Desire at Dawn

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Desire at Dawn Page 22

by Fiona Zedde

  Kylie licked her lips, her hand sliding from the spigot and falling uselessly against her thigh. But Olivia seemed completely oblivious to her reaction. The steam from the hot water misted up around them, swirling around their bodies, winding in Kylie’s hair, sliding into her nose.

  “What will they think of next?” Olivia murmured with a pleased smile as she touched a shower head. Then she turned to look over her shoulder at Kylie. “We’re not going anywhere.”

  The snap of command in her voice made Kylie look up. Then freeze.

  “Come here.”

  Kylie shook her head. “What—”

  “Come. Here.”

  Olivia wore the barest smile on her face. No teeth. Simply the faint stretch of her pinkened lips. She kept her gaze level, waiting.

  Kylie felt a funny feeling in her belly. Butterflies. Hordes of them. Why was she nervous? It was just Olivia. But before she could process what her body was doing, what she wanted, she was crossing the few feet of space between them, walking slowly toward Olivia while a slow drumming awoke deep inside her. Her body cut through the steam billowing around them.

  “So obedient.” Olivia’s smile widened. She stood with her hands on her hips, watching Kylie’s slow approach. “Have you ever touched yourself in here?”

  “Of course. I’ve showered here and touched myself all over.” Then Kylie caught Olivia’s meaning. Her lashes fluttered down, and she felt at sea, wondering why Olivia found it so easy to act as if everything was fine between them. She acted as if Kylie’s anger didn’t exist. She shook her head. “No. Never.”

  Olivia looked around with that same smile. “So much bounty, so little use.” She touched Kylie’s face. “Why do you want to leave the house so badly?”

  “Because I’m free to do what I want,” she said gruffly. “Why are you in such a rush to trot to whatever beat Silvija plays?”

  “Because she’s the leader of this family for a reason. Do you think she’d give an order if it wasn’t necessary?”

  “To me, yes.”

  “Why?” Olivia tilted her head to look up at Kylie.

  “To punish me for being rude to my mother.”

  “And are you rude to your mother?”

  “Sometimes. But not anymore.” Belle didn’t deserve her anger any more than Rufus or Violet did.

  “Thank you for being honest.” She teased the edges of Kylie’s hair with her fingers, traced the whirl of her ear, and touched the line of her neck down to her shoulder. “Why were you being rude to your mother?”

  “You know why.”

  “Yes, but do you?”

  Kylie trembled, barely able to keep track of her thoughts as Olivia’s fingers lightly touched her skin, bringing up heat and pinpricks of awareness, the drumming between her legs growing stronger. Steam wove around the bathroom, adding to the hypnotic effect of the water splashing against the tiles.

  “That’s okay,” Olivia whispered. “We can talk about that another time.” She floated a finger over Kylie’s nipple. “I have more important things on my mind now.”

  Kylie longed to shove her away and tell her to stop telling her what to do, but the hands were light enough on her flesh that she wanted more. She wanted to see where all this touching was going to end. She bit the inside of her lip, aware of how wet she was, how hard her nipples were. As if she shared the same awareness, Olivia cupped her breast, finally, a firm touch, then stroked it.

  Kylie gasped and squirmed where she stood, arousal dripping down her thigh, her nipples so hard that they hurt. Steam slid into her nose and open mouth.

  “Touch yourself,” Olivia said, her voice almost hoarse. She took her hand away from Kylie.

  “What?” She was disoriented at the loss of sensation, blinking into the mist around them. She needed Olivia to touch her.

  “Put your hand on your pussy. Like that first time in my bed.”

  Kylie did as she was told, gritting her teeth when she encountered her own cool wetness that thickly coated her fingers.

  “Good.” Olivia watched her with heavy-lidded eyes. “Good. Now lick your fingers.”

  Kylie hesitated. But at a look from Olivia, she put the wet fingers in her mouth. Salty and cool. Definitely not as good as what she’d already had from between Olivia’s thighs, but the act was surprisingly erotic. She slid her fingers in her mouth, sucking off the juices. Her eyes met Olivia’s and kept them as she slid her tongue around each finger, licking up the evidence of her arousal while her body continued to produce more.

  “Oh, you’re so good at that.” The words were a low moan deep inside Olivia’s chest.

  They made Kylie tremble and want to be even better. Olivia moved closer. Kylie felt her own eyelids get heavy as Olivia’s intoxicating scent crowded in on her. She took her hand from her mouth, anticipating Olivia’s kiss, but Olivia’s head dipped low. Her cool breath brushed Kylie’s nipple an instant before her tongue lashed out and licked. Once, twice.


  A sigh leaked from Kylie’s mouth and she stumbled on her feet. Olivia raised her head, grabbed Kylie’s waist, and shoved her back against the shower wall. The steam heated tiles pressed into her back. The cool mouth covered her breast, and her eyes fell shut. Her hand fumbled to the back of Olivia’s head.

  Oh. God.

  Until she’d been with Olivia for the first time, she didn’t realize how sensitive her nipples were. These things that she had carried around with her for all her life became a source of such heady pleasure. She’d never tried to do it to herself, only waited patiently for the touch of Olivia’s mouth or her hands that could take Kylie straight to the stars.

  Olivia did it to her again. Covering her nipple with her mouth while her tongue circled and licked and nudged and fluttered and laved the hard nub, leaving Kylie moaning as she collapsed against the wall, her world narrowed down to the mouth on her, her body’s reaction, the waves of bliss riding through her body. The steam in the bathroom was blinding.

  “Open your legs.”

  Kylie immediately dropped her thighs open, panting in excitement, anticipating the press of Olivia’s expert hands, her fingers manipulating her clit in a way that guaranteed that she would lose the power of speech for many, many minutes. But it wasn’t Olivia’s hand she felt.

  Her eyes flew open and her scream of shock, of pleasure, pierced the cavernous room. Water. It was water. Olivia had a shower head in her hand, the water twirling in a powerful spray directly onto Kylie’s clit. Sensation exploded into her pussy, a strong rhythm that made her gasp, then bite her lip against the tiny squeaks and screams that overwhelmed her. The water pounded at her as Olivia’s mouth sucked and licked her nipple, first one, then the other, sucking and biting and soothing while the shower head drilled her hips into the tiles. Sensation twisted into her, building quickly, steadily. The orgasm came at her in a rush, quicker than any she’d ever had, the cum exploding from her hips like a bullet. The water continued to pound her flesh. Olivia’s hand moved, and the water pressure changed, became lighter then built in strength, the rhythm variable and pulsing.

  “Oh my G—!” Kylie screamed. “What are you—?” But she couldn’t continue. She could only writhe against the slippery tiles while the water banged her into submission.

  Olivia hummed against Kylie’s breast, a fang sinking into the nipple with intent, and Kylie exploded again, the cum so intense that her belly cramped, she literally saw red as her head banged against the tile. She was vaguely aware of a cracking noise, the shower of broken tiles on her shoulders.

  “That’s it, baby.” Olivia growled. “Come for me.”

  Then the shower head was gone, dropped to the floor, its hot water splashing on Kylie’s feet. Olivia slid expert fingers inside her and lifted her head, her eyes piercing Kylie as her fingers fucked her deeply. Deep grunts leapt from her throat as her fingers rammed into Kylie.

  “You feel so good, so tight.” Olivia groaned deep in her throat, the words barely decipherable. �
��I could fuck you like this forever.”

  Each word punctuated by a deep and hard thrust, fingers bruising Kylie’s pelvic cradle with each fuck, but Kylie didn’t care. The heat between their bodies was amazing, the steam from the water and the shower rising around them, sliding into her mouth, her nose, her eyes. It was like they were fucking on another world. A world where life could be ending or beginning or non-existent, but where the only thing that mattered was the thrust and flex of Olivia’s fingers inside her, the press of her heated flesh against hers, her mouth on Kylie’s neck, clamping down but not biting. Holding her still for the slick and deep penetration into her depths.

  The cum slammed into her with the force of a hundred fists. The scream she didn’t even try to stop rolled out of her mouth in a piercing cry, amplified by the acoustics in the bathroom, thrown back into her ears until she felt like her entire body was a long, continuous scream, a piercing vibration of sound and destruction and power.

  Wave after wave of sensation slammed into her body. Her pussy clutched tight. Olivia’s hand retreated, and a rush of liquid spilled from her body, a geyser rivaling what was coming from the shower head abandoned on the floor. She slumped to the ground. Weakened. Depleted. Olivia stood over her with a pleased smile. She turned off the water and resituated the shower head on its hook.

  “It’s not time for you to rest yet,” she said. “The night is young and I have plenty of energy to burn.”

  Olivia fucked her until she didn’t want to leave the house anymore. Didn’t even know why she had wanted to leave in the first place when there was a bed and a wall and a floor to fuck on.

  As much as they had made love before Olivia was turned, this was the most intense, the hardest they’d ever taken each other, and Kylie loved it. Loved it and hated that she loved it. But she didn’t allow those thoughts to plague her for very long. Or at least Olivia didn’t. She fed Kylie orgasm after orgasm until she forgot that she had ever been hungry for sensation, forgot that Olivia had betrayed her. She forgot her own name.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Kylie slept the sleep of the happily dead. In the dreams that moved under her eyelids, scent and flesh combined. She was naked, in the woods, and running. Her bare feet pounded across the dirt while laughter floated behind her. Kylie laughed too. Hands clutched at her from behind and latched around her waist, pulling her against a firm and intoxicatingly scented body.


  Teeth nipped at her ear. More laughter, and the two of them were tumbling down into the dirt and leaves. Cool flesh warming, a mouth nuzzling hers. She sighed.

  And woke.

  The sigh followed her up from sleep. She turned over to see Olivia already awake and watching her. Olivia was heartbreakingly beautiful and whole, her eyes like searchlights. Kylie blinked away the last of her drowsiness, reluctantly leaving the remnants of the dream behind. Her skin still tingled from the dream kisses, she still felt a branch digging into her bare thigh, the hand slipping over her breast.

  “What?” she croaked.

  Her body felt pleasantly worn out from the full night of marathon sex with Olivia. Still aching in places, deliciously raw. Replete. Kylie stretched, blinked again, and sighed. Olivia obviously wasn’t at the same place she was.

  Olivia sat upright in the bed, legs crossed, hands clasped in her lap, forehead wrinkled with some worry.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I can hear everything,” Olivia said. She didn’t seem pleased. “The sounds on the street. I can hear the man in the shop downstairs ask about getting change. In this house, I can hear people, your people, talking and fucking. I hear them and their noises and the words they’re saying. I hear the breeze outside this window.” Her eyes bored into Kylie. “The only thing I can’t hear is myself.” She pressed a hand to her chest. “Everything inside me is so quiet.” She thumped her chest, once, twice. “Nothing moves. Nothing makes noise. Last night distracted me from it, but now it’s all I notice.”

  Kylie sat up in the pillows, pulling two under her head and another under her back. Her mind floated briefly over the “distraction” of their full night and day together. Her clit stirred, but she forced her attention back to the matter at hand. “It’s called being dead,” she said.

  Olivia flinched but didn’t look away from her lover of the mercurial moods; fierce and seductive one moment, an uncertain innocent the next. Kylie shoved her thick mass of coils and curls out of her face.

  “You can’t go back from this,” she said. “There’s no taking back the change.”

  “I would never take it back.” Olivia twined her fingers together in her lap. “This is better than the alternative.” Her eyes clouded. “I wouldn’t change it,” she said in a stronger voice.

  No. She wouldn’t change how she had tricked Kylie into falling for her and falling into her bed. She wouldn’t change how Kylie had suffered at the hands of her family.

  “That’s good to know,” Kylie said softly. “I bet you’d be just as happy if the Bertrams blew up this house and burned my entire family to ashes. Is the prospect of that the only part of this ‘relationship’ with me that really got your panties wet?” Her eyebrow arched up.

  Olivia’s eyes narrowed. “That’s not fair, Kylie.”

  “We’re not talking about fair,” she said. “We just need to deal with reality. You’re one of us now. A bloodsucker.” She growled. “Your people hate us. You played me like an idiot to get what you wanted. You’re only here because you’re afraid of dying. Nothing else.”

  “Kylie….” Olivia sat up even straighter in the bed. “I never meant to hurt you when I started this.”

  “But here I am.” She pulled the sheet up to cover her bare breasts and crossed her arms over her chest. The burn marks from her electrocution had healed, but she would never forget the sensation of being fried by unending streams of current. The brightest and hardest pain she’d ever experienced. Ever. “The important thing is that you got what you needed out of this, right?”

  “No! That’s not fucking—!”

  “Lover’s quarrel already?” Julia stood in the doorway of the bedroom, looking deadly and gorgeous in tight white leather. Kylie could see a hint of something else underneath it, something black and skintight. A softer material.

  “What do you want?” Kylie snapped.

  “Such rudeness!” Julia laughed. “Anyway, the family is having an outing tonight. Silvija says you two should come.” She laughed again, obviously tickled about something.

  “What happened to me and Olivia staying put and not being allowed to leave?”

  “Tonight is a new night.” Julia bared her teeth. “It might be the night Olivia’s humans come for us.”

  She spared them another laughing glance before stepping back outside the threshold of the bedroom. She left the door open.

  “My family?” Olivia narrowed her gaze at the empty doorway. “They’re coming for me?”

  Kylie sucked her teeth. “Don’t listen to Julia. She doesn’t even know half of what she’s talking about.” The humans would come for them, but there was no certainty that it was tonight.

  Kylie got up from the bed, self-conscious about her nakedness. Olivia quickly turned her head, a darting, birdlike movement, to watch her walk toward the bathroom. She felt Olivia’s eyes on her ass.

  “I’m going to take a shower,” she said.

  Olivia left the bed. “I’ll keep you company.”

  Hot water on, Kylie climbed under the spray a moment before Olivia joined her in the bathroom.

  “I just want to shower with you,” Olivia said. “We can get back to our fight later.”

  A pulse of desire leapt to life inside Kylie. Why wasn’t she able to hold on to her anger where Olivia was concerned? The betrayal burned, but each time Olivia touched her, it was as if she gave an antidote with each kiss, each touch, and each orgasm that flayed Kylie from the inside out. She savagely shoved the betrayal forward in her consciousness, trying
to make it generate awful thoughts, revulsion. But at the sight of Olivia stepping across the damp blue tiles, magnificently naked, all Kylie wanted was to fuck.

  But she needed to put some distance between them. “You could have waited for your turn. We don’t have to pay for the water.”

  “It’s not the water I’m thinking about,” Olivia said.

  She slowly walked the length of the bathroom toward Kylie, tracing a finger along the tiled walls. Steam twined around her long legs. A wicked smile played on her lips.

  The water sprayed over Kylie from the dual shower heads, a steady and firm pressure of hot water that washed over her face and hair, her chest. From only a few feet away, Olivia looked at her, eyes nearly black in the blue tiled bathroom. Her skin glowed under the soft lighting, her eyes were luminous, her mouth full and hungry. Her lips parted slightly, but her teeth weren’t showing, just the flicking wet motion of her tongue.

  “We have to leave for this outing soon, right?” Olivia glanced briefly around the bathroom before she looked back at Kylie.

  She nodded.

  Olivia moved closer, obliterating the space between them, and kissed her on the mouth. She put her hands around Kylie’s waist. “I want to kiss you,” she murmured against Kylie’s mouth.

  “Don’t.” Kylie backed away. “You can’t fuck me and pretend like everything is fine between us.”

  But that was exactly what Olivia seemed intent on doing.

  Abruptly, Olivia gripped her waist. “Open your legs and put them on my shoulders,” she commanded in the same instant that she was making it happen, effortlessly lifting Kylie up mid-gasp and bracing her back against the heated tiles that were wet from steam. Against her will, Kylie’s thighs fell open around her face.

  The shower jets splashed over her flailing legs an instant before Olivia’s mouth claimed her pussy. Kylie bit her bottom lip and fluttered her eyes closed as sensation took her over. Olivia’s tongue on her clit, firmly licking her, effortlessly calling up wetness. Heat.


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