Casting Lacey

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Casting Lacey Page 10

by Elle Spencer

  For a good hour, they talked to each other, without any sarcasm. They laughed and joked about things, but it was different. It was honest. And then, on the way home in the car, Lacey had opened up about her mom. It wasn’t easy, but she did it. And afterward, it felt good. She didn’t regret it.

  The hard part was coming back to a home that wasn’t really hers, with a woman who definitely wasn’t hers – and wanting the opposite. She found herself wanting to lead Quinn to “their” bedroom and make love to her girlfriend. And the term “girlfriend” wasn’t enough. It sounded fake. Probably because it was.

  “Since when do you do yoga?”

  Lacey collapsed onto the mat. “I’m moving out here, to the guesthouse.” She didn’t look up at Quinn, she just blurted the words out. She needed space. And she needed Quinn to not be standing there all bare legged. “I didn’t know you were up. Are you ready for breakfast?”

  Quinn set a plastic bag and a roll of tape on the patio table. “Do you mind if I soak in the hot tub while you finish your routine?”

  “I’m done.” Lacey wasn’t really done, but the yoga wasn’t exactly working either, so she saw no reason to make a fool of herself trying to stand on one leg. She turned off the video and got up, wiping the sweat from her brow with her arm. She immediately noticed the dark circles under Quinn’s eyes. “How do you feel this morning?”

  Quinn took her arm out of the sling. “Last night was a bitch. I couldn’t get comfortable.”

  “You shouldn’t have had that wine. And you should’ve called me.”

  “It wasn’t the wine.” Quinn sighed. “And the truth is, I hate waking you up in the middle of the night. I’d grow to hate someone who did that to me all the time. And apparently, you do, since you want to move out here.”

  “I don’t hate you. The guesthouse is where I was supposed to be all along.” Lacey gently put the plastic bag over Quinn’s arm and tried to change the subject. “Maybe it’s time for a real massage. I’m sure your entire body took a beating with that fall, not just your arm.”

  “That’s not a bad idea, but I don’t really want a stranger…”

  “In your house, I know,” Lacey said, a slight tug of frustration in her voice. “I could call Ginny Strong and get a referral. I’m sure she knows someone trustworthy. And she definitely struck me as the kind of person who pampers herself.”

  Quinn put her hand on Lacey’s, stopping her from taping the bag to her arm. “You can’t date Ginny Strong. You know that, right?”

  Lacey swatted Quinn’s hand away. “Yeah. It was pretty obvious you have a thing for her.”

  “That’s not why.”

  Lacey pulled a long piece of tape off the roll and tore it with her teeth. “So, you don’t have a thing for her?”

  Quinn groaned in frustration. “You know why, Lacey! What if she likes you and wants to continue dating you?”

  “Well, that’s a given.” Lacey hastily wrapped the tape and patted it down. “There you go. Now, get in the hot tub.”

  Fucking Ginny Strong. Like Lacey would ever date that woman. Sure, she was pretty and pleasant enough to talk to, but she was a player through and through. Why Quinn couldn’t see that, was beyond Lacey.

  Quinn examined the bad wrap job. “If this leaks…”

  Lacey folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. “What, you’ll spank me? If it leaks, we’ll go to the doctor and get a new cast.”

  Quinn huffed out her frustration and went over to the hot tub. She dropped her robe, revealing her completely naked body.

  Are you fucking kidding me? Quinn couldn’t bother to put on a bathing suit? Lacey couldn’t take any more of this. Not today. “Oh, look!” she shouted. “A drone!”

  Quinn’s good arm flailed as she lost her footing, trying to look up at the sky and step into the hot tub at the same time. Then, a scream of surprise. And another, much worse scream as her broken arm landed on the support bar. Then, she was all the way under the water. Lacey ran. Fully clothed, she jumped into the hot tub just as Quinn came back up, sputtering in between groans of pain.

  “You did that on purpose!” She shouted as tears mixed with the water streaming down her face.

  “I’m sorry.” Lacey tried to hold her, but Quinn pushed her away and pulled her broken arm in, holding it against her body. Lacey tried again. This time coming from behind, she wrapped her arms around Quinn’s waist and whispered, “I’m so sorry,” in her ear.

  Quinn relaxed slightly and let Lacey pull her onto her lap. “Goddamn you.”

  “I’m sorry.” Lacey turned Quinn, pulling her knees to the side so she could look at her. She moved the wet hair from her face and cupped her cheek. “Are you okay? Do we need to go to the doctor?”

  Quinn shook her head. “No. Just stay still for a minute. It’ll subside.”

  Just what Lacey needed – naked Quinn sitting on her lap for who knew how long. She tried not to look down, keeping her focus on Quinn’s ear. But then she turned to her, and those blue eyes were right there, boring into her. Quinn seemed to be searching her eyes for something. A reason, maybe, that she would say something so stupid? A reason for wanting to move out to the guesthouse?

  It’s your body, Lacey wanted to say. Your body is the reason. This shoulder that I could so easily kiss right now. Those magnificent tits that taunt me day in and day out. The narrow waist that my hand is currently resting on. Do you have any idea what you do to me, Quinn Kincaid?

  Instead of kissing that shoulder, Lacey broke the eye contact and rested her forehead on it. She couldn’t look at the pain radiating from those eyes for another second. She whispered it again. “I’m so sorry.”

  She felt Quinn’s head rest against hers. “I know.”


  “Last run!” Amy dropped the last of the shopping bags on top of the pile she’d already created in Quinn’s bedroom.

  “All that is from your stylist?” Lacey asked, looking at Quinn.

  “Some of it’s for you,” Amy said, pointing at Lacey. “Shauna doesn’t take new clients, but of course she took the Lacey Matthews.”

  Lacey’s eyes fell. She didn’t want to see Quinn’s reaction to Amy’s unwavering admiration for her. Not today. Not after what she’d done to her. “Amy, Quinn’s had a rough morning. She…I…”

  “I accidentally hit my arm getting in the hot tub. It’s no big deal,” Quinn interjected.

  Lacey gave Quinn an appreciative glance. “I’m forcing her to stay in bed today. I thought we’d watch a movie. Want to join us?” Amy would be the perfect distraction. Maybe Lacey would put her right between the two of them so she wouldn’t have to look at Quinn. Or catch her scent in the air. Or be tempted to hold her hand.

  Amy’s eyes darted between the two of them, almost as if she couldn’t believe this was happening. “Awesome! I’ll go make popcorn. Is there anything else I can get for either of you?”

  Lacey picked up the remote and turned on the TV. She hit the menu button and somehow ended up in the DVR section. She tilted her head as she stared at the TV and then she turned around, her mouth gaping open. “You’ve been watching my soap!”

  “What?” Quinn put out her hand. “Give me the remote.”

  Lacey held it behind her back. “No.” She looked at Amy. “She’s been covertly watching Light of Day.” She turned around and pointed at the TV. “See? All those episodes have been watched. Except yesterday’s.”

  Amy gave Lacey the biggest nod she’d ever given. “Yep. Busted.”

  “What’s the big deal?” Quinn asked. “I hired you…I mean…you’re gonna be on my show, so it would make sense…”

  Lacey giggled and shook her head. “No, it wouldn’t. I’m not on that show anymore.”

  Amy gasped as she covered her mouth. “She got ADDICTED!”

  “Fine!” Quinn shouted. “So, I watched a few of the YouTube videos when you were on the show, and I wanted to see how certain things turned out. What’s the big, hairy deal?”

sat on the end of the bed and leaned in. “I totally get it. Jacob, Sarah’s husband, is still pining away for her. He has a new wife, but he’s so not into her, and can you blame him? She’s nothing like Sarah. And besides, Sarah is the mother of their little girl, and that poor little thing misses her mama like nobody’s business. This new chick doesn’t have a motherly bone in her body.”

  Quinn also leaned forward, crossing her legs underneath her. “Jacob thinks she’ll come back eventually?”

  Amy glanced at Lacey. “Everyone hopes so. Did you see last week’s episode where Detective Snow found Sarah’s twin sister’s red sweater in their father’s limousine? I think they’re going to bring him in for questioning soon. And if I had to guess, they’re going to find Sabrina Covington being held captive in a cabin somewhere in Upper Canada.”

  “But…” Quinn glanced over Amy’s shoulder at Lacey who was standing there with a look of, I can’t believe you watch my soap! written all over her face. “…if Sabrina comes back, that means Lacey would go back on the show.”

  Amy gleefully clapped her hands. “I know! Wouldn’t that be great?”

  “But, I told you, Amy, that Lacey’s going to be on my show for a while.”

  “I know. But you also said it’s just a bit part, so once that’s over, she can go back!”

  Lacey threw the remote on the bed. “How about if I make the popcorn and you two can finish planning out my entire life for me.” She pointed at Quinn. “And you are so busted.”


  A light knock on the guesthouse door forced Lacey’s eyes up from the script she’d been studying. She glanced at the clock and then at the mess that surrounded her. She jumped out of bed and started picking up clothes and kicking shoes out of the way. “Give me a second!”

  But it was too late. Quinn had opened the door and poked her head in. “Don’t clean up on my account.”

  Lacey threw the pile of clothes she’d collected in a nearby hamper. “Is everything okay? Why are you up so late?”

  “Can I come in?”

  “Of course!” Lacey waved her in. “I was just in bed, studying lines.” She looked down at herself and folded her arms over her tits. Her nightshirt was a thin material that didn’t leave much to the imagination.

  Quinn sat on the bed. She had the script for the first episode in her hand. “They did a great job with your character, don’t you think? I like her name. Selena.” She said the name with a certain amount of reverence in her voice, but her smile faltered.

  Lacey sat next to her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for 16-hour days. You wait on me hand and foot. I haven’t exercised in weeks. My stamina is shot.” She turned and met Lacey’s gaze. “Everyone thinks I’m tough like Jordan. Even the crew. And it’s my fault. I want them to think I’m just as badass as she is.” Quinn wiped a tear from her cheek. “But I’m not her. I’m just Quinn. And now, I’m broken, weak Quinn.”

  Lacey wiped another tear from Quinn’s cheek with her thumb. “You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for.”

  Quinn shook her head. “No. If I was strong, I wouldn’t have needed you. I would’ve healed on my own, and I would’ve come out of the closet on my own.”

  Lacey wrapped her arms around Quinn. “Oh, honey. You can’t even put on your own bra.”

  “Apparently neither can you,” Quinn tried to break out of the embrace, but Lacey held on tight. She pressed her lips against Quinn’s head, trying to hold back a giggle.

  Quinn stopped struggling and relaxed into the embrace. “Shut up,” she whispered unconvincingly.

  “I’m here. And I’ll be there tomorrow. We’ll get through this together, okay?” Lacey gently kissed Quinn’s head and inhaled her scent. She’d grown to love the sweet smell of Quinn’s body lotion.

  Quinn didn’t move out of the embrace, but she scanned the room with her eyes. “Are you happier out here?”

  “I wasn’t unhappy in the main house. I just thought it was time to move out here, in case people want to start visiting now that you’re doing a little better. Perpetuate the myth, you know? The drones need to see me going into the gueshouse, not the main house.”

  Quinn sat up and wiped her eyes and nose. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

  Lacey nudged Quinn’s leg. “You miss me, don’t you?”

  Quinn rolled her eyes. “Like I’ll miss this cast when it’s removed.” She stood up and made her way to the door.

  “It’s okay to be scared, Quinn. And it’s okay to need me…people.” Lacey shrugged a shoulder. “You’re still the hot, badass woman my girlfriend used to swoon over every Thursday night.”

  “Ex-girlfriend.” Quinn gave her a smile. “And you’re pretty badass yourself.”

  “Oh,” Lacey said, slowly shaking her head. “You haven’t even seen my best work.”

  Quinn smiled. “Tomorrow?”



  Quinn slid her script into her character’s desk drawer. She started to run her hand over hair that was shellacked into a tight bun, but thought better of it. A wardrobe person straightened her silk blouse and adjusted the sling. “Okay, you’re good to go.”

  Quinn took a breath and slowly exhaled. “Ready.”

  Lacey stood on the other side of the office door. She smoothed down her crisply starched white blouse and threw her ponytail over her shoulder. “Ready.”

  “Okay, roll sound.”




  “And action!”

  Selena Scott (played by one Lacey Matthews) walked into her employer’s office. “You wanted to see me, ma’am?”

  Jordan Ellis gave a cursory glance. “Selena, is it?”

  “You don’t remember me? I interviewed last month and you hired me on the spot.”

  Jordan turned her attention to some paperwork on her desk. “Have a seat.”

  Selena noticed the sling on her employer’s arm. “I heard about your accident.”

  “Yes, an unfortunate mishap, which is why you’re here.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, but you must have me confused with someone else. I don’t do personal injury. You want someone from the third floor.”

  “You’re not here to sue anyone, Selena. You’re here to be my personal assistant while I’m healing.”

  Selena glanced through the window, out into the main office. “I just talked to your personal assistant.”

  “She sits at a desk. I need someone mobile. Someone who can go to court with me and be by my side while I heal.”

  Selena shifted in her chair and cleared her throat. “I really think you have me confused with someone else, ma’am.”

  “Selena Scott. Harvard class of 2016. Had a job lined up at Hamilton and Nye until I poached you away to be the first-year associate you are today. So yes, Ms. Scott, I remember you.”

  “With all due respect, ma’am, you left out the part where I made Law Review. Where I worked my way through law school and busted my ass to gain the respect of not one, but two of the most prestigious firms in America. I haven’t slept in three years, so you’ll forgive me if I don’t exactly feel honored by the chance to play caregiver… ma’am.”

  Fire lit up Jordan’s eyes. “I’ll let you know when – and if – I forgive you for that little outburst, Selena. In the meantime, did Harvard forget to tell you what first-years do? In case you missed that day, let me be clear. As a first-year associate in this esteemed firm, you do whatever the hell I tell you to do. So no, I won’t forgive your little outburst. Any questions?”

  Selena paused for a moment, looking rather stunned. “And if I refuse?”

  Jordan raised her eyebrows. “Ms. Scott, I assume they still teach Contract Law at Harvard. You have made a commitment to this firm and I expect you to honor it.” She paused for a moment. “That will be all, Ms. Scott.” Selena turned around to leave. As she walked out the door, the slightest
smile played on Jordan’s lips. And for the most fleeting of moments, it seemed as if maybe, just maybe, Jordan’s gaze had dropped down to Selena’s ass.


  Quinn stayed in Jordan’s chair. It had been a very long day and she was barely hanging on. The director walked over to her and pointed at Lacey who was chatting with one of the cast members. “Friggin’ brilliant pick, kid.”

  They had several directors who worked on Jordan’s Appeal, but J.J. was Quinn’s favorite. He wasn’t your typical Hollywood director, he was more like a Hollywood caricature of a New England thug. He seemed like the kind of guy who would hang out with guys named Paulie, or pre-fame Afflecks and Wahlbergs, accent and all. Maybe it was because he was atypical, or maybe it was his total soft spot for Quinn. Either way, she adored the guy.

  “So, everyone’s happy with her?” Quinn glanced at Lacey. She already knew the answer. Lacey had stepped onto the set and instantly fit in.

  “Hell yeah, everyone’s happy. They love her. We’re gonna add a few more scenes for tomorrow and see how things work.” J.J. leaned on the desk so they were eye to eye. “How you holding up?”

  Quinn forced a smile. “Can we try to get everything in two takes? That’s about all I’m up for.”

  “You got it. And your girl seems up for it, that’s for sure. I tell ya’, soap actors are way underrated.”

  “So I’ve heard,” Quinn mumbled, pulling her script out of the desk drawer. “And she’s not my girl.”

  “The screen says otherwise, kid.” He waved one of his assistants over. “Make sure she gets to her trailer. Superstar’s gotta rest.” Of course, it sounded like “supah stah,” which always made Quinn laugh.

  Lacey noticed a woman take Quinn’s good arm to support her. She grabbed her purse and followed after them.

  “Hey, Lacey!” J.J. shouted.


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