“Tell me what’s going on.” Her voice was a mere whisper.
“I’m here on a promise.”
He reached out for her hand, but for once she derived no comfort from his touch. Inside she was cold, numb to the pain she knew was going to come.
“A promise? What kind of promise? That I won’t try to see you any more?” Her heart raced. “That I’ll forgo Greek food forever? What?”
“No. This.” Withdrawing his hand from hers he fished into his jacket pocket and removed a small box. After placing it on the table, he rose from his chair and lowered himself onto one knee. “This is the promise that started generations ago in my family and one I want to give to you now.”
“What are you doing?” she asked, and tried to pull him to his feet, but he remained solidly on one knee beside her, his strength surging through the contact of their skin, straight to her heart. “You don’t break up with someone on your knees,” she said, and tugged at him one more time.
“No, you don’t, which is why I’m in this position.” He sighed and his gaze focused intently on her. “For a man to do what I’m about to do, he needs an ability to understand women a little, have a humble spirit, and love in his heart. Until I met you, I didn’t know what those were.” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her trembling knuckles.
Tears formed in her eyes as he spoke. No man had ever humbled himself for her. No man had ever understood her, and certainly no man had ever loved her.
“Having known those gifts that only come together once in a lifetime, I don’t want them, or you, to ever leave my life.” Miklo reached for the box on the table. “This belonged to my great-grandmother.” With hands that visibly trembled, he opened the lid to reveal the most stunning wedding set she had ever seen. “I love you, Jeannine. I would be honored if you would wear it and marry me.”
“No,” she said, and in some part of her numbed mind she heard the patrons around her gasp. Moving from her seat, she knelt on the floor beside him. “I am the one who would be honored to share my life with you.” Tears overflowed her eyes as they embraced in the middle of the dining room.
Applause erupted around them, but Jeannine didn’t care. “I love you, Miklo.” He didn’t respond, but the shaking of his body as he held her tight showed her the depth of his emotion. Pulling back, he slipped the ring onto her finger. She laughed as it flopped over.
“I’ll have it re-sized, and then it will be perfect on you.”
“I love it. It’s beautiful. Thank you.” Emotions she couldn’t name surged through her. Emotions she never thought she’d feel. Emotions she thought that had been long dead inside her now proved how very wrong she had been to allow her dreams to die.
“We’re going to have a beautiful life together,” Miklo said. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and helped her back into her chair.
“I can’t believe you proposed to me!” She took in a few cleansing breaths and pressed her trembling hand to her forehead. “Despite what you said, I really thought you brought me up here to break things off with me.”
“You are the brightest light in my life, and I love you. I’m not dumping you ever.” He cleared his throat and held her hands in his. “When Darlene died, it nearly killed me. Losing the baby almost finished me off. Two months ago I would have said I didn’t need love or another person in my life, but now I know so much better. You helped me more than you’ll ever know.”
“Miklo, you don’t know how badly I want this, how much I want to share my life with you.” She hesitated, clenching her fist around the ring and searching his eyes. “But what about children? I don’t know whether I can get pregnant, let alone carry one to term. After all that’s happened to me, the doctors at the time weren’t very encouraging.”
“First we need to see what Mother Nature will let your body do before we get too concerned. And, secondly, I don’t want to marry you just to have babies. If Mother Nature decides we aren’t to have our own family, then we can adopt. There are plenty of children who need a good home, right?” He tucked her hair behind one ear.
“You’re right,” she whispered as her lip trembled. “I just never wanted to even think about…”
“When the time comes we’ll do more than think about it,” Miklo said, and kissed her.
Jeannine kept her fist clenched to keep the ring on as she threw her arms around Miklo’s shoulders and held him tight. “Let’s get out of here,” she said. Unable to keep her heart from beating madly, she gave in to the happiness that seemed to grow from within her. Miklo was a great part of that, but she’d learned that she could also create her own version of happiness. His presence in her life only made it that much sweeter.
“What did you have in mind?” he asked as they headed for the return tram back down the mountain.
“There’s a bottle of champagne waiting in my refrigerator. I think it’s time we opened it.”
“That’s a fabulous idea,” he said, and pulled her into an embrace she knew she would never tire of.
Two years later
JEANNINE sat at a table at Olympia’s restaurant with her feet up on a chair. The water glass beside her remained untouched as she clapped her hands, watching the dancers move around the room. Her eyes were drawn to one particular dancer with wavy dark hair that grazed the collar of his white shirt.
There were many handsome men in the room, but none as attractive as her husband dancing with his three brothers.
She shifted her position on the chair and patted her stomach. “Soon, little one. You’ll be dancing with your papa.”
At the end of the song, Miklo fell into a chair beside her and drank deeply from the water glass on the table.
“That looked like fun,” she said, and handed him her glass of water, too.
“It’s great that we’re all here,” he said between gasping breaths. “I haven’t danced so much since our wedding.”
“It’s good to see you out there with everyone,” she said, and absently stroked a hand over her abdomen.
Miklo sat forward and gently cupped her large belly with both hands. “Are you feeling okay still? Not too much exertion?”
“I’m good. Just a little achy in the back and the feet, as usual.”
“Do you feel up to dancing with me? They are about to slow things down.”
“Are you sure you want to dance with a whale?” Jeannine asked with a laugh. “What if I step on your foot? You’ll never be the same again.”
“I’ll take my chances.” Miklo assisted Jeannine to her feet and they walked to the dance floor amid waves and friendly kisses on the cheek and wishes of good luck from many family and friends.
“Let’s stay on the edge of the floor in case I need to sit down.”
Miklo led her to a corner of the floor and took her in his arms. As they held each other and swayed to the music, Miklo started to shake. Clutching her shoulders as close to him as possible, he held her tight, his emotions running high.
Jeannine held him as tightly as possible, knowing his fears ran deep. Though he had lost one family, he had never forgotten them. Her pregnancy, though wonderful, brought out past pain for both of them. “Everything will be okay, Miklo. It will be fine. The doctor said I’m progressing as I should, and there are no anticipated complications.”
“I still worry, love,” he said, and kissed her temple.
“You won’t stop worrying until this baby is out of me and sitting on your lap, will you?” she asked, and pulled back to see his face.
Miklo grinned. “How well you know me.” Pulling her closer again, he put one arm around her shoulders and the other on her abdomen. He never tired of feeling his child stirring inside her.
Beneath his hand, the muscles of her abdomen tensed, and she gave a surprised gasp.
“What is it?” he asked, near panic as he saw the tension in her face.
“I think you’re going to be a father sooner than we thought.”
Jeannine took a d
eep breath and closed her eyes as the pain passed. “Well, maybe not. The pain just went away. Maybe the baby is just moving around.”
“That’s a relief. You’re not due for two weeks yet.”
“I know, but babies come when they’re ready, not when the calendar says.” Jeannine gasped as another pain seared through her abdomen. “Miklo?”
“I think we need to leave. I don’t care what the calendar says, I think we’re going to be having a baby today.”
Miklo let out a whoop of happiness. “We’re having a baby today!” he yelled to this family and friends. With a hand around her shoulders he led her to the door. “Stay here, and I’ll bring the car around.”
“Hurry,” she said as she held on to Seferino. Jolanda hovered nearby.
“Don’t worry. This baby is going to be fine.” Seferino kissed Jeannine’s cheek and held her until Miklo returned. “I’m not so sure he should be driving, though.”
“You can tell him that.” Jeannine gasped as another pain sliced through her.
“Christo!” Seferino yelled, and motioned for his son to come forward. “You need to drive them to the hospital. Now.”
“Really?” Christo’s surprised eyes widened. “I get to drive the Jag?”
“Who said you get to drive the Jag?” Miklo asked as he entered the restaurant.
“I do,” Seferino said. “Focus on your wife and baby. Christo will get you there in one piece.” He patted Miklo on the shoulder. “We’ll be there soon.”
“Everyone?” Jeannine asked, her eyes wide.
“Of course, everyone. We will welcome your little one into our family.”
Jeannine bit her lip and tried not to laugh at the idea of this large, robust family fitting into the waiting room at the hospital without causing a riot.
“Let’s go,” Miklo said, and assisted her into the car.
Christo hopped into the driver’s side of the waiting car. “Let’s get this show on the road.”
“What if my waters break in the car?” Jeannine asked.
“Drive fast, Christo,” Miklo said, and placed his hand on Jeannine’s abdomen.
“You got it.”
Ten long hours later, Miklo held his son in his arms. The proud father took the healthy newborn to the nursery window, showed him off to the family and then returned to Jeannine’s side.
“You made a beautiful baby boy, wife,” Miklo said. He sat in the chair beside Jeannine’s bed.
“With you as his father, it was easy,” she said, and reached out to hold the baby.
Miklo watched as his son suckled at Jeannine’s breast. It was a sight that he had anticipated for two years and now he savored the sight. A bitter-sweet ache stirred in his heart at the past that had died and for the baby that had just begun life.
With Jeannine’s love and support, he had learned to love and to live again.
“Are you okay?” she asked, and reached out one hand to him.
“I’m the happiest man on the planet,” he said, and took her hand. “Thanks to you.”
“We did it. Together.”
The Emergency Doctor Claims His Wife
Margaret McDonagh
Annie froze as he moved one hand, his palm cupping her cheek, the caress of his fingers sending a trail of heat across her skin and firing every nerve-ending to zinging awareness.
His thumb under her chin tilted her face up until she could no longer avoid his gaze.
‘How is it possible that you are even more beautiful than ever?’
His husky words sent waves of arousal washing through her, tightening her insides and speeding her pulse. Every part of her was on red alert, his touch, his nearness, his musky male scent all combining to rob her of common sense and strip away her resistance.
Her warning stalled, his name escaping on a whisper of breath rather than sounding like the denial she had intended. And when the pad of his thumb grazed across the swell of her lower lip she couldn’t maintain coherent thought. Instead, her traitorous lips parted in eager anticipation when his own brushed across them. She responded instinctively as his mouth captured hers, demanding, needy, plunging her back into the once familiar abyss of heady excitement and unquenchable desire.
Annie had forgotten how incredible Nathan’s seductive, erotic kisses were. No, that was wrong. She hadn’t forgotten…
Praise for Medical™ Romance author Margaret McDonagh:
‘This is such a beautiful, wonderfully told and poignant story that I truly didn’t want it to end. Margaret McDonagh is an exceptional writer of romantic fiction, and with VIRGIN MIDWIFE, PLAYBOY DOCTOR she will tug at your heartstrings, make you cry, and leave you breathless!’
—The Pink Heart Society Reviews
‘Romance does not get any better than this! Margaret McDonagh is a writer readers can always count on to deliver a story that’s poignant, emotional and spellbinding, and AN ITALIAN AFFAIR is no exception!’
Margaret McDonagh says of herself: ‘I began losing myself in the magical world of books from a very young age, and I always knew that I had to write, pursuing the dream for over twenty years, often with cussed stubbornness in the face of rejection letters! Despite having numerous romance novellas, short stories and serials published, the news that my first “proper book” had been accepted by Harlequin Mills & Boon for their Medical™ Romance line brought indescribable joy! Having a passion for learning makes researching an involving pleasure, and I love developing new characters, getting to know them, setting them challenges to overcome. The hardest part is saying goodbye to them, because they become so real to me. And I always fall in love with my heroes! Writing and reading books, keeping in touch with friends, watching sport and meeting the demands of my four-legged companions keeps me well occupied. I hope you enjoy reading this book as much as I loved writing it.’
margaret. [email protected]
Dear Reader
I was starting to write Nathan and Annie’s story when I was invited to take part in some special projects to celebrate Mills & Boon’s centenary in 2008.
Nathan was left pacing restlessly in my mind, demanding I get down to the business of reuniting him with Annie, his heroine, who has appeared as a secondary character in several of my previous Medicals™. But Annie doesn’t want a reunion with the man she once loved beyond reason—the man she thinks rejected her five years ago.
Now Nathan and Annie must work together as dedicated A&E doctors. Although Annie tries to keep Nathan at bay, she is forced to confront the past and her role in it, discovering that her reality is distorted. As the truth becomes clear, Annie’s plans backfire on her—and then an event threatens to change her life for ever. Is it too late for them, or can Nathan and Annie have a second chance at love?
It is wonderful to be back in my fictional world of Strathlochan again, catching up with old friends and making new ones. I hope you will enjoy Nathan and Annie’s story…and return to visit the folk in Strathlochan again very soon.
To Christina Jones and Maggie Kingsley —my deadline buddies— thank you for all the support and encouragement
And to Dr Nick Edwards—thanks for your help and for your wonderful book, In Stitches, which is funny, moving and thought-provoking
‘HAVE you seen him yet, Annie?’
Dr Annie Webster glanced round in response to the question and stifled a groan at the hungry anticipation on Olivia Barr’s heavily made-up face. The trauma nurse— famous for her short attention span and her even shorter skirts—was staring out of the ground floor staffroom window which overlooked the car park outside the casualty department at Strathlochan Hospital. Accustomed to her ways, the handful of other staff present paid Olivia no mind.
‘Seen who?’ Annie queried, feigning interest
as she poured herself a fortifying cup of coffee which she just had time to savour before her shift in A and E began.
‘The new doctor. He started yesterday. But you were off then, weren’t you?’ Thickly kohled brown eyes glittered as Olivia assessed her for a moment before dismissing her. She teased artfully placed strands of short, bleached blonde hair across her forehead and resumed her watch from the window. ‘Here comes his car now. Oh, yes! Talk about sexy. Wait until you see the body on this man!’
Annie expected the woman to start drooling any moment. As one of the other nurses nearby rolled her eyes behind Olivia’s back, Annie stifled a laugh. Olivia’s reputation as a man eater was well earned, and she went after anyone who took her fancy with frightening zest. Olivia might have her moments as a good trauma nurse, but Annie disapproved of her obvious, often embarrassing crushes on male visitors and colleagues. Fortunately for all concerned these never lasted long—her interest rarely being reciprocated—before she moved on to the next man to catch her eye. Unfortunately these distractions often affected her concentration and, worst of all, her patient care—something Annie could not ignore or forgive.
‘I’ve found out he’s not married but I know precious little else about him…yet.’ Olivia’s scarlet-painted mouth set in an unattractive sulky moue of displeasure. ‘So far he’s been difficult to pin down and has refused to answer my questions.’
Annie didn’t blame the guy. Clearly this new doctor had his wits about him if he had summed Olivia up on day one and managed to maintain his distance. The woman was nothing if not persistent in pursuit of what she wanted.
Six Sexy Doctors Part 1 (Mills & Boon e-Book Collections): A Doctor, A Nurse: A Little Miracle / The Children's Doctor and the Single Mum / A Wife for ... / The Playboy Doctor's Surprise Proposal Page 58