there. And shoot at their tires.”

  Lyla’s jaw drops. “I can’t do that. I can’t. I’ve never shot a gun before!”

  “Do it. Before they fire at us.” Lyla hesitates before reaching into his vest; her hand brushes the cold metal instantly. “It’s already loaded. Just aim and shoot.”

  The other motorcycles close tighter around them. The leader veers closer his arm out towards Lyla, until he sees the black gun in her hand. “You little bit-” with a loud bang, his back tire pops and he smashes straight into a rock going eighty miles per hour. After hearing the crash all the other bikers slow down immediately and turn around.

  One of them shouts, while looking straight at Brock and Lyla, “I’ll get you Brock. This isn’t the last time you’ll see us.” He revs his engine trying to intimidate Brock, flipping him off as he drove to his injured leader.

  “I just killed a man.” Lyla shakes, shoving the gun back in his vest pocket.

  “He’s not dead,” Brock says, “I’ve seen way worse than that.”

  “He smashed into that giant stone. He’s as good as dead,” she cries.

  “He was a bad person. It had to be done.” Brock says loudly. They turn down a dirt road, with some nice country homes along both sides.

  “He called you…a traitor.”

  “I was going to turn in every single one of those idiots to the police. They’ve been kidnapping prostitutes and attempting to sell them to sex trafficking rings.” It makes his blood boil just thinking about it.

  “How can I believe you?” The only thing she can hear is her heart thumping in her ears.

  “I’m ex-military.”

  Now his tattoos make sense to her.

  “Did you still want to go where we were going?” he asks her, a bit nervously.

  She thinks about it. Long, and hard. “Yeah we came all this way,” she says, tightening her arms around his waist. She prays that man is okay, Brock tells her it’s all going to be alright. He tells her that he is going to notify the police right after his night with her.

  “I can’t miss this with you. I really want you to see this,” he says.

  Chapter 5

  A Flowing River

  More trees begin to appear between the houses. Lyla’s never been this far out of her town before only to her house the diner, and back home. She stares up at the moon hiding behind a patch of clouds. “Where are we going?” she asks him for thousandth time.

  “Not too far now. We’re almost there.”

  She sighs, her butt feeling sore from the seat already. She enjoys the breeze rushing against her, as they cruise to this unknown destination. Within five minutes she starts to hear the sound of rushing water. The trees break apart to reveal a river hiding behind the throngs of trees.

  He pulls the motorcycle over to the side, and steers them down a little path leading down to the shore line.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispers. “I had no idea this was hiding back here.” She hops off the motorcycle.

  “A beautiful sight for a beautiful lady.” He grins, taking her hand in his. “Follow me.”

  She carefully follows him down the rocky path, until their standing right by the flowing river. She kicks off her boots, and places her toes in the cold water. “Yeah, I’m not getting in there.” She laughs.

  “No come on,” he whispers in her ear, pulling her by the hand.

  “This is where I come when I want to get away from those guys.” He sits down on a blanket that was already spread out on the ground.

  “Are you sure you do
n’t bring other girls out here to screw them?” she raises one eyebrow at him.

  “You’re actually the first person I bring out here,” he says bashfully.

  Lyla has a hard time believing that but she goes with it. “That’s a really nice ride you have,” Lyla says, pointing up at the silhouette of his motorcycle, its parked up on the hill above them.

  “She’s my heart and soul. The only thing in this world that really gets me.” Brock says with a grin.

  “So is it really just you? You don’t have any family or friends?” Lyla asks him

  “They don’t get you anywhere in life,” he replies smugly. “I went to Iraq for four years, and the moment I get back I walk in on my wife and my best friend going at it in our bedroom.”

  “That’s horrible,” Lyla utters, placing her hand on his.

  Brock smiles at her. “Everything happens for a reason. I packed my bags, told the both of them to enjoy themselves and I left. Since then, I’ve seen the most beautiful things life has to offer.” His hands motion around them at the breathtaking scenery, even in the moonlight, you can see every aspect of the river bend.

  “How did you get with those guys?” Lyla asks him, her eyes lingering on his sweet lips. She wants to kiss him again. But she also wants to know more about those men; she did probably kill one of them after all.

  “I traveled with them for six months, we visited the northern states. Then one night we were partying like usual, and we had some girls there with us and at the end of the night, they thought I was sleeping, and they knocked the three of them out. A van showed up a few moments later, and they loaded the three unconscious girls and the driver gave them a duffel bag full of money.” Brock flings a rock into the flowing the river. “Turns out that wasn’t the first time. Every city or town we visited has had several cases of disappearances. I already let my buddies know the gangs location, they’ll be on them in no time.”

  “I killed a man,” Lyla breathes.

  “You did a good thing,” Brock says, scooting closer to her. “If you hadn’t done that, they would’ve killed us, and wouldn’t have thought twice about it.”

  She looks at the pebbles leading to the river’s edge. Too shaken up to say anything else.

  “I can take you home,” Brock says quietly. “I understand if you want to, this place doesn’t seem very romantic after what just happened.” Brock stands and stretches.

  Lyla is ready to go home. She wants to stay with Brock too, she feels safe with him. Being in his presence just feels natural and right. He understands her without even trying. “No sit back down, I want to stay here with you. After all we went through to get here, we should enjoy it,” she manages a smile.

  Brock sits down and puts his arm around her shoulders and pulls her in closer to him. “I don’t know what it is about you, but I feel connected to you,” he says, feeling a bit exposed.

  “I feel the same way Brock,” Lyla says quietly, watching the water ripple in certain areas. The trees above them rustle in the cool breeze, among the chorus of crickets and the light shows displayed by the lightning bugs.

  Brock holds her tighter. He doesn’t want the night to end. If he could stop the sun from rising, and make this moment last forever, he’d do it in a heartbeat.

  “Where are you going after we’re done here, where’s your next stop?” Lyla looks up to him. Part of her hoping he says he’s staying here, that he isn’t going back out on the road. Part of her, wants to go with him. To let everything go, and just live for awhile.

  “I’m not sure, I just kind of drive, and see where the road takes me,” Brock says, planting a quick kiss on her lips.

  “I want to go for a ride,” she says to him, staring at the now still river, the moonlight reflects off the black water. “I want to go for a ride, far away from here.”

  The End


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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1




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