Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)

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Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2) Page 11

by Thorn, Ava

“Who said I was?” he said, licking his lips.

  Jasmine swallowed the orange crush soda as she turned her attention to the orange flames.

  Getting their filling on hotdogs and chips, Jasmine laid her head against Shane’s shoulder as she watched the flickering of the flames.

  “You ever had a smore?” he asked, looking down at her head.

  “Yeah,” she said. “We made some in a microwave.”

  “That doesn’t count.” He fetched the bag of large marshmallows and skewers sitting next to him. Like a pro, he pushed the marshmallow onto each stick and handed one to Jasmine. Lifting her head off his shoulder, she scooted closer to the fireplace and thrust it into the fireplace.

  “It’s done.” Shane took the skewer from her and slid the hot melting marshmallow on a graham cracker with a Hersey chocolate and topped it with another graham cracker. He held the s’more in front of her mouth. “Take a bite.”

  Jasmine took a monstrous bite. “Umm… Hot.” She winced and swallowed the delicious snack, leaving a trail of chocolate and marshmallow on her chin.

  “Jazz,” he laughed and pointed to her chin. She was adorable.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You have a little…never mind let me.” He smiled mischievously, leaning over, he kissed her chin. He nibbled and licked the sticky marshmallow off her chin until it was completely gone. He trailed kisses back to her lips where he sucked on her sweet lips. Jasmine gasped and pulled away from him. His lips were swollen as he looked into her dark brown eyes that shined brightly; he had to remind himself to breathe when looking at her. She had the ability to steal his breath from him.

  They sat there staring at each other, the pitter patter of rain on the roof and the frequent sound of the thunder was the only sound that emitted from the room. He was too old for his heart to be skipping a beat.

  Jasmine kissed him quickly and sat back down in her spot. Nothing was said between them. She had to wonder if it would be bad to ask him to hold her.


  “Our princess is up,” Shane said, standing up and running over to the bassinet to pick up Shay. “I’ll change her, then you can feed her.”

  “Okay.” Jasmine sat there from her spot on the pallet and watched Shane contently as he rocked Shay back and forth calming her before he laid her on the changing table.

  They sat there and smiled, listening to their daughter coo and suck on Jasmine’s breast. When Shay got her fill, she let go. Shane took Shay from Jazz and rocked the baby back to sleep as Jasmine went to the bathroom. When she came back to the living room, she heard Shane singing a country tune that she didn’t recognize.

  “You ever thought you would have been a father?” Jazz asked when the song stopped.

  “No, I never thought I had too much to give,” Shane said.

  “Why would you think that?” she asked. Jasmine could never picture Shane as being insecure.

  “I wanted to spare my child disappointment of having—” His voice trailed off.

  “Having what?”

  “Nothing, just forget I said it,” he said in a voice that was final.

  Some days Jasmine didn’t know if she was coming or going with Shane, one day they would make progress in their relationship only to have minor setbacks. How much could one person take? She asked herself. Taking Shay from Shane, she walked over and placed the baby in the bassinet as Shane used the poker and started to spread out the logs and embers. Jasmine laid back on the pillow and watched as the fire and embers began to smolder.

  Pulling back the covers on the pallet, she slipped into the cold, empty makeshift bed. It reminded her how empty she felt. She couldn’t describe the emotions she felt for Shane anymore. Was that a bad sign? Jasmine clenched her teeth together as she laid in bed, not able to sleep, the only light was from the lantern on the kitchen table. The house was silent except from Shane’s lightly breathing from behind her.

  Turning around trying to get comfortable, her eyes connected with a pair of green eyes. He continue to stare at her, sighing and hitting the pillow Jasmine rolled onto her back and stared up at the ceiling.

  “I think you’re confused.”

  “You don’t know anything about me,” he said softly.

  “I can’t put my heart out there only to have you change your mind… I feel like we’re going around circles… we could beat the odds and be together if you are willing to try.” She rolled completely on her side and looked at him.

  “Go to sleep.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead.” Shane hovered over her. “I’m lucky to have you in my life.”

  “When did you realize that?” she asked.

  “Go to sleep,” he whispered.

  Chapter Six

  Any moment, the doors would open and Jasmine and Shane’s family would find out the big secret they’d been keeping for ten months. Jasmine looked around the beautifully decorated venue. The room was decorated in all white that was accented with soft pastels of pink, butter yellow and green. A big wooden rocking chair sat behind an array of different quotes that read, “When you took your first breath you took ours away,” it touched her heart just reading it.

  The shower theme was based off southern charm, especially with her incorporating vintage milk bottles. Looking over at the table with food made her stomach growl. Tantalizing line up of French toast triangles, maple glazed bacon skewers, mini quiche, frozen fruit cups, buttermilk biscuits. And a dessert bar with oreos, donuts, coffee cake.

  Shane picked up one of the many tiny chalkboards that was at the table and sat in front of each dish. “Farrah outdid herself.”

  “Yeah,” she replied. Since early morning Jasmine had been trying to shake the butterflies that had her stomach on the edge.

  “Jasmine, everything is going to be okay,” Shane promised, as he gently rocked Shay back and forth in his arms.

  Reaching up, she adjusted the white headband on Shay’s head. Their beautiful baby girl was dressed in a cute floral dress and pair of white bloomers. Shane stood there looking ravishing in a grey charcoal suit; his blonde hair was cut short. Once distance and lonely green eyes, were now happy.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” she said softly. She could hear people gathering behind the closed doors of the venue. “It’s like surprise, we have a baby and I didn’t tell you.”

  “We baby,” Shane said. “You’re not in this by yourself.”

  “Guys it’s show time,” Farrah said, coming into the room with Austin right behind her.

  Shane passed Shay off to Jasmine and slipped his arm around her waist. “Let’s go.”

  The French doors opened widely. Their family shuffled into the room looking around and talking loudly. Jasmine trembled as if she was standing in a pack of flesh eating zombies. The room became ghostly quiet as eyes flicker back and forth between Shane and her.

  “Everyone, please take a seat,” Shane said, giving her a reassuring tap on the side.

  “What is going on here?” Dena asked, giving a disapproving stare at them.

  “We invited everyone to brunch to celebrate the birth of our daughter, Shay Melody McBride,” Shane said.

  “What? Now…When in the hell did this happen?” Reginald’s deep, booming voice commanded everyone’s attention.

  “Son,” Melody McBride said, looking back and forth between Shane and Kari.

  “We will answer ya’lls questions now…if ya’ll choose not to take a seat and allow us to talk we will leave you guys sitting right here.” Shane raised his voice enough to get his point across.

  Reluctantly their families sat down, but it didn’t stop them from glowering at them. All around Jasmine’s eyes met the angry, disapproval stares of her mother and father. Shane looked at her and winked.

  “What you winking for? Is something in your eye?” Benjamin bellowed, the look on his face said it all. He wanted to tear Shane limb from limb.

  Shane face turnd a shade of red. “A few months Jasmine and I had relations. Three w
eeks ago we welcomed a beautiful daughter into the world. Shay Melody McBride.”

  Jasmine adjusted the blanket off Shay, revealing her features. She felt like Rafiki from the Lion King when he held Simba up for the animal kingdom.

  “How long has this been going on?” Benjamin's voice was tight, he had a balled up fist in his hand.

  “Who cares?” Melody McBride grinned from ear to ear. “We have a grandbaby; a new life has been added to the McBride and St. Clair families.”

  “I’ll second that.” Jerald McBride stood up from his chair and walked over toward them. He gave Shane a bear hug and Jasmine a peck on the cheek. “Welcome to the family,” he whispered in her ear. Melody followed suit and before you know it there was laughing, eating, drinking and gushing over Shay. Jasmine and Shane noticed that a few people didn’t partake in the happy occasion, which was her family and Sarah’s family.

  All afternoon Jasmine made sure to keep her brothers away from Shane. The evil eyes from Benjamin and Reginald Jr. spoke volumes; it was only a matter of time before disaster struck. The years of knowing Shane McBride she knew he could hold his own, but she didn’t want anything to happen to the father of her child.

  Sitting in a private dressing room breastfeeding her daughter, she looked up when the door swung open and Savannah Nichols sauntered into the room dressed like she just came off the catwalk in Paris.

  Savannah walked to the mirror and refreshed her makeup, her eyes were glued to Jasmine with a scowl look on her face “I see you finally got what you wanted,” Savannah sneered.

  The way the woman was staring daggers at her made her uncomfortable. She didn’t disguise her disdain for her.

  “My dear sister hadn’t been cold in the ground before you made the moves on her husband.” Savannah stopped putting on makeup and turned around to face Jasmine. “I know your secret. It’s only a matter of time before Shane finds out.”

  Jasmine unlatched Shay from her breast, closing her blouse. She placed the baby on her shoulder and patted her back. “Are you mad?” Jasmine asked. “You can pretend to be the concerned ex-sister-in-law all you want, but your face is speaking volumes.”

  “What is my face saying?”

  Standing up slowly, Jasmine walked passed Savannah. “You’re in love with him,” she said.

  “Does Shane know you were the last person to see Sarah alive?” Savannah uttered with a snicker. Puckering her lips up, she applied blood red lipstick and smacked her lips. “I wonder what Shane will do when he finds out?” she laughed and walked out the door.

  Jasmine cringed at the sound of the woman laughing like a hyena. It seemed her past was coming back to haunt her.

  “Jazzy, come here for a second,” her mother called out.

  Putting on a happy face, she strolled to the table where her parents were sitting at with frowns on their faces.

  “What in the hell going on?” Her mother voice was raised.

  Jasmine chuckled uneasily, “I had a baby. Surprise!” The look on her father’s tight face wasn’t amused at all. The way he observed her felt like she was a criminal just committing a crime and he was the arresting officer.

  “There is nothing funny about what’s going Jasmine Bly St. Clair.” Reginald St. Clair voice boomed. “You kept this pregnancy a secret like some kind of scared juvenile.”

  “I didn’t tell you guys because of this cold reception I knew I would receive.” She cradled Shay in her arms, she reverted her eyes from that of her parents to Shane standing across the room with Austin watching her closely. Jasmine knew he could become her knight and shiny armor if he needed to be.

  Her mother’s tight-lipped smile was alarming. “Don’t you dare think you can take that tone with us young lady!” Dena exclaimed.

  “My God, you would think that I was pregnant and still in high school,” Jasmine sassed. “I’m grown and make a nice living to support me and child.”

  “Jasmine, listen to me and listen carefully if you think you’re going to sit your ass up here and talk back to me and your mother, you have another thing coming. I brought you into this world and I will sho’nuff take you out,” Reginald threatened.

  “Why didn’t you tell us? Where did we go wrong with you? I don’t even recognize the daughter I spent 12 hours in labor with.” Dena picked up a napkin off the table and dabbed her eyes. “No, you’re not a pregnant teenager but you are an unwed mother who is a statistic thanks to him,” her mother nodded at Shane standing in the corner laughing it up with his cousins.

  “Jasmine, why don’t I take the baby?” Melody McBride approached them.

  She looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms. “I’m not sure.”

  “Honey, a child don’t need to be subjected to all this negative energy. I will sit right over there.” Melody pointed to a chair that was in eyesight to Jasmine.

  “Okay.” Jasmine handed the baby to Melody and waited until she was out of earshot of the conversation. “You are my parents and I love you guys to death but you will respect my decision.”

  Reginald slapped his hand on the table causing the dishes to rattle and Jasmine to jump an inch off her chair. This was her father interrogation tactic he been using on her since she was five years old and stole a cookie from the cookie jar. “You lied for nine months! If you lie you steal, if you steal you kill.”

  Jasmine abruptly stood up from the table, only for her mother to reach across the table and grab Jasmine’s hand. “I’m not going to sit here and be belittled because of a decision I made.”

  “Jasmine,” her mother said, standing up from the table. “Little girl, don’t you realize your decision affects everyone around you.”

  Jasmine’ expression went tense, the hope that she gained from the small pep talk she had with Shane was now dashed away by negativity from her family. “I’m a grown woman who never once asked you guys for a pack of wipes or diapers.” She balled her fist up so hard she flinched when she felt her nail digging in her skin. “This conversation is over. Enjoy the remainder of the party.”

  “Darling, are you okay?” Melody McBride asked, when Jasmine walked over to the table.

  Nodding her head, she sat down and accepted the napkin Farrah handed to her. “Its okay, Jazz. I’ve been where you’re at. One day we will talk about it.”

  “Baby, have you eaten yet?” When Jasmine shook her head no, Melody pushed a fully loaded plate of food in front of her. “Eat.”


  Shane stood in the corner watching Jasmine stuffing her face with French toast and bacon as she talked to Farrah and his mother. When she looked up the smiled beamed on her face was priceless. He looked around the room at the people who were there to celebrate the birth of his child. His life had changed painfully; most importantly, he was in love with his best friend’s sister.

  “How did it happen?” Benjamin asked again, snapping Shane out of his day dreaming

  He looked up at his best friend who was sporting a menacing look on his face. “It was a one night stand.”

  “I added dates,” Benjamin said in anguish with his fists balled up. “It was when I asked her to help you!” He shoved Shane backward. “What? You took advantage of her on one of your drinking stupors?”

  Catching his balance, he saw the hurt on his best friend’s face “Don’t.” Shane’s face became beet red, as he stood toe to toe with his partner. “Don’t ever insinuate that I took advantage of her.”

  “So my sister was a whore who slipped in your bed on the anniversary of Sarah’s death?” Benjamin said loud enough for everyone to hear the argument.

  “Take it back!” Shane spat, taking a dangerous step toward his best friend. “You can attack me all day long, but you will not insult the mother of my child.”

  “It’s the truth and I will not take it back.” Benjamin shook his head. “You were like a brother…I brought you around my family and this who you repay me by sleeping with my sister.”

  Shane’s jaw twitched ever so slightly as he sta
red at the man he called a friend for over ten years. “It’s not that freaking cut and dry—”

  Benjamin rushed Shane, pinning him against the wall. “Jasmine is twenty-five years old! This isn’t what we wanted for her to be someone’s baby mama,” he spat.

  “Enough!” Reginald St. Clair shouted, pulling his son off Shane as he stood between the two men. “This is neither the time nor the place.”

  Benjamin turned to face his father. “How can you stand here and support this?” he bellowed, with his eyes squinting.

  The partygoers became quiet as they watched the altercation that was unfolding right before their eyes. He looked at the three St. Clair men staring down at him, Shane didn’t have to look back to know that his cousins were standing right behind him. “Mr. St. Clair is right…this is about the celebration of my daughter.”

  Stacy St. Clair stepped forward in front of them. “We should leave.”

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Dena St. Clair gave Shane an evil glare.

  “Apparently I made the wrong decision bringing you around my family because a true friend wouldn’t bed his friend’s sister.” Benjamin chuckled, and took a step toward Shane.

  “Shut up!” Jasmine yelled, pushing through the crowd of people gathered in the middle of the floor. “I have a daughter and you have a granddaughter and niece. Since you guys have been here, you have been jumping down my throat regarding the actions I took.” Tears streamed down her face. “Not once…have you guys held her or have you asked questions about the birth. All you have done was complain that you weren’t included.”

  “No! Don’t make us feel like bad people! I’m your mother and you robbed me the joy of being there for you emotionally with the birth of your first born,” Dena cried.

  “Now you shut up and listen! You little naïve girl. You call yourself a grown woman but you can’t see when you’re being used for what’s between your legs,” Benjamin growled. “Where do you stay at? With him right? News flash, Jazzy, Shane will not marry you because you guys don’t share the same skin color.”

  Shane advanced, sending out a jab that connected with the side of Benjamin’s jaw. “What you said is out of line.”


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