Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)

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Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2) Page 9

by Thorn, Ava

  “What? Me? Jealous? Of course not. I’m never jealous, not once have I been bitten by the jealousy bug,” Shane said as he tried not to appear flustered.

  Jasmine chuckled and smiled to herself. She went over to him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. “Whatever helps you sleep at night,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I’ll have you know that I sleep very good,” he replied, looking into those soft brown eyes.

  Taking a step back, she kept her eyes glued to his. “I’m about to lotion my body, you can leave,” she said.

  Shane knew exactly what Jasmine was trying to do and he had to applaud her. She had him exactly where she wanted him. It’s like he was eating out of her hands.

  Jasmine shrugged her shoulders and allowed the bathrobe to fall to the floor. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to Margie and Shay?”

  He nodded his head but couldn’t move from his spot. Shane was aroused by just looking at the sultry woman standing in front of him. Jasmine’s body was breathtaking and he dared himself not to step any closer to her in fear of losing the last bit of restraint he had. “I’m going to…check on Shay.” He turned around quickly and was almost out the door before Jasmine said something that made his blood boil.

  “I do hope you sleep well,” she laughed as he exited the bedroom and closed the door.

  Chapter Five

  Jasmine held Shay as she walked around the living room trying to do a million things at once. They only had three days before the party to celebrate Shay’s birth and they weren’t totally prepared. She arranged for a photographer to come take pictures of Shay, so she could give them to family and friends at the party. Running on low fuel, Jasmine tried to mentally think of all the things she needed to accomplish, Farrah, the chef that Shane bragged so much about was due on the ranch any minute. There were still flowers and arrangements that she had to pick out. She’d told Shane that she didn’t need or want a party planner, but it seemed like she needed help.

  Her ringing cell phone took her mind and attention off party planning.

  “Hello?” she answered,

  “Hi MILF,” a deep baritone voice said with amusement.


  “How is my number one girlfriend?”

  “I should be your only girlfriend,” Jasmine laughed. One thing she loved about Max was his upbeat personality. “Overall I’m okay, just chilling with my baby.”

  “How is that?”

  Jasmine was a little taken back, how Max could refer Shay as “that” like her daughter was some type of project. “Shay is wonderful! Shane was saying how every day it seemed like she getting bigger.”


  “Yeah…about that living arrangement. It seems strange how you left Denver to stay with a one night stand,” he said bitterly.

  “We talked about that a few days ago, and you were okay with it,” Jasmine said. She had to put Shay down in her baby swing and sit down on the sofa. This conversation was headed in a direction that she didn’t want it to go.

  “No!” he snapped. “We didn’t talk about anything; you told me what you were going to do. It was like you didn’t ask me for my opinion.”

  “I made the decision based upon Shane and Shay’s needs, nothing more.” Her voice became high-pitched as she tried to defend her reason for going back to Texas with Shane.

  “Jasmine, do you think I want to hear all the excuses you can come up with regarding why you decided to go back with him? Normal co-parenting doesn’t mean you co-habit together in the same household.”

  Yesterday afternoon’s lovemaking clouded her mind. Damn how could she be talking to Max and thinking about Shane. Max was supposed to the man that she wanted to build a relationship with, maybe her mind was telling her that she needed to deal with the feelings she had for Shane.

  “Do you hear me?” Max shouted into the phone, causing her to pull the phone from her ear.

  “I’m sorry. What were you trying to say?”

  “What’s going on down there?”

  “I slept with Shane,” Jasmine blurted.


  Saying sorry wasn’t even on the tip of Jasmine's tongue. How could she apologize for something that was so sensational? “I…think we need to just be friends because…I’m not sure which direction I’m headed in.”

  “Slut!” he shouted.

  Jasmine looked at the phone and saw that he’d hung up. Sitting on the sofa, she wallowed in her thoughts while looking at window. Rain fell from the sky in sheets, as she listened to the water pounding on the roof. This day only reminded her that there was another storm approaching, but it was in the form of the St. Clair family.

  So engrossed with her thoughts, she didn’t hear Shane walking through the front door followed by two other people. Jasmine knew Austin McBride, he was still handsome with his dirty blond hair and lean built body. Her eyes traveled to the pretty black lady with curly kinky hair holding Austin’s hand, she presumed the woman to be Farrah Rue, Jazz had to admit Austin did well for himself.

  “Jasmine St. Clair you already know my cousin, Austin McBride. The gorgeous woman standing next to him is the future Mrs. Austin McBride.”

  Jasmine noticed how Shane admired the two people. “It’s lovely to meet you guys,” she said, standing up and shaking both of their hands.

  “I feel like I known you for years, Shane rambled about you the whole way here,” Farrah laughed.

  “Did he?” Jasmine smiled, looking over at Shane, who was in the kitchen washing his hands.

  “Yes, he did. I can swear he has a crush on you,” Austin teased.

  “McBride,” Shane warned. “Let me introduce you guys our little lady,” he said, trying to change the subject.

  “Oh my, she is adorable,” Farrah gushed, watching Shane cradling the baby in his arms. “You look so good with her.”

  “Shay is the cause for all my sleepless night, but it’s all worth it.” Shane looked up at his cousin and Farrah. “Don’t worry in a few months you guys will soon know what I’m talking about.”

  “I can’t wait,” Austin said, rubbing his hands together.

  “Said the guy who can sleep through the dog barking.” Farrah nudged Austin’s arm in a jokingly.

  “Well honeybun, I will tackle those late night feedings so you can get your beauty rest.” Austin eyes twinkled when he spoke to his fiancée.

  Jasmine understood what Shane meant when he said the love between Farrah and Austin was magnificent. There was something warm and comforting about Farrah, she could see why Austin loved Farrah. She oozed love and sweetness from every pore.

  “May I wash my hands because I have to hold the baby?” Farrah was taking off her black coat that reveled a small, but noticeable bump.

  “Sure, you guys might need some practice,” Jasmine replied. She noticed the way Shane kept looking at her with watchful eyes.

  “Are you okay, Jazz?” he asked.

  Jasmine nodded her head. There was a lingering air of awkwardness between Shane and her. They had sex and she refused to talk about it. Come on Jazz you always wanted Shane McBride, yep you were totally infatuated with this man and now you are running away from something that might be good to the both of you guys, she thought.

  “Did Shane tell you how he found out that you were pregnant?” Farrah said cheerfully as she held Shay.

  “No, he never told me,” Jasmine looked over at Shane, who was talking to Austin in the kitchen.

  “We went to Aruba after the backlash from my relationship with Austin. Well, there was this old lady named Pala. I thought she was intuitive, but Shane said the woman was a complete fruitcake.” Farrah paused to adjust the baby in her arms. “Anyways, she knew that I was pregnant and told him that he was expecting a child.”

  “Wow,” she said in amusement. “That’s crazy.”

  “It was,” Farrah laughed. “Shane called the woman a crazy bat the whole way back to the villa.”

  “Apparently she wasn’t as crazy
as it seemed.” Jasmine looked up her eyes met with Shane.

  “You have that look,” Farrah whispered.

  “What look?” she asked, with confusion etched across her face.

  “Love,” Farrah said with ease.

  “We’re just friends.”

  Immediately, she was becoming uncomfortable and was unable to meet Farrah’s eyes. Of course, friends didn’t just have sex nor do they make a baby together. Shane would always see her as his partner’s baby sister.

  A smirk formed on Farrah’s lips. “I think you’re easily mistaken, since I have arrived here I noticed that Shane cannot take his eyes off you. Is it hard to sit there and crush on him from afar?”

  A minute of silence passed through them before Jasmine spoke. “Can we save this conversation for later?”

  “Of course!” Farrah said excitedly. “We’re here for a month while we plan our wedding here. OMG, maybe we can babysit, something tells me that Austin McBride needs an adventure in babysitting.”

  Both women looked up to see Austin making a face when he smelled the bottle of breast milk.

  “Ugh, how can she drink it?” Austin shuddered, as he placed the bottle on the counter.

  “I tasted it,” Shane shrugged. “Tastes good.”

  “Really, how?” Austin asked with a sly look on his face.

  “The bottle,” Jasmine and Shane said in unison, looking at one another.

  Shane started to blush and Jasmine picked up her glass of orange juice and took a gulp. The room was starting to feel hot and the walls were starting to close in on them. With Austin and Farrah looking at Shane and her, Jasmine felt like they knew about their afternoon hump in the hay.

  “So, which nipple did you suck from?” Austin asked, trying to keep a straight face.

  Shane’s face became beet red and Jasmine started coughing on her juice. Getting up, she walked to the kitchen where Shane gave her a napkin.

  “Austin,” Farrah huffed.

  “What?” he asked. Smiling sheepishly and taking a seat next to her on the burnt-orange sofa.

  “Austin,” Farrah said again.

  Jasmine wanted the floor to open up and swallow her up. “I’ll get some refreshments.”

  “Let’s talk party,” Shane said as he attempted to change the topic.

  “I agree.” Her mouth felt suddenly dry and her voice was small.

  The baby started to wail and Farrah quickly passed the baby to Shane. “I think she is hungry and I’m not equipped for that job.”

  “Shane knows where the food at,” Austin teased.

  Jasmine chuckled uneasily as she sat a tray of iced tea on the table. “We’re planning an after baby shower.”

  “I’ve never hear of hosting a shower after the baby is born.” Farrah took a drink of her iced tea.

  “Our family hasn’t met Shay yet, so this is a party to celebrate our daughter,” Shane said as he took a seat next to Jasmine.

  “I can plan the whole party, let’s call this my gift to you guys,” Farrah said happily. “Since we have a southern belle on our hands we should do that type with a hint of yellow and white, unless you have some colors you want to try.

  “I like the southern belle theme,” Shane and Jasmine said the same time.

  “We can add that southern charm and flare to the party with soft feminine colors. Do you have a venue in mind?”

  “Stone River,” Shane said. “The venue is already paid. You, my dear, have unlimited access to the kitchen, you’re the chef for the evening but I also hired ten servers and left money in the budget to hire another chef to help you out.”

  Austin’s hand shot up in the air like a missile.

  “You’re not in school,” Jasmine laughed. “You don’t have to raise your hand.”

  “He’s being a smart ass,” Farrah said, looking up from her iPad at Austin. “Yes, baby?”

  “Must I remind you that you’re four-months pregnant and talking about preparing food for sixty guests?”

  “Yes, but I’m still in contact with half of my staff here. I could hire them to help prep.” Farrah dismissed Austin’s concerns with a wave of a hand as she continued to talk to Shane about the dishes.

  “You could always help her,” Jasmine offered her suggestion.

  Farrah stopped talking with Shane and looked at Jasmine and quickly shook her head. “No, no, no!”

  “Well, sugar that’s the best idea I’ve heard today,” Austin said as he grinned ear from ear like a loon. “I would love to assist my dumpling in the kitchen.

  “That’s the worst idea I ever heard,” Farrah exclaimed. “No offense,” she said, looking at Jasmine.

  “No offense taken,” Jasmine chuckled.

  “He’s not cooking right?” Shane asked Farrah with a serious look on his face.

  “No, we all saw what Austin can do with a grilled cheese sandwich and it’s not pretty,” Farrah said in a low voice. “I can’t even look at a grilled cheese sandwich.”

  “Okay guys, let’s get back to planning the dishes,” Jasmine said, looking at her watch. “I have a photographer coming to take pictures.”

  “I forgot about that,” Shane said.

  “Well, that’s about it,” Farrah said standing up. “We should be leaving so I can plan the menu.”

  “And take a nap,” Austin added.

  “It’s nice meeting you Jasmine; I’ll come back tomorrow to go over the menu.” Farrah surprised Jasmine with a hug as she walked to the door.

  “We’ll be in touch McBride, maybe we can go to the lake when you’re not busy protecting the good citizens of Dallas,” Austin said as he gave Shane a brotherly hug.

  “10-4,” Shane laughed.

  “Jasmine, it’s nice seeing you again,” Austin said as he gave her a hug. “You did a wonderful job adding to the McBride family tree.”

  “I did some work,” Shane puffed out his chest.

  “Yeah…But Shay is so beautiful,” Austin chuckled as he walked out the door holding Farrah’s hand.


  The tension was high and uncertainty was running rampant. Jasmine could sense that Shane wanted and talk and probably suspected something was going with her. Picking up the tray of empty drink glasses, she went to the kitchen and busied herself with washing dishes.

  “What’s the matter?” Shane asked, following her into the open kitchen.


  “You’re lying.”

  Jazz rolled her neck from side to side eliciting a pop. “I’m fine.”

  Shane took an apple from the fruit bowl and sat on top of the granite counter top. “I know all your nervous habits, including the popping of your bones. Has anyone ever told you that causes arthritis?”

  “My mother,” she mumbled. Turning around she pointed her finger covering in soap-suds. “I need to relieve the tension.”

  “What happen before I came home?”

  “I will be fine, I don’t need you worrying about me.” Jasmine tried to storm pass Shane but he reached out and grabbed her hand.

  “Why shouldn’t I worry about the woman who had my child?” he asked, pulling her against him roughly.

  “Because you shouldn’t care about the woman who your wife hated,” she said, looking in his bright green eyes.

  “What?” Letting go of her arm he stepped back. “What did you say?”

  “Sarah hated me,” Jasmine said without hesitation.

  “No, Sarah never hated you.” The apple in his mouth tasted sour, he chewed and swallow.

  “My bad, I forgot she was this saint who could do no wrong,” she said, raising her voice an octave. Jasmine couldn’t stand his hard glare, turning around she turned around and looked at the wall. “Sarah made my life a living hell since the day I graduated from high school.”

  “You’re delusional. My wife wouldn’t harm you,” Shane said as he tossed the half-eaten apple in the trash.

  “I’m not going to argue with you.” Jasmine clenched her small hand into a fi
st, her fingers bit into her hand so hard there would be an imprint when she was done. “I will admit that I’m not the greatest person in the world, but I wouldn’t lie.”

  “Yeah right,” he scoffed. “I don’t want to hear it.”

  Turning around quickly, she pointed her slender manicured index finger at him. “Sarah was a sick woman, she thought we were having an affair.”

  “I know my wife,” he shouted, causing Jasmine to flinch.

  Jasmine opened her mouth to only close it when she realized her next words would cut Shane like a knife. Instead, she backed down and reminded herself to breathe. “You’re right,” she said softly, walking away, she went to Shay in the baby swing, picking the baby up she went to the bedroom, leaving an angry Shane in her wake.

  Your wife hated me? Jazz’s voice echoed in his head. Sitting on the sofa, and closing his eyes, he drifted back to the many arguments that plagued his relationship with Sarah. Every night Shane had to hear Sarah screaming and complaining about Jasmine St. Clair, who was miles away at college in Houston. Shane had to ask himself if Jasmine was the cause of their problem.

  “Shane whose panties are these?” Sarah yelled holding up a pair of black panties. “I can’t fit these, they’re too big.”

  Shane looked up from his fishing guide magazine, the look on Sarah’s face was devastating. “I don’t know who panties those are.”

  “Are you trying to call me stupid?” Sarah raised her voice and threw the undergarments at him. “Never once in my life have I ever cheated on you.”

  Tossing the magazine on the table. “I never ever cheated on you, and I can’t believe that’s what you're trying to insinuate” Shane stood up and walked to the kitchen to get a beer to calm his nerves. He had peace and quiet for three days while Sarah went to Waco, Texas to visit her mother.


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